Type: Ground anti-aircraft rocket – 83 Launchers Built
By late 1944, the Germans were losing on all fronts and the Allies were steadily advancing into Germany itself. To make matters worse, the extensive losses in manpower and equipment had become irrecoverable. As a result, various makeshift, improvised, and even obsolete weapons were brought to the front lines in a desperate attempt to halt the Allied advance. One such last-ditch effort was the creation of a 73 mm rocket launcher, intended as a close range anti-aircraft weapon by firing a volley of small rockets. While the official project name has been lost to history, it is often referred to as the 73 mm Föhn-Gerät.
Throughout history, rockets in combat were typically a cheap complement to artillery. While early rocket designs lacked the destructive power of conventional artillery, their primary role was to disrupt enemy lines and instill chaos, acting more as psychological weapons than as tools of mass destruction. By the onset of the Second World War, however, rocket technology had advanced significantly, rockets could now fire over greater ranges and deliver larger payloads, making them far more effective in both tactical and strategic contexts.
In Germany, early rocket development was largely driven by civilian efforts to explore new technologies and their potential applications. Much of this work focused on using rockets to power aircraft, exemplified by Fritz von Opel’s experimental work in the 1920s. Von Opel was assisted by another prominent aircraft designer Alexander Martin Lippisch. While technically speaking these were not real rocket-powered flights, given that these gliders did not take to the sky using purely the rocket engine but were towed to altitude. Nevertheless, these flights showed that considerable investment was going into rocketry, with the desire for it to break into new roles.
The early German rocket program was mainly intended for civilian use, such as its use in Fritz von Opel’s experimental rocket-powered glider. Soon, the Army saw a potential use of rocket technology and tried to implement it for its own use. (Source: L. Warsitz The First Jet Pilot The Story of German Test Pilot Erich Warsitz)
Over the following years, Lippisch became quite interested in rocket technology and joined the Deutsche Forschungsinstitut DFS, where he worked as an engineer. There, he developed a series of new glider designs, like the DFS 40, to test rocket propulsion. This work would eventually lead to the creation of the Me 163 rocket-powered aircraft. Another major stepping stone in rocketry was the work of Wernher von Braun. In 1932 and 1934, von Braun managed to successfully launch two rockets using liquid-fuel rocket engines. In 1935 he managed to come into contact with Dr. Ernst Heinkel 1935. With financial and infrastructure support, von Braun would participate in the creation of the first operational rocket-powered aircraft, the He 176.
The He 176 Source:luft46.com
In the early 1930s, the German military began to take an interest in using rockets to produce new artillery systems. The Germans had a unique motivation to develop rocket technology, as it was not prohibited by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The pioneering work of engineers like Hauptmann Dr. Ing. Walter Dornberger and von Braun played a significant role in advancing German rocket programs. Their work made it possible to create rockets that rotated around their longitudinal axis, effectively stabilizing them during flight. This innovation reduced the need for specialized wings and fins that would otherwise be required to maintain stability. As a result, a simpler, smooth-barreled launcher could be used, significantly lowering production costs while also creating lightweight launchers.
Due to its unique characteristics and capabilities, the artillery rocket held great potential as a formidable weapon. With the ability to fire over long ranges, multiple rockets could be launched rapidly from a single launcher, allowing it to carry outa rapid salvo compared to contemporary artillery pieces. Additionally, rockets could carry a larger payload than artillery shells of the same caliber, increasing their impact. However, they lacked precision and were less effective against fortified targets.
The German army formed its specialized Nebeltruppe (Eng. Smoke Troops) in 1929. These were initially equipped with large caliber mortars. As rocket launchers became available, these were then integrated in Nebeltruppen. Initially, rockets were used primarily to obscure enemy positions with smoke-generating rounds, rather than for direct attacks. Although chemical rounds were also developed, these were not employed in combat. Interestingly, they also employed rocket launchers to deliver propaganda leaflets, although they were rarely employed.
The first mass-produced rocket launcher was the 15 cm Nebelwerfer (Eng. Smoke Thrower) 41. Development of this weapon began in 1934, and it officially entered service in 1940. Designed to be simple and cost-effective, the Nebelwerfer utilized existing components to streamline development. The base of the launcher was adapted from the 3.7 cm PaK anti-tank gun carriage, and with the gun and shield removed, it was fitted instead with a six-tube launcher, each tube 15 cm in diameter. A folding pad was added to the front of the carriage for stabilization during firing.
The 15 cm Nebelwerfer 41 was one of the first, and one of the most common, rocket artillery systems. It was a towed weapon and needed a prime mover to transport it over longer distances. (Source: en.wikipedia.org)
A Literal Propaganda Weapon
Besides using rockets to deliver deadly payloads or smoke, the Germans also employed them in a rather unconventional manner: distributing propaganda leaflets over enemy lines. In 1941, they introduced the Propagandagranate 41 (Eng. propaganda grenade), a specialized 7.3 cm rocket designed for this purpose.
The Propagandagranate 41 was slightly over 3 kg in weight and about 40 cm long. It was launched from a metal frame stabilized by three fixed spades. After setting the correct firing angle, the rocket was placed into the mount and at a distance from the base of the tube. This arrangement was necessary because the rocket was ignited using a percussion-firing system, essentially functioning like a mortar.
To fire the rocket, the operator would retreat to a safe distance and pull a string to release the captive rockets. This action allowed the rocket to slide down into the base, striking a firing pin that ignited the percussion primer located at the rear.
These rockets were assigned to specialized propaganda units known as Propagandatruppen. While it is difficult to assess the exact effectiveness of this method, it was undoubtedly a unique way to distribute propaganda leaflets during the war.
The 73 mm rockets were originally designed to distribute leaflets over enemy lines (Source: www.lonesentry.com)
A New Life For The Failed Propaganda Weapon
While rockets developed during the war were primarily forms of artillery, they were not limited to this role. The flexibility of unguided rockets allowed them to be adapted for use against aerial targets and even ships. Once again, the Germans tested various such weapons when their fortunes declined, including ground-to-air missiles, intended to counter the escalating Allied bombing raids. These projects mixed results and failed to achieve the level of success their designers had hoped for. Notably, attempts to build various surface-to-air missiles were met with only limited success. As resources became scarce and the war more desperate, the Germans sought simpler, cheaper, weapon systems designed to saturate the sky with numerous rockets in the hope of bringing down enemy aircraft. One such project appears to have been initiated in 1942.
Starting such a project from scratch was not considered an option at this stage of the war. Instead, the Germans attempted to repurpose what they already had. This is where the 73 mm propaganda rocket came into play. Since the tooling for its production still existed, it was feasible to use it for creating new anti-aircraft rocket launchers. The overall design was quite simple, consisting of a box launcher, rail cages, and a control cabin, and was set on a fixed or mobile carriage.. By 1944, work on this project ran at a slow pace and not many such launchers were built.
As this was a late-war project produced under desperate conditions, not much is known about who precisely initiated it. It is known that they were developed by the Waffenprüfstelle der Luftwaffe Tarnewitz (Weapons Testing Center of the Air Force Tarnewitz). Based on several sources, it appears that the launchers were constructed by Rheinmetall. Other sources claim that Henschel built and developed it. What is certain, however, is that these weapons entered production and service in late 1944.
To provide a cost-effective means of defending vital installations, the Germans introduced the 73 mm Föhn-Gerät rocket launcher in late 1944. (Source:www.landmarkscout.com)
The production of the launchers progressed at a slow pace. By 1944, only 50 units had been completed. By February 1945, this number had increased by 83, or increased to 83, though sources are somewhat unclear on the exact figure.
No official designation for this system is known to have survived. In available sources, it is often mentioned that the Germans simply referred to it as the 73 mm Föhn-Gerät. The word Föhn refers to a certain type of wind, while Gerät translates to Device.
Some internet sources also designate it as the Henschel Hs 297. Interestingly, captured systems examined by the Western Allies were designated as the 7.5 cm Multiple Fortress Rocket Launcher. This designation is incorrect in both caliber and intended purpose. For the sake of simplicity, throughout this article, we will refer to the system as the 73 mm Föhn rockets.
In Combat
A small number of these launchers were built and deployed for frontline use near the end of the war. They were primarily used to protect bridges over the German rivers on the Western Front. In particular, a few were defending the area around the Remagen bridge in 1945.
The 73 mm Raketen Sprenggranate was introduced to service near the end of the war. (Source: en.wikipedia.org)
Cradle and Carriage
The 73 mm Föhn cradle features a simple conical base, above which is a saddle with two trunnions that securely hold the rocket rail box in place. The entire system could either be bolted to a concrete base, or mounted on an older 3.7 cm Flak 18, two-wheel carriage for mobility. The stationary configuration was chosen for defending critical ground targets where mobility was unnecessary. In contrast, the mobile version was likely intended for use by ground forces as a standard anti-aircraft weapon. When deployed in the field, the rocket system would be lowered to the ground, and the crew would unfold two sheet metal plates designed to provide them with a standing platform.
