Yugoslavia (1933-1947)
Training aircraft – 81 Built
Front view of the FP-2. [vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs]The FP-2 was designed as an advanced two seater biplane trainer for the Yugoslav Royal Air Force in late 30s. It would be used to equip pilot training schools for some years before WW2. During World War II, it would be used by the Axis powers, which managed to capture a number of them, for limited ground attack operations. The FP-2 would survive the war in smaller numbers and remain in use up to 1947.
As the Yugoslav Royal Air Force began to develop and acquire more modern types of aircraft, the need for advanced training aircraft became apparent. Due to the obsolescence of older trainers, the Yugoslav Royal Air Force Command issued orders to begin developing a new series of advanced trainers in 1933. One of the designs submitted was the Fizir FP-1 biplane made by Zmaj. Despite its disappointing overall performance, a new design was desperately needed. At the same time, a design team composed of Rudolf Fizir and Dušan Stankov began working on a new model named FP-2. In a later address to Zmaj management in May of 1940, Dušan Stankov wrote that he was responsible for the design of the FP-2, with little to no input from Rudolf Fizir. While the Royal Air Force command was more in favor of a monoplane design, the FP-2 nevertheless received a green light.
The capital letters in the name FP-2 are an abbreviation for “Fizir Prelazni 2” (Физир Прелазни ФП-2). Depending on the source, it is also sometimes identified as F.P.2. During its operational service in the Yugoslav Royal Air Force, it was also known as F.P.2-K7 after its engine name, or Fizir-Stankov F.P.2 after its designers. This article will use the FP-2 designation, as it is best known today.
What is interesting is that the FP-2 name may suggest that it was an improved version of the earlier FP-1. In reality, these two projects had nothing in common. This name was done mainly for administrative reasons, in order to obtain the funds allocated for FP-1.
Work on the Prototype
Work on the first prototype began in early 1933. At this time, the Yugoslav Royal Air Force officials were negotiating with the French for licenced production of several Gnome-Rhone engine designs, including the K-7, K-9 and K-14. For this reason, it was decided to test the performance of these engines by installing them into several prototype aircraft. This decision included the FP-2 ,which was to be powered by a French Gnome-Rhone K-7, making 420 hp.
The first prototype was officially completed by the end of 1933. It was flight tested by Zmaj test pilot Pavle Bauer. The pilot performed a series of test flights without any problems. As the first flights were successful, the FP-2 was given to the Yugoslav Royal Air Force for further testing in early 1934. For the testing of the FP-2, a commission of seven members was tasked with determining its exact flight performance. The test flight series began on the 19th of February, and after only four days a preliminary report was submitted to the Yugoslav Royal Air Force Command. The report gave mostly positive remarks on the FP-2 performance, with a few changes requested, such as increasing of the fuel load, a better position for the instruments inside the cockpit, modifications of the seats etc. The K-7 engine performance was deemed sufficient, and it was also noted that the testing of the FP-2 with any other engines at the moment was not required. This commission also urged for the FP-2 to be put into production as soon as possible.
The FP-2 design team expected that a production order was to be given shortly by the Yugoslav Royal Air Force Command. But this was not the case for several reasons. The main problem was the inability of the Rakovica factory to locally produce the K-7 engine by 1936. Due to high prices, the Yugoslav Royal Air Force could not buy these engines directly from France. Another issue was the adoption of the new Rogožarski ‘PVT’ high-wing training aircraft which used the same engine and offered better performance than the FP-2.
In order to solve this problem, the Zmaj engineers decided to replace the K-7 with the nine-cylinder Valter Pollux II (320 hp) engine. The ensuing flight tests carried out showed that the new engine only worsened the flight performance of the FP-2, due to lower power output. Thus, Zmaj was forced to replace it with the original K-7.
From the end of October to the first half of November 1934, more tests were carried out on the FP-2 with the K-7 by a second commission. This new commission had six members and was tasked with FP-2’s overall performance more thoroughly. These tests also included the testing of a few different types of propellers. The results showed that the metal type propellers gave better performance. In addition, the operational radius was evaluated and the results showed that, at the speed of 100 mph (161 km/h), the FP-2 could stay operational for three hours. Several pilots flight tested the FP-2 and, in general, positive remarks were given about its performance. The changes in the cockpit instrument arrangement was also rated as an improvement. After the tests were completed, this commission gave positive reviews for the FP-2 and suggested that it should be adopted for production as a basic trainer, but not as a fighter trainer due to the lack of performance for this role.
Technical Characteristics
The FP-2 was designed as a single-engine, two-seater basic trainer biplane. The FP-2 was made using wood as its main construction material and then covered with canvas. Its wooden elements were connected using metal pleats and rivets. The fuselage consisted of 16 oval shaped frames that were all connected with four long wooden spars. The wing’s construction was made of wood and then covered with fabric. Rear tail unit was made using a combination of metal and wood, which was then covered in fabric. The landing gear was a fixed design with two wheels equipped with shock absorbers. There was no rear tail wheel and instead used a small skid which also was provided with a shock absorber. In winter, the front wheels could be replaced with skis.
It was powered by the French K-7 Gnome-Rhone 313 kW (420 hp) engine. The engine itself was placed on a ring shaped housing made of metal and duralumin construction. The maximum speed achieved with this engine was 148 mph (238 km/h). Being designed as a trainer aircraft, its crew consisted of a pilot/instructor and the student.
In Service Before War
For its service in the Yugoslav Royal Air Force, the first prototype was purchased for 577,000 Dinars in 1934. Next year, the contract for the construction of the first batch of 20 aircraft was signed. These were to be produced and given to basic training schools by 1936. All 20 aircraft were completed on time and were given to the First and Second basic training Schools. A few were temporarily given to the Fighter plane school until the more advanced PVT could be built. Once the PVT was adopted for service, the fighter school FP-2s were given to the basic training schools.
The FP-2 was mainly used to replace older training aircraft models that were in service. In its intended role, the FP-2 proved to have satisfactory performance and generally fulfilled the role of a basic trainer successfully. Only one accident was reported in 1938, when, due to a pilot error, control of the plane was lost and it crashed to the ground. The pilot managed to jump out of the plane and safely landed.
The FP-2 was considered a successful basic trainer by the Royal Air Force before the war. [airwar.ru]During the production run, there were only minor modifications between the different planes. The FP-2 which were built in 1939 were modified with improved control panels with more updated instrumentation. Zmaj also proposed a modified FP-2H powered by the K-9 engine for use by the navy, but it was not adopted.
By March 1941, around 9 FP-2 aircraft were reportedly awaiting repairs at the Zmaj factory. The fifth batch of 15 FP-2 were to be built by mid-1941. The materials and engine were assembled but, due to the outbreak of the war, none were delivered to the Yugoslav Air Force. Production of the FP-2 was carried out until the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941.
During the April War
At the time of the Axis attack on Yugoslavia in April 1941, all FP-2 were still assigned to the two basic training schools. The First pilot school was transferred near Sarajevo shortly before the outbreak of the war, along with 10 FP-2. The school was operational until the German capture of Sarajevo. The commander of this school, Colonel Adalbert Rogulja, ordered the entire unit to surrender to the Germans without attempting to sabotage its aircraft.
The Second pilot school, located at the Kapino polje near Nikšić, had 15 FP-2. As the area was not attacked by Axis forces, this school was operational until the end of war. The remaining FP-2s were stationed in smaller numbers across Yugoslavia. One was destroyed by the Germans in Novi Sad, and a few more in Niš and Pančevo. By the war’s end, both the Germans and Italians managed to capture an unknown number of FP-2s.
In German Service
The Germans managed to capture the Zmaj factory and an unknown number (possibly more than 15) of FP-2 across Yugoslavia. But they were more interested in the factory itself than the FP-2, and for this reason did not use the aircraft that were captured.
In Italian Service
The Italians managed to capture around 13 fully operational FP-2. One was transported to Italy to be flight tested with other captured Yugoslav aircraft (Do-17K and Hurricane) in early June 1941. The remaining 12 FP-2s were stationed at Tirana, but then repositioned in May 1941 to Shkodër to join the 5° Gruppo, which was part of the 39ª Squadriglia. This unit was equipped with older IMAM Ro-37 aircraft. As these were prone to malfunction, the Italians simply reused the FP-2 and pressed them into service. They were mainly used for liaison missions between Tirana and Shkodër. But Partisan activity began to increase in the area and faced with a lack of any other aircraft, the Italians began to arm the FP-2s. The FP-2s were armed with machine guns taken from the Ro-37 aircraft.
The 39ª Squadriglia would be operational until June 1943 in the Shkodër region. It was then returned to Italy and, while it is not clear, there is a chance that at least three FP-2 were still operational with this unit. The final fate of the FP-2s in Italian service is unfortunately not known.
In NDH Service
After the April War ended, the Germans captured all surviving aircraft production factories, including Zmaj, in Yugoslavia. They restarted production for their own needs. The newly formed NDH (Independent State of Croatia) puppet state asked the Germans for a number of aircraft for their newly formed air force. This included any available Yugoslavian aircraft that survived the war. The Germans supplied the NDH with FP-2s captured in Sarajevo during the war.
In the case of the FP-2s at the Zmaj factory, there were engines and parts for the incomplete fifth production series that could potentially be built. The Germans delayed any decision whether to allow the NDH to take these aircraft. In 1943, an arrangement was reached between the NDH Aviation Force officials and the representatives of Zmaj for the delivery of the 15 FP-2 aircraft. The production process was slow due to the lack of a qualified workforce and constant sabotage by resistance movements. By 1944, only eight FP-2s were completed for the NDH. The remaining seven would remain in Zmaj factory hangars until they were captured by the victorious Communist Partisan forces in October 1944.
During the war, the NDH Air Force used the FP-2 in its original role of a training aircraft. As the Partisan activity began to rise, some FP-2s were modified by adding bomb racks for six 12 kg (27 lb) bombs. These were then used to fight the Partisans, but as neither the pilot nor the observer were supplied with parachutes, these operations were dangerous.
FP-2 in Croatian service during the Second World War. [histaviation.com]By 1944, it was obvious that the Axis were on the losing side and, for this reason, many NDH pilots tried to escape to the Partisan side whenever it was possible. One of them was Mitar Оbućanin. While flying an FP-2 (6822) in late August 1944, he escaped to the Partisan held island of Vis. This plane would be used by the Partisans for reconnaissance and liaison. Another attempt was made in October by pilot Drago Markotić and assistant Milan Aćimović. The escape failed and the plane was shot down by German AA ground fire. The pilot was captured and executed but his assistant managed to escape.
This FP-2 (6822) is the plane in which Croatian pilot Mitar Оbućanin defected to the Partisan side. It was then put into service by the Partisans from the isle of Vis. The FP-2 received a large Red Star painted on its side.[vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs]The NDH had around 23 FP-2s in their Air Force. The aircraft supplied by the Germans received serial numbers 6801 to 6815 and the ones acquired from Zmaj were 6816 to 6823.
After War Service
With the liberation of Zemun, where the Zmaj factory was located, seven incomplete FP-2s were found abandoned. By late April 1945, two FP-2s were completed and put to use by the new Communist Yugoslav Air Force. The last five were completed by mid 1945. In total, around 13 were operated by the Yugoslav Air Force after the war. They would not remain long in service due to a lack of spare parts. They were mostly used as a target tug to haul flying targets for ground AA crew training.
The parts of one FP-2 can now be seen at the Belgrade Aviation Museum near the Nikola Tesla Airport.
Side view of the FP-2. [airwar.ru]One of the 13 FP-2s operated by the new Communist Yugoslav Air Force after the war. [vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs]
The FP-2 was produced in several batches from 1934 to 1940. The first batch consisted of 20 aircraft, followed by a second one with 15 planes in 1937, another 15 planes in 1939, and the final batch of 15 in 1940. An additional 15 planes were to be built in 1941, but due to the outbreak of the war, this was never completed.
Before the war, the total production number of FP-2s made by Zmaj was 65 aircraft, plus the prototype. During the war and, in small numbers, after the war, an additional 15 were built. In total, 81 FP-2 were built.
FP-2 – Main production version
FP-2H – A proposed naval version powered by the K-9 engine, but not adopted for service.
Kingdom of Yugoslavia – Used some 66 planes for pilot training.
SFR Yugoslavia – After the war used seven aircraft of this type. They were all captured at the Zmaj factory. These planes were designed for the NDH but never delivered on time.
NDH – A dozen aircraft of this type were delivered to the Air Force of the NDH in 1941 by the Germans. In 1944, another eight aircraft were delivered from the Zmaj factory in Zemun.
Italy – Used 13 captured planes from May 1941 to June 1943 against the rebels in Montenegro and Albania.
Germany – Captured smaller numbers of FP-2s but did not use them.
FP-2 Specifications
35 ft 5 in / 10.8 m
25 ft 11 in / 7.9 m
9 ft 6 in / 2.9 m
Wing Area
310 sq ft / 28.8 m²
One Gnome-Rhone 7K, 7-cylinder radial, 313kW (420 hp) engine
Empty Weight
1.630 lbs / 740 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
3.170 lbs / 1,450 kg
Maximum Speed
148 mph / 238 km/h
Cruise speed:
124 mph / 200 km/h
Effective range
360 mi / 580 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
22,300 ft / 6,800 m
Two (Instructor and student)
Illustrations by Carpaticus
FP-2 in Croatian service during the Second World WarFP-2 in Italian Service – 39ª Squadriglia
Article by Marko P.
Edited by Stan L. and Ed J.
Illustrations by Carpaticus
Č. Janić i O. petrović (2011) Kratka Istorija Vazduhoplovstva U Srbiji, AEROKOMUNIKACIJE Beograd.
D.Babac (2008), Elitni Vidovi Jugoslovenske Vojske U Aprilskom Ratu, Publish.
Vojislav V. Mikić (2000) Zrakoplovstvo Nezavisne Države Hrvatske 1941-1945, Vojno istorijski institut Vojske Jugoslavije
Vojislav V. Mikić (1998) Italijanska Avijacija u Jugoslaviji 1941-1943, Vojno istorijski institut Vojske Jugoslavije
B. Nadoveza and N. Đokić (2014), Odbrambena Privreda Kraljevine Jugoslavije, Metafizika Beograd.
T. Lisko and D. Čanak (1998), The Croatian Air Force In The WWII, Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica, Zagreb
F. Vrtulek (2004) Ludbrežanin Inženjer Rudolf Fizir, Podravski Zbornik.
An Re.2002 belonging to the 239 Squadriglia stationed at Tarquinia airfield in Italy during June 1943. [vvsregiaavions.com]Following the failure of the Re.2000, the engineers from Reggiane tried to design a new aircraft to fill the role of ground attack aircraft. This would lead to the development of the improved Re.2002 aircraft. While the Regia Aeronautica (Italian Air Force) ordered 500 of this version, due to problems with production, only about half of that number were ever built.
In the late 1930s, Italian aircraft manufacturer Reggiane was attempting to gain attention from the Reggia Aeronautica with its Re.2000. While this aircraft initially showed good flying performance, it was not adopted for service. For this reason, Reggiane’s chief engineer, Roberto Longhi, set out to develop a new aircraft that would fulfill the role of a fighter-bomber aircraft, which the Italian Air Force was in desperate need of. Roberto Longhi made sure to address the shortcomings of the Re.2000’s fuel tanks when designing the new aircraft. These were prone to leaks, so he replaced them with conventional fuel tanks. For this new aircraft, that would later be known as the Re.2002 Ariete (Ram), a large 1,175 hp Piaggio P.XIX R.C.45 Turbine (Whirlwind) – D 14 cylinder air-cooled radial engine was chosen. The Piaggio P.XIX R. engine was still in the development phase at that time and not yet ready for service. The choice of using an engine still in the development phase would have a great negative impact on the later production of the aircraft. A radial engine was preferred over an inline liquid-cooled engine due to the fact that it was durable and less vulnerable to ground anti-aircraft fire. The new aircraft had a number of similarities to Reggiane’s earlier designs, possessing the overall shape of the Re.2000, and the Re.2001’s internal construction.
First Test Flight
The maiden flight of the Re.2002 (M.M. or MM 454) prototype took place in October 1940. It was flown by test pilot Mario de Bernardi. After the first flight, the pilot noted that the Re.2002 had good general flying performance, but there were problems with the engine overheating. After several more test flights, constant engine overheating problems forced further flights to be halted, and the aircraft was returned to Reggiane for necessary engine modifications. After a number of upgrades to the engine were completed in March 1941, the test flights continued. During these tests, the Re.2002 managed to achieve a top speed of 417 km/h (260 mph).
The first prototype, ready to take to the sky. The picture was taken at the Guidonia airfield in April 1941. [vvsregiaavions.com]Front view of the prototype. While it was chosen for production by the Italian Air Force, the production aircraft received some modifications. These included the use of a Re.2001 canopy and the addition of a fixed rear landing wheel. [vvsregiaavions.com]
Technical Characteristics
The Re.2000 was designed as a low wing, all-metal construction single-seat ground attack plane. The fuselage consisted of a metal frame covered with aluminum sheets held in place by using flush-riveting. The elliptical wings were built using a metal frame covered with a stressed skin duralumin structure. One fuel tank was located in each wing, with an additional third one placed just behind the pilot. If needed, additional auxiliary fuel tanks could be added under the fuselage or the wings.
Side view of the Re.2002 prototype. The most obvious change compared to later production planes was the removal of the rear glazed part of the canopy. [vvsregiaavions.com]The landing gear system was unusual, but standard for Reggiane aircraft. When it retracted backward, the wheel rotated 90° before it retracted into the wheel bay. For better landing, the landing gear was provided with hydraulic shock absorbers and pneumatic brakes. The smaller rear wheel was initially retractable, but was changed to a fixed type at the start of production. The Re.2002 was powered by a 1,175 hp Piaggio P.XIX R.C.45 Turbine-D 14 cylinder air-cooled radial engine derived from the french Gnome-Rhône 14K Mistral Major. This engine was equipped with a three-blade variable pitch Piaggio P. 1001 propeller made by Piaggio.
The initial cockpit canopy was unchanged from the Re.2000 and opened to the rear. The production version had a canopy taken from the Re.2001. This canopy opened to the side.
Rear view of the Re.2002. [vvsregiaavions.com]The Re.2002 possessed the same offensive capabilities as its Re.2001 cousin. It consisted of two Breda-SAFAT 12.7 mm heavy machine guns mounted in the engine cowling. The ammunition load for the left machine gun was 390 rounds, with 450 rounds for the right. Two additional 7.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine guns were placed in each wing. The ammunition load for the right machine gun was 350 rounds and 290 rounds for the left.
Being designed to act as a ground attack plane, the Re.2002 was equipped with one bomb rack placed under the fuselage with an additional rack placed under each wing. The central bomb rack could carry up to 650 kg (1,430 lb). The smaller wing racks could each carry up to 160 kg (350 lb) of payload.
The Reggiane family tree line. While the Re.2002 shared many visual similarities with the Re.2000, its construction was more similar to that of the Re.2001. [Reggiane Fighters in Action]
Production for the Italian Air Force
The first production aircraft, which was built in October 1941.[vvsregiaavions.com]Following the completion of test flights, the Italian Air Ministry (Ministerio dell’Aeronautica) gave an order for 200 Re.2002s to be produced. The first production aircraft were completed in October 1941. Due to engine production difficulties, the distribution of new aircraft to front line units was only possible in late 1942. While the initial order of 200 was increased to 300, only between 48 to 147 (depending on the source) were built for the Italian Air Force by September 1943. Initially a production order of 200 was placed in March 1942, which would be increased to 300 later in 1943. The sources unfortunately disagree about the number of produced aircraft. For example, sources like J. F. Bridlay (Caproni Reggiane Re 2001 Falco II, Re 2002 Ariete and Re 2005 Sagittario) listed a production number of 147 aircraft, which is the highest number listed in the sources. Other like Duško Nešić (Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Italija) and David Monday, (The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II) gives us a number of 50 aircraft. While George Punka (Reggiane Fighters In Action) gives us a number of 48 aircraft. All previous numbers do not include later aircraft, especially built for the Germans which is often listed as around 60 or so. The lower production numbers were due to many reasons, lack of production capabilities, scarce resources, supply problems with engines, among others. The disagreement among sources may be the consequence of confusing the number of produced versus actually delivered aircraft.