The 73 mm Föhn-Gerät in mobile (left) and static configuration. (Source: www.lonesentry.com)Side view of the mobile launcher variant. This version seems to be much rarer, as significantly more photographs exist of the static variant. (Source:www.armedconflicts.com)
The controls for the 73 mm Föhn system were located on the left side of the assembly and housed within a partially enclosed cabin. The front and the right side, which faced the rocket launcher, were shielded by thin sheet metal plating. This housing was not designed to protect against enemy aircraft fire but rather to guard against the exhaust generated when firing the rockets.
At the upper front of the cabin, there was a large, curved glazed window, providing the operator with a mostly field of view. The controls themselves were straightforward; elevation was adjusted using a handwheel, while traversal was managed with a simple flat metal bar, likely welded to the right-side armor of the cabin. To traverse the system, the operator would push the bar forward or backward with their left hand, pivoting the box launcher on its mount.
This greatly illustrates the position of the operator and the two control units (a bar and hand wheel) for elevation and traverse. Interestingly this weapon appears to be a prototype, as it has more launchers than those found at the frontline. (Source: www.armedconflicts.com)A rear view of the operator’s partially protected cabin. The armor was too light to provide effective protection against enemy return fire; instead, its primary purpose was to shield the operator from the rocket’s exhaust. (Source: www.armedconflicts.com)
The project was based on the 73 mm propaganda rocket but required several modifications. The rocket’s steel body was shortened to 28.2 cm, and weighed 2.74 kg, including 0.48 kg of propellant, and a 0.28 kg explosive charge. Propulsion was achieved through seven small venturi nozzles, which provided rotational stability during flight. This rotation ensured the rocket’s stability without the need for fins.
Two types of explosive charges were available. The first consisted of a mixture of 60% cyclonite (RDX) and 40% TNT, while the second comprised 55% cyclonite, 40% TNT, and 5% wax. The rocket’s 73 mm nose warhead was equipped with a percussion fuze, meaning it had to strike the target to detonate in mid-air. Although not intended, they could be used against ground targets in case of an emergency.
To prevent unexploded ordnance from littering the battlefield, the Germans incorporated a self-ignition detonator. This safety feature ensured that unused rockets would not remain a hazard after missing the intended target. The rocket had a velocity of 380 m/s, and could reach a maximum height of 1.2 km.
A close-up view of a surviving 73 mm anti-aircraft rocket. (Source: www.landmarkscout.com)
The rockets were launched from box-shaped launchers, each equipped with 35 guide rail tubes arranged in a grid of five rows horizontally and seven columns vertically. The dimensions of the launcher were 58.4 cm in width, and 81.3 cm in height, with each guide rail tube measuring 78.7 cm in length. The launchers had an elevation range of -12° to +90° and a full 360° traverse capability.
The loading process for the 35 rocket remains somewhat unclear. However, the launcher tubes were constructed in two distinct parts. The front section serves as a guide for the rocket, while the rear section is loaded separately, already containing the rocket inside.
Side view of the rocket guide rails. (Source: www.landmarkscout.com)This photograph suggests that the launcher tubes were constructed in two distinct parts. The front section serves as a guide for the rocket, while the rear section is loaded separately, containing the unfired rocket. (Source: www.luftarchiv.de)
Once the system was prepared and a target identified, the operator aimed at the approaching enemy aircraft. Upon sighting the target and ensuring it was within range, the operator activated the rockets. All 35 rockets were fired in a single salvo. The idea behind this approach was to saturate the area around the target, increasing the chances that some rockets would hit.
However, this method had significant drawbacks. The rockets were low-velocity and imprecise, making them an unreliable means of bringing down aircraft beyond extremely close range. Additionally, the smoke generated during firing revealed the launch position. While mobile launchers could relocate after firing to avoid detection, stationary ones were left exposed and vulnerable to Allied aircraft.
Reloading the launcher was likely a tedious process, requiring considerable time to prepare all 35 rockets for another volley, or reload from additional racks. Once the rockets were expended, the ground crew could do little but wait for the enemy aircraft to move on. Theoretically, operators could control the number of rockets fired by removing or securing the rockets’ safety pins. How practical this would be is another question.
It was hoped that the 73 mm Föhn could be employed as a relatively cheap anti-aircraft weapon. As demonstrated, its accuracy could be suspect. (Source: www.armedconflicts.com)
The exact number of crew members required to operate this launcher is not specified in the limited available sources. However, at least one operator would have been necessary to operate the launcher. Additional crew members were likely stationed nearby to assist with loading the rocket launcher or preparing it for transport, and it is reasonable to assume that a commander was also part of the team.
Ground Attack Variant
During their advance toward Germany in 1945, the Allies managed to capture a vast collection of abandoned vehicles and weapons. Many of these were outdated and obsolete, brought into action out of desperation. Among the captured equipment were several improvised weapons, including a 73 mm rocket launcher that appeared to be designed to provide fire support against ground targets. However, little is known about this particular weapon, as it seems to have been a hastily constructed, improvised device created as a last-ditch effort.
An improvised launcher for the 73 mm rocket captured by the Allies at the end of the war. (Source: www.lonesentry.com)
Surviving Systems
Despite its rarity and late introduction during the war, a few of these launchers have survived to the present day. One example is preserved at the Russian Military Historical Museum of Artillery in St. Petersburg, while another is housed at the Swedish Army Museum in Stockholm.
One surviving system can be seen at the Swedish Army Museum in Stockholm. (Source: www.stronghold-nation.com)Another partially preserved launcher is located at the Russian Military Historical Museum of Artillery in St. Petersburg. (Source: www.landmarkscout.com)
The effectiveness of these weapons in combat remains uncertain, but they likely performed poorly. The rockets had a short range and produced excessive exhaust fumes which marked the position of the weapon. They could only be fired in single salvos, meaning that if they missed their target, enemy aircraft could return and engage them without fear of retaliation. Additionally, the rockets were notoriously imprecise, making the chances of hitting an enemy aircraft quite low despite the large salvo the weapon could deliver.
73 mm Föhn-Gerät Specifications
73 mm
One (likely more but it is unspecified in the soruces)
In the late 1930s, the Luftwaffe received substantial resources which allowed for the development of many new series of aircraft. While the Luftwaffe would take on numerous new roles in the new modern military, reconnaissance of enemy territory would remain a crucial aspect of their operations. This reconnaissance work involved identifying weak points and reporting any enemy activity which could prove threatening to the situation on the ground, or presented an opportune target for the air force. The primary responsibility for these tasks fell to light, tactical reconnaissance aircraft. Initially, the Hs 126 was chosen for this role, early combat experience revealed the need for a modern replacement. This led to the development, and introduction, of the well-known twin-engine Fw 189, designed by Kurt Tank.
Fw 189A was Germany’s first modern tactical reconnaissance aircraft. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.com
Following the rise of the Nazi party in Germany, significant investments were made in both the Army and the Airforce. The latter, in particular, experienced rapid expansion, through the introduction of a series of new aircraft designed to fulfill various roles. This was no easy task for the Germans, as following the end of the First World War, they were prohibited from developing new aircraft. As a result, they essentially had to start from scratch. For short reconnaissance flights, the Hs 126 was selected. Despite its outdated appearance, this high-wing parasol aircraft proved to be well-suited for the role. However, it was not without flaws.
As production began, the first aircraft of this type was field-tested during the Spanish Civil War. While it performed excellently in its intended role, two major issues were identified. First, the rear gunner also served as the observer, requiring him to switch between these roles depending on the combat situation. The gunner/observer’s primary responsibility was to act as a vigilant lookout, constantly scanning for potential threats while simultaneously surveying the battlefield. This dual role required sharp focus and the ability to quickly assess and respond to emerging dangers, and naturally proved challenging. Second, the aircraft’s low speed, while beneficial for reconnaissance, made it vulnerable to enemy fighters. Essentially, a third crew member was needed, along with an increase in speed, to address these shortcomings.
The Hs 126 was chosen as the Luftwaffe’s first operational tactical reconissance aircraft. Source: en.wikipedia.org
The initial deployment of the Hs 126 in Spain quickly demonstrated to the Germans that the aircraft would soon become obsolete. In response, the Reichsluftfahrtministerium, or German Air Ministry, issued a request for a potential replacement in February 1937. The requirements were straightforward: the new aircraft needed to accommodate a crew of three, provide excellent all-around visibility, achieve a higher maximum speed, and carry an improved defensive armament. Additionally, the RLM decided to include a bomb rack capable of carrying at least 200 kg, reasoning that it would be advantageous to drop bombs during reconnaissance missions.
Three companies reached the final stage of this competition: Arado with the Ar 198, Focke-Wulf with the Fw 189, and Blohm & Voss with the BV 141. Among these, only the Ar 198 had a conventional design by the standards of the time. The Fw 189 featured a central glazed nacelle flanked by two tail boom-mounted engines. The BV 141, however, stood out with its highly unconventional asymmetrical design.