Further Development
With only a small number of aircraft ever built, there were only a few known modifications and proposals for the Re.2002. One was an experimental version created by combining the Re.2002’s fuselage with the Re.2005’s wings. This aircraft was known as Re.2002 bis, but was never truly completed. The second version was to be used on two Italian aircraft carriers, the Aquila and Sparviero. While catapult launch tests were conducted on at least one Re.2002, due to the cancellation of the Italian aircraft carriers, construction of this version was never pursued. One Re.2002 was tested in the Re.2003 two-seater reconnaissance aircraft configuration. As the Re.2003 was not adopted for service, only one prototype was built. The last proposal included a torpedo carrier version, but this was never implemented. The majority of these do not appear to have received any special designation.
In Italian Service
After the introduction of the Re.2002 into service, some additional changes were made in comparison to the prototype. These include: improvements to the engine cowling, introducing a fixed rear tail wheel, and changing the canopy with a new one based on the Re.2001. The improved engine cowling actually caused some issues during dive-bombing runs, as the engine would sometimes simply stall. From the 17th aircraft onward, a new lower engine mount was tested with a different cowling type.
Delivery of the first operational Re.2002 for military use was only possible in November 1942. The Re.2002s were allocated to the 102º Gruppo, with its 209ª and 239ª Squadriglia, stationed at Lonate Pozzolo. This unit had experience operating ground attack aircraft, previously operating German-supplied Ju-87 dive bombers. The next month, the 101º Gruppo, with its 208ª and 238ª Squadriglia, also began to receive their first Re.2002s to replace their outdated FIAT C.R. 42 biplanes.
During the Allied invasion of Sicily in July of 1943, the Italian Air Force stationed there had only 165 operational aircraft. Two groups, equipped with some 32 Re.2002 in total, were also present as part of the 5º Stormo. The first combat action was on the day of the invasion on the 10th of July, when Re.2002s managed to sink an Allied transport vessel called Talamba. Four aircraft and the commander of the 5º Stormo Colonel Guido Nobili were lost during this action. The next day, a group of 11 Re.2002s began a new attack on the Allied ships stationed near Augusta-Syracuse. The British battleship HMS Nelson was damaged with a 250 kg (551 lbs) bomb, with the mission resulting in the loss of two Re.2002s. In retaliation, the Allies bombed the Re.2002 airfields a few hours later. Due to losses, the surviving Re.2002s were repositioned to Manduria. After receiving reinforcements, the Re.2002s attempted another attack on July 19th, but lost six aircraft in the process. On 20th and 26th July, transport ships Pelly and Fishpool were sunk.
An Re.2002 during its short operational life with the Italian forces in Sicily. [vvsregiaavions.com]In early September 1943, Allied forces landed in Southern Italy. The Italian command, in despair, dispatched a small group of aircraft supported by 15 Re.2002s in an attempt to drive them back. On 8th September, 1943, due to immense Allied pressure and rising military losses, the Italians surrendered. By this time, the 101º and 102º groups had only 24 Re.2002s, but only half were combat ready. During the two months of fighting, some 32 aircraft were lost. While 19 were lost in direct combat, the remaining were destroyed in Allied bombing actions or accidents.
In early September 1943, the 50º Stormo, with its 158º and 159º Groups, was undergoing the process of conversion to the Re.2002. But, due to Italian capitulation, only the 159º Group received Re.2002s which were not used operationally.
In German Hands
The Germans operated around 60 Re.2002 aircraft. These were mainly used against the French resistance movement. [vvsregiaavions.com]Following the Italian capitulation, Germany launched Operation Achse (Axis) with the aim of capturing a large portion of the territory of their former ally. This included a number of production facilities, such as the Reggiane factories. The Germans seized some 14 fully completed aircraft, and around 10 more which were under construction. As there was sufficient material available, the production of the Re.2002 continued for some time under German supervision. Due to the same persistent engine delivery problems, Reggiane officials proposed mounting the 1,600 hp BMW 801 engine in the Re.2002, along with other modifications such as an updated wing design. One engine mount was tested in Germany, which led to a production order of some 500 new aircraft in late 1943. However, as the Reggiane factories were destroyed in early 1944 by an Allied bombing raid, the delivery of this modified version was impossible. In the meantime, some 60 aircraft were produced by Caproni under German supervision. Reggiane was actually owned by Caproni, thus all the necessary tooling and equipment for the continued production of this aircraft was available. Not all 60 were accepted for service by the Germans. Due to the Allied advance in April 1945, around 25 were seized by the Germans, while the remaining airframes were destroyed. Additionally, two aircraft were built at Biella. Unfortunately, the exact use of these aircraft by the Germans is not well documented. For example, it is unknown if they were ever used against the Allies in Italy. It is known that these were used by Geschwader Bongart against French resistance around Limoges, Vercors, and Aisne in 1943 and 1944.
Former Italian Re.2002 that was seized or produced for the Germans received the standard German markings, including a Balkenkreuz and a Swastika. [vvsregiaavions.com]
On the Allied Side
Smaller groups of around 40 Re.2002s, that were previously used by 5º Stormo, were operated by the new Aeronautica Cobelligerante Italiana (Italian Co-belligerent Air Force) in cooperation with the Allies. In October 1943, these were used to form the Gruppo Tuffatori, a dive-bombing group. In 1943, they saw action in supporting the Italian Resistance Movement in Northern Italy, an area which was controlled by the Germans. In 1944, they were also employed in attack operations across the Adriatic Sea, towards the Yugoslavian coastline. One of the last combat missions of the Re.2002 was a bombing run against Axis targets in Dubrovnik on 29th March, 1944. While the Co-belligerent Army lost 9 aircraft in combat, further combat missions had to be aborted due to a general lack of spare parts, their operational life lasted less than 12 months. The surviving aircraft were reallocated to the Fighter Training School at Lecce-Leverano in June 1944. There, they were used for pilot training for a few months, before they had to be discarded, once again due to a lack of parts and poor mechanical condition.
The Esercito Cobelligerante Italiano had close to 40 Re.2002 aircraft in its inventory. These would be used sometimes to support Italian Partisans in Northern Italy and on the Yugoslavian coastline. [vvsregiaavions.com]
Production Versions
Re.2002 (MM 454) – Prototype aircraft
Re. 2002 – Production version
Prototypes and Proposed Versions
Re. 2002 bis – An experimental version created by combining the Re.2002’s fuselage with the Re.2005’s wings. One built, but never used operationally.
Re. 2002 Aircraft Carrier Version – possibly one modified for this role
Re. 2002 – Proposed torpedo carrier version
Re. 2002 – Powered by a 1,600 hp BMW 801 engine. While the engine mount was tested and a production order was given, no aircraft were ever fully completed
Re.2002 – One aircraft modified and tested as Re.2003
Kingdom of Italy – 147 aircrafts were delivered to Regia Aeronautica
Germany – After the Italian surrender to the Allies, Germany seized around 60 aircraft.
Esercito Cobelligerante Italiano – Operated some 40 Re.2002 aircraft
Surviving Aircraft
Today, there are only two surviving Re.2002 aircraft. One was located at the Italian Air Force Museum. The second incomplete Re.2002 can be seen at the French Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation of Limoges.
The only fully surviving Re.2002, located at the Italian Air Force Museum. [Wiki]The partly complete Re.2002 located at the French Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation of Limoges. [Musée de la Résistance]
While the Re.2002 proved to be able to fulfill the role of fighter-bomber that the Italians were lacking. Due to a number of factors, its production was severely hindered. While work on the Re.2002 began in 1940, the production could not start before late 1942. Due to engine delivery problems, only a small number of aircraft were ever delivered to the Italian Force. Its first action against the Allies in Sicily ironically proved to be their last under the Fascist regime. While some would be used up to the war’s end, due to a lack of spare parts, most would be used as training aircraft until finally being discarded.
Re.2002 Specifications
36 ft 1 in / 11 m
26 ft 9 in / 8.16 m
10 ft 4 in / 3.15 m
Wing Area
220 ft² / 20.4 m²
One 1,175 hp Piaggio P.XIX R.C.45 Turbine (Whirlwind)-D 14 cylinder air cooled radial engine
Empty Weight
5,270 lbs / 2,390 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
7,140 lbs / 3,240 kg
Climb Rate to 6 km
In 8 minute 48 seconds
Maximum Speed
267 mph / 430 km/h
Cruising speed
250 mph / 400km/h
683 miles / 1,100 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
36,090 ft / 11,000 m
1 pilot
Two 0.5 in (12.7 mm) heavy machine guns and two 0.31 in (7.7 mm) machine guns
One 1430 lb (650 kg) and two 350 lb (160 kg) bombs
Illustrations by Carpaticus
Re.2002 in the Italian Royal Air Force (Regia Aeronautica Italiana)Re.2002 from Esercito Cobelligerante Italiano (Italian Co-belligerent Army)Re.2002 in German Luftwaffe Service
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Stan Lucian & Ed Jackson
Illustrations by Carpaticus
Duško N. (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Italija. Beograd.
M. Di Terlizzi (2002) Reggiane RE 2000 Falco, Heja, J.20, Instituto Bibliografico Napoleone.
G. Cattaneo (1966) The Reggiane Re.2000, Profile Publication Ltd.
J. W. Thompson (1963) Italian Civil And Military Aircraft 1930-1945, Aero Publisher
G. Punka (2001) Reggiane Fighters In Action. Signal Publication.
Re.2002 Photographic Reference Manual
C. Shores (1979) Regia Aeronautica Vol. I, Signal publication.
J. F. Bridlay (1972) Caproni Reggiane Re 2001 Falco II, Re 2002 Ariete and Re 2005 Sagittario, Profile Publications
David. M, (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books.
Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia (1948-1967) Multi-Role Twin Engined Aircraft – 23 Built
The Ikarus 214 [otpisani.niceboard.com]After World War Two, the new Communist Yugoslavian Air Force Command began a long process of restoring the destroyed aviation industry. The first attempts were made in the late 1940s, when several new and experimental designs were built, including the Ikarus 214. While most of these would remain prototypes or be built in small numbers, they would serve as a base for future developments and the experience gained would be used in the following years.
The first steps towards rebuilding the new Communist Yugoslav aviation industry were made during the war on 24th October 1944. Negotiations with representatives of many pre-war aircraft manufacturers about the possibility of reviving the devastated aircraft industry were held at Zemun near the capital city of Belgrade. Many pre-war aircraft industry designers and engineers would survive the war, and would be used to form the base of the future Yugoslav aviation industry.
Ikarus 214 D Prototype in Flight [paluba.info]Two years later (23rd February 1946), the Aeronautical Technical Institute created a competition for the development of four new designs. One was for a flying school and tourism aircraft, while the others were for a two-seater basic trainer, an advanced trainer, and a multi-seat trainer version that could potentially be used as a transport plane. The Aeronautical Technical Institute was a pre-war institution which was responsible for placing orders and monitoring new aircraft development. During the period of 1947 to 1952, several different designs, including the maritime role, what would become the Ikarus 214, were produced.
Constructor Group No.5, under the leadership of the aircraft engineer and professor Sima Milutinović, received orders to design a light two-engined transport and bomber crew trainer aircraft under the military designation 214. After the calculations and drawings were completed, the production of the first prototypes began in 1948 at the Ikarus factory. By 1949, two prototypes were completed and were designated 214P and 214D.
The original military designation of this plane was simply 214. After the first two prototypes were built, the manufacturer’s name, Ikarus, was added to the designation. However, some sources call it the type 214 or simply the 214. This article will use the 214 designation for the sake of simplicity.
Technical Characteristics
The 214 was designed as a low wing, twin engine, mixed construction plane. Despite being primarily intended as a transport and trainer plane, the 214’s fuselage was designed to be able to withstand bomber duties. The fuselage had an unusual design and was built by combining two monocoque “sandwiches” (two light skins placed around a thick core) shell construction (same as on the British de Havilland Mosquito which was in use with the Yugoslavian Air Force.) The 214’s fuselage was large and had plenty of room for use as a transport or passenger aircraft. The 214 passenger version had 7 seats placed behind the pilot’s cockpit. On both sides of the fuselage, there were two rounded and two elongated windows. The 214 (except the later built 214PP and AM-2) had a large and fully glazed round shaped nose with good all round forward visibility.
The Improved 214AM-2 Anti-Submarine VariantThe 214 prototypes were powered by the weaker Ranger SVG-770C engines.
The wings were made of wood and consisted of two box shaped longerons. The whole wing was covered with birch glue. The twin tail vertical and horizontal stabilizers were also made of wood. The rudder and the elevator were made of duralumin and covered with canvas.
The first engine used by the two prototypes was the air-cooled Ranger SVG-770C providing 520 hp, with the two-bladed Hamilton standard type propellers. The second prototype, and all subsequent aircraft were equipped with the stronger nine-cylinder air-cooled Pratt & Whitney R-1340-AN-1, which delivered 600 hp. Four fuel tanks were placed in the wing longerons, with a total fuel load of 780 liters (206 gallons.) The 214 used B-95 gasoline as its main fuel.
The Ranger SVG-770C Engine [vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs]The landing gear retracted (except on the first prototype) into the rear engine nacelles but was not completely covered. The rear tail wheel was fixed but was provided with a brake system. The landing gear was hydraulically driven.
The pilot’s cockpit was positioned above the front fuselage and provided a good all-around view. In the cockpit there were positions for two crew members (pilot and assistant) and dual controls which were connected with the rudders and elevators with wire. However, this flight control system was flawed, because it took a few seconds before the plane responded to the command given by the pilot, for example during turns, climbs, or descending maneuvers. This made the 214 particularly difficult to fly during harsh and bad weather.
The front glazed nose provided a good all around forward view.
Inside the cabin were several flight instruments, such as the airspeed and altitude indicators (type Teleoptik 456-6 and 452, the 214AS version had two altitude indicators), two variometers (type Teleoptik 26B), a turn and slip indicator (type 441-0), a horizontal situation indicator (type Teleoptik 32C, the 214AS version was equipped with two), a magnetic compass (type 443-0), two engine tachometers, fuel and oil gauges, landing gear indicator, and thermometer. Additional equipment for the crew’s safety included parachutes, fire extinguishers, oxygen bottles, and heating & ventilation. In the first series of aircraft produced in 1958, a SCR-522 radio unit was installed This radio had 8 watts of power with a range of 50-290 km (30-180 mi) depending on altitude. The 214F version was equipped with a Rudi Čajevac radio-telephone.
One of the prototypes was armed with three 7.92 mm MG-15 machine-guns, one forward fixed, one on the side (not specified whether it could be aimed) and one in the rear facing turret. The decision to use older captured German MG-15s was most likely based on the fact that the 214 was to be used as a trainer aircraft, with better and more modern armament reserved for front line aircraft. The 214 could also be equipped with a bomb load of four 50 kg (110 lb) bombs. Weapons were rarely installed on the production versions, as they were used mostly for transport.
First Test Flights
The 214 made its first flight on 7th August 1949, at the Zemun airfield near Belgrade. Immediately, there were problems with the lack of an adequate retractable landing gear. As a temporary solution and to speed up the testing process, the engineers simply reused the landing gear from an Il-2 (which was in use by the Yugoslav Air Force), but for technical reasons it was not retractable and remained fixed. There were also problems with inadequate propellers, as the 214 prototypes had to use propellers designed for a single engine aircraft. Despite the fact that it was never intended to be used with a fixed landing gear, military officials demanded that the flight tests begin as soon as possible. During its first test flight, one of the two engines simply stopped working. The pilot made a turn back towards the airfield, but the 214 could not maintain altitude and the plane crashed killing the test pilot Lieutenant Sima Nikolić.
An investigation that was subsequently conducted found that the fixed landing gear and the poor choice of propellers created too much drag. The single working engine could not overcome this drag. In addition, the vertical tail surfaces proved to be inadequate.
Prior to this accident, the engineers and designers predicted, at least in theory, that the 214 could maintain a constant altitude with only one working engine. In case of such a scenario, the test pilots were instructed to fly to the large and open Borča field, Belgrade, and land there. Why the pilot decided to return to Zemun airfield instead of proceeding to the instructed field was impossible to determine. Despite this accident, the development of the 214 would go on.
The second prototype was fully completed by December 1949. In order to avoid accidents, the second prototype spent almost two years being redesigned and tested. Unfortunately, there is no information about any flights made during this period, but it is possible that some were conducted. This plane received larger vertical tail surfaces and a new landing gear. More intense flight tests were made from 1951 on. During this time, different trainer configurations were tested. These were basic training variants with three crew members and no armament, a bomber training variant with four crew members with up to three machine guns and bombs, and as a passenger transport variant with two crew members, six passengers, and no armament.
The Pratt & Whitney R-1340-AN-1 became a standard production engine on the 214. [vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs]During 1954 and 1955, the second 214 prototype was equipped with Pratt & Whitney R-1340-AN-1 engines. It made its first flight with these engines on the 16th of September 1955 without any problems. In 1957, the second prototype was modified for use as a photo-reconnaissance aircraft (serving as the basis for the later 214F variant). This prototype would be used in this role until September of 1959, when the plane was lost in an accident.
In 1955, it was decided to put the 214 into limited serial production. It began in 1957 (or 1958 depending on the sources) and, by the time it ended in 1960, a total of 21 (or 20 depending on the source) 214 planes were produced.
Anti-Submarine role
In 1958, a decision was made by the Yugoslavian Air Force for the adaptation of the 214 for anti-submarine operation. The first series of 214s produced was allocated to the 97th Air Regiment (this unit was renamed into the 97th Anti-Submarine Regiment in November 1958). The first group of pilot officers from the 97th Air Regiment was moved to Zemun airfield for training on the 214 in October 1958. All pilots from the 97th Air Regiment (which was equipped with British de Havilland Mosquitos) completed training by July 1959. In the period of 1959 to 1960, there were 41 pilots in training, but the number was reduced to 25 in 1961 and 1962. The entire training process was carried out under the leadership of World War II veteran Captain Okanović i Semolić.
As the 214 lacked any equipment for anti-submarineoperations, it could be used only in reconnaissance missions, and only weather permitting where visibility was good. In 1960, there were plans to improve the 214’s anti-submarineperformance by adding the necessary equipment. One modified aircraft, under the new 214PP (No. 61004) designation, was tested by Captain Petar Savić on the 6th of May 1960. Two years later, a new anti-submarine version, 214AM2 (No.61015), also known as 214M-2, was tested in June 1962 by pilot Aleksandar Prekrasov. Both versions had a fully enclosed nose instead of the standard glazed one (the sources are not clear, but it appears that other 214 were also equipped with an enclosed nose). In addition, the 214AM2 was provided with a radar placed below the front nose. However, this improved version was still not up to the task of anti-submarine duties. Even if the crew spotted an enemy submarine, it could hardly do anything. Due to equipment delays, more extensive testing was not possible before 1963. The 214AM2 was tested in Batajnica (near Belgrade) and later in Pula on the Croatian coast. The tests of the 214AM2 were completed by 1965, and the results of these tests assessed the variant as partially successful.
Even before these tests were completed, in May 1964, by the order of the Secretary of National Defense, the 97th Anti-Submarine Regiment was reorganized as 97th Auxiliary and Support Regiment and supplied with C-47 transport planes. The 214 was still in use with this unit but mostly in a transport role. This decision to remove the 214 from the anti-submarine role was based on the fact that they were not sufficiently equipped, and could not effectively engage submarines. The 214 would be used by this unit up to 1966, when they were removed from service.
The 214F
Front view of the 214F version.
In 1960, three aircraft, designated as 214F, were built in the Ikarus factory to be used as photo-reconnaissance planes. The main difference was the removal of the seats inside the plane’s fuselage and replacing them with positions for a cameraman, his assistant, and camera equipment.
Limited Operational Service Life
Despite being designed to fulfill several different roles, the 214 (beside the two anti-submarine modifications) was mostly used as a light transport and sometimes for day and night bomber crew training. The aircraft that were used in this role received the 214AC or 214P designations and, in total, 18 were built of this version. The basic transport and training variant had 7 seats placed behind the cockpit, with four on the right, and three on the left side. In some sources, the passenger number is listed as 8. The idea to use the 214 as a light bomber was rejected due to the rapid development of more advanced fighter-bombers. The 214 had many technical problems during its operational use, such as inadequate radio equipment, problems with the control of the wing flaps, inadequate electric equipment for night flights, and cracks that would appear in the propeller spinners after extensive use.
A parachute group in front of a 214 prior to take-off. [vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs]Rear view of a 214. The Yugoslav flag (blue, white and red with a red star in the middle) was often painted on the tail. [otpisani.niceboard.com]
The 214 was mostly used by the Yugoslavian Air Force as a transport plane.
In Civilian Service
By 1966, only six 214 transport versions were still operated by the Yugoslavian Air Force. The next year, these six were withdrawn from service and given to the Aeronautical Association of Yugoslavia for use. They were registered as passenger planes with two crew members and seven passengers. These received the following civilian markings based on their stations: YU-ABN in Ljubljana, YU-ABO in Vršac, YU-ABT in Novi Sad, YU-ABS in Zagreb, YU-ABR in Sarajevo and YU-ABP in Skopje.
In 1968, only four were listed as operational and, by 1970, they were removed from the civilian registers. While they remain stored, some parachute flights were carried out after 1970. In the following years, all except one were scrapped. This aircraft (No.60019) was given to the Yugoslav Aviation Museum near the Capital of Belgrade in 2001. The plane is in a poor state of repair and is waiting for restoration. Due to the financial difficulties of the museum, there is only a small chance that it will be restored in the near future.
This is a civilian 214 stationed in Sarajevo. [paluba.info]The only surviving 214 (No.60019) aircraft can be seen in the Belgrade Aviation Museum. [Wikipedia]
Production Run
As previously mentioned, the decision for the production of the 214 was made in 1955. By the time the production ended in 1960, a small series of 21 aircraft was produced (excluding the two prototypes.) Many sources state that around 20 were built but, according to Č. Janić. and O. M. Petrović, 21 were built (18 214AC and 3 214F). The problem with determining the exact number of produced aircraft lies in the fact that, in some sources, the three produced 214F include the prototype which was modified for this role. Despite the fact that the production began during 1957 (by Ikarus), the whole process was slow and, by the 1st of January 1959, only six 214 were built. Only one was built in 1957 and an additional five during 1958. By January 1st 1962, there were 21 aircraft in service with the Yugoslavian Air Force, with 17 fully operational. In the following years, there were no accidents and an average of between 15 and 18 were fully operational at any given time. In order to increase the 214’s operational service life, one additional factory (Vazduhoplovno-Tehnicki Remontni Zavod) was opened in Zagreb for the production of spare parts and repairs. The Ikarus factory, due to its involvement in other projects, was exclusively involved in the production of spare parts from 1962 to 1964.
Due to the small numbers built, the 214 had only a few different variants.
214P and 214D prototypes – Two prototypes built and tested with different engines.
214F – 3 built as photo-reconnaissance planes.
214AC (214P) – Main production version.18 were built as trainer/passenger planes.
214PP – One production aircraft was modified for anti-submarine operation.
214AM-2 – One production aircraft was modified as an improved anti-submarine variant.
Despite not being a successful design, the 214 did see operational use in the Yugoslav Air Force. As only small numbers were built, the model’s role was limited. The 214’s greatest success was that it helped rebuild the destroyed Yugoslavian aircraft industry and the designers and engineers gained additional experience in working with more modern aircraft designs.
Ikarus 214 Specifications
53 ft 2 in / 16.2 m
38 ft 9 in / 11.2 m
13 ft / 3.95 m
Wing Area
320 ft² / 29.8 m²
Two nine cylinder air-cooled P&W R-1340-AN-1 with 600 hp
Empty Weight
3,740 lbs / 3,970 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
11,080 lbs / 5,025 kg
Fuel Capacity
780 l
Maximum Speed
227 mph / 365 km/h
Cruising speed
186 mph / 300 km/h
670 mi / 1,080 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
23,000 ft / 7,000 m
One pilot and One copilot
Three 7.92 mm MG-15 Machine Guns
Bomb load of four 50 kg bombs
Illustrations by Carpaticus
Ikarus 214Ikarus 214AM-2 Anti-Submarine VariantIkarus 214 in Civilian Service
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Stan Lucian & Ed Jackson
Illustrations by Carpaticus
B. B. Dimitrijević (2012), Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo 1942-1992, Medija centar Odbrana.
Č. Janić. and O. M. Petrović (2011), Kratka Istorija Vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, Aerokomunikacije, Beograd.
B. B. Dimitrijević., P. Miladinović and M. Micevski. (2014), Jugoslovensko Pomorsko Vazduhoplovstvo 1918-1991, Institut za savremenu Istoriju Beograd.
The Ba.65 was ultimately an unsuccessful design, and was built in relatively small numbers. [warbirdphotographs.com]The Breda Ba.65 was an Italian ground attack aircraft that first saw action during the Spanish Civil War. It was built in both single and two-seat configurations, and was exported to various nations prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, but only saw large-scale combat operations with the Regia Aeronautica in Northern Africa.
During the thirties, the Italian aircraft manufacturer Breda began working on developing several ground attack plane designs based on the theoretical principles set by World War One veteran fighter ace Colonel Amadeo Mecozzi. According to Colonel Mecozzi, the best use of aerial forces was the quick neutralization of military targets deep into enemy territory by using fast and very agile aircraft. Per his request, the major Italian aircraft manufacturers were to present their aircraft proposals for future use by the Italian Air Force (Regia Aeronautica).
The first aircraft design that tested Mecozzi’s idea was the Caproni A.P. 1 monoplane. It was utilized in small numbers during the Spanish Civil War, but the overall performance was underwhelming and, besides the small numbers built, it was not adopted for larger scale service. In the early thirties, Breda built a prototype of a ground attack plane named Ba.64, an all-metal low-wing aircraft powered by a single 700 hp Bristol Pegasus radial engine, license-built by Alfa Romeo. It was armed with four 7.7 mm (0.311 in) Breda-SAFAT guns in the wings, with one additional mounted in the rear gunner position, and a bomb load of around 400 kg (880 lb.) The Ba.64 was built in small numbers and by 1939, only 27 aircraft were reported in the Italian Air Force, which were used for second line duties only.
Side view of the Ba.65 K-14 two seat version. [warbirdphotographs.com]A new improved design was built under the designation Ba.65 as a multi role aircraft, but it would end up being used mostly for ground attack. The prototype made its first flights in September 1935, piloted by Ambrogio Colombo. After a series of test flights, the prototype was handed over to the Air Force for further trials on the 27th October. The Ba.65 prototype made a flight from Milan to Rome, where it was to be handed over to the military, with an average speed of 412 km/h (256 mph). During its evaluation, a doctrinal problem emerged. Neither the Air Force Command staff, nor Mecozzi precisely specified what kind of performance specifications a ground attack aircraft should achieve. In order to solve this dilemma, the Air Force requested that the Ba.65 be flight tested with the results to be compared with those of the Fiat CR.32 biplane. The performance tests were held at the Guidonia Experimental Center near Rome. While the CR.32 biplane proved to have better handling, the Ba.65 was faster.
The production of the first group of 81 aircraft was started in 1936, and as the Ba.65 was produced in sufficient quantities, these were slowly adopted for service. Immediately after introduction to the Air Force, the Ba.65 proved to be a problematic design. From the beginning, pilots had significant problems learning how to control it, which resulted in several accidents, many fatal. Due to these accidents, the Ba.65 gained a bad reputation with Italians pilots. The main causes of the Ba.65’s difficulties mostly lie with poor pilot training, insufficient preparation, poor organization, and a lack of adherence to regulations.
Technical Characteristics
The Ba.65 was designed as a low-wing, single-engine, mixed-construction multi-role aircraft, including light bomber, attack aircraft, reconnaissance, and interceptor. The Ba.65’s fuselage was constructed of welded chrome-molybdenum steel tubes. The front fuselage and cockpit area (and the rear gunner area in the two-seat versions) were covered with sheet metal panels. This was done to make engine, or any other forward fuselage repairs much easier. The remaining fuselage was covered with fabric.
The wings were built using chrome-molybdenum steel tube spars, which were additionally connected with diagonal steel tubes. The leading edge of the wings consisted of duralumin sheets while the rear part was fabric covered. The ailerons and tail were also built using metal tubes covered in fabric. The tail consisted of two parts, the cantilever fin and the strut-braced tailplane.
Breda Ba.65 K-14 (MM 75085) two seat version equipped with the rear turret, which was armed with a Breda-SAFAT 7.7 mm ( 0.311 in) machine-gun. The Ba.65 was a relatively heavy aircraft, so the rear machine gun position was removed in the hope of reducing weight. [warbirdphotographs.com]The Ba.65 had a then-modern retractable landing gear. It consisted of two larger front wheels, both of which retracted to the rear under-wing fairings. The landing gear system could be operated hydraulically or mechanically if needed. The smaller rear tail wheel was fixed. The landing gear was usually protected from damage by metal covers, but in some cases these were removed, probably due to damage, or to make repairs easier.
The cockpit was well placed, with ample forward visibility. It was protected by a large fully glazed canopy which could be opened to the rear. The canopy did see a number of design changes during the Ba.65’s service life. Beside the standard control panel, the Ba.65 was also equipped with oxygen tanks, a voicepipe for communication between the pilot and the rear gunner (two-seat version only,) an electric generator, and fire extinguishers. There was space inside the cockpit for additional equipment, such as a radio or cameras, but these were never installed in any Ba.65. In the two-seat versions, the rear position housed the gunner/observer (depending on the mission.) The rear position would also undergo many design changes during the Ba.65’s operational service life, from being protected by a fully enclosed turret, to being open and later even removed in the hopes of reducing weight.
Isotta Franschini K 14Fiat A 80
The engine used on the prototype and the first series of 81 planes was the 870 hp Isotta Fraschini K-14 fourteen-cylinder engine. There are differences in the engine strength depending on the source, with some indicating, 700 hp, 870 hp, or even 900 hp (D.. Monday, G. Garello., J. W. Thompson., respectively) Later, it was replaced with the stronger 1,000 hp (746 kW) Fiat A.80 RC.41 eighteen-cylinder engine. The engine was placed in a steel housing that was connected to the fuselage by four bolts.
The aircraft’s fuel was held into two tanks located behind the pilot, with a total capacity of 650 l. An additional fuel tank could be added in the bomb bay with a capacity of 370 l. With the standard fuel tanks, the Ba.65 had a flight endurance of 3 hours and 25 minutes. With the additional fuel tank, flight time increased to 5 hours. The main fuel tank was equipped with a “Semape” self-sealing system.
The two left wing machine guns. [warbirdphotographs.com]The main armament consisted of two 12.7 mm (0.5 in) Breda-SAFAT heavy machine guns and two 7.7 mm (0.311 in) Breda-SAFAT machine guns. The machine guns were placed in the central parts of the wings. For the two-seat version, one additional 7.7 mm (0.311 in ) machine gun was placed in a ring mounted turret. During development, there were several different rear turret designs, either partially or fully enclosed. There is some disagreement in the sources about the designation of these turrets. Gabrielo G. named the fully enclosed version as type M and the partially enclosed one as the type L. Author David M. mentions the enclosed turret as type L. The standard ammunition load was 350 rounds for the heavier machine guns and 500 for the smaller caliber machine guns (without the rear machine gun). According to some sources, the type L turret was armed with one 12.7 mm (0.5 in ) heavy machine gun.
The interior bomb bay could be equipped with either four 50 kg (110 lb) or two 100 kg (220 lb ) bombs placed vertically. Another optional loadout consisted of a container with 168 smaller 2 kg (4 lb). Additionally, 200 kg (440 lb) of bombs could be carried on the bomb racks located under the wings, but these were not always used. The theoretical maximum bomb load was 2,200 lb (1,000 kg) but, due to the plane’s excessive weight and the poor engine performance, this loadout was never used operationally nor in combat. The bombsight was located in the cockpit.
Further Development
Due to its poor performance, the Italian Air Force formed a commission with the aim of determining if the Ba.65 could be modified or improved to justify its continued production. The commission was made up of five Air Force officers and was led by Engineer Parano. After a short analysis, the commission noted that the Ba.65’s two-seat configuration was too heavy. This, combined with an underpowered engine, were the main reasons for the Ba.65’s poor flight performance. The commission made several modification suggestions which would be implemented in the second Ba.65 production series.
Engine Cowling for the K14Engine Cowling for the A80
The previous K-14 engine was replaced with a stronger 1,000 hp eighteen cylinder Fiat A.80 engine. This resulted in an increase in the overall performance during climbing, take-off and cruising at top speed. The maximum speed with the stronger engine was 430 km/h (270 mph) with an effective range of some 550 km (340 mi ) and a service ceiling of up to 6,300 m ( 20,700 ft). The two engines had different cowling designs. The K-14 had 28 (14 pairs) smaller cylinder covers, and the A.80 had 18 longer cylinder covers. The new improved version is often designated simply as Ba.65 A.80 but, in some sources, it is also called “Ba.65 bis”.
The Ba.65 was also tested with the Piaggio P.XI engine, which was some 100 kg (220 lb) lighter than the K-14. The overall flight performance was improved, but due to the high cost, the proposal that all aircraft should be equipped with this engine was rejected. Additionally, a Pratt and Whitney R-1830 engine was allegedly tested on the Ba.65 (intended for Chinese export), but it is unknown if it was actually installed, or just planned.
Other improvements were made to the A-80 version. The rear machine gun mount was replaced with a new ring mounted machine gun turret. The landing gear was redesigned and improved. Great attention was given to reducing the weight as much as possible. To solve the problem with the overloaded wings, two Handley-Page slats were installed at the wings’ leading edges, which also improved the flight performance. On the tail, additional weighted ballasts were added to help with stability during flight.
Despite these modifications, the newly produced Ba.65 was criticized by pilots who were unhappy with its flying performance. There were also a number of accidents which forced the Air Force to issue special orders in October 1938, according to which it was forbidden to fly unnecessary aerobatics unless it was approved or for training purposes. By April 1939, the Italian Air Force Command, in the hope of finally solving the problems with weight and flight performance, ordered the removal of the rear machine gun position and equipment. In July, additional orders extended this modification to the older Ba.65 K14 versions. Despite these modifications, the Ba.65 never achieved the potential the Air Force High Command hoped for, and the Italians entered the Second World War without a dedicated ground attack aircraft.
Training Version
Small numbers of Ba.65, together with Ba.64 and A.P.1 planes, were used for a short time as trainers at the Foggia Flying School. As the concept of ground assault was abandoned by the Regia Aeronautica in November 1939, all remaining Breda aircraft at this school were scrapped.
In Italian Operational Service
In Italian military service, the Ba.65 saw action in small numbers during the Spanish Civil War, while the only other major engagement was in North Africa. Allegedly, according to author J.W. Thompson, it was also used during the Axis forces attack on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in April 1941, but this is unlikely as there is no proof to corroborate this.
Pre-War Use
Front view of the Ba.65 (MM 325) prototype aircraft. [warbirdphotographs.com]In June 1936, the Ba.65 (MM.325) prototype was allocated to the 160a Squadriglia (Squadron) stationed near Ciampino for operational use. After the flight testing at Furbara, the first production aircraft was allocated to the 167a Squadriglia. At this time, the Italian Air Force began reforming the “Assalto” (attack) units into the 5a Brigata Aerea, which consisted of 5° and 50° Stormo (regiment) commanded by Colonel Mecozzi himself. At the time of formation, the 5a Brigata Aerea was equipped with older Caproni A.P.1 and Ba.64’s.
Due to slow production of the Ba.65, by 1937 only 20 were available for operational service. In 1938, the newer and improved Ba.65 A.80 version was ready for service. Immediately after sufficient numbers of the A.80 were produced, the 5° and 50° Stormo were reequipped with them and the older K-14 versions were given to 2° Fighter Stormo.
The improved A.80 version, stationed at Lonate Pozzolo. [warbirdphotographs.com]In May 1938, during Adolf Hitler’s visit to Italy, a live strafing exercise was organized at the Furbara airfield with 18 Ba.65 and 7 A.P.1 aircraft. During this exercise, a single Ba.65, piloted by Lieutenant Colonel Savarino, was flight tested with a payload over 1,000 kg (2,500 lbs) of equipment and bombs) of 1,160 kg (2,560 lb). After his first test flight, the pilot noted that it was nearly impossible to fly the fully loaded Ba.65. In a second test, the load was reduced to 900 kg (1,990 lb). This time, the flight was more successful, but the aircraft was still reported as uneasy and unpleasant to fly.
During 1938, there were many flight accidents in which eight pilots lost their lives. This forced the Air Force to ground all Ba.65 from October 1938 to January 1939. Because of this decision, training of all pilots in the ground attack role was reduced, which affected combat readiness. At this time, the order for a further 33 aircraft was put on hold until a final decision was made about the fate of these units and the type of aircraft with which they should be equipped. The introduction of the new Breda Ba.88 (which turned out to be an even more disappointing design) persuaded the Italian Air Force Command to replace the Ba.65 with this aircraft. The 5° Stormo was reequipped with the new Ba.88, while 50° Stormo still operated Ba.65 aircraft in a limited role by early 1939.
A Ba.65 flying above Rome during a training flight. These were part of 5° Stormo. [warbirdsphotographs.com]
In Spain
During the Spanish Civil War, Italy and Germany actively supported Francisco Franco’s fascist forces by sending significant military support which consisted of military equipment like small arms, tanks, aircraft, troops, engineers and trainers. This war would be used as a testing ground for many new military aviation designs, including the Ba.65.
In April 1937, the first group of 13 single seat Ba.65 K-14 arrived in Seville. They were attached to the 65a Squadriglia (Sq) Aviazione Legionaria under the command of Captain Desiderio. This unit’s entry into operational service would be delayed until August 1937. This unit was later relocated to Tudela in order to help fascist forces during the battle of Teruel in late December 1937. During this battle, the 65a Sq, under the new leadership of Captain Fanali, performed large, aggressive sorties against Republican forces. The 65a Sq was also very active during the Republican Ebro offensive in July 1938. The battle ended after 115 days with a Republican defeat, with over 80,000 casualties and the loss of large numbers of planes. The Ba.65s were used during the capture of Barcelona in late January 1939.
As the Spanish Civil War ended, the Ba.65 crews were sent by ship to Italy, with the remaining 11 aircraft given to the new fascist Spanish state. During the war, Italy sent around 23 Ba.65 aircraft, of which half were lost. Only three Ba.65 aircraft were destroyed by enemy action. The Breda was used in several different roles during the war. It performed poorly in the role of interceptor due to its inadequate handling and the slow climb rate. Due to stiff controls, lack of an oxygen mask, and the ensuing physical fatigue of the pilots, high altitude scouting missions were also unsuccessful. The only real success was achieved in the fighter-bomber role.
During the war, the Italian crews added bomb racks under the wings. The bomb load was increased with two 100 kg (220 lbs) bombs which were dropped at an angle of 30-35°. An additional 168 smaller 2 kg (4 lb) fragmentation bombs (carried in the position of the second crew member) could be dropped during the climb. After the bomb load was dropped, the Ba.65 could engage ground targets with its four machine guns (two were heavy machine guns). During the Spanish Civil War the single seat version was mostly used, with the exception of a few missions when a rear observer or specialist was requested.
In Africa
Routine aircraft maintenance was necessary during the North African campaign. This picture was taken near Tobruk in November 1940. [warbirdphotographs.com]Prior to the beginning of the War in Africa against the British, the 50° Stormo was plagued by a general lack of adequate training, poor organization, and bad mechanical condition of the Ba.65 aircraft. By June 1940, the Italians had around 160 Ba.65 aircraft, but only 11 were actually fully operational and could be used for front line service.
The 50° Stormo was moved to Benghazi in Libya. Once there, mechanical problems cropped up as the A.80 proved to be prone to overheating and the desert sand caused significant issues for the engines. In Libya, a series of accidents forced Air Marshal Balbo to order the Ba65 removed from operational frontline service. All Ba.65 were dismantled and were to be sent to Italy, with assault units to be equipped with any available aircraft capable of assault sorties. The only planes fit the role were the Caproni Ca.310, a twin-engined bomber trainer aircraft, which was far from ideal, and the older Fiat CR.32 biplane.
The 50° Stormo (with no Ba.65) was relocated to Sorman airfield near Tripoli in order to provide support to the ground forces during attacks on Tunisia. Due to the rapid British advance, this unit (with only seven Ca.310B) was moved to the T.2 military airfield near Tobruk. The Ca.310B proved to be inadequate for the task, and after only two bombing attacks on the British armored columns in June, they were removed from these units. Due to this, the Italian Air Force commander in North Africa, General Porro, was forced to order the return of all available Ba.65 planes to operational service.