The Arado entry to this competition, the Ar 198. Source: en.wikipedia.orgBlohm & Voss’ asymmetrical BV 141. Despite its unusual design, the aircraft performed surprisingly well, but did not enter mass production. Source: en.wikipedia.org
The Focke-Wulf design team, led by renowned German aircraft designer Kurt Tank, and supported by E. Kosel conceived a twin-boom aircraft powered by two engines. The central section featured a large, fully enclosed, and heavily glazed fuselage. They also proposed that the aircraft could be adapted for various roles by simply using different fuselage sections. The paper proposal and calculations were completed quickly and presented to the RLM in February 1937. Although the RLM officials were initially uncertain about the Focke-Wulf design, they eventually placed an order for the construction of three prototypes. Interestingly, when the request for a potential replacement for the Henschel Hs 126 was issued, there was no specification that the aircraft had to be powered by a single engine.
Work on the first prototype, designated Fw 189V1 (D-OPVN), began in April 1937. This aircraft was powered by two 430-horsepower Argus As 410 engines. By 1938, the prototype was ready and underwent flight testing by Kurt Tank himself in July of that year. The prototype demonstrated excellent performance and had no major issues.
The second prototype, designated D-OVHD, was flight-tested in August 1938. It was used to test the installation of armaments, including machine guns and bombs. Two 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns were mounted inside the wings, one (or possibly three, depending on the source) machine gun was installed in the aircraft’s nose, one in the dorsal position, and another in the cone-shaped turret at the rear of the fuselage. Four bomb racks were also added under each wing, each capable of carrying up to 50 kg of bombs. If necessary, the aircraft could be equipped with chemical containers filled with either poison gas or smoke.
A third prototype, designated D-ORMH, followed and was flight-tested in September 1938. This variant was essentially a direct copy of the previous two but without armament. It was primarily used for testing the installation of Argus automatic variable-pitch propellers.
All three prototypes demonstrated excellent overall performance, while their competitors were less fortunate. The Ar 198 was quickly eliminated from consideration due to its poor performance, with only one prototype ever built. RLM officials were uncertain about the next steps, as both the Fw 189 and BV 141 were unconventional designs that were considered unproven. It is not far-fetched to suggest that the RLM had concerns about whether the BV 141 could even be flown reliably in field conditions, leading them to favor the Fw 189 instead. As a result, Focke-Wulf received a production order for four additional prototypes.
Anticipating a major production order, the fourth prototype (D-OCHO) was designated as the basis for the first production variant, named the Fw 189A-0. This variant was powered by two more powerful Argus As410A-1 engines, each producing 465 horsepower. The armament was reduced to just two machine guns.
While Focke-Wulf was making plans for the potential production of the first Fw 189A-0 aircraft, the company’s officials were disappointed and shocked when the RLM informed them that the Hs 126 would not be replaced by the new Fw 189. The Luftwaffe had changed its mind, deciding that the Hs 126 did not, in fact, need to be replaced.
Finally, into the production
Despite its potential, Focke-Wulf could do little to advance the design at the time given the news from the Luftwaffe. Not wanting to waste a promising project, Kurt Tank and his team continued working on it at a slow pace, and at low cost. However, following the successful conclusion of the campaign in France in June 1940, Luftwaffe officials reassessed their opinion on the Hs 126. It became clear that this aircraft was obsolescent in its intended role, and an urgent replacement was needed. The only available aircraft that could potentially fill this role in a short time was the Fw 189.
As a result, Focke-Wulf received its first production order for 10 Fw 189A-0 models in the summer of 1940. The company was also instructed to proceed with the development of the A-1 variant, which was to enter production as soon as possible. However, Focke-Wulf was already heavily involved in the development and production of the new Fw 190 fighter, making it difficult to meet the demands for the Fw 189.
To expedite production, an aircraft manufacturer in Prague was contacted to assist with manufacturing. Even this was not sufficient, so Focke-Wulf moved the production of the Fw 189 to France, utilizing several captured aircraft manufacturing facilities. The Focke-Wulf factories in Bremen and the Aero factories in Prague ceased Fw 189 production in late 1942 and 1943, respectively. Production continued in the French factories until January 1944, when it was finally halted.
The production by years was as follows.
Year of Production
Production numbers
In total
Main Production Variants
The A-series was based on the V4 prototype. Unlike the prototype series, it did not include the nose-mounted machine guns. Instead, its main armament consisted of two machine guns mounted in the front wing roots, with an additional one or two located at the rear. If needed, a bomb rack could be installed. Given the aircraft’s specific reconnaissance roles, it could be equipped with various types of cameras. The A-1 model was essentially a direct copy of the fourth prototype, with slight modifications made to the engine cowling to enhance its aerodynamic profile.
The V4 prototype served as the base for the Fw 189 A-0 series. Source: www.warbirdphotographs.comEarly produced Fw 189A-1 aircraft. Source: Pinterest
At least 30 Fw 189A-1 aircraft were modified for use as night interceptors for use against slow, low flying biplanes on the Eastern Front. To fulfill this role, they were equipped with a FuG 212 C-1 aerial interception radar, distinguished by its forward antenna. Additionally, a fixed MG 151 cannon, either 1.5 cm or 2 cm in caliber, was installed in the rear, angled upward to target enemy aircraft from below.
One of the 309 Fw 189A was modified to be used as a night interceptor. They can be easily identified by the front-mounted antenna and the rear MG 151 cannon. Source: www.warbirdsresourcegroup.org
Combat experience quickly revealed that the Fw 189 needed a stronger defensive armament. In response, the Fw 189V9 prototype was tested with the installation of two twin 7.92 mm MG81Z (Z stands for Zwilling – twin) mounts. As these proved reliable, they were adopted for the A-2 variant, which entered production around mid-1941.
Shortly after its introduction into service, it became evident that a dual-control training variant was necessary to properly train pilots. Since the B variant did not enter mass production, a solution was required. The most cost-effective option was to modify an existing Fw 189A with dual controls. This led to the creation of a small production series of training aircraft, designated as the A-3. Some of the older aircraft from the A-0 and A-1 series, as well as prototypes, were repurposed for this variant.
The A-4 was designed as a light ground-attack variant. It was armed with two forward-mounted 20 mm cannons and two MG 17 machine guns. Additionally, armor was added to protect vital components such as the fuel tanks, engines, and central fuselage. An unknown number of these variants were produced beginning in late 1942.
A few aircraft adapted for the African theater of war were equipped with dust filters and designated as the Fw 189A-1 Trop.
Interestingly, Kurt Tank himself nicknamed this aircraft Eule (Eng. Owl). Allegedly, the inspiration for this name came from the large, owl-like shape of the cockpit. The RLM media referred to it as Das Fliegende Auge (Eng. The Flying Eye), while those who operated it on the front lines called it Uhu (Eng. Eagle Owl).
In Combat
During 1940, the first produced Fw 189 aircraft were allocated to various Luftwaffe experimental and training units. Their purpose was to test and evaluate the new Fw 189’s performance. For example, the Lehrgeschwader 2 (Eng. Training Squadron) was supplied with five Fw 189A-0 aircraft, which were flight-tested against the Hs 126. After a series of evaluation flights, the Fw 189 was declared superior in all aspects. This conclusion was a key reason why Luftwaffe officials decided to adopt the Fw 189.
Due to the slow pace of production, when the war with the Soviet Union broke out in June 1941, only about 250 Fw 189s were available for service. This number was barely enough to outfit all units, so the Hs 126 had to remain in use.
By 1942, the Fw 189 began gradually replacing the Hs 126 as the main German tactical reconnaissance aircraft. According to German records from September 1942, out of 317 short-range reconnaissance aircraft, 174 were Fw 189A-1 and A-2 models.
Their service on the Eastern Front demonstrated that these aircraft, despite their seemingly fragile appearance, were quite robust and capable of withstanding heavy damage. For example, on the 19th May 1942, a lone Fw 189 was attacked by Soviet fighters near the Taman Peninsula. The left engine of the Fw 189 sustained such severe damage that it fell off. Assuming the aircraft was doomed, the Soviet fighters broke off the attack. However, the pilot did not give up and managed to fly the damaged Fw 189 back to German lines, where he executed an emergency landing. The aircraft suffered additional damage during the crash landing, yet it was eventually repaired and returned to service. Despite their durability, several Fw 189s were lost, along with other equipment, during the encirclement of German forces at Stalingrad. In one unusual incident, a Soviet fighter pilot, after running out of ammunition, rammed a Fw 189 near Stalingrad, successfully severing its tail.
By 1943, the Soviet Union’s increased fighter production made short-range operations too dangerous even for the Fw 189. Reconnaissance missions became nearly impossible without a fighter escort. After 1943, the Fw 189 was primarily employed for ground attack operations against Soviet Partisan positions, achieving notable success. However, with the Soviet fighter force continually growing, the days of the Fw 189 were numbered. By 1944, it was rarely used in its original reconnaissance role and often became a priority target for Soviet fighters once spotted. Despite this, the aircraft remained effective in some areas, such as Finland, where it continued to be used until September 1944.
The Fw 189 was primarily operated on the Eastern Front, including Finland. The only other front where it saw limited use was in North Africa. A small number of night interceptor variants, some 30, were assigned to two units, Nachtjagdgeschwader 5 and 100 (NJG, or Night Fighter Squadron), and served late into the war. Tasked specifically with countering Soviet Po-2 biplanes that harassed German railroad lines, NJG 100 earned the nickname Eisenbahn-Nachtjagd (Eng. Railway Night Hunt). The Fw189 performed excellently in this role, bringing down many Soviet night bombers in the process.
Beyond its original role, the Fw 189 also saw service as a light bomber and VIP staff transport. For example, the A-1 variant was used as a personal transport for Field Marshal Albert Kesselring. By late 1944, most of the surviving Fw 189 aircraft were relegated to training duties.
Despite their modest numbers, the Fw 189 would see extensive use on the Eastern Front. Source: www.asisbiz.comNear the end of the war, the few surviving Fw 189 were used as training aircraft, easily identified by the large painted number on their tails. Source:. G. Punka Focke-Wulf Fw 189 in Action
Failed Proposals
Although the Luftwaffe initially did not adopt the A variant, they showed an interest for the crew training variant designated as the Fw 189B. This version featured a less-glazed fuselage and dual control units. However, only a small number of these variants were produced.
The first year of the war revealed that the Germans lacked a dedicated armored close support aircraft. In response, Focke-Wulf proposed the Fw 189C as a potential solution. This variant featured a small, cramped, but well-protected cockpit, replacing the previous large fuselage. However, due to poor visibility and handling issues, it was not adopted for service.
The Fw 189D was proposed for naval use and was equipped with twin floats. It was essentially based on the Fw 189B variant, but no further developments materialized.
Focke-Wulf also experimented with various engines. The Fw 189E was tested with the French GR14M 700 hp engine. Unfortunately, the prototype was lost in an accident while being transported from France to Germany in 1943. The Fw 189F, based on the A-2 variant, was powered by the As 411MA-1 600 hp engine and used to test electrically powered landing gear. Although the tests were successful, only 17 units were built in 1944 before the production of the Fw 189 was discontinued.
The Fw 189F-2 was an improved version with enhanced armor protection, but it did not progress beyond the proposal stage. The last proposed variant, the Fw 189G, was intended to be powered by As 402 950 hp engines, but it also failed to materialize.
Other operators
During the later stages of the war, the Hungarians received over 28 Fw 189 aircraft. Despite the relatively small number of planes, these were used extensively by Hungarian forces. The Slovakians also received 14 Fw 189A-1s between 1942 and 1943, which were employed in the Crimea. Some surviving aircraft were even used against the Germans during the failed Slovakian uprising in late 1944, with at least six managing to escape to the Soviet Union. Bulgaria received several Fw 189s, which were deployed on the Eastern Front. Additionally, eleven Fw 189s were supplied to Romanian forces, primarily for training purposes, but most were eventually captured by the Soviets. After the war, one aircraft was operated by the RAF for evaluation purposes, but it was lost in a storm while being stored.
Hungarian operated Fw 189. Source: G. Punka Focke-Wulf Fw 189 in ActionA Soviet operated Fw 189, possibly one of the Slovakian managed to escape in late 1944. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.comSmaller numbers were also allocated to the Bulgarian Air Force. Source: G. Punka Focke-Wulf Fw 189 in Action
After the war
When the war ended, there were few surviving Fw 189. The British managed to capture one in working condition. It was extensively used by the British pilot Captain Eric Brown, who was the chief test pilot of the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough. He was involved in a British project tasked with taking over German war research installations and interrogating technical personnel after the war.
He was quite impressed with the overall performance of the Fw 189. After many hours of flying, he noted only one instance of engine failure. Even with just a single engine, the aircraft remained pleasant to fly without significant issues. The main drawback Captain Brown observed was the rather poor forward visibility, despite the extensive glass coverage in the front section. This limitation was primarily due to the shape of the nose. Nevertheless, Captain Brown described the Fw 189 as;
“… A Versatile little beauty to fly and a great asset to the German Army’s ground troop..”
Technical characteristics
The Fw 189 was designed as a twin-engine reconnaissance aircraft with a unique construction. Its centrally positioned fuselage featured extensive glazing and housed the cockpit at the front, followed by a small crew area and a gunner’s compartment at the rear. The fuselage was bulkier at the front and tapered toward the rear. Access to the crew area was provided through two hatches above the cockpit and a larger hatch at the rear. Although the extensive glazing left the crew more exposed to enemy fire, it was ideal for its reconnaissance role, offering excellent all-around visibility.
The wings are composed of two distinct sections. The central, square-shaped panel connects the nacelle and engines, while the second section extends outward from the booms. The wings feature a metal base covered with duralumin, though the ailerons and split flaps are clad in fabric. At the rear, the twin-tail assembly includes two large rudders, which are joined by a single long elevator. Both control surfaces on the tail are also covered in fabric.
The aircraft was powered by two 465 hp Argus As 410 A-1 12-cylinder air-cooled V-12 engines. These engines demonstrated remarkable effectiveness and reliability, even under the harsh winter conditions of the Eastern Front. With these engines, the Fw 189 achieved a maximum speed of 335 km/h, though exact figures may vary between sources. Each engine drove a two-blade, constant-speed propeller. Fuel was stored in two 110-liter tanks, which were housed in the tail booms. The Fw 189 had a maximum operational range of approximately 670 km.
The landing gear consisted of larger road wheels positioned under each engine nacelle, with a pair of smaller wheels extending from the elevator. Initially, the aircraft used an ‘H’-shaped landing gear leg design, but this was modified during production. To enhance stability during landing, each landing gear leg was equipped with a shock absorber. The front landing gear units were lowered using hydraulic systems, while the rear smaller landing gear units descended under their own weight. When the aircraft’s speed dropped below 160 km/h, the landing gear automatically deployed in preparation for landing. If the pilot wished to override this action, they had the option to disable it by pressing a switch inside the cockpit.
The early prototypes had a single-leg landing gear unit. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.comLater into production, these were replaced by more stable ‘H’ shaped landing gear legs. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.com
The aircraft’s crew consisted of three members: the pilot, the navigator, and the rear gunner. The pilot occupied the front of the cockpit, while the navigator sat directly behind him. In addition to navigation, the navigator operated the camera equipment and managed the upper rotating machine gun mount. He was also responsible for radio operations. The rear gunner, the final crew member, served as both machine gun operator and the flight engineer.
Most of the pilot’s instruments were were positioned near the cockpit roof, as shown here. Source: /www.luftwaffephotos.com
The primary armament of the Fw 189 consisted of two forward-mounted 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns, operated by the pilot. The early design included a single machine gun in a rotating mount positioned on the dorsal side. A rear cone-shaped rotating turret housed additional machine guns, initially equipped with drum-fed MG 15s. These were later replaced by four belt-fed MG 81s, which offered a higher rate of fire. Additionally, the aircraft was equipped with two bomb racks under each wing, capable of carrying a 50 kg bomb or, alternatively, smoke gas or chemical containers though the latter were never actually used in combat.
The rear gunner operated a drum feed MG 15 or 17. Source:www.luftwaffephotos.comThese would be on A-2 variant replaced by two faster-firing MG 81 that were instead belt fed. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.comA good view of the late improved twin machine guns in a rotating mount positioned on the dorsal side. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.comThe Fw 189 could also carry four 50 kg bombs. In this role as a light ground attack aircraft it achieved great success against Soviet partisans. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.com
For conducting reconnaissance operations, various camera equipment was utilized. Typically, an RB 20/30 camera was employed. However, depending on the specific task, this could be augmented or replaced by other models such as the RB 50/30, RB 21/18, or R.R 15/18. Additionally, the navigator was equipped with smaller handheld cameras. For communication, the FuG 25 radio was used.
Production Versions
Fw 189V– Small prototypes series
Fw 189A0 – Small pre-production series
Fw 189A-1 – Main production variant
Fw 189A-2 – Improved model with better defense armament
Fw 189A-3 – Dueal control trainer, limited production only
Fw 189A-4 – Ground attack variant armed with two 2 cm cannons
Fw 189 Trop – A small number of aircraft modified for use in North Africa
Prototype and Proposed Versions
Fw 189B – Trainer variant that was built in small numbers
Fw 189C – Ground attack variant, did not go beyond a prototype stage
Fw 189D -Experimental variant equipped with twin-floats,
Fw 189E – Powered by an As 411MA-1 600 hp strong engine. After the prototype was lost in 1943 the project was abandoned
Fw 189F-1 – Powered by an As 411MA-1 600 hp strong engines, A small series of 17 aircraft of this type were built in 1944
Fw 189F-2 – Slightly improved model, none were built
Fw 189G – Paper project powered by As 402 950 hp engines
Germany – Main use of this aircraft
Hungary – Operated less than 30 of these aircraft
Slovakia – Received 14 Fw 189A-1s between 1942 and 1943,
Romania – Used an unknown number but mostly for training
Bulgaria –Opertaed 14 such aircraft
Soviet Union – The Red Army on occasion managed to capture some Fw 189 that they put into use
UK – British Force captured at least one working Fw 189 after the war
Surviving aircraft
It is believed that only one Fw 189 aircraft has survived to this day, and it has a remarkable history. The aircraft was shot down by Soviet fighters in May 1943 near Murmansk in northern Europe. It crash-landed in the woods, resulting in the deaths of the navigator and the rear gunner. The pilot, Lothar Mothes, survived the crash landing and managed to reach the German defense lines two weeks later. Although the Soviets recorded the crash site, they did not recover the wreckage. It remained there until 1992, when British aircraft enthusiast and restorer Jim Pearce initiated a recovery effort. Using a helicopter, Pearce salvaged the relatively well-preserved Fw 189 wreckage and transported it back to the UK for possible restoration.