The A.80 version, possibly somewhere in North Africa. [warbirdphotographs.com]They were to be relocated from Benghazi to the T.2 airfield as soon as possible. Besides the 50° Stormo, the Ba.65 would be supplied to 12° (150th and 160th Squadrons) and 16° (167th and 168th Squadrons) Gruppo (Group). The 12° Gruppo saw heavy action and high attrition rate, and by the end of June only five Breda Ba.65 and five Fiat CR.32 were operational. In July, the 16° Gruppo arrived at T.2 airfield equipped with the CR.32 and a few older Ba.65 K-14 collected from Italy. These units achieved great success when attacking the British forces near Sidi Rezegh (25-27 July 1940), inflicting heavy damage. In August, six Ba.65 A.80 (with fighter cover of unknown type and numbers) attacked a British supply depot but were intercepted by British Gladiators. The engagement ended with three lost Gladiators, but the Italian losses (if any) are unknown. During General Graziani’s short offensive action toward Sidi Barrani in September, all Ba.65 equipped units were active. By the end of the Italian offensive, only 10 Ba.65 and 18 CR.32 were still operational.
On 18th October, a formation of six Ba.65 and seven CR.32 managed to attack a British airfield far behind the front line, in Egypt at Siwa Oasis. This air raid was repeated on 7th November 1940, with six Ba.65 and eighteen CR.32. Bombing actions continued throughout November. By the end of the month, the 12° Gruppo was sent to the rear for rest, recreation, and aircraft overhauls. At the same time, the British launched Operation Compass, which eventually led the attacking Italian Army to collapse. The 12° and 16° Gruppo were allocated to the A.3 airfield near Amseat.
In early December, Britain’s 7th Armoured Division under the command of General O’Connor managed to break the Italian line of defense and began racing to the west. The 50° Stormo, along with all its planes, was dispatched to stop British armored attacks. This attempt failed and the unit lost all its aircraft. The same fate was met by the 16° Gruppo, which was evacuated to Italy on 2nd January 1941, without any operational aircraft. The 12° Gruppo lost most of its aircraft in January and, by the 14th of February, it also was relocated to Italy. With its departure, the Ba.65’s combat service ended.
In Foreign Service
After World War I, Italy became known around the world for the production and export of aircraft, especially during the thirties. This was mostly achieved due to a successful commercial strategy in the international aviation market. Despite the Ba.65 being an unsuccessful design, several countries showed interest in buying this type of aircraft, but their use was very limited. These include Iraq, China, Portugal and Chile. Italians also presented the Ba.65 to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, but nothing came from this.
In Iraqi service
Iraq was under the great political and military influence of Great Britain, which meant that they were more or less forced to accept any British Foreign Office decision, including the acquisition of weapons. For a long time, the Iraqis wanted to break away from British influence, or at least reduce it. For this reason, the Iraqi Air Force Chief of Staff Colonel Jewad visited Italy in 1937, in the hopes of concluding a contract for the purchase of new aircraft types which would be used to equip the Iraqi Air Force. During the negotiation with the Italian Aeronautical Export Committee (AEROCONS) in 1938, it was agreed that Iraq would buy 15 (25 according to David M.) Breda Ba.65 aircraft, two of which were the dual control version. In addition, 25 A.80 engines were also bought. All combat aircraft were two-seaters, equipped with the rear mounted Breda turret.
These aircraft were shipped and disassembled into smaller parts, arriving by ship in Iraq. Along with them, a group of Breda engineers under the leadership of Lieutenant Guza, were sent to help with assembly. The transportation process was slow due to the long distance, and the need to test each aircraft after assembly meant that these planes could not enter operational service before November 1938. After this, the process of training the Iraqi pilots began. The Iraqis did not have any problems adapting to the Ba.65 and only one accident was recorded with the loss of the pilot’s life. In May, Guza and his team returned to Italy, with a positive report about the Ba.65 in Iraqi service.
In 1941, there was an uprising led by Rashid Ali, who, with the promise of Axis support, began preparations to expel the British Forces from Iraq. During the Anglo–Iraqi War in May of 1941, all Ba.65s were allocated to the 5th Squadron. This unit saw action against the British forces, but after several attacks only two were left operational. The Italians sent a CR.42 squadron to help the Iraqis but it arrived too late to change the war’s outcome. This unit, seeing the poor Iraqi situation, returned home after a short time. The fate of the surviving Ba.65s is unknown.
Production Attempts in China
For some time, the Italians were trying to negotiate with Chinese authorities about opening an aviation production factory in China. After initial negotiations in June 1934, the Chinese signed a contract with the Aeronautico Italiano per la China (Aerocina). This company was owned by the Italian Government in conjunction with Caproni, Breda, Fiat and SIAI. According to this contract, the Italians were to build the SINAW (Sino-Italian National Aircraft Works) factory in Nanchang. With this agreement, the Italians were to provide tooling, parts, and machines necessary for the factory to work. The head of the soon-to-be factory was the Italian Luigi Acampora and the Director was General Chu Lin. The production of the first operational aircraft was to begin from July 1937 and all Italian personnel were to return to Italy after five years of cooperation.
SINAW officially started production in November 1936 with six Savoia-Marchetti SM.81B bombers. Future plans included local assembly of 30 Breda Ba.65s and 50 Fiat G.50s. Immediately after the start of the Italian-Chinese corporation, there was a disagreement about the assembly of the Ba.65. The Chinese officials insisted that it should be powered by the Pratt and Whitney R-1830 engine in place of the Italian K-14. The Italians were against this, but there was a compromise to equip them with the stronger A.80 engines. Despite this, the Chinese later on insisted on the Pratt and Whitney engines which led to delays in the realization of the project.
The factory was slightly damaged during the Japanese bombing action of Nanchang on the 20th of October, 1937. By November, the Italian Government made a decision to discontinue any further cooperation, and stopped all further deliveries of equipment and materials. This was done mostly due to Japanese military actions, and poor relations with the Chinese side. By early December 1937, all Italian personnel returned home, and the deal with the Chinese was abandoned without a single Ba.65 being built.
In Chilean Service
Rear view of a Chilean Ba.65. Chile bought 17 single-seaters and 3 dual control training versions in 1938. These were powered by the Piaggio P.XI engine instead of the weaker K-14 and armed with 12.7 mm Madsen type heavy machine guns. [warbirdphotographs.com]In the summer of 1937 representatives of the Chilean Air Force force were sent to Italy to begin negotiations for the purchase of several different Italian aircraft designs. These negotiations were successfully completed, and a purchase was arranged for nine Nardi 305 trainers and seventeen single engine and three dual control training versions of the Ba.65. These were to be powered by Piaggio P.XI engines instead of the K-14. Also, the Chileans demanded that the 12.7 mm (0.5 in) Breda SAFAT heavy machine guns be replaced with Madsen machine guns of the same caliber. Due to these changes and the long voyage to Chile, the Bredas reached their destination on 14th December, 1938. The aircraft were stationed at El Bosque airfield, awaiting the training of the pilots to begin, but due to many delays this only began in March 1939. During these training flights, there were two accidents due to pilot errors. The Chilean Air Force was under great pressure from the press about the quality of these planes, which eventually led to the suspension of any further flights of the Breda. These accidents were caused mostly due to the poor quality of pilot training. Not willing to admit their mistake, the Chilean Air Force began negotiation with the Italians to exchange the Ba.65 with the CR.32. But the negotiations were delayed and were never resolved as the war in Europe broke out. The Ba.65 would be used up to the end of 1941, when the last flight was recorded. These would be replaced with more modern American planes later on.
In Portuguese Service
In January 1937, the Portuguese showed interest in the Ba.65. After some negotiations, the Portuguese Air Force ordered 10 Ba.65 A.80, some of which were equipped with the Breda M turret. The inexperienced Portuguese pilots were to be sent to Italy for extended flight training.
The Ba.65 would be used in the coming year, but due to the lack of resources and maintenance, the Portuguese had problems keeping them in working condition. In February 1941 a heavy storm caused the hangar that all the Bredas were stored in to collapse. As all were damaged beyond repair, the Portuguese Air Force ordered them to be scrapped.
Production and Modifications
Besides the prototype, serial production of the Ba.65 began in 1936, with an initial production run of around 81 (MM 75091-75161) being produced by Breda. The second and the last production series was completed by July 1939. In the second series, Breda produced an additional 80 with an additional 57 built by Caproni. The total production run was 218 operational aircraft, in addition to the single prototype. Of the total produced, around 60 were sold to Iraq, Chile and Portugal.
Only one major modification to the original aircraft was ever made on the Ba.65, as it was used for only a short time.
Ba.65 – Prototype
Ba.65 K-14– Single and two seat versions
Ba.65 A.80 – Single and two seat versions
Ba.65 Trainer Version – Small numbers were used as training aircraft for a short time before being scrapped
Ba.65 P.XI – One aircraft was tested with the 1.000 hp Piaggio P.XI engine, but was not adopted for service.
Italy – Operated less than 160 Breda Ba.65 in total.
Iraq – Bought around 15 A.80 aircraft, of these two were modified as dual control trainers.
China –There were negotiations with Italy to domestically assemble thirty Ba.65s, but this was never achieved.
Fascist Spain – Used all surviving Ba.65s left by the Italians after the end of the Civil War.
Chile – Bought some 17 single-seaters and 3 dual control training version in 1938. These were powered by Piaggio P.XI engines and armed with 0.5 in (12.7 mm) Madsen type heavy machine guns.
Portugal – Bought 10 mostly two-seat versions, while some were equipped with the Breda M turret.
Breda Ba.65 A.80 Specifications
(Single Seat Version)
39 ft / 11.9 m
10 ft 2 in / 3.10 m
32 ft 4 in / 9.9 m
Wing Area
252.96 ft² / 23.50 m²
One 1,000 hp (746 kW) Fiat A.80 RC.41 18-cylinder radial piston engine.
Empty Weight
5,510 lb / 2,500 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
6,950 lb / 3,150 kg
Fuel Capacity
650 + 370l
Maximum Speed
267 mph / 430 km/h
Cruising Speed
220 mph / 350 km/h
340 mi / 550 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
20,670 ft / 6,300 m
1 Pilot
Two 0.5 in (12.7 mm) Breda-SAFAT heavy machine guns and two 0.311 in (7.7mm) Breda-SAFAT machine guns.
Four 110 lbs (50 kg) or 220 lbs (100 kg) bombs
168 smaller 4 lb (2 kg) bombs
Additional two 220 lbs (100 kg) bombs carried under the wings
Ba.65 during the Spanish Civil WarBa.65 from 2° Stormo 1938Ba.65 from 5° StormoBa.65 from the 2° Stormo
Article by Marko P.
Edited by Stan L. & Ed J.
Illustrations by Pavel
D. Monday (1984, 2006), The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft of World War II, Aerospace Publishing
G. Garello (1997), Breda Ba 65, La Bancarella Aeronautica – Torino
D. Nešić (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Italija,, Tampoprint S.C.G. Beograd.
With the development of new designs for the Italian Air Force, the need for a more advanced reconnaissance aircraft became apparent. Italians mostly used older biplanes for this role, which was far from a perfect solution, and thus a new design was needed. For this reason, one Re.2000 would be rebuilt and tested as a reconnaissance aircraft. Despite an initial order for serial production, only a few prototypes were ever built.
Officine Meccaniche Reggiane SA (Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy) was a WWI-era aircraft manufacturer. After the war it was not involved in any significant aircraft production or design work. Large scale production only began during the thirties, when Reggiane became a subsidiary of the much larger aircraft manufacturer Caproni, which was led by the well known engineer Gianni Caproni. Thanks to him, Reggiane was aided by Caproni’s larger and well qualified aircraft design department. Reggiane and Caproni were involved with several experimental pre-war designs, like the Ca.405 Procellaria and P.32bis, in addition to the licensed production of the S.M.79. In 1938, the development of the Re.2000 began with a request from the Italian Aviation Ministry (Ministero dell Aeronautica) under the codename “Programme R.” This was intended to upgrade the Italian Air Force (Regia Aeronautica) with new and modern designs.
Despite the time and resources involved in development, the resulting Re.2000 would not be adopted for the Italian Air Force. It would see service in countries like Sweden and Hungary in some numbers. Due to the demand for long range fighters and shipboard versions, a small number was adopted for service by the Italian Air Force. From the small number of Re.2000s seized by the Italian Air force, most were from the Series II and III. At least one was used as a base for the experimental two-seat Re.2003 version.
The Re.2003
In early 1941, Italian Air Force officials placed an order for a two-seater reconnaissance aircraft. Reggiane responded by simply reusing the already produced Re.2000 in order to speed up development and to streamline a potential production run. One Re.2000 (MM.478) was modified by adding an additional seat behind the pilot.
The prototype was completed very quickly, and by July it was ready for its first test flight. The test flight was carried out by Captain Francesco Aggelo. The flight was considered successful, but certain modifications were required. These include redesigning the rear observer’s cockpit and the installation of camera equipment. Once these modifications were made, the test flights were resumed in November 1941 with two new pilots.
The Re.2003 seems to have fulfilled all requirements that were demanded. On the 16th of December 1941, an official order for the production of 200 Re.2003 was placed at Reggiane. Production was to commence before September 1942.
Reggiane engineers and designers began working on an improved second prototype in 1942, based on the Re.2002 (MM.12415). The decision to use the Re.2002 was probably based on the fact that it was put into production and was in (very limited) use during the war. In addition, while the Re.2000 was being produced for the export market, it was not adopted for Italian aviation use. Simply put, production in larger quantities was not possible.
Technical Characteristics
The Re.2003 was originally based on the Re.2000, and for this reason, the cosmetic and structural differences were minimal. The Re.2003 was a low wing, mixed construction, but mostly metal, two-seater reconnaissance plane. The fuselage consisted of a round frame covered with aluminum sheets held in place by flush-riveting. The Re.2003’s wings had a semi-elliptical design, with five spars covered with stressed skin. The wings were equipped with fabric-covered Frise type ailerons. The tail had a metal construction, with the controls surfaces covered with fabric. The fuel was stored in the wings, but the precise quantity is not known.
The landing gear system was unusual. When it retracted backward, it rotated 90° (a copy of the Curtiss type) before it moved into the wheel bays. For better handling when landing, the landing gear mechanism was provided with hydraulic shock absorbers and pneumatic brakes. The smaller rear wheel was also retractable and could be steered if needed.
The Re.2003’s engine was the stronger Piaggio P.XI bis RC.40, which had around 1025 hp. Due to being used in limited test flights, precise engine performance is not clear. Author Jonathan Thomson noted that the maximum speed was around 471 km/h (293 mph). The first prototype had the Re.2000’s original engine cowling. The second prototype had a more aerodynamically-shaped cowling, as it was based on the Re.2002.
The most obvious difference was the larger canopy. The front pilot canopy section was more or less the same as the Re.2000. The rear section was somewhat larger in order to provide the observer with a better view. In addition, two small glass windows were added on both sides of the fuselage sides for the observer.
Side view of the Re.2003. Below the rear cockpit, the two small windows placed to provide the observer with a better view of the surroundings can be seen. Source: www.vvsregiaavions.com
The main armament was not changed and consisted of two Breda-Safat 12.7 mm ( 0.5 in) heavy machine guns. The machine guns were placed in the top of the front cowling and fired through the propeller arc. For each machine gun, a provision of 300 rounds was provided. The machine guns could, depending on the combat situation (lack of ammunition, for example), be fired together or individually. The Re.2003 was also tested with a bomb load of 500 kg (1100 lb) placed on the ventral rack.
Operational Use
The Re.2003 first prototype was used by the 1st Gruppo Reserve Aerea (Reserve 1st Air Group), possibly from late 1942 up to the Italian capitulation in 1943. It was then captured by the Germans, who used it as a trainer aircraft. This aircraft, while in German hands, was stationed at the Caproni-Taliedo airfield. Its final fate is unknown.
To make the development of the new Re.2003 fast and easy, Reggiane simply reused the Re.2000 and later Re.2002 for this purpose. While it had a short operational life, it appears that no major problems were encountered during its development and that it could fulfill the designated role as a reconnaissance plane. Source: www.vvsregiaavions.com
Cancellation of the Project
The following year, due to the rapid military deterioration of the Italian Air Force, the need for more advanced fighters had greater priority over other projects. Work on the Re.2003 was slow and, by late 1942, little progress had been made. The second prototype’s development was also proceeding at a slow pace. It made its first test flight in October 1942. Some historians note that the second prototype was never fully completed. In order to increase the production of fighter designs, Reggiane was asked to stop the development of the Re.2003, and instead focus on the production of fighter planes. Only the two prototypes were ever built.
Re.2003 first prototype (MM.478) – One prototype built and used in a limited role. Re.2003 second prototype (MM.12415) – Based on the Re.2002, one built.
Italy – Operated the first prototype during the war.
Germany – Captured one prototype in 1943. It was used as a trainer plane.
Due to the Re.2003’s short development life, it is not known if it could have fulfilled the purpose the Italian Air Force officials had intended for it. It appears that no major problems were encountered during its development, so there is no indication it had any problems fulfilling its role as a reconnaissance plane. However, without ever being properly tested in real combat conditions, this will never be known.
Re.2003 Specifications
36 ft 1 in / 11 m
26 ft 5 in / 8 m
10 ft 4 in / 3.15 m
Wing Area
220 ft² / 20.4 m²
One Piaggio P.XI RC.40bis, 1025 hp
Maximum Takeoff Weight
7,210 lbs / 3,270 kg
Maximum Speed
293 mph / 471 km/h
447 miles / 720 km
Pilot and observer
Two 0.5 in (12.7 mm) heavy machine guns
Bomb load of 1,100 lb ( 500 kg) bombs.
The Re.2003 Prototype – Illustration by Carpaticus
D. Nešić (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Italija. Beograd.
M. Di Terlizzi (2002) Reggiane RE 2000 Falco, Heja, J.20, Instituto Bibliografico Napoleone.
J. W. Thompson (1963) Italian Civil And Military Aircraft 1930-1945, Aero Publisher
G. Cattaneo (1966) The Reggiane Re.2000, Profile Publication Ltd.
J. F. Bridlay (1972) Caproni Reggiane Re 2001 Falco II, Re 2002 Ariete and Re 2005 Sagittario, Profile Publications
Kingdom of Italy (1936)
Ground Attack Aircraft – 148 ~ 155 Built
A Ba.88 during a flight, possibly a training exercise. Despite having an excellent aerodynamic shape, it performed so poorly that it had to be removed from service. Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com
The Ba.88 was an Italian twin-engine aircraft design built in 1936. Despite managing to break a few world speed records, it was an unsuccessful design. When it was adopted for military service, its performance deteriorated and only a small number of aircraft were ever built.
On 20th January 1936, the Italian Air Force (Regia Aeronautica) made a request for the development of a new twin-engine multipurpose aircraft. This new aircraft design was meant to be capable of achieving a top speed of least 470 km/h (290 mph). Heavy armament was also required, which would have to consist of two to four 12.7 mm (0.5 in) machine guns or two 20 mm (0.78 in) cannons. It was requested to have an operational range of 2,000 km (1,200 mi) and to be able to reach a height of 6 km (20,000 ft) in around 9 minutes. The cockpit also had to have a good all-around field-of-view.
Italian Air Force officials invited all Italian aviation companies to submit their proposals for the new multi-role design. Many companies responded to this request with their own suggestions. These included the I.M.A.M Ro.53, Fiat CR.25, Bonomi BS.25, Chiodi CH-2 and the Breda Ba.88. As the Breda Ba.88 showed the most promise, at least on paper, it was chosen as the winner of the competition.
Work on the first prototype began soon after. The development of the Ba.88 was given to a team led by Antonio Parano and Giuseppe Panzeri. The Ba.88 was influenced by an earlier Breda design, the single engined Ba.75, with which it shared some similarities, such as the tail and fuselage design.
The first Ba.88 prototype, named M.M. 302, was completed relatively fast and was ready in Autumn 1939. A series of flight tests began in October 1936, piloted by a young test pilot named Furio Nictol Doglio. During these initial tests, the Ba.88 was shown to have potential weight issues, but development continued.
Ba.88 prototype under construction. Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com
In early February 1937, the prototype was moved to the Guidonia Experimental Centre for further testing. Once there, it was tested by several Breda test pilots. In April of 1937, Furio Nictol managed to achieve an average speed of 518 km/h (322 mph) during a 100 km (61 mi) long flight from Fiumicino, Toraianica to Ancio. This was actually a world speed record at the time. On the 10th of April, Furio Nictol managed to reach an average speed of 476 km/h (295 mph) over a much longer distance of 1,000 km (620 mi). Of course, the Fascist regime was quick to take advantage of these results and used them for propaganda purposes around the world.
To further improve the Ba.88’s performance, the engines were replaced with stronger 1,000 hp Piaggio P.XI. In addition, the single vertical tail was replaced with twin fins and rudders. In November 1937, the modified Ba.88 made many more test flights in order to determine its performance. In early December, two new speed records were made, the first with 555 km/h (345 mph) and then 523 km/h (326 mph).
The Ba.88 prototype, easily identified by the tail assembly. https://comandosupremo.com/breda-ba-88/
Initial Problems
During this time, the Italian Air Force began showing interest in a heavy fighter design (like the German Me-110, for example) and asked Breda to adapt the Ba.88 to this role. During 1938, testing on the Ba.88 continued. During this time, many issues with its design began to arise. In October, when adopted for military testing, the plane was shown to have many issues. The pilots noted that the Ba.88 was difficult to fly, maneuvering was slow and heavy. A report made by General Pinna, dated 21st November, states that the Ba.88’s maximum realistic speed was around 464 km/h (290 mph) at heights of 5.2 km (17,000 ft). He also noted that there is only a small probability that the speed could be improved and that the achieved speed was inadequate for a military aircraft of this type.
While Breda’s test pilots tried to defend the Ba.88, the army pilots were not so impressed. Colonel Lippi echoed General Pinna’s concerns, noting in his report that the Ba.88’s overall performance was poor and it was difficult to control. He also noted that the canopy could not be opened during flight, which was a significant problem if the pilot needed to initiate an emergency bail out. The situation worsened with the installation of military equipment, like the weapons, ammunition, cockpit equipment, extra fuel etc. The weight problem was so severe that the installation of bombs was only possible after removing internal equipment. The lower heavy machine gun was rarely installed in order to save weight. For these reasons, the Italian Air Force put Ba.88 production on hold.
Technical Characteristics
The Ba.88 was an all-metal, high wing, two engine ground attack aircraft. The fuselage was built by using welded chrome-molybdenum steel tubes. Its overall fuselage design could be divided into three sections: the front nose section, the lower section where the bomb bay was placed and the longer section that covered the remainder of the aircraft. The whole fuselage construction was covered with duralumin sheets held in place by longitudinal stringers, rivets and bolts.
The wings were made using chrome-molybdenum tube spars held in place by tube beams. This wing construction was then covered with sheet metal plates. The wings were connected with the Ba.88’s fuselage by using conical wrist pins and bolts. The original prototype had a standard single vertical tail assembly, but this was later changed to a new modified tail unit with twin fins and rudders.
Ba.88 side view. Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com
The Ba.88 had two landing wheels that retracted backward into the engine nacelles. The rear tail wheel was also retractable, and could be steered if needed. The landing gear wheels were equipped with shock absorbers in order to ease landing.
The prototype was powered by two 900 hp Fraschini K14 engines. The production version was powered by two 1,000 hp Piaggio P.XI RC.40 14-cylinder radial piston engines. Two 10.5 ft (3.2 m) duralumin three blade propellers, which could rotate in opposite directions, were used. The engine mounting was made using welded steel tubes. There were plans to test different engines in order to reduce the overall weight and improve performance. This included the less powerful but lighter and more aerodynamic Fiat A 74, and stronger 1,000 hp A 76 and Isotta Fraschini L.121. Foreign engine designs were also proposed, like the German Daimler Benz DB.601 or even the French Hispano Suiza 12Y. There were twelve armored fuel tanks with a total capacity of 1,379 liters (365 gallons). These were arranged with two in the engine nacelles, four in the fuselage, and six in the wings.
The Ba.88 had more or less a standard cockpit layout, with a rear sliding canopy. The pilot was provided with all instruments needed to efficiently fly the Ba.88. The radio used was the R.A.350/II, supported by an A.R.8 receiver. Additional equipment, like a photo camera, could be added in the fuselage nose. To the rear of the pilot was the machine gunner’s position. He was seated with his back to the pilot.
The main armament consisted of three 12.7 mm heavy Breda-SAFAT machine guns with 1,250 rounds of ammunition each. The rear gunner operated one 7.7 mm Breda-SAFAT machine gun with 250 rounds of ammunition and an additional 250 rounds in reserve. The bomb bay was semi-exposed and could accomodate a few different bomb load configurations: Three 50 kg (110 lbs) bombs, three 100 kg (220 lbs) bombs or two 250 kg (550 lb) bombs. There was also the option to install 40 small 2 kg (4.4 lb) bombs. Theoretically, the Ba.88 could be equipped with a total bomb load of 1,000 kg (2,200 lb), but this was never done due to the airframe’s weight problems.
The rear machine gunner position with its 7.7 mm (0.31 in) machine gun can be clearly seen. In addition, despite the prototype having a simple single vertical tail assembly, the production version would have a new modified tail unit with twin fins and rudders. Source:www.warbirdphotographs.comA good top view of the Ba.88. www.warhistoryonline.com
A New Chance
With no other options, the Regia Aeronautica ordered the Ba.88 to be put into small production on the 20th of April, 1939. Production was to start in May of 1939, and by October 1939 some 80 had been produced. During 1938 and 1939, the Ba.88 was advertised abroad and several countries showed interest namely Sweden, Yugoslavia, Switzerland and Lithuania, but no orders were placed.
In Autumn of 1938 and early 1939, three newly produced Ba.88 were moved to Guidonia for more testing. The first Air Force units to be equipped with Ba.88s were the 7° Gruppo and the 19° Gruppo. In early May 1939, the first five Ba.88s were reallocated to the 76° Squadriglia of the 7° Gruppo. By September 1939, the 7° Gruppo (76°, 86°, 98° Squadriglia) and the 19° Gruppo (100°, 101°, 102° Squadriglia ) were equipped with 27 Ba.88 aircraft each, with 9 aircraft in each Squadriglia.
This Lince was part of the 7° Gruppo. Source:www.warbirdphotographs.com
With the installation of additional military equipment and armament, the performance and flight characteristics deteriorated dramatically. The top speed achieved with full military equipment and armament was much lower than that during the test flights. Italian army test pilots expressed concern about its flight characteristics, since even simple maneuvers were hard to achieve. In the hope of fixing some of these issues, a number of weight saving modifications were done during the war, but these problems would never be completely solved.
The Ba.88 During the War
During the war, the Ba.88 would be used only during the limited Italian attack on France and in North Africa. A small number were modified as experimental ground attack planes stationed in Italy but none were used operationally. Despite being originally designed as a multi-purpose aircraft, it would only be used in the ground attack role.
On the Western Front
After the German attack in the West in May 1940 and the rapid defeat of Allied forces in Holland and Belgium, the Italians tried to take advantage of the situation and declared war on the Allies. On 16th June, some 12 planes from the 7° Gruppo (or 19° Gruppo, depending on the source) made several bombing raids on airfields in Corsica. The next day, the attack was repeated with 9 Ba.88s. By 19th June, the battle was over. Italian combat analysis of these air attacks had led to the conclusion that the Ba.88 had only limited value as an effective operational aircraft.
In North Africa
The next use of the Ba.88 in combat was in North Africa, starting in August 1940. The Ba.88s of the 7° Gruppo were moved to Libya in August, and were part of the 5° Squadra Aerea. Due to the need to adapt them for desert conditions (with sand filters, for example), they were not combat ready until September. On 14th September, the 7° Gruppo was tasked with attacking Sidi El Barrani, a British airfield about 250 km (155 mi) behind the front. For the first attack, a group of three fully equipped Ba.88s, with full fuel load and ammunition, and carrying 250 kg (550 lb) of bombs were used. The attack failed as the Ba.88s were not able to take to the sky successfully. One Ba.88 had to return to the airfield as the aircraft could not maintain flight and another did not even manage to take off from the airfield. The last one, piloted by the unit commander, managed to take off but was constantly losing altitude and he was also forced to abandon the mission.
While the Ba.88 was used in the North African theater, its operational service life was disappointing due to it being mostly unusable for effective military service. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/vvsregiaavions/regiaindex.html
Many planned flights were also halted due to the Ba.88’s poor performance. Due to the heavy weight, low engine performance and increased drag (due to the addition of externally mounted bombs), the Ba.88’s performance fell dramatically. In a desperate attempt to improve its performance, all unnecessary internal equipment and the rear gunner positions were removed. In addition, many modifications to the design were also added but, in the end, none of these efforts made any appreciable difference.
By October only 10 Ba.88s were fully operational, down from a total of 29. On the 14th October 1940, three Ba.88s from the 98° Squadriglia were ordered to attack British armored forces around Sidi El Barrani and Bir Emba, but they failed to locate their targets. The next day, while on a reconnaissance mission, one was damaged by Italian anti-aircraft fire, as it was mistaken for a British plane.
Due to its disappointing performance, the Ba.88s were ordered to be removed from service. By the 16th of November, the 7° Gruppo had only 2 or 3 fully operational Ba.88 aircraft left. Because of the problems, most if not all surviving Ba.88 had been stripped of all useful equipment and armament, and were scattered around major airfields mostly to act as decoys for British attack aircraft.
Further Modifications: Ba.88 A74 and Ba.88 A74Bic
Despite being rejected from further military use, a second series of 60-70 Ba.88s was completed by Breda and I.M.A.M. None were used to equip any military units, and most were scrapped or used as target practice.
In a desperate hope of reusing the surviving operational Ba.88s, the Italian Air Force ordered them to be modified as dive bombers. The first tests were carried out at the Guidonia Experimental Centre air tunnel. There, different types of under wing brakes were tested, including the ones used on the German Junkers Ju-87. In order to save weight, the Piaggio engines were replaced with less powerful but much lighter Fiat A.74s. Great attention was given to reducing the weight as much as possible. This started with the engine, followed by reducing the fuel capacity by 117 liters (31 gallons), removing the rear machine gun turret position, the wing mounted bomb racks and the lower front machine gun.
Four Ba.88s (M.M. 3985, 3971, 3963 and 4034), together with one dual-control version, were modified with the A.74 engine. These received the Ba.88 A.74 and Ba.88 A.74 Bic (for the dual-control version) designations from Breda. These improved Ba.88 A.74 planes were equipped with modified wing mounted bomb racks in order to increase their offensive capabilities. It was possible to equip one larger 500 kg (1,100 lb), two 250 kg (550 lb) or three smaller 100 kg (220 lbs) bombs. In March 1942, these were given to the 1° Nucleo Addestramento Tuffatori stationed at Lonate Pozzolo. For further intensive testing, two Ba.88 A74 were allocated to the 101° Gruppo Tuffatori also based at Lonate Pozzolo. The tests proved to be disappointing and this unit was instead equipped with the older CR.42.
The Ba.88M
A last ditch attempt was made in the summer of 1942. One Ba.88 A.74 was modified with an 80 cm (31.5 in) longer fuselage and a wider wingspan of 2.3 m (7.55 ft). Parts of the metal wing construction were replaced with wooden panels. These modifications were done by Magni and Augusta. They received orders to modify an additional 6 Ba.88s. These received the Ba.88M designation, where M stands for ‘Modificato’, modified.
The Italian Air Force gave orders to these manufacturers to modify as many Ba.88 as possible. According to the original plan, a group of 40 improved Ba.88s was to be formed. Half of these would have been the single seat version and the other half two seat versions. In March 1943, additional modifications were required (by order of Air Force General Eraldo Ilari) in order to adapt the Ba.88 for dive bomber operations. These included the installation of only one 12.7 mm machine gun with an additional three that could be added if needed (two in the wing roots and one the fuselage), the possibility of adding armored plates for the pilot’s protection, removing parts of the wing’s leading edge in order to provide the pilot with a better view etc. Despite these improvements, the weight was actually increased by some 200 kg (440 lb).
By the end of July 1943, around 12 Ba.88s were gathered for modification. A few completed Ba.88Ms were allocated to 103° Gruppo Autonomo Tuffatori (independent dive-bombing group). This unit was also equipped with the German Ju-87. In August 1943, it was moved to Lonate Pozzolo and all its Ju-87s were given to 102° Gruppo. None of the Ba.88M were used in combat and, as the Germans occupied Italy, all surviving Ba.88s were scrapped for materials. Only one Ba.88M (MM 4605) was operated by the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana in Northern Italy under German markings.
This is the Ba.88 that was operated by the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana.Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/vvsregiaavions/regiaindex.html
Production and Modifications
Production of this aircraft began in May 1939 the Breda Bresso 81 workshop. In the first production series (around 80 aircraft), eight Ba.88 were built as dual-control trainers, with the added rear cockpit for the instructor, in place of the rear machine gunner. In addition, one modified single seater was built to be tested with an anti-tank cannon. An additional 24 aircraft were built by I.M.A.M. Later, in 1940, some 67 (or 42) new aircraft were built, 19 by Breda and 48 (or 23) by I.M.A.M. In the end, the total production was (depending on the source) 148 to 155 aircraft plus the prototype.
Newly produced Ba.88s. While difficult to spot, the last six aircraft (to the picture’s left) are actually the two-seater version. Sourcewww.warbirdphotographs.com
Ba.88 Prototype – One built.
Ba.88 – Production version.
Ba.88 Single seat prototype – One built to be tested with an anti-tank cannon.
Ba.88 Dual-control trainer – Eight were built.
Ba.88 A.74 – Experimental dive bomber version. A few were modified, but were not adopted for production. This model served as a base for the Ba.88M.
Ba.88 A.74 Bic – Two-seat version of the previous model, one built.
Ba.88M – Three modified aircraft in order to improve the Ba.88’s flight performance.
Regia Aeronautica – Operated small numbers of the Ba.88, but were quickly withdrawn from front service.
Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana – Operated one Ba.88M given to them by the Germans.
Germany – After the surrender of Italy, seized all surviving Ba.88s, but none were ever used operationally.
Sweden, Yugoslavia, Switzerland and Lithuania – These countries showed interest in the Ba.88, but buying orders never came from any of them.
Despite a promising start with excellent speed records, the Ba.88 would never fulfill the role which the Italian Air Force had hoped for. The greatest problem was the Ba.88 was a combination of excess weight coupled with underpowered engines, as it showed in Africa where even limited combat flights were nearly impossible with the aircraft barely able to take off with a full load of fuel and bombs. Later attempts to adapt it for dive bombing operations were also unsuccessful. In the end, the Ba.88 proved to be an ill-fated design and a complete failure.
Ba.88 Specifications
50 ft 5 in / 15.4 m
35 ft 3 in / 10.75 m
9 ft 10 in / 3 m
Wing Area
358.88 ft² / 33.34 m²
Two 1000 hp Piaggio P.XI RC.40 14-cylinder radial piston engine
Empty Weight
10,250 lbs / 4.650 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
6,750 lbs / 6.750 kg
Fuel Capacity
1,397 l / 370 Gallons
Climb Rate to 3 km
In 7 minutes 30 seconds
Maximum Speed
304 mph / 490 km/h
Cruising speed
273 mph / 440 km/h
1,020 miles / 1640 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
26,245 ft ft / 8,000 m
One pilot and the rear gunner
Three 0.5 in (12.7 mm) and one 0.3 in (7.7 mm)
Different configuration bomb loads – Three 110 lb (50 kg) bombs
Three 220 lb (100 kg) bombs
Two 550 lb (250 kg) bombs
40 small 4.4 lb (2 kg) bombs
Ba.88 Lince 100-7 – 100 Squadriglia, 19 Gruppo, 5 Stormo Assalto – Lonate, Pozzolo Italy – July 1940Ba.88 Lince 100-4 -100 Squadriglia, 19 Gruppo, 5 Stormo Assalto – Lonate Pozzolo Italy – July 1940Ba.88 Lince 11 – 7 Gruppo, 5 Stormo Assalto – St. Castel Benito, Libya – September 1940
Article written by Marko P.
Edited by Stan L. and Ed J.
Nešić, D. (2008). Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Italija. Tampoprint S.C.G. Beograd.
Nazi Germany (1936)
Shipborne and coastal reconnaissance aircraft – 98~118 Built
The He 114 Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com
In the mid-thirties, the German Ministry of Aviation (Reichsluftfahrtministerium – RLM) tasked the Heinkel company with developing a replacement for the He 60 shipborne and reconnaissance aircraft. While Heinkel fulfilled the request by building the He 114, its overall performance was deemed insufficient for German standards.
During the early thirties, the He 60 was adopted for service as the main German shipborne and coastal reconnaissance aircraft. As it was considered outdated, in 1935, the RLM issued to Heinkel a request for a new shipborne and coastal reconnaissance aircraft that was to replace the He 60. The next year, two prototypes were completed. While it was originally planned to test these aircraft with the BMW 132 engine, due to lack of availability, this was not possible. The first prototype (with D-UBAM marking) made its maiden flight in September 1936. It was powered by a Daimler Benz DB-600A which gave out 900 hp. The test results of the first flight were disappointing, as it proved difficult to control on the water but also in the air. The second prototype, V2 (D-UGAT), powered by a 740 hp Jumo 210 E, made its first flight in December 1936. It was used to test the catapult launching capabilities of this aircraft. It had some modifications in comparison to the first prototype, like having a larger tail and redesigned floats. Despite some improvements, the catapult launch testings from the Gneisenau showed that the He 114 was not suited for this role.
Despite not having a promising start, further prototypes were ordered. The V3 (D-IDEG) prototype was powered by an 880 hp BMW 132 K (or D, depending on the source) engine. The floats were once again redesigned and the pilot had a better-glazed shield. This aircraft was tested in April 1937 with similar performance as previous versions.
V4 (D-IHDG) made its maiden test flight in August 1937. It had many modifications in order to improve its performance. The wing’s edges were redesigned, new floats were used and it was also fitted with machine gun armament. V5 (D-IQRS) had new improved floats which enabled it to take-off even from ice. While most sources mention only five prototypes, some note that there were two more. The V6 and V7 prototypes were tested with similar equipment and were armed with two machine guns, one firing through the propeller and the second mounted to the rear. Additional armament tested consisted of two 50 kg (110 lb) bombs.
A side view of the V4 prototype, during a test flight. Source www.warbirdphotographs.com
Technical characteristics
The He 114 was designed as a single-engine, all-metal, twin crew biplane aircraft. It had a monocoque oval-shaped fuselage design. It was powered by one BMW 132K 960 hp nine-cylinder radial engine. The fuel load consisted of 640 l.
The He 114 BMW 132K 960 hp nine-cylinder radial engine. Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com
Somewhat unusual for biplanes of the era, the lower wings were much smaller than the upper ones. They had a half-elliptical design and were thicker than the upper wings. The upper wing was connected to the fuselage by two ‘N’ shaped struts. There were also two ‘Y’ struts connecting the lower and the upper wings. The upper wing was constructed using three parts with two ailerons. The upper wing could, if needed, be folded to the rear. The landing gear consisted of two floats which could also act as auxiliary fuel storage tanks with 470 l each.
On later models, the floaters were used as auxiliary fuel tanks. Source www.warbirdphotographs.com
The crew consisted of the pilot and the rear positioned machine gunner/observer. The armament consisted of one MG 15 7.92 mm (0.31 in) machine gun placed to the rear. The ammunition load for this machine gun was 600 rounds. Additionally, there was an option to externally mount two 50 kg (110 lb) bombs.
Close up view of The He 114 pilot control table. Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos
Further development
Despite being shown to have poor performance, a small production run was made by Heinkel. Some 10 (or 6 depending on the source) aircraft of the A-0 series, together with 33 of the A-1 series would be built. The only difference was the use of a larger rear tail design on the He 114A-1 series. The small number of He 114 built were given to various test units and flight schools, where its performance was often criticized by all. During its introduction to service, the much more promising Ar-196 was under development, but it would need some time until production was possible. As a temporary solution, the Luftwaffe officials decided not to retire the He 60 from service yet. Heinkel was informed that, due to the He 114’s overall poor performance, it would not be accepted for service and that it would be offered for export if anyone was interested. For this reason, Heinkel developed the He 114A-2 series. The He 114A-2 had a reinforced fuselage, floats that could be used as fuel storage tanks, and, additionally, it was modified to have catapult attach points. The He 114A-2, while tested, was not operated by the Luftwaffe, and it was used for the export market.
The following B-series (including B-1 and B-2) were actually just A-2 planes with some slight improvements, meant primarily for export. The history of the C-series is somewhat unclear, as it appears to be specially developed for Romania. It was much better armed, with either two 20 mm (0.78 in ) MG 151 cannons, two 13 mm (0.51 in) MG 131 heavy machine guns, or even two MG 17 7.92 mm (0.31 in) (the sources are not clear) placed inside the lower wings. Some sources also mention that additional machine guns were installed inside the engine compartment and could be fired through the propeller. Additionally, it appears that its fuselage was modified to be able to carry two additional 50 kg (110 lb) bombs. The rear positioned MG 15 was unchanged. This version also had a new Junkers type 3.5 m diameter propeller. The floaters were also slightly redesigned and it received smoke screen trovers. Additionally, to provide better stability while positioned near shore, a small anchor could be realized.