The aircraft was publicly displayed at the Biggin Hill Air Show in 1996, where pilot Lothar Mothes had the opportunity to see his lost aircraft once more. Despite his hopes, Pearce was unable to secure the funds necessary for a full restoration, so the aircraft was sold to G. Allen’s Flying Heritage Collection in 2007. Over the following years, the aircraft underwent nearly complete restoration. Hopefully, one day, this sole surviving Fw 189 will once again take to the skies.
The only known Fw 189 that is being under restoration. Sourcewww.scramble.nl
Despite its unusual design, especially for the early stages of the war, the aircraft proved to be remarkable in many respects. Its glazed cockpit provided an excellent all-around view. The engine was reliable, with no major mechanical issues reported. Although it had a somewhat fragile appearance, the aircraft was noted for its robust performance.
Although originally designed for reconnaissance operations, the Fw 189 also proved successful in various other roles. In conclusion, the Fw 189 was undoubtedly one of the best German aircraft designs to see service during the Second World War.
Fw 189A-1 Specifications
18.4 m / 60 ft 4 in
12 m / 39 ft 5 in
3.1 m / 10 ft 2 in
Wing Area
38m² / 410 ft²
Two 465 hp Argus As 410 A-1 engines
Empty Weight
2,805 kg / 6,185 lbs
Maximum Take-off Weight
3,950 kg / 8,708 lbs
Maximum Speed
335 km/h / 208 mph
Cruising Speed
315 km/h / 196 mph
670 km / 416 miles
Maximum Service Ceiling
7,000 m / 22,965 ft
pilot, rear gunner, and navigator
Four 7.92 mm machine guns
Four 50 kg (110 lb) bombs
Article written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H.
Illustration by Oussama Mohamed “Godzilla”
D. Donald (1996) German Aircraft of World War II, Orbis Publishing
D. Nesic (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemacka
D. Monday (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books
J. R. Smith and A. L. Kay (1972) German Aircraft of the WW2, Putnam
G. Punka (1993) Focke-Wulf Fw 189 in Action, Signal Publication
Captain E. ‘Winkle’ Brown (2010) Wings of the Luftwaffe, Hikoki Publication
T. Boiten () Nachtjagd Combat Archive – Eastern Front and The Med, Red Kite
Type: High endurance experimental, reconnaissance aircraft
Number built: Three prototypes
Before the outbreak of the Second World War, the Luftwaffe (Eng. German Air Force) was undergoing a massive expansion. Numerous new aircraft designs were either being introduced into service or undergoing testing, with many being integrated into the military for various roles. A number of newly developed aircraft were also primarily used for evaluation and experimentation, and, there were also several designs created specifically to set records. One such aircraft, the Me 261, was built specifically at the request of Adolf Hitler to set long-range records. Due to its specialized role, and the fact that it was not initially ordered by the Luftwaffe, only three prototypes of the Me 261 were built.
The rather obscure Me 261 long-range transport and recconaissance aircraft. Source: alternathistory.ru
With the rise of Nazis in Germany, substantial financial resources were allocated to military projects. The Luftwaffe was founded, and saw massive expansion and the introduction of new aircraft designs. However, not all these designs were intended for pure military service. Some projects were mainly aimed at experimentation, and among these were aircraft designed solely to showcase technological advancements and break world records. This trend was quite common in the years leading up to the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe. For example, the Messerschmitt Me 209 was created to set a world speed record, with little to no concerns made over a possible military application.
Speed was not the only record to be pursued, there were others, such as long-range flight. This particular challenge fascinated Hitler, who in 1937, initiated the development of a long-range monoplane. Aside from the many things that might be learned from the experiment, Hitler envisioned this aircraft undertaking the long-range flight from Berlin to Tokyo for the 1940 Olympic Games, carrying the Olympic Torch from Germany over Asia. To meet this requirement, the initial requirements specified that the aircraft needed to have an operational range of over 13,000 km.
The Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM), or German Air Ministry, selected the Messerschmitt company for this task. Despite being a relatively small enterprise at the time, Messerschmitt had achieved great success with the Bf 109, one of the best fighters of its era. The official contract was signed on the 18th March, 1938. Under the designation P.1064, Messerschmitt presented a proposal to Hitler for a new aircraft. This aircraft was to be operated by a crew of five within a rather cramped, and elongated fuselage. Due to the aircraft’s specific role, the fuel load was prioritized over crew comfort. Hitler approved the proposal and ordered the construction of three prototypes. The project was subsequently renamed Me 261. Due to Hitler’s keen interest, the aircraft was nicknamed Adolfine by its crew.
In 1939, work began on the three Me 261 prototypes. Despite Hitler’s ambitions, the Me 261 was given low priority, and construction proceeded slowly, and anticipating a war with Poland, work on these aircraft was halted. However, recognizing its potential for long-range reconnaissance and the valuable information it could provide, work resumed in 1940.
The first prototype, Me 261 V1 (BJ-CP or BC-CP, depending on the sources), was flight-tested by Karl Baur in December 1940. The following year, the second prototype, Me 261 V2 (BJ-CQ), was tested. The V2 featured a glazed observation dome on the dorsal fuselage, replacing the rear dome used on the V1. The construction of the third prototype, Me 261 V3 (BJ-CR), faced delays and only completed its test flight in 1943. This version was distinct from the earlier prototypes, featuring a larger crew capacity of seven and being powered by two 2,950 hp DB 610 engines. On the 16th April, 1943, Karl Baur conducted a ten-hour test flight with the V3.
The last of the Me 261 was the V3 prototype, which was powered by stronger engines. Source: airpages.ru
Technical characteristics
Unfortunately, since the Me 161 did not progress beyond the prototype stage. It was designed as an all-metal, long-range transport and later as a reconnaissance aircraft. The fuselage was slim but cramped, made of metal, and covered in duralumin.
The wings of the Me 261 were constructed using a metal frame with a single spar. They were then covered with flush-riveted, stressed-skin metal panels. Notably, the section of the wing closest to the fuselage had a thick profile, which tapered to the wingtips. This design was intentional, as it allowed for a large fuel storage area. The aircraft also featured a twin-rudder tail at the rear.
For its long-range flight operations, the Me 261 had a crew of five: a pilot, co-pilot, radio operator, navigator, and flight engineer. The pilot and copilot sat side-by-side in the cockpit with the radio operator in a central compartment, and the flight engineer and navigator seated in the rearmost compartment, where the aircraft’s bunks were also located.
The first two prototypes were powered by twin 2,700 hp DB 606A/B twenty-four-cylinder engines. These engines were essentially two twelve-cylinder DB 601 engines coupled together to drive a single shaft, requiring two separate radiators and oil coolers. Each DB 606A/B engine was housed within a large nacelle and used four-blade propellers with a diameter of 4.6 meters.
The Me 261 DB 606A/B twenty-four-cylinder engine consisted of two coupled twelve-cylinder DB 601 engines. They worked well on the He 261 and no major issue was reported with it. Source: oldmachinepress.com
Despite frequent mentions of the aircraft being overburdened, sources do not specify a consistent maximum takeoff weight. Additionally, the total fuel capacity is also unspecified. Depending on the sources, the operational range varies from 11,000 to 13,200 km.
To accommodate the aircraft’s weight, it required large-diameter landing wheels that could retract up to 90 degrees into the wings. In addition to these, it had a fully retractable tail wheel retracted towards the front of the aircraft.
The Me 261 was designed as an all-metal, long-range transport and later as a reconnaissance aircraft source: WikipediaThe first two prototypes were powered by twin 2,700 hp DB 606A/B twenty-four-cylinder engines. To cope with their weight, it was provided with two large-diameter landing wheels. Source: planehistoria.comSide view of the second prototype. Source: alternathistory.ru
Despite demonstrating some potential for long-range reconnaissance, the Me 261 was ultimately rejected from service due to the additional equipment requirements that would have further strained its already overburdened airframe, thereby compromising its flight performance. Despite its cancellation, the V3 prototype (and possibly the other two prototypes) saw operational use as reconnaissance aircraft during the war. In July or April of 1943, the V3 suffered an accident during landing that heavily damaged its landing gear. Although repaired and returned to service, the V3 was eventually scrapped by order of the RLM.
The V1 aircraft was lost during an Allied bombing raid on the Rechlin test center in September 1944, while the V2 was captured by the Allies at the same location in April 1945. Neither prototype survived the war; the captured V2 was scrapped a few weeks after its capture.
The V3 aircraft was damaged during a landing accident but was repaired and put back into service. Source: www.destinationsjourney.comThe V2 was captured by the Allies and was eventually scraped. Source: planehistoria.com
The Me 261 was an aircraft that was not ordered by the Luftwaffe as a military aircraft and thus received low priority. Despite its initial potential for use as a reconnaissance aircraft, it quickly became evident that it would not be feasible for adoption in this role due to its considerable weight. Ultimately, only three were built, and none of them survived the war.
Me 261 V3 Specifications
26.9 m / 88 ft 1 in
16.7 m / 54 ft 9 in
4.72 m / 15 ft 5 in
Wing Area
76 m² / 817.8 ft²
Two 2,950 hp DB 610 engines
24 hours and 36 minutes
Maximum Speed
620 km/h / 385mph
Cruising speed
400 km/h / 248 mph
11,000 km / 6,831 miles
Maximum Service Ceiling
8,250 m / 27,060 ft
1 pilot
Article written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H.
Illustration by Oussama Mohamed “Godzilla”
D. Herwig and H. Rode (2000) Luftwaffe Secret Projects Strategic Bombers 1935 to 1945, Midland Publishing
D. Nesić (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemačka. Beograd
D. Monday (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books.
J. R. Smith and A. L. Kay (1972) German Aircraft of the WW2, Putnam
B. C.Wheeler, German Fighters of WWII, Aeroplane Special
R. Jackson (2005) Infamous Aircraft, Pen and Sword
M. Griehl () X-planes German Luftwaffe prototypes 1930-1940, Frontline Book
W. Green (1970) Warplanes of the Third Reich, Doubleday & Company
During the war, Messerschmitt endeavored to find potential successors to their existing aircraft models. This quest yielded several aircraft proposals, one of which was the Me 309, which they sought to replace their older Me 109 fighter with. Despite Messerschmitt’s hopes for its success, the Me 309 proved to be unreliable and mechanically flawed, leading to its rejection for adoption. Undeterred by this setback, Messerschmitt persisted with the project, eventually turning their attention to a new twin-fuselage fighter, often referred to in various sources as the Me 609.
A Brief History of Germany Twin-Fighter Program History
In the early stages of the war, the Messerschmitt Me 109 emerged as an exceptional fighter, arguably one of the world’s best at the time. However, despite its prowess, there remained ample room for improvement in its design. By the early 1940s, engineers at Messerschmitt began exploring avenues to enhance its overall flight performance. Among the considerations was the idea that while one engine delivered outstanding results, pairing two engines might yield even greater capabilities, bringing an increase in operational range and top speed. This notion laid the groundwork for a bold project: combining two Me 109s into a single aircraft, designated as the Me 109Z, with the ‘Z’ representing the German word “Zwilling”, meaning twin. The concept aimed to harness the power of dual fuselages and engines to significantly enhance both performance and firepower, envisioning the aircraft as either a formidable destroyer or a fighter bomber.
In theory, the design was relatively straightforward: merging two fuselages along with a central wing. The cockpit would be positioned within one of the fuselages, along with modifications to the landing gear. Despite the unconventional approach, a functional prototype utilizing two Me 109Fs was successfully constructed in 1942. However, the evaluation and test flight process extended until 1943, during which the prototype was either lost or severely damaged in one of the numerous Allied bombing raids.
Amidst the pressing demands of concurrent projects, such as the development of the Me 262, the Me 109Z initiative was ultimately abandoned, reflecting the shifting priorities and challenges faced by German engineers during the Second World War .
Another Messerschmitt project aimed at enhancing the performance of the Me 109 was the Me 309. This new endeavor sought substantial improvements, integrating several new features such as enhanced armament, a pressurized cockpit, a tricycle undercarriage, and retractable radiators. Initiated by Messerschmitt in 1940, the project faced reluctance from the German Aviation Ministry (RLM), leading to significant delays. It wasn’t until the end of 1941 that actual work on the project began. Despite these challenges, the first Me 309 V-1 prototype was completed in June 1942, followed by a few more test models. However, the project encountered various mechanical issues that remained unresolved, including engine overheating, the problematic landing gear which caused the aircraft to crash onto its nose should the nose gear fail, and flight instability, among other issues. As a result, the RLM showed little enthusiasm for the Me 309, prioritizing increased production of the Me 109 instead. Introducing another fighter design would also inevitably lead to production delays. Moreover, refining the Me 309 design would likely necessitate additional time, possibly extending into months or even years. Consequently, a decision was made to abandon the development of the Me 309 entirely.
The Me 309 was an attempt to develop a completely new fighter to replace the Me 109. Given its many mechanical flaws, it did not go beyond the prototype stage. Source: /www.luftwaffephotos.com
However, Messerschmitt hoped that proposing a new variant of the twin-fuselage fighter based on the Me 309 might renew interest from the RLM. Unfortunately, this strategy didn’t yield the desired results. Despite some initial drawings, the aircraft designated as the Me 609 was abandoned at the beginning of 1944 in favor of the Me 262.
A drawing of the proposed “Me 609” aircraft. Source: D.Sharp Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich
Technical characteristics
Given that it was a paper proposal, and no working prototype was built, its overall technical specifications are rather obscure. In essence, the Me 609 consisted of paired Me 309 fuselages which were joined together by a central wing section. Given this fact, in theory, most of the components for this aircraft would be available and reused from the Me 309. The Me 309 was conceived as a single-seat fighter, featuring an all-metal construction with a low-wing design. So we can assume that the new Me 609 would also follow a similar construction.
The two fuselages were connected with the new inner wing section. Besides this, it also served to house the two main landing gear units. The nose wheel was located under the engine, and retracted to the rear. The pilot’s pressurized cockpit was located on the left fuselage, while; the right-sided fuselage had its cockpit covered.
The Me 309 used an unusual, at least for the Germans, tricycle landing gear unit. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.com
Depending on the source it was either powered by a Daimler Benz 603 or 605 or a 2,000hp Jumo 213E june engine. In the case of the latter, the estimated maximum speed was to be 760 km/h. All of which were inverted V-12 engines.
The main armament was to consist of two 3 cm MK 108 and Two MK 103 cannons. Including either two 250 kg or one 500 kg bomb. Two more cannons could be mounted under the center wing section.
The Truth of it
The information as previously mentioned, however, may not be entirely accurate. According to various sources such as D. Herwing and H. Rode (Luftwaffe: Secret Projects Ground Attack and Special Purpose Aircraft), as well as several internet sources, it is asserted that the twin-fuselage Me 309 variant was designated as the Me 609. Contrary to this, D. Sharp (Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich) argues that this designation was incorrectly assigned to the project. The actual designation for it was Me 309 Zw (Zw standing for Zwilling, meaning twins). Claiming, the Me 609 was unrelated to this project. Sharp supports this assertion by citing surviving Messerschmitt documentation salvaged after the war, in which the projects are referred to as 309 Zw. Thus, the twin-fuselage fast bomber/destroyer based on the Me 309 existed only as a proposal, albeit under a different name.
Now, what about the aircraft bearing the Me 609 designation? Simply put, it did not exist. In reality, it was a designation that Messerschmitt applied to describe the Me 262 twin-engine fighter. Why this designation was used remains unknown, but it may have been employed to deceive the intelligence offices of the Western Allies
The evidence for the claim of the wrong designation lies in the old Messerschmitt documentation salvaged after the war. Here we can see the Me 262 which was for an unknown reason referred to as Me 609. Source: D. Sharp Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich
The Me 309Zw project was an intriguing endeavor aimed at enhancing the overall performance of German fighters by integrating two fuselages. However, it failed to progress beyond the prototype stage, leaving us unable to determine its feasibility.
Me 309Zw Estimated Specifications
16 m / 52 ft 6 in
9.52 m / 31 ft 2 in
3.24 m / 10 ft 7 in
Wing Area
26.755 m² / 288 ft²
Two 2,000hp Jumo 213E
Empty Weight
5,247 5kg / 11,660 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight
6,534kg / 14,520 lbs
Maximum Speed
760 km/h / 472mph
1 pilot
Two MK 108 and Two MK 103
Bomb load two 250 kg or one 500 kg
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H.
Illustrations by Oussama Mohamed “Godzilla”
D. Nesić (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemačka. Beograd.
D. Monday (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books.
J. R. Smith and A. L. Kay (1972) German Aircraft of the WW2, Putnam
D. Myhra (2000) Messerschmitt Me 209V1, Schiffer Military History
M. Griehl () X-planes German Luftwaffe prototypes 1930-1940, Frontline Book
D.Herwing and H. Rode (2002) Luftwaffe: Secret Projects Ground Attack and Special Purpose Aircraft, Midland
D.Sharp (2018) Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich, Mortons
The Messerschmitt Me 109, although an outstanding aircraft, still had room for improvement. Its most noticeable shortcomings included a rather small operational radius, significantly reducing its combat potential in prolonged engagements. To address this, Messerschmitt initiated the development of a successor model designated as the Me 309. However, from the outset, this new fighter was plagued with numerous mechanical faults that could not be resolved in the foreseeable future. Consequently, only four prototypes were built before the project was ultimately canceled.