Operational use
Despite not being accepted by the Luftwaffe, due to the Kriegsmarine’s (German war navy) lack of sufficient seaplanes, some He 114 had to be used for this purpose. The distribution of the He 114 began in 1938 when the 1./Küstenfliegergruppe 506 was equipped with this aircraft. In 1939, it was 43equipped with the older He 60, as these proved to be better aircraft. Some German ships, like the Atlantis, Widder, and Pinguin, received these aircraft. During their use, the He 114 floater units proved to be prone to malfunctions. These were reported to be too fragile and could easily be broken down during take-off from the sea during bad weather.
While designed to be able to take-off from German ships, the He 114 construction was not strong enough and was prone to breakdowns with many aircraft being lost this way. Source /www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotosDespite intended as a replacement of the He 60 this was never implemented due to He 114 poor performance. Source www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos
A group of 12 He 114 C-1 aircraft that were to be sold to Romania were temporarily allocated to the 2nd Squadron of the 125th Reconnaissance Group (2/125 Aufkl.Sta.). These units operated in the area of Finland’s shore. When the Bv 138 became available in sufficient numbers, the He 114 C-1 was finally given to Romania.
Foreign use
While the He 114 failed to get any large production orders in Germany, it did see some export success. These included Denmark, Spain, Romania and Sweden. The B-series was sold, which was more or less a copy of the A-2 series.
In Danish service
The Danish use of the He 114 is not clear. Depending on the source, there are two versions. In the first, Denmark managed to buy 4 He 114 aircraft and even ordered more, but the German occupation stopped any further orders. In the second, while Denmark wanted to buy some He 114, nothing came of it, once again due to German occupation.
In Spanish service
During 1942, Spain obtained some 4 He 114s from the Germans. In Spanish service, these were known as HR-4. Despite their obsolescence and lack of spare parts, these would remain in use up to 1953.
Small numbers of He 114 were supplied to Spanish State during 1942. Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com
In Romanian service
Romania received a group of 12 He 114 in 1939. During the war, the number would be increased to 29 in total. These would be extensively used to patrol the Black Sea. At the end of the war, these were captured by the Soviets, who confiscated them. Some would be returned to Romania in 1947, which would continue to use them up to 1960, when they were scrapped.
The He 114 in Romanian Service.Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos
In Swedish service
Sweden bought some 12 He 114 in March 1941. In Swedish service, these would be renamed to S-12. Despite being an unimpressive design and prone to malfunction, the Swedish used them extensively during the period of 1941 to 1942, with over 2054 flight missions. They would remain in service up to 1945, with six aircraft being lost in accidents.
One S-12 (as it was known in Sweden) of 12 in total was sold to Sweden. Source: www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos
Despite its poor performance, Heinkel undertook a small production of the He 114. The number of produced aircraft ranges from 98 to 118 depending on the source.
He 114 Prototypes – Between 5 to 7 prototypes were built
He 114 A – Limited production series
He 114 B – Export version of the A-series
He 114 C – Slightly improved version with stronger armament
Germany – Small numbers of these aircraft were operated by the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine, but their use was limited
Denmark – Possibly operated four He 114 before the German occupation
Spain – Bought four He 114, and operated them up to 1953
Sweden – Bought 12 He 114 in March 1941, which remained in use until 1945
Romania – Operated 29 He 114, with the last aircraft being scrapped in 1960
Surviving aircraft
While there are no complete surviving He 114s various parts and wrecks have been found over the years. Parts of one wreck were found in lake Siutghiol near Mamaia, on the Romanian Black Sea coast, in 2012. There is a possibility that the wreck of another lays in a lake near Alexeni as well.
The He 114 was an unsuccessful design that failed to gain any larger production orders in Germany. It had difficult controls both in the air and on the water. While it would see some limited service with the Luftwaffe, most would be sold abroad, where some were used up to the ’60s.
He 114C-1 1./SAGr.125 -Baltic Area 1941He 114A-2 1.-KuFlGr-506 Devenow 1938He 114A 1./SAGr.125 Baltic Area 1941He 114B in Romanian Service Circa 1943
D. Nešić (2008), Naoružanje Drugog Svetskog Rata Nemačka Beograd
M. Griehl (2012) X-Planes German Luftwaffe Prototypes 1930-1945, Frontline Book.
S. Lonescu and C. Craciunoi, He 114, Editura Modelism
Jean-Denis G.G. Lepage Aircraft Of The Luftwaffe 1935-1945, McFarland and Company.
Ferenc A. and P. Dancey (1998) German Aircraft Industry And Production 1933-1945. Airlife England.
Kingdom of Hungary (1939)
Fighter aircraft – Number used: 70 brought and 185 to 203 built under license
The Italian Re.2000 was known in Hungary as the Héja (Hawk). Source: -: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/273562-reggiane-re2000-falco-and-h%C3%A9ja-ii-hungarian-version/
Despite not being adopted by the Italian Air Force, the Re.2000 would see some export success. Hungary bought a production license and 70 new aircraft for its Air Force. These would be supplemented by locally produced planes, both of which would see action during the Second World War. In Hungarian service, the Re.2000 would be known under the ‘Héja’ (Hawk) nickname.
Hungarian-Italian cooperation
During 1939, Hungarian Air Force (Magyar Királyi Honvéd Légierő) military officials were concerned with the need of acquiring more modern aircraft designs. As, during the 1930s, Hungary was a regular customer of Italian aviation equipment and planes (like the Fiat CR.32, for example), it was logical for the Hungarian Air Force military officials to turn to Italy for the acquisition of new aircraft.
By the end of 1939, Hungary sent a military delegation to purchase 70 fighter and 70 bomber planes. The Italians presented a number of different designs to this delegation, which included the Re.2000, Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79, and Ca.135bis. After a demonstration, the Hungarians were satisfied with the Re.2000’s performance. On 27th December 1939, a contract for the purchase of 70 new aircraft of this type was signed. This contract also included weapons, spare parts, onboard equipment, and a small number of airframes. Radios were not bought, as the Hungarians planned to equip them with domestically built R-13 ones. In addition, a license for domestic production was also obtained. The domestic production of the Re.2000 was to be carried out by MAVAG (Magyar Állami Vas, Acél és Gépgyárak/ Hungarian State Iron and Steel Works). The Re.2000s built-in Hungary were to be powered by domestically produced W.M. (Weiss Manfred) K-14 engines. The Italians were to deliver the first specimens by 15th January 1940.
As there were delays with the shipment of the first planes, the Hungarian Air Force sent a new delegation in April 1940 to Italy to determine what the problem was. To their astonishment, only one Re.2000 had been completed by this time. The Reggiane factory could not produce more planes due to a constant lack of raw materials. This single plane was flown to Hungary in May 1940. In Hungarian service, the first Héja received the serial number V-401 or V.401 (the V stands for Vadász/fighter). The remaining Héjas supplied by the Italians received the serial numbers V-402 to 470.
By the end of 1940, only 7 Héjas had been delivered to Hungary. The slow delivery rate was due to the shortage of materials, but also due to the fact that the Italian Air Force confiscated 9 planes for their own use. These would later be replaced by 9 newly built aircraft. The sources are not clear when the last aircraft arrived in Hungary. According to Gianni C., this happened at the end of 1941, but according to George P., this was on 29th May 1943!
The name
As already mentioned, the Re.2000 was known in Hungary under the Héja nickname. The origin of this name can be traced back to the Italian name given to this plane, “Falco”. In some sources, possibly in order to distinguish between the Italian and Hungarian built planes, the first were marked as Héja I and those built-in Hungary as Héja II. This article will use these two designations (when the precise model is noted by sources) but, for the sake of simplicity, the Héja I will be simply called Héja.
In Hungary
As the first Italian built Héja planes began to arrive in Hungary, they were intended to be given to different pilot training schools. Immediately after the arrival of the Héjas, the Hungarians noted a number of technical or structural problems with these planes. A great issue was the poor state and design of the throttles. These faulty throttles caused a number of accidents, with one Héja being lost in a fire during a landing accident. This issue with the throttles, despite efforts from Hungarian engineers, could not be solved until the end of 1941. Other issues with the Héjas were the poor state of the machine guns, which often jammed during firing or were misaligned, the instability of the canopy panels, and the lower quality of the wing skin. All this caused the Hungarians to make many modifications to the Héja in order to put them into service.
The Hungarian Héja II
With the contract to purchase 70 new fighters, the Hungarians also bought a license for production. The production of new planes was to be done by MAVAG. In order to avoid being dependent on Italian engines and to lower the overall price of the Re.2000, the Hungarians decided to upgrade this fighter with a domestically built engine. The initially planned new engine was a radial 14-cylinder air-cooled WMK-14 giving out 950 hp (or 930 hp, depending on the source). This engine was, in fact, a license-built version of the Gnome-Rhône Mistral Major K 14. One WMK-14 engine was sent to Reggiane to be installed in a Re.2000 in order to see if this modification was possible, but also to test its performance. The Italians, on the other hand, were never interested in this idea and preferred to sell the Re.2000 with its original engine. Due to the low interest and slow production rate of the Re.2000, nothing came from the Hungarian proposal. For this reason, the Hungarians decided that MAVAG should make these modifications.
Side view of the Hungarian Héja II. Source: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=28944.0
In order to improve the potential flight performance of the plane, the Hungarian Ministry of Defence decided to use the stronger WMK-14B 1085 hp engine. For this reason, the manufacturer, Weiss Manfred, was to produce 329 new WMK-14B engines, of which 247 were to be used on Héja’s and the other 82 as spare engines.
The first plane to be powered with this engine was the Héja (V-401) supplied by the Italians. It was modified by MAVAG and then tested. The tests were successful and the order for 100 Héja II was given. The production was to be divided into two batches, a first one of 25 planes and a second with 75 planes after the first one was completed.
The Italians sent the needed documents for the production of the Re.2000 to Hungary in October 1940, which caused some delays for the Héja II production run. The first operational Héja II was built in June 1941 and was successfully tested the same month. By this time, the Hungarians also obtained a license production for the German Me-109 fighter. This plane was much better than the Héja II, but it was estimated that the production of Me-109s in any larger numbers could not be achieved until 1943. For this reason, it was decided to continue Héja II production as a temporary solution.
The preparations for the production of the first 25 Héja IIs began in November 1941. Despite the extra spare parts and airframes supplied by the Italians, the start of production could take place immediately. The reason for this was the lack of proper machine tools and production capacities of MAVAG, but also due to various testing and modifications. The second Héja (V-402) was reequipped with the stronger engine for testing purposes. It was flight tested at the Experimental Institute near Csepel. After a series of test flights, some modifications were required, like improving throttle controls and modifying the rear tailwheel.
Production of the Héja II began only in July 1942. Immediately at the start of production, problems with the Reggiane fuel tank seal were noted. The Hungarian engineers simply replaced it with 22 smaller 20-25 l fuel tanks. To their surprise, this modification actually improved the Héja II’s stability during flight, as it reduced fuel sloshing in the tank. The production of the first 25 planes (with the modified fuel tanks) was completed by October 1942. Before the start of the second series of 75 aircraft, an order for 100 additional Héja IIs was placed. The last Héja II would be built in early March 1944. Officially, the Héja II was accepted for service in late September 1942 by the Hungarian Air Force.
A Héja II (V-495) from the first batch was tested by test pilot Tibor T. in March of 1943. The production of the later series was slowed down due to difficulties with obtaining necessary parts from abroad (due to the Italian capitulation and the desperate state of the German economy). In addition, the WM factory was bombed in early April 1944. The factory was almost completely destroyed, with the loss of nearly all equipment and spare parts. For this reason, the Hungarians were forced to stop the production of the WMK-14 engine. WM was finally destroyed in another bombing raid in July 1944. For this reason, the production of a group of nearly 30 new Héja IIs could not be completed.
Technical characteristics
The Héja I was a regular Re 2000, the characteristics of which will not be repeated.
The Héja II was a low wing, metal construction, single-seat fighter plane. The fuselage consisted of a round frame covered with metal sheets held in place by using flush-riveting. The Héja II wings had a semi-elliptical design, with five spars covered with stress skin. The original Re.2000 fuel tanks, placed in the central part of the wing, were replaced with 22 smaller 20-25 l fuel tanks. The wings were equipped with fabric-covered Frise type ailerons. The rear tail had a metal construction with the controls covered with fabric.
The landing gear system was unusual. When it retracted backward, it rotated 90° before it fell into the wheel bays. For better landing, the landing gear was provided with hydraulic shock absorbers and pneumatic brakes. The smaller rear wheel was also retractable and could be steered if needed.
The Héja II was powered by one WMK-14B 1085 hp engine. With the stronger engine, the Héja II could achieve a maximum speed of 323 mph (520 km/h). A larger 10.5 ft (3.2 m) Weiss Manfred three-bladed and hydraulically controlled variable pitch propeller were used. Due to the installation of the new engine, the front fuselage design had to be changed and extended by 1.3 ft (40 cm). As the new engine had a somewhat smaller diameter, the pilot front field of view was increased. In addition, the engine cowling design was changed.
The pilot cockpit canopy opened to the rear and gave a good overall view of the surroundings. The Hungarian Héja II was not originally provided with the 0.3 in (8 mm) thick armor plate placed behind the pilot seat. The Hungarians tested domestically built ones, but the results of these tests are not clear. Most interior equipment, except the radio, was provided by the Italians.
The two 0.5 in (12.7 mm) Breda-SAFAT heavy machine guns were replaced with Hungarian Gebauer MGs of the same caliber. The Gebauer gun had a firing rate of 1000 rounds per minute. The ammunition for each machine gun was 300 rounds stored in a box magazine. With the installation of these machine guns, the upper part of the front fuselage had to be redesigned.
During the war
With the German attack on the Soviet Union in June 1941, Hungary, together with other Axis allies, joined this offensive. For the attack on the Soviet Union in early August 1941, the Hungarians dispatched the Independent Fighter Group, which consisted of two fighter squadrons equipped with CR.42 planes. The first Héja fighter squadron with seven (or six, depending on the source) planes was formed on 7th August 1941. It was stationed at Sutyska airfield near Vinnytsia, in Ukraine. A few days later, it was moved to Pervomayks and was put in a fighter escort role for Hungarian bombers. The first operational mission was to escort a group of Ca.135 bombers in attacking Nikolayev on the 11th of August. The first air victories were achieved in late August when three Héja fighters engaged a group of five Soviet I-16 fighters near Dniepropetrovsk. The Hungarian fighters managed to shoot down three I-16s with no losses. By the end of August, the Héja fighters had made in 151 sorties with five achieved victories. The Héja would see action on the Eastern front up to late October 1941, when they were recalled to Hungary. One aircraft was lost during the flight back to Hungary when it crashed somewhere over the Carpathian mountains. During its first year of service, the Héja’s were mostly used in bomber escort and occasional ground attack missions. As most of the Soviet Air Force was destroyed early on, there were few air encounters with enemy planes. In total, three Héja were lost, with one additional being damaged.
A side view of a column of three Héja II somewhere in Hungary. Source: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php?topic=28944.0This Héja (V-409) was sent to the Eastern Front in the second half of 1941. Source: http://themodelingunderdog.blogspot.com/2011/04/training-hawk-mavag-heja-ii-in-service.html
In preparation for the new German campaign on the Eastern Front in 1942, the Hungarian Air Force formed the 1st Fighter Group. This Fighter Group had a Squadron equipped with 12 Héja fighter planes commanded by Colonel K Csukas. This Squadron was combat-ready by 5th July 1942. As there were cases of Germans mistaking the Héja for Soviets planes, one Héja and also a CR.42 were sent to several German airfields in order to familiarize German pilots with these planes. Initially, the Germans gave the Hungarian fighters the task of patrolling and escorting reconnaissance and bomber planes near the front. On 13th July, the Héjas were tasked with defending the ground forces concentrating for the attack on Soviet positions.
By the end of July 1942, a second unit equipped with 11 Héja was deployed to the front. Both Héja units were moved to Ilosvoskoye in early August. The first squadron was tasked with a bomber escort mission, while the second with a reconnaissance escort mission. The 1st Fighter Group was in really bad shape due to maintenance problems, with only four Héja being operational by the 8th of August. This forced the Hungarians to ask the Germans for fighter cover for their troops.
In early August 1942, the Héja fighters were hard-pressed to stop the increasing number of Soviet bombing raids into Axis lines. On 7th August, a Soviet IL-2 managed to shoot down a Héja fighter which crashed into the ground. On the same date, Héja fighters intercepted a group of three German He-111 bombers which were accidentally bombing Hungarian lines and managed to shoot down one.
On 20th August, while making a take-off from an airfield near Ilosvoskoye, István Horthy (son of Miklós Horthy) lost his life in an accident. Author Maurizio D. T. notes that the accident was possibly caused due to the installation of a 0.98 in (25 mm) thick armor plate behind the pilot seat. There are also claims that the plane was sabotaged by the Germans due the Miklós Horthy allegedly showing sympathy for the English people, but this is improbable. The Germans were in no position to sacrifice trained fighter pilots or planes. Horthy probably simply crashed due to a pilot error or miscalculation.
This is the plane piloted by István Horthy (the son of Miklós Horthy). It is easily distinguished by the small star and two revolver insignia painted on the front part of the fuselage. István Horthy was killed in an accident during take-off in late August 1942. Source: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/273562-reggiane-re2000-falco-and-h%C3%A9ja-ii-hungarian-version/
By late August, the 1st Fighter Group lost four planes either due to enemy action or accidents and six more were damaged but in a state that could be repaired. By the end of August, Héja pilots managed to shoot down five enemy aircraft, with three more in September. By October 1942, most Héja pilots were recalled to Hungary to begin training on the new Me-109 planes. The remaining 13 Héjas were used on the Eastern Front up to late December, with only six still being operational.
During the Soviet attack on Axis positions around Stalingrad, the Hungarians sent all available planes, including the few working Héja fighters, to stop these attacks. The following days, a pair of Héja fighters sent to escort German bombers were attacked by Soviet fighters but managed to escape. By 15th January, the Héja performed mostly escort missions. The surviving Héjas met their fate when they were destroyed by their crew in order to avoid being captured, as they could not make an escape due to the harsh Russian winter.
No improved Héja IIs were used on the Eastern Front, as these were kept in reserve. As a shipment of more advanced Me-109G arrived in Hungary from Germany in late 1943, the Héja was mostly used for training. But, due to the increase of Allied bombing runs, they were put into action for the defense of Hungary skies.
By March 1944, Germans sent forces to occupy Hungary, as there was information that Hungarian politicians were negotiating with the Soviets for an armistice. During this occupation, the Germans prevented any further work or training on the Héja II. In April, the Allies made major bombing raids against Hungarian factories. This affected the supply of new spare parts, but, despite this, a group of 30 newly built Héja II was tested in April.
This Héja II (serial number V-479) was used mostly for training, as it was obsolete by 1944 war standards. Source: http://themodelingunderdog.blogspot.com/2011/04/training-hawk-mavag-heja-ii-in-service.html
During the Allied Bombing raid by the 15th Air Force on Budapest (13th April 1944), the P-38 escort fighters were attacked by a group of Héja II fighters. During this engagement, one Héja II was damaged. Another group of 8 Héja II was sent to support the defense of Budapest. Four of these attacked Allied bombers but, due to heavy defensive fire, the attack had to be aborted. Two Héja II fighters were damaged and one had to make an emergency landing. The second group of four fighters failed to reach the bombers but ran into a group of P-47s. After a short engagement, one Héja II was shot down and one was damaged.
This was one of the Héja II (piloted by Ferenc Kass) which engaged Allied P-47s during the defense of Budapest in April 1944. Despite being hit several times, the pilot managed to escape and land it without any problems. Source: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/273562-reggiane-re2000-falco-and-h%C3%A9ja-ii-hungarian-version/Rearview of Ferenc Kass’ Héja II fighter plane. The damaged rear tail is evident here. Source: http://themodelingunderdog.blogspot.com/2011/04/training-hawk-mavag-heja-ii-in-service.html
Due to the lack of spare parts, some 30 Héja II fighters could not be completed. The Hungarians tried to salvage any parts from damaged aircraft, but this was insufficient. In December 1944, there were six operational planes with the training unit ‘Puma’ Fighter Wing. The last Héja II was lost in early 1945 in an accident.
Héja wartime improvements and modifications
Based on the front line experience, in order to provide the pilots with better protection, the Hungarians asked the Italians for the design blueprints of the Re.2000 and Re.2001 0.3 in (8 mm) armored plates. The Re.2001 version was preferred, as it was much lighter at 110 lbs (50 kg), while the Re.2000 one was heavier, at 200 lbs (90 kg). The Italians, for some reason, did not agree to give these blueprints, so the Hungarians were forced to develop their own design. Author Maurizio D. T. mentions that a 0.98 in (25 mm) armor plate was added behind the pilot seat, which affected plane performance.