The Me 309 first prototype. Source: https://www.luftwaffephotos.com/lme2091.htm
At the onset of the Second World War, Germany relied heavily on the Me 109 as its primary fighter aircraft. Renowned for its exceptional performance and cost-effectiveness, the Me 109 outmatched most of the enemy fighters it encountered over Europe. Following the fall of France in June 1940, Germany launched a significant bombing campaign against the UK. This prolonged engagement highlighted a critical issue: the Me 109’s limited operational range prevented it from carrying out long-range fighter sweeps, or being usable as a bomber escort.
Recognizing the urgent need for enhancements, Messerschmitt began experiments on improving the performance, and range, of the Me 109. Initial assessments underscored the necessity for substantial improvements, including an 85% increase in operational range and a minimum 25% boost in maximum speed. Additionally, there were aspirations to augment its firepower, introduce a pressurized cockpit, implement a tricycle undercarriage, and incorporate retractable radiators. Before commencing work on a completely new fighter, Messerschmitt opted to experiment with these features by modifying an existing Me 109F
Some of the changes such as the tricycle undercarriage were first tested on one Me 109. Source: https://militarymatters.online/forgotten-aircraft/the-messerschmitt-me-309-redundant-beauty/
The new fighter project was initiated by Messerschmitt in 1940. However, the German Aviation Ministry (RLM) was not enthusiastic about it, after significant delays. Actual work on the project didn’t commence until the end of 1941. The project, designated Me 309, was led by Woldemar Voigt and Richard Bauer. It’s worth noting that Messerschmitt’s previous attempt to develop a fighter, based on the record-breaking Me 209, failed because its airframe wasn’t suitable for military purposes. Despite the RLM’s initial skepticism towards the Me 309, they eventually ordered nine prototypes.
The side view of the Me 209V1 prototype. While initially used as a speed record-breaker, Messerschmitt tried to adopt it for the military role but ultimately failed in this. Source: ww2fighters.e-monsite.com
The first Me 309 V-1 (GE-CU) prototype was completed in June 1942, and immediately underwent ground trials at the end of that month. However, almost from the outset, a major issue became apparent, the new landing wheel configuration proved difficult to control on the ground. Subsequent flight tests revealed additional challenges, including strong vibrations at high speeds. In July 1942, after a series of modifications, the prototype underwent flight testing once more, only to encounter new problems with the landing gear. The hydraulic retraction system was found to be inadequate, and issues with engine overheating and aerodynamic instability persisted. On one occasion, test pilot Karl Baur was forced to abort the flight after just seven minutes in the air.
Addressing these issues required further modifications, including redesigning the tailplane and improving the hydraulic system for the landing gear. Despite these efforts, subsequent test flights did not yield significant improvements in the overall flight performance of the Me 309. Messerschmitt’s test pilot, Fritz Wendel, expressed dissatisfaction with the aircraft, noting that its flight characteristics were not markedly superior to those of the Me 109. He criticized the high landing speed and the poor design of the control surfaces.
Not ready to abandon the Me 309 prematurely, the first prototype underwent evaluation at the Rechlin test center for further assessment. On the 20th of November 1942, a report was issued deeming the overall performance of the Me 309 unpromising, even inferior to the new Me 109G. Consequently, the RLM reduced the initial production order from nine prototypes to just four. Initially, the RLM had little enthusiasm for the Me 309, and still preferred instead to prioritize increased production of the Me 109. Introducing another fighter design would inevitably cause production delays. Compounding the industrial challenges, perfecting the Me 309 design would likely require additional time, months if not years of work.
Despite these setbacks, the development of the Me 309 continued at a sluggish pace. The first prototype was initially equipped with a 1,750 hp DB603A-1 engine. It would later be replaced by a 1,450 hp DB 605B engine instead during the testing phase. During one landing, the front landing gear collapsed, causing the aircraft to nose down. Fortunately, the damage sustained was minor. However, the same couldn’t be said for the second prototype (GE-CV), which underwent flight testing on November 28, 1942. Upon landing during its maiden flight, the front landing gear failed, resulting in a hard impact on the ground. The force of the impact nearly split the aircraft into two parts, rendering it extensively damaged and subsequently written off. Despite this setback, two more prototypes were constructed during 1943.
The Me 309 had a troublesome landing gear and a tendency to flip over the nose. In one such accident, the second prototype was lost. Source: https://militarymatters.online/forgotten-aircraft/the-messerschmitt-me-309-redundant-beauty/
Technical characteristics
The Me 309 was conceived as a single-seat fighter, featuring an all-metal construction with a low-wing design. There is limited information available regarding its overall construction. The fuselage was of an oval shape, while the wings were characterized by a dihedral angle with rounded tips, accompanied by automatic leading-edge slots for better maneuverability at low speed. Notably, the wings also incorporated large flaps extending from the wing roots to the ailerons’ end. The canopy was fully glazed, affording excellent visibility of the surroundings.
There is some disagreement among available sources regarding the precise engine used in this aircraft. According to J.R. Smith and A.L. Kay in (German Aircraft of WWII) it was initially powered by a 1,750 hp DB 603A-1 engine, which enabled the Me 309 to achieve a maximum speed of 733 km/h at an altitude of 8,500 meters. This claim is supported by B.C. Wheeler in (Aviation Archive: German Fighters of WWII) although Wheeler does not specify which DB 603 engine was used. On the other hand, Jean-Denis G.G. Lepage, in (Aircraft of the Luftwaffe) mentions that the Daimler-Benz DB 603G engine model was used, with the same maximum speed being achieved. The DB 603G is the likely most correct engine used on the Me 309, considering it was an experimental high-altitude model that never entered mass use.
The later prototypes were powered by a smaller 1,450 hp DB 605B engine. Even the first prototype was eventually reequipped with this engine. As a result, the overall performance dropped significantly to 575 km/h, according to D. Nesić (Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemačka).
With a fuel capacity of 880 liters, its operational range extended to 1,400 km. Equipped with a retractable ventral radiator positioned under the fuselage, the aircraft’s landing gear retracted inward into the wings. A notable departure from convention was the absence of the standard tailwheel; instead, it featured a nosewheel, retracting rearward into the fuselage’s front section.
The Me 309 was initially tested with the DB 603A-1 engine with which it achieved a maximum speed of 733 km/.h. Source: http://www.luftwaffephotos.com/lme2091.htmRear view of the Me 309. Source: http://www.luftwaffephotos.com/lme2091.htmThe Me 309 incorporated some new features such as the new landing gear and a retracting radiator both of which can be seen here. Source: airpages.ru
Despite the considerable investment of time and resources into the Me 309 project, its overall flight performance fell short, ultimately leading to the project’s demise. By the beginning of 1943, the RLM had lost interest in the aircraft, prompting the cancellation of the project after the completion of four prototypes. Despite the cancellation, Messerschmitt proceeded to develop two additional prototypes.
One of these, the Me 309V-3 (CA-NK or CA-CW), was intended as a replacement for the lost V-2 prototype. Its maiden flight took place in March or April of 1943. The fourth prototype marked a significant milestone as it was the first to be equipped with offensive armament, including four 13 mm MG 131 (300 rounds), two 20 mm MG 151 (150 rounds), and two 30 mm MK 108 (65 rounds) cannons. Alternatively, it could be outfitted with two 15 mm MG 151 cannons and three 13 mm MG 131s. Although these armaments were primarily experimental and not used operationally, they were essential for various testing purposes.
Unfortunately, the fate of the last two prototypes remains unclear, with records suggesting they were lost during Allied bombing raids in 1944.
Despite the Messerschmitt hope the Me 309 would not be adopted for service, and the few built prototypes would be mainly used for various testing and evaluation. Source: http://www.luftwaffephotos.com/lme2091.htm
Even before the official cancellation, Messerschmitt officials were hopeful for a larger production order. To this end, they presented several variant proposals for the Me 309. The Me 309A was designed as a fighter variant, equipped with one MG 151 cannon and two MG 131 machine guns. The Me 309B was intended to serve as a fighter-bomber variant, armed with two 250 kg (550 lbs) bombs. As for the Me 309C, it was designed as a destroyer, featuring three MG 151 cannons and up to four MG 131s. An intriguing proposal was the Me 309 Zwilling (Eng. Twins), which involved two aircraft joined together in a configuration reminiscent of the post-war US F-82, but ultimately, this concept did not materialize.
A drawing of the proposed Me 309zw aircraft. Source: D.Sharp Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich
Interestingly in 1944 Japan expressed interest in its design and asked for plans and drawings of the Me309V-3 aircraft. But nothing came of this in the end.
Me 309V-1 – First prototype powered by a 1,750 hp DB 603A-1 engine
Me 309V-2 – Second prototype lost during the first test flight
Me 309V-3 – This prototype was built in early 1943 as a replacement for the second prototype
Me 309V-4 – First prototype to be armed.
Proposed Variants
Me 309A – Proposed fighter variant
Me 309B – Proposed fighter-bomber variant
Me 309C –Proposed destroyer variant
Me 309zw- Proposed twi-aircraft configuration
The Me 309, despite the investment and the hope that it would be an adequate successor to the Me 109, proved to be a troubled design and pulled down by wartime pragmatism. From the start, it was plagued by various mechanical problems that were never resolved. The fact that RLM was never interested that much in such a project did not help either. As it would take considerable time to fully remediate all the noted issues, the project was abandoned in favor of the latter Me 262.