An additional fuel tank with 100 l was added into the fuselage in order to increase the operational range. It was equipped with a self-sealing coating in order to avoid any fuel leaks which could lead to a fire accident.
In the late part of the war, two planes were modified and equipped with dive brakes and bomb racks for 550 lbs (250 kg) or 1100 lbs (500 kg), in order to be tested for use as dive bombers. For further testing, one additional Héja II was modified for this. The tests appear to have been unsuccessful, as no production order followed for this modification.
By the end of 1942, there were plans to form a Night Fighter Squadron equipped with German radio equipment. As the promised equipment never arrived, no such unit was ever formed.
The production of the first Héja II began in July 1942, with the first 25 completed by October 1942. Before the start of the second series of 75 aircraft, an order for 100 additional Héja IIs was placed. The last Héja II would be built in early March 1944. Depending on the sources used, the production numbers are different. The numbers go from 185, 192 to 203 planes. The difference in number may be caused by the fact that some sources include also the last 30 unfinished airframes.
Héja I – 70 planes were purchased from the Italians
Héja II – Hungarian built version
Héja II dive bomber – Three Héja IIs were modified for the role of dive bombers but were not accepted for service
Héja II night fighter – There were plans to use the Héja II as a night fighter but due to the lack of necessary equipment no plane was ever used in this role.
The Héja provided the Hungarians with a much needed modern fighter plane. While it did see service, it was never used in any larger numbers due to problems with the delivery of new planes from Italy. Even when the improved Héja II was produced in Hungary, it was also plagued with slow production and distribution to combat units. By the time the Héja II was built in larger numbers, it was already outdated by late-war standards.
Héja II Specifications
36 ft 1 in / 11 m
26 ft 6 in / 8.4 m
10 ft 4 in / 3.15 m
Wing Area
220 ft² / 20.4 m²
One WMK-14B 1085 hp engine
Empty Weight
4560 lbs / 2.070 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
5550 lbs / 2,520 kg
Fuel Capacity
500 + 100 l
Climb to 6 km (19,700 ft)
6 minutes 10 seconds
Maximum Speed
323 mph / 520 km/h
Cruising speed
255 mph / 410 km/h
560 mile / 900 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
25.700 ft / 8.140 m
1 pilot
Two 0.5 in (12.7 mm) heavy machine guns
Heja, Illustration by Pavel Alexe
Heja II, Illustration by Pavel Alexe
Nešić, D. (2008). Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Italija. Beograd
David M. (2006). The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books
Maurizio D.T. (2002). Reggiane RE 2000 Falco, Heja, J.20, Instituto Bibliografico Napoleone
G. Punka (1994), Hungarian Air Force, Signal Publications
George P. Reggiane Fighters In Action. Signal Publication
Jonathan T. (1963) Italian Civil And Military Aircraft 1930-1945, Aero Publisher
Gianni C. (1966) The Reggiane Re.2000, Profile Publication Ltd.
John F.B. (1972) Caproni Reggiane Re 2001 Falco II, Re 2002 Ariete and Re 2005 Sagittario, Profile Publications
Kingdom of Italy (1941)
Fighter Aircraft – 32 ~ 48 Built
The Re.2005 was one of the better and more modern Italian WWII fighter designs. It was developed by Reggiane in 1941. Due to the lack of DB.605 engines, the development and production process of the aircraft was too slow and, by the time of the Italian surrender to the Allies, less than 50 had been built.
Re. 2005 Source: Pinterest
Officine Meccaniche Reggiane SA (hailing from Reggio Emilia in Northern Italy) was a WWI era aircraft manufacturer. However, following the First World War, it was not involved in any large aircraft production or design work. Rather as a company, it focused primarily on the Rail and Agriculture sectors primarily building locomotives and agricultural equipment. Its production efforts only returned to aircraft during the thirties when Reggiane became a subsidiary of the much larger Caproni aircraft manufacturer, which was led by the well-known Engineer Gianni Caproni. Thanks to this, Reggiane was aided by Caproni with a larger and more qualified aircraft design department. Reggiane and Caproni were involved with several experimental pre-war designs, like the Ca.405 Procellaria and P.32bis version, in addition to their license production of the S.M.79.
By 1941, the Italian Air Force was in a very desperate state, as it lacked an effective fighter design that could engage the increasing Allied bombing actions against Italian cities. The only modern design, the Macchi C.202, could not be produced in sufficient numbers to make a difference. For this reason, the Italian Air Force initiated the development of the so-called Serie 5 fighter designs that would eventually lead to the Fiat G.55, Macchi C.205, and the Reggiane Re.2005.
One of the greatest problems that the Italian aircraft designers and manufacturers had was the lack of sufficiently strong engines. In 1938, the development of a 1200 hp Fiat A.38 engine began, but many problems appeared and the engine could not be produced in time nor in any great numbers. For this reason, the license for the production of the German DB.601 was obtained. The problem was that Alfa Romeo’s, the manufacturer of this licensed engine, production output of this engine was only around 50 to 60 per month. Due to the lack of an adequate engine, Italian General Francesco Pricolo proposed creating new designs using the German 1475 hp DB.605 engine, which was to be produced by Fiat from 1942 on. The first planes chosen to be equipped with this engine were the Re.2001 and C.202. On 23rd July 1941, a decision was made to save the entire production of the DB.601 engine for the C.202. In addition, around 1000 new DB.605 engines were ordered to be produced by Fiat. Reggiane officials, seeing a new business opportunity, devoted all their available resources in the development of the new Re.2005 model.
The name
In various sources, this plane is marked by different but similar designations. These include RE 2005, Re 2005, or Re.2005. This article has and will use the Re.2005 designation. In early January 1943, the Re.2005 received its ‘Sagittario’ (name of the Constellation Archer) nickname, which is very well known today.
Re.2005 beginnings
In order to design the future Re.2005, a team was chosen under the leadership of Giuseppe Maraschini. His team decided that, instead of simply improving earlier models, they would design and build a brand new aircraft prototype. Carryovers from previous vehicles included the wings, which were similar to previous models but were made of a single piece. The armament was increased to two 0.5 in (12.7 mm) machine-guns and one 0.78 in (20 mm) cannon firing through the propeller hub, with two additional 0.5 in (12.7 mm) machine guns to be placed in the wings. A new outward retracting landing gear was to be installed. The radiators were placed under the fuselage. The building of the wooden fuselage mock-up was completed by the end of October 1941. The wings were completed by early November 1941. Preparation for the construction of two working prototypes (MM.494 and 495) began soon after.
However, there were delays due to the lack of promised DB.605 engines, that were not ready for license production yet. There was also a possibility that all future produced DB.605 engines would be delivered to Fiat and Macchi designs only. Despite these setbacks, the work on an operational prototype continued and, in February 1942, the factory was visited by the High Technical-Military Inspectorate commission. This commission gave good remarks for the Re.2005 design but asked to move the wing-mounted machine guns into the fuselage. As this would cause many technical problems and delays, nothing was done on this matter and the machine guns remained in the wings. By this time, the required shipments containing the armament (Mauser 0.78 in/20 mm MG 151 cannons), canopies, and windscreens (same as on the MC.205) were yet to arrive, as there were constant delays.
Once completed, the first test flight of the MM.494 prototype was made on 9th (or 7th, depending on the source) May 1942. For the main test, pilot Major Tullio De Pranto was hired by Reggiane, for the payment of 140.000 lire. This flight lasted around 5 minutes and was without problems. The following day, Major De Pranto made another flight with the MM.494 prototype. At first, it was fine but then the landing gear mechanism on the right leg broke down, which forced the pilot to make an emergency landing. The prototype was damaged but repaired and the flight tests continued during June and July 1942. By this time, over 6 hours of flight were achieved. In late July, the plane was transported to the Guidonia test center for further testing. There, during dive testing, a maximum speed of some 560 mph (900 km/h) was achieved. But there were again problems with the landing gear and also with the cockpit design and, for these reasons, it was returned to Reggiane for modifications. During August, modifications on the cockpit were made, mostly on the design of glass surfaces and the length of the windscreen, which was considered to be too long for the pilot. In September, the flight tests continued, but there were some issues with the engine malfunctioning and the MM.494 pilot was forced to make an emergency landing. By late September, many pilots had the opportunity to fly on the Re.2005 prototype.
The first prototype, MM.494, in preparation for a series of test flights. Source: Pinterest
At the start of October 1942, the second prototype was moved to the Guidonia test center for testing. There, the problem with the landing gear persisted, in addition to problems with fuselage vibrations that were also noted. By the end of October, the Re.2005 was used in a mock fight with the Fiat G.55. During the firing of its 0.78 in (20 mm) cannons, there were ammunition feed problems. For these reasons, in combination with the previous notes, the MM.495 prototype was returned to Reggiane for further modifications. In late December 1942, an Air Force Commission was formed to examine the Re.2005 prototype overall flying performance, armament, production speed, etc. The Re.2005 was noted to be inferior to the MC.205 but better than the Fiat G.55. While the final decision was not clear, the development of the Re.2005 continued on.
The second MM.495 prototype stationed at Reggio Emilia. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/vvsregiaavions/regiaindex.html
The next step in Re.2005 testing was the addition of bomb loads. During these tests, no major problem was recorded, but the take-off run was increased by some 657 ft (200 m) due to the extra weight. While piloted by Captain Enzo Sant’andrea, instead of releasing the 1410 lb (640 kg) bomb, the release harness mechanism failed and the bomb remained stuck to the plane. He was forced to land with the bomb, but luckily it did not explode and the landing was successful. Various tests were carried out with the original German engine and equipment from April to June 1943.
The Re.2005 prototype was used to supplement a mixed unit in the defense of Rome on 27th May 1943. During this flight, the Re.2005 was piloted by Lieutenant Giorgio Berolaso. While no enemy aircraft were detected, he managed to test the main armament. He later wrote, “ … It was a terrific experience! Such was the recoil that I had the impression that the entire aircraft slowed down…”.
Reggiane fights for production orders
In January 1942. Italian Air Force Officials decided to adopt the Macchi C.202, C.205, and the Fiat G.55 for mass production. The fate of the Re.2005 was, for some time, uncertain. Only in August 1942 did Reggiane receive orders to prepare machine tooling for the possible production of the Re.2005. In October, Reggiane petitioned for the production of 16 Series-0 Re.2005 aircraft. This petition was accepted by Italian Air Force officials and an order for 16 Series-0 (MM.092343-092358) planes was placed in November. Engineer Roberto Longhi was tasked with the construction of the first Series-0 aircraft. As numerous modifications were required, he immediately began working to improve the Re.2005’s performance. The fuselage skin was reinforced, along with the wing spar caps, skins, and internal structure.
As Engineer Roberto Longhi was working to improve the Re.2005, a special Air Force committee rejected it for serial production. Instead, the Re.2005’s improved wings were to be applied to the Re.2002 to serve either as an advanced fighter or as a fighter-bomber. It was also proposed to reequip the Re.2005 with the weaker DB.601 due to a lack of DB.605 engines. For some time, there were fierce discussions between Reggiane officials and the Italian Air Force about the Re.2005. The Reggiane officials even managed to involve Benito Mussolini in this discussion. Eventually, Reggiane managed to obtain a production order for 100 Re.2005 in January 1943, with an additional 18 of the Series-0. In late January 1943, it was increased to 600 aircraft with a monthly production of 70. In order to achieve such high production orders, other manufacturers were to be included in Re.2005 production, like Breda, Caproni, and Aerfer. Eventually, an order for 1000 aircraft was sent with Reggiane, but these numbers were never achieved due to a lack of engines and the war ending for the Italians.
When the production began in early March 1943, it was decided that, from the 24th produced plane onward, bomb racks would be added and the planes were to be used solely as fighter-bomber aircraft.
Technical characteristics
The Re.2005 was designed as a single-engined, low wing, all-metal fighter plane. The fuselage was made using a reinforced sheet metal construction covered with an aluminum alloy skin. The fuselage around the cockpit was additionally strengthened in case of a crash landing.
The landing gear had a simpler design than previous Reggiane designs. It consisted of two outward retracting wheels which were operated hydraulically. The rear tail wheel retracted into the fuselage and was enclosed by two small metal doors. The rear tail wheel could also be steered by the pilot if needed.
To speed up and ease production, the wings were made of one semi-elliptical piece. The wings were made using light alloy materials. They consisted of three double ‘T’ shape spars connected with sheet metal ribs. The split flaps made of metal were extended to under the fuselage. The ailerons (Frise type) were made using a combination of fabric and light alloy materials.
The cockpit had a canopy that could be opened to the right side. For better pilot protection, his seat was made using an 8 mm steel plate. The cockpit was provided with standard Italian equipment, like an Allocchio-Bacchini 30 radio, San Giorgio reflector collimator, Patin telecompass, etc.
Close lock of the Re.2005 cockpit interior. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/vvsregiaavions/regiaindex.html
The engine used was the German Daimler Benz DB.605A-1 1.475 hp that was being produced under license in Italy as the R.A.1050 RC.58 Tifone (Typhoon). A Piaggio P.2001 three-bladed, mechanically controlled metal propeller was used. The engine was placed in a specially designed mount that was connected to the rest of the fuselage. The Re.2005 oil radiators and coolant were placed on the sides.
The total fuel load was 580 l (or 536 l, depending on the source) stored in four fuel tanks placed in the wings. Access to the fuel tanks was done by removing metal plate panels held in place by screws. Three additional external fuel tanks could be added if needed, one larger with 240 l under the fuselage and two 100 l tanks under the wings.
For Italian standards, the Re.2005 was heavily armed with German supplied cannons. Its armament consisted of one 0.78 in (20 mm) MG 151 cannon firing through the propeller center and two 0.45 in (12.7 mm) Breda SAFAT machine-guns were placed in the front fuselage. Depending on the availability, two 0.45 in or two 0.78 in cannons could be placed in the wings. The total ammunition load was 550-600 (for all three) rounds for the cannon and 700 rounds for the two machine guns. Different bomb load combinations were tested, with a maximum load under the fuselage of 1410 lb (640 kg) and 350 lb (160 kg) under each wing.
The center of the propeller has an opening for the internal 0.78 in (20 mm) MG 151 cannon. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/vvsregiaavions/regiaindex.html
In Operational service
Due to the small number built, the Re.2005 saw only a limited number of actions with the Italian Air Force. All surviving Re.2005 were captured by the Germans, who put them to use. The last operator was the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana, which had only a few Re.2005, but if any were ever used operationally is not known. There were attempts to sell the Re.2005 to Sweden, but nothing came from this.
In Italian Service
The delivery of the Re.2005 to operational units was slow, maximally up to four planes per month. The first unit to be supplied with this aircraft was the 362° Squadriglia which was part of the XXII Gruppo Caccia commanded by Captain Germano La Ferla. The first prototype, MM.494, was given to this unit in early 1943. At the start of April 1943, a group of 20 Italian fighters attacked an Allied B-24 bomber formation and managed to shoot down two bombers. One kill was credited to Re.2005. On 10th April, another attack on an Allied bomber formation was made and the Re.2005 again managed to shoot down one bomber. The next day, two more B-24 were shot down at the cost of one Re.2005. The pilot managed to survive using a parachute. On 28th April, another attack was made by a group of four Re.2005, eleven Macchi C.202 and one French captured D.520. In this action, the Re.2005 pilots shot down two more bombers. By this time, it was apparent to the pilots that the Re.2005 was far superior to the C.200 and C.202. The greatest strength of the Re.2005 was its strong firepower of up to three 0.78 in (20 mm) cannons. From May to June, there were several more flights but without any success.
A group of four Re.2005 belonging to the 362° Squadriglia. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/vvsregiaavions/regiaindex.html
The 362° Squadriglia was moved to Latina in June 1943. By this time, the 362° Squadriglia had only 8 Re.2005 with 7 operational. On 25th June, this position was attacked by Allied aircraft and four fighters were damaged.
In early July 1943, the 362° Squadriglia, with around 8 Re.2005, was relocated to Sicily in an attempt to stop the Allied advance. In the following days, the Re.2005 managed to shoot down several British Spitfires with the loss of a few aircraft. With the inevitable Axis defeat in Sicily, the Re.2005 crews were moved to Italy. The last two operational Re.2005 were lost in an air raid on the positions of the 371° Squadriglia to which they were temporarily attached.
This Re.2005 (MM.092352) was part of the 362° Squadriglia defending Rome in June 1943. Source: Pinterest
In mid-July, the 362° Squadriglia was operated from Naples with newly supplied Re.2005. By 20th July, this unit had only six Re.2005 but, in the following days two, were lost during bad landings, including the second prototype. Other units were also supplied with the Re.2005 but, in most cases, they were supplied in very limited numbers, for example to 369° Squadriglia. Through August, there were several unsuccessful flight attempts against Allied aircraft. A number of Re.2005 were lost either to Allied action or to other circumstances. By early September, due to the Italian surrender, all available Re.2005 stationed in Naples were destroyed by their crews.
The maximum number of Re.2005 ever operated by 363° Squadriglia was around 9 operational planes. By the time of the Italian surrender, in total, 19 Re.2005 were supplied for operational use to front line pilots. During the period in which XXII Gruppo Caccia was equipped with the Re.2005, it claimed to have shot down some 24 enemy aircraft, with 17 more labeled as possible. In addition, 8 to 13 aircraft were reported to be damaged by this unit. The total losses of Re.2005 amounted to 12 planes, with the deaths of 3 pilots and 4 wounded. While in service, the Re.2005 landing gear proved to be problematic and thus the ground repair crews made several field modifications in order to solve this problem.
The Re.2005 had the best firepower of nearly all Italian fighter designs. With its three 0.78 in (20 mm) cannons, its pilots managed to shoot down many Allied planes during its short operational life. Source. Wiki
In German hands
After the Italian defeat, the Germans rushed to capture any available military equipment and factories they could find. This included the Reggiane factory, along with all surviving Re.2005 in September 1943. Once in German hands, 8 Re.2005 that were under construction were completed. The Germans seemed to be satisfied with its performance and allocated them to the Luftwaffe Luftdienst Kommando Italien in October 1943. At the start of 1944, two additional Re.2005 were completed and given to the Luftwaffe.
The Germans were impressed with the Re.2005’s performance and put to use any surviving aircraft they could find. Source: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/f5avipatches/re2005%20page.html
The use of the Re.2005 by Germans is somewhat confusing, as some authors suggest that they were used in defense of Berlin up to the war’s end ( like D. Mondey). Author M. Di Terlizzi mentions that the MM.495 prototype along with MM.096105 were sent to Germany for evaluation, but what their fate was is not known. Author G. Punka even writes that the second prototype was used in defense of Bucharest. Both cases seem highly unlikely if we take into account the cost of transport, lack of spare parts which would force it to operate close to the Reggiane factory, and the small numbers of captured planes. Even if the Re.2005 were repositioned to defend Berlin, they would have made no difference due to the small number built.
In an Allied bombing raid in March 1944, three Re.2005 were lost. From March to June 1944, three more were damaged, mostly due to accidents, and were returned to Reggiane for repair. By the end of July, five Re.2005 were still operational and used by the Fliger Ziel Staffel 20. This unit was active from June to December 1944. The final fate of the German-operated Re.2005 is not clear but, by the end of 1944, all were probably lost.
Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana
The Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana had two operational Re.2005 captured at Castiglione del Lago in October 1943. It is highly unlikely that they ever saw any operational service.
Offer to Sweden
In 1942, the Chief of the Caproni commercial company (Compagnia Commerciale) made an attempt to sell the license and 50 incomplete airframes to Sweden. His offer was based on the fact that Italy had sold older Re.2000 and that Sweden had obtained a license for the production of the German DB.605 engine. By the time the Air Ministry and Mussolini allowed this arrangement, in June 1943, it was too late and the whole deal was never achieved.
Proposals and modifications
During the Re.2005’s development process, there were few attempts to overcome the problem of the lack of an adequate engine. Other different modifications were also tested, but with little to no success.
Re.2005 SF/R
In late November 1942, there were proposals to mount an additional jet engine on the Re.2005 which could help it reach a speed up to 466 mph (750 km/h), at least in theory. Due to the extra weight of some 1000 lb (310 kg) and complications with the installation, no Re.2005 was ever fitted with this engine. This proposal is often marked by Re.2005 SF, after the names of the main proponents of this project, Marcello Sarracino and Antonio Ferri. It is also marked simply as Re.2005 R, Reazione (Reaction), by some sources.
Re.2005 wooden version
Luigi Nardi made a proposal to build the Re.2005 aircraft using mostly wood. This would make the production of Re.2005 cheaper. Nardi was involved in building the first wooden wings in March, following with a fuselage in June 1943. Reggiane officials hired Nardi in late 1942 ( officially in early 1943) and gave him a team of 39 men to complete a wooden model. Little to no progress was made by 1943 and, in the end, it appears that no working prototype was ever built.
Twin fuselage Re.2005 version
There was a paper proposal in late 1942 to build a twin-fuselage heavy fighter version of the Re.2005. It was to be powered by two DB.605 engines and the pilot was to be positioned in the left fuselage. This project remains on paper only and no mock-up or working model was ever built. In 1943, Nardi proposed a similar all-wood project, but nothing came of this. If these two projects were related, it is not known. It is unknown if this version received any official designation.
Re.2005 aircraft carrier version
Due to Reggiane’s experience with shipboard aircraft designs, the Re.2005 was chosen to be used for the Aquila aircraft carrier. No progress was ever made for this version and, in the end, nothing came from it.
Due to the lack of DB.605 engines and the priority given to the G.55 and C.205 aircraft, Italian Air Force officials proposed in late 1941 that Reggiane adopt another solution. This included the use of the new Isotta Fraschini Zeta 1.250 hp engine still in development. This new aircraft project was named Re.2004. The development process of the Re.2004 was slow and, by late June 1943, only two prototypes were ordered to be built. The main engine was never successfully completed nor used due to huge problems with the cooling system. It is likely that only wooden mock-ups were ever built of the Re.2004. Some authors, like John F.B, note that the Re.2004 was actually based on the Reggiane Re.2001 fighter design.
In March 1943, the Italians managed to obtain a number of German 1750 hp DB.603 engines. Immediately, there were plans to equip the existing fighter designs with this engine, including the Re.2005. In May 1943, the Italian Air Force ordered Reggiane to construct two new prototypes (MM.540-541) using this engine. By the time of the Italian surrender, only one incomplete (or complete, depending on the source) prototype was built. After the Germans captured the Reggiane factory, they continued work on the Re.2006 by using some components taken from the Re.2005 (the fuselage). The work on it was never finished by the Germans. It was captured by the Allies, who showed no interest in it, and the incomplete Re.2006 was scrapped in April 1946.
Despite promising performance and an official production order for more than 740 aircraft, only small numbers were actually ever built. The number of production aircraft depends on the sources: According to author Christ C. 37 were built, while D. Mondey and Nešić, D claim 48 being built.
Author John F.B. gives information that 2 prototypes, 16 Series-0 and 18 pre-production aircraft were built, in total 36. Author Gregory A. notes that, by September 1943, 32 Re.2005 were built. These include 2 prototypes, 29 Series-0 and a single Series-I aircraft. He also notes that an additional one was under construction but never finished.
Re.2005 Prototype – two prototypes (MM.494 and 495) built
Re.2005 Series-0 – 16 to 29 were built and used for testing and in combat.
Re.2005 Series-I – 1 to 18 built with some structural modifications.
Proposals and modifications
Re.2005 SF – Proposed version equipped with an extra jet engine, none built.
Re.2005 wooden version – Proposed version to be built using wood, only limited progress made.
Twin fuselage Re.2005 – Paper project only.
Re.2005 carrier version – Proposed version to be used on the Aquila aircraft carrier, no prototype was ever built.
Re.2004 – Experimental fighter project equipped with the Isotta Fraschini Zeta 1.250 hp engine, possibly only a mock-up built.
Re.2006 – Proposed fighter plane powered with Daimler Benz DB 603 and to be built using Re.2005 components, only one incomplete model built.
Operators Italian Regia Aeronautica – Operated less than 22 aircraft during the war. Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana – Operated two Re.2005. Germany – Rebuild 10 Re.2005 which were used by the Luftwaffe. Sweden – There were proposals to negotiate a deal with Sweden for license production. Nothing came from this.
Surviving Re.2005
One Re.2005 captured in Sicily was allegedly put on display in the American National Aircraft Show in November 1946. There is little to no evidence that proves that this ever happened. Today, only a part of a Re.2005 is the rear fuselage and tail of MM.092352362-2, restored by GAVS Milan. It can be seen at the Gianni Caproni Museum of Aeronautics near Milan.
While the Re.2005 had the potential to be a good fighter design, its development process was plagued by the lack of engines, problems with vibrations, and the indifference of the Italian Air Force officials. While it was used in combat, it was built in small numbers and too late to have any influence on the war.
Re.2005 Specifications
36 ft 1 in / 11 m
28 ft 7 in / 8,7 m
10 ft 4 in / 3.15 m
Wing Area
220 ft² / 20.4 m²
One Fiat R.A.1050 RC.58 12-cylinder 1475 hp engine
Empty Weight
5732 lbs / 2.600 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
7.960 lbs / 3.610 kg
Fuel Capacity
580 + 440 l
Climb to 8 km (19,700 ft)
7 minutes 50 seconds
Maximum Speed
390 mph / 630 km/h
Cruising speed
319 mph / 515 km/h
776 mile / 1.250 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
39.370 ft / 12,000 m
1 pilot
Three 0.78 in (20 mm) cannons and two 0.5 in (12.7 mm) heavy machine guns
One 1,410 lb (630 kg) bomb, and two 252 lb (160 kg)
Re. 2005, Illustration by Pavel Alexe
D. Nešić. (2008). Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Italija. Beograd.
D. Mondey (2006). The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books.
G. Punka, Reggiane Fighters In Action. Signal Publication.
J. W. Thomson (1963) Italian Civil And Military Aircraft 1930-1945, Aero Publisher
G. Alegi. (2001) Reggiane RE 2005, SATE Zingonia.
M. Di Terlizzi (2001) Reggiane RE 2005 Sagittario, IBN Editore
John F.B. (1972) Caproni Reggiane Re 2001 Falco II, Re 2002 Ariete and Re 2005
Sagittario, Profile Publications
N. Sgarlato (1979) Italian Aircraft OF World War II, Squadron Signal Publication.
C. Dunning (1998) Courage Alone The Italian Air Force 1940-1943, Hikoki Publication
Nazi Germany (1939)
Experimental jet-engine powered aircraft – 2 prototypes and 1 mockup
The He 178 has the honor to be the first aircraft that made it to the sky solely powered by a jet engine. It was mainly designed and built to test the new jet engine technology. Two would be built, of which the first prototype made its maiden flight in late October 1939, just weeks after the start of the Second World War.
A photograph of the He 178 taken during its first test flight. Source: airwar.ru
Early German jet engine development
The leading German scientist in jet engine development was Hans Joachim Pabst von Ohain. He began working on jet engine designs during the thirties, and by 1935 managed to patent his first jet engine while working at the University of Göttingen. The following year, the director of this University, seeing the potential of the Hans Joachim jet engine, wrote a letter to Ernst Heinkel (the owner of the Heinkel aircraft manufacturer). Ernst Heikel was very interested in the development of jet-powered aircraft, seeing they had the potential of achieving great speed and range. After a meeting with Hans Joachim (17th March 1936), Ernst immediately employed him and his team (led by a colleague named Max Hahn) to work for his company.
In 1936, Hans Joachim and his team began building the first working prototype jet engine, using hydrogen gas as the main fuel, the HeS 1 (Heinkel-Strahltriebwerk 1). The HeS 1 was not intended as an operational engine, but for testing and demonstration purposes only. It was built and tested in early 1937, and was considered successful, so the research continued. The HeS 2 was the second test jet engine that initially used hydrogen gas fuel, but this would be changed to gasoline fuel. While this engine had some issues, it helped Hans Joachim and his team in gaining important experience in this new technology.
In September 1937, a series of modifications were made in order to improve its performance. By March 1938, the third HeS 3 jet engine was able to achieve 450 kg (1,000 lbs) of thrust during testing, much lower than the estimated 800 kg (1,760 lbs). Further modifications of the HeS 3 jet engine would lead to an increase of only 45 kg (100 lbs) of thrust.
Experimenting with the HeS 3 engine mounted on the He 118
In May (or July depending on the source) of 1939, testing of the improved HeS 3A engine began. At the same time, field testing done by attaching this engine to a piston-powered aircraft was being planned. For this reason, an He 118 was equipped with this auxiliary test jet engine. The He 118 was Heinkel’s attempt to build a dive bomber, but the Junkers Ju 87 was chosen instead. Having a longer undercarriage, the He 118 was able to mount the jet engine without any major problem. In order to keep the whole flight testing a secret, the tests were scheduled to start early in the morning.
Drawing of the He 118 equipped with the experimental HeS 3A jet engine. An improved version of this engine would later be mounted in the He 178. Source: www.fiddlersgreen
The pilot chosen for this test flight was Erich Warsitz. When the He 118 reached the designated height using the piston engine, the pilot would then activate the auxiliary jet engine. During this flight, the He 118 powered by the HeS 3A jet engine managed to achieve 380 kg (840 lb) of thrust. More test flights were carried out with the modified He 118 until it was destroyed in a fire accident during landing. Despite this accident, the final version of the HeS 3B jet engine was intended to be mounted in the Heinkel designed He 178 aircraft. While this engine was far from perfect and did not manage to achieve the designer’s expected thrust, Ernst Heinkel urged its installation in the He 178 as soon as possible.
The He 178 history
Interestingly, the whole He 178 development began as a private venture. It was also under the veil of secrecy and the RLM (Reichsluftfahrtministerium), the German Aviation Ministry, was never informed of its beginning. Ernst Heinkel gathered the designers and technical directors to reveal to them ’…We want to build a special aircraft with a jet drive! The RLM is not to know anything about the 178. I take full responsibility!..’
Heinkel was possibly motivated by a desire to get an early advantage over the other German aircraft manufacturers. The main competitor was the Junkers Flugzeugwerke, which would also show interest and invest resources in developing this new technology.
While Hans Joachim was in charge of developing the proper jet engine, work on the He 178 airframe was led by the team of Hans Regner as main designer and Heinrich Hertel, Heinrich Helmbold, and Siegfried Günter as aircraft engineers. The first He 178 mockup was ready by the end of August 1938. Ernst Heinkel was, in general, satisfied with the design, but asked for some modifications of the cockpit and requested adding an emergency escape hatch door for the pilot on the starboard side. The following year, both the He 178 airframe and the HeS 3B jet engine were ready, so the completion of the first working prototype was possible.
Technical characteristics
The He 178 was designed as a shoulder wing, mixed construction, jet engine-powered aircraft. As it was to be built in a short period of time and to serve as an experimental aircraft, Ernst Heinkel insisted that its overall construction should be as simple as possible. It had a monocoque fuselage which was covered with duralumin alloy. The wings were built using wood and were sloping slightly upwards. The wing design was conventional and consisted of inboard trailing edge flaps and ailerons. The rear tail was also made of wood. The pilot cockpit was placed well forward of the wing’s leading edge.
The jet engine used initially was the HeS 3B, but this was later replaced with a stronger HeS 6 jet engine. The He 178 jet engine was supplied with air through a front nose Pitot-type intake, then through a curved shaped duct which occupied the lower part of the fuselage, leading directly to the engine. The exhaust gasses would then go through a long pipe all the way to the end of the fuselage. At the developing stage, there were proposals to use side intakes but, probably for simplicity’s sake, the nose-mounted intake was chosen instead. The He 178 fuel tank was placed behind the cockpit.
The He 178 was to be equipped with a retractable landing gear with two larger wheels in the front and a small one at the rear. All three landing gear legs retracted into the aircraft fuselage. For unknown reasons, this was not adopted early on and many test flights were carried out with landing gear in the down position. One possible explanation was that the Heinkel engineers may have left it on purpose. They probably wanted to have the landing gear down in order to be able to land quickly if the engine failed.
First test flights
The first He 178 V1 prototype was completed by June 1939, when it was transported to the Erprobungsstelle Rechlin (test center). Once there, it was presented to Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring. Interestingly, prior to the flight testing He 178 V1, another Heinkel innovative rocket-powered aircraft, the He 176 was demonstrated. On 23rd June 1939, the He 178 pilot Erich Warsitz performed a few ground test runs. During this presentation, the He 178 was not taken to the sky, mostly due to the poor performance of the HeS 3A jet engine.
Following this presentation, He 178 V1 was transported back to the Heinkel factory in order to prepare it for its first operational test flight. The first He 178 test flight was achieved on 27th August 1939 at the Heinkel Marienehe Airfield near Rostock. At this stage, the pilot, Erich Warsitz, was instructed by the Heinkel engineers not to fly this aircraft at high speeds, mostly due to the fixed undercarriage. In addition, the HeS 3B could only provide enough thrust for only six minutes of effective flight. During this flight, there was a problem with the fuel pump but, despite this, the pilot managed to land with some difficulty but nevertheless successfully.
While there are only a few photographs of the He 178 V1 prototype, this was taken during its maiden flight on the morning of 27 August 1939. Source: airwar.ru
The flight is best described by the pilot’s own words. ‘…As the aircraft began to roll I was initially rather disappointed at the thrust, for she did not shoot forward as the 176 had done, but moved off slowly. By the 300-meter mark, she was moving very fast. The 176 was much more spectacular, more agile, faster, and more dangerous. The 178, on the other hand, was more like a utility aircraft and resembled a conventional aircraft …In this machine, I felt completely safe and had no worries that my fuel tanks would be dry within a minute. She was wonderfully easy to hold straight, and then she lifted off. Despite several attempts, I could not retract the undercarriage. It was not important, all that mattered was that she flew. The rudder and all flaps worked almost normally, the turbine howled. It was glorious to fly, the morning was windless, the sun low on the horizon. My airspeed indicator registered 600 km/h, and that was the maximum Schwärzler had warned me. Therefore, I throttled back, since I habitually accepted the advice of experienced aeronautical engineers. The tanks were not full and, contrary to custom, I did not want to gain altitude for a parachute jump should things go awry. It was supposed to be a short flight. At 300 to 400 meters altitude I banked cautiously left – rudder effect not quite normal, the machine hung to the left a little, but I held her easily with the control stick, she turned a little more and everything looked good.
After flying a wide circuit my orders were to land at once, this had been hammered into me, but now I felt the urge to go round again. I increased speed and thought, ‘Ach! I will!’ Below I could see the team waving at me. On the second circuit – I had been in the air six minutes – I told myself ‘Finish off!’ and began the landing. The turbine obeyed my movement of the throttle even though a fuel pump had failed, as I knew from my instruments and later during the visual checks. Because the airfield was so small for such flights I was a little worried about the landing because we did not know for certain the safe landing speed: we knew the right approach, gliding and landing speeds in theory, but not in practice, and they did not always coincide. I swept down on the heading for the runway. I was too far forward and did not have the fuel for another circuit. Now I would have to take my chances with the landing, losing altitude by side-slipping. I was flying an unfamiliar, new type of aircraft at high speed near the ground and I was not keen on side-slipping. It was certainly a little risky, but the alternative was overshooting into the River Warnow. Such an ending, soaking wet at four on a Sunday morning, appealed less. The onlookers were horror-struck at the maneuver. They were sure I was going to spread the aircraft over the airfield. But the well-built kite was very forgiving. I restored her to the correct attitude just before touching down, made a wonderful landing, and pulled up just short of the Warnow. The first jet flight in history had succeeded! …’’ Source: L. Warsitz (2008) The First Jet Pilot The Story of German Test Pilot Erich Warsitz.
An interesting fact is that pilot Erich Warsitz managed to be the first man that flew on both a rocket-powered (He 176) and a jet-powered (He 178) aircraft in history.
Heinkel’s attempt to gain the support of the Luftwaffe
During the following months, Hans Joachim tried to improve the HeS 3B jet engine, which would lead to the development of the HeS 6. This jet engine managed to achieve a thrust of 1,300 lb (590 kg), but due to the increase in weight, it did not increase the He 178’s overall flight performance.
As the He 178 was built as a private venture, Heinkel’s next step was to try obtaining state funding for further research from the RLM. For this reason, a flight presentation was held at Marienehe with many RLM high officials, like Generaloberst Ernst and General Erhard Milch. During the He 178 V1’s first attempt to take off, the pilot aborted the flight due to a problem with the fuel pumps. During his return to the starting point, a tire burst out. The pilot, Erich Warsitz, lied to the gathered RLM officials that this was the reason why he aborted the takeoff.
After a brief repair, Erich Warsitz managed to perform several high-speed circuits flights. During the presentation flight, Erich Warsitz estimated that he had reached a speed of 700 km/h (435 mph), which was incorrect, as later turned out… Interestingly, even at this stage, the He 178 was still not provided with the retractable landing gear. The RLM officials were not really impressed with the He 178’s performance, and for now, no official response came from them.
This was for a few reasons. The Luftwaffe had achieved great success during the war with Poland, which proved that the piston-powered engines were sufficient for the job. In addition, Hans Mauch, who was in charge of the RLM’s Technical Department, as opposed to the development of jet engines. He was against the development of jet engines by any ordinary aircraft manufacturer. Another problem was the He 178’s overall performance. During the test flights, the maximum speed achieved was only 595 km/h (370 mph). Hans Joachim calculated that the maximum possible speed with the HeS 6 was 700 km/h (435 mph). The speed was probably affected by the landing gear, which was still deployed and not retracted.
While the RLM did not show any interest in the He 178, Heinkel would continue experimenting with it. While the He 178 did perform many more flight tests, these were unfortunately not well documented. What is known is that, in 1941, the He 178 (with fully operational landing gear) managed to achieve a maximum speed of 700 km/h (435 mph) with the HeS 6 jet engine.
The He 178’s final fate
By this time, Heinkel was more interested in the development of the more advanced He 280. In addition, the use of the HeS 3B jet engine was completely rejected, being seen as underpowered. The interest in the development of the He 178 was lost and it was abandoned. The second prototype, which was similar in appearance, but somewhat larger in dimensions, was never fitted with an operational jet engine. It was possibly tested as a glider. There was also a third mockup prototype built that had a longer canopy.
This is a wooden mockup of the third prototype. While it is somewhat difficult to spot, the front landing gear wheels are actually made of wood and not rubber. Source: airwar.ruFront view of He 178 V2. Strangely, more photographs of the second prototype survived the war than of the first prototype. Source: airwar.ruRearview from the second He 178 V2 prototype. Source: airwar.ruThis is the second V2 prototype which was to be powered by the HeS 6 jet engine but was never equipped with it. Source: Source: airwar.ru
The He 178 V1 was eventually given to the Berlin Aviation Museum to be put on display. There, it was lost in 1943 during an Allied bombing raid. The fate of the second prototype is unknown but it was probably scrapped during the war. While no He 178 prototypes survived the war, today we can see a full-size replica at the Rostock-Laage Airport in Germany.
An He 178 replica can be seen at Rostock-Laage Airport in Germany. Source: Wiki
Today, it is often mentioned that the He 178 was Germany’s lost chance to get an edge in jet-powered aircraft development. What many probably do not know is that the He 178 was not designed to be put into production, but to serve as a test aircraft for the new technology. We also must take into consideration that the jet engine technology was new and needed many years of research to be properly used. While Germany would, later on, operate a number of jet aircraft, they were plagued with many mechanical problems that could never be solved in time. Regardless, the He 178 was an important step in the future of aviation development, being the first aircraft solely powered by a jet engine
Heinkel He 178 (HeS 6 jet engine) Specifications
23 ft 7 in / 7.2 m
24 ft 6 in / 7.5 m
Wing Area
98 ft² / 9.1 m²
Launch Weight
4.405 lbs / 2.000 kg
One HeS 6 jet engine with 590 kg (1,300 lb) of thrust
Maximum speed
435 mph / 700 km/h
Cruising speed (when towed)
360 mph / 580 km/h
Illustration’s by Ed Jackson
He-178 V1
He 178 V2
C.Chant (2007), Pocket Guide Aircraft Of The WWII, Grange Books
D. Nešić (2008), Naoružanje Drugog Svetskog Rata Nemačka Beograds
Jean-Denis G.G. Lepage (2009), Aircraft Of The Luftwaffe 1935-1945, McFarland & Company Inc
M. Griehl (2012) X-Planes German Luftwaffe Prototypes 1930-1945, Frontline Book
T. Buttler (2019) X-Planes 11 Jet Prototypes of World War II, Osprey Publishing
L. Warsitz (2008) The First Jet Pilot The Story of German Test Pilot Erich Warsitz Pen and Sword Aviation