Me 309V-1 Specifications
11.04 m / 36 ft 2 in
9.46 m / 31 ft 1 in
3.4 m / ft
Wing Area
16.55 m² / 178.08 ft²
One 1,750 hp DB 603A-1
Empty Weight
3,530 5kg / 7,784 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight
4,250 kg / 9,371 lbs
Maximum Speed
733 km/h / 455 mph
Cruising speed
665 km/h / 413 mph
1,400 km / 870 miles
Maximum Service Ceiling
12,000 m / 39,360 ft
Climb to 8 km
In 10 minutes
1 pilot
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H.
Illustrations by Oussama Mohamed “Godzilla”
D. Nesić (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemačka. Beograd.
D. Monday (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books.
J. R. Smith and A. L. Kay (1972) German Aircraft of the WW2, Putnam
D. Myhra (2000) Messerschmitt Me 209V1, Schiffer Military History
M. Griehl () X-planes German Luftwaffe prototypes 1930-1940, Frontline Book
D.Sharp (2018) Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich, Mortons
Jean-Denis G.G. Lepage (2009) Aircraft Of The Luftwaffe, McFarland & Company, Inc
B. C. Wheeler (2014) Aviation Archive German Fighters of WWII, Kelsey Publishing Group
Independent State of Croatia (1944-1945)
Fighter – 15 to 30 Operated
Following the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia after the Axis invasions in April of 1941, the Nezavisna Država Hrvatska (Eng. Independent State of Croatia) was created. It immediately began forming its military, including an air force. This air force, while managing to acquire a few hundred aircraft of various types, always lacked fighter planes. Nothing major was done to improve them in this regard up to 1944, when finally, Germany agreed to send a small group of Me 109’s to the NDH to bolster their fighter force.
After Italy’s unsuccessful invasion of Greece, Benito Mussolini was forced to ask his German ally for help. Adolf Hitler agreed to assist, fearing that a possible Allied attack through the Balkans would reach Romania and its vital oil fields. In the path of the German advance towards Greece stood Yugoslavia, whose government initially agreed to join the Axis side. This agreement was short-lived, as the Yugoslav government was overthrown by an anti-Axis, pro-Allied military coup at the end of March 1941. Hitler immediately gave an order for the preparation of the invasion of Yugoslavia. The war that began on 6th April 1941, sometimes called the April War, was a short one and ended with a Yugoslav defeat and the division of its territory between the Axis powers.
With the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Croatia, with German aid, was finally able to declare independence, albeit becoming a fascist puppet state. It was officially formed on the 10th of April 1941. The new state received a significant territorial expansion by annexing most of western Yugoslavia, including Bosnia, parts of Serbia, and Montenegro.
While the conquest of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia proved to be an easy task for the Axis, holding these territories proved to be much more difficult. This was mainly due to two major resistance movements that were actively engaged in sabotage, destroying railways and bridges, and attacking isolated occupation units’ positions and strong points. Despite attempts to suppress these attacks, the resistance movements, especially the Communist Partisans, grew rapidly, forcing the Germans and their Allies to introduce ever-larger occupation forces. The NDH forces were especially targeted by the resistance as they committed numerous war crimes, including mass murders and deportations to concentration camps. Thanks to German help, they managed to form a small air force that had in its inventory all kinds of obsolete, and in rare cases, modern equipment. By 1943, it was in the process of reorganization, and the NDH officials during this period often asked their German overlords for more modern aircraft. Sometimes they even portrayed their own Air Force as being weaker than it was in the hope of getting military aid. Eventually, near the end of the war, several dozen Me 109s were sent from Germany to NDH.
A Brief Me 109 History
The Me 109 was Willy Messerschmitt’s response to the German Air Force’s request for a modern fighter in 1934. Despite being a completely unknown aircraft designer, his aircraft, thanks to its simplicity and performance, easily beat the competition. Soon after it entered mass production in 1936. It was quite an advanced design for its time and superior to most fighters around the world. Over the years various versions were built, each introducing various modifications. Some were even specially made for various other roles, such as training or reconnaissance. By the end of the war over 30.000 were built making it the second most produced military aircraft in history. Given the sheer number of produced aircraft, it should not be surprising that many were sold or given to various nations in Europe.
One of the most iconic fighters of the Second World War was the Me 109. Source: Wiki
The Need of the NDH Air Force
Following the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the NDH began organizing its newly created armed forces. Its air force was created on the 19th of April, 1941. Immediately, work began on creating an adequate structural organization, acquiring manpower, and procuring equipment. Initially, plans for arming this Air Force were ambitious and included acquiring the newest German aircraft design. For example, the main fighter aircraft was to be the Me 109E. A single fighter group would consist of 22 such aircraft. The Germans on the other hand decided to ignore this request, as these planes were needed for the upcoming invasion of the Soviet Union. They also did not fully trust the NDH officials. As a compromise, the NDH air force was to be equipped with the stockpiles of captured Yugoslavian aircraft. The Germans, once again disappointed in the state of their air force, gave the NDH only those aircraft that were mostly obsolete while transferring the better aircraft, like the Hurricanes, to Romania instead.
Prior to the war the Kingdom of Yugoslavia operated a number of modern Me 109E fighters. Despite the NDH’s constant requests to the Germans to deliver at least some of these nothing came of this. Source: www.paluba.info
Under German Command
While the Germans did not provide the NDH with the Me 109, the Croatian pilots still got the chance to fly on them. While receiving no major import of equipment from their ally, the NDH still wanted to have a good relationship with the Germans. When the massive invasions on the Soviet Union were launched, while the NDH did not directly participate in this attack, its government issued a proclamation for volunteers at the start of July 1941. It called for volunteers among the Croatian population to join the German Army. The NDH Air Force also contributed to this voluntary enlisting. While it lacked equipment, it did not have shortages of personnel willing to go and fight the Soviets. For this purpose, the 4th Air Force Regiment was formed. It consisted of the 4th Air Force Fighter Group and the 5th Air Force Bomber Group. The 4th Group had in total over 200 members. Once assembled, the fighter group was transported to Furth in Germany where their training was to commence. The training officially began on the 19th of July 1941. For this purpose, the Germans provided some Bu 133, Ar 96, and even some older Me 109D planes. During the training process, one pilot was killed in an accident. During this period the 4th Group was divided into two newly created 10th and 11th squadrons
At the end of September 1941, elements from the 10th Squadron were sent to fight on the Eastern Front. They arrived on the 6th of October and were allocated to the Jagdgeschwader (Eng. Fighter wing) 52. They were to pilot five allocated Me 109Es, with six more being expected to arrive later. Their first combat flight mission occurred on the 9th of October. They were patrolling the area around Ahtijevka-Krasnograd when the unit spotted a lone Soviet aircraft. It was engaged and shot down by a German pilot who served as a liaison officer in this unit. The following month saw the unit mainly tasked with patrolling and protecting the German airfields in this region. On the 2nd of November, the first air victory was achieved by Croatian pilots. Seven days later another victory was scored. On the 16th of November, the German liaison officer Lieutenant Baumgarten managed to achieve another victory. He died two days later when he collided in mid-air with a Soviet Aircraft. At the end of November, a Soviet I-16 fighter was shot down. At the start of the following month, the first Croatian pilot, Ivan Karner, lost his life in an accident.
During December they were stationed in the Azov area. During January, pilots from this unit managed to shoot down some 23 Soviet aircraft. By April 1942, 12 more enemy aircraft were shot down over the Kerch Peninsula. In May, the whole unit was renamed to Jagdgruppe Džal (Eng. Fighter Group Džal) which was a common thing for the Germans to name particular military groups for their commanders, in this case, Colonel Franjo Džal. By that time the unit operated the older Me 109E and requested the delivery of newer models. In July 1942, the first Me 109G-2 version began to reach this unit. July and August were quite successful for the Croatian pilots who achieved many air victories, some 137 at that point, against various types of Soviet aircraft, despite being used mainly for support missions.
The Croatian pilots returned to the NDH at the end of 1942 for rest and recuperation. By this point, they had achieved 164 confirmed air victories over 3,300 flights. The best fighter ace of this unit was Cvitan Galić who was credited with 24 air victories, plus 7 more that were not confirmed. The unit was not without casualties as six pilots were lost. After a few months spent resting, they returned to the Soviet Union in February 1943. They were stationed in Crimea and saw heavy action there. Interestingly they encountered Allied-supplied Spitfires and P-39s. While they continued bringing down many more Soviet pilots, the rapid deterioration on the frontlines caused some of these pilots to second-guess their place in the war. In May and June, at least three pilots defected to the Soviet Union. Fearing that more would follow, the Germans prohibited any further flights by Croatian pilots. The unit commander was temporarily removed from this post but reinstated later in September 1943. In late October more combat flight patrols with new pilots were initiated. The 4th Group in October had only 8 fully operational aircraft.
The 4th Group mainly operated the Me 109E with a better model arriving later into the war. Source: www.destinationsjourney.comIn July 1942 first Me 109G-2 fighter versions began to reach this unit, followed by many more different versions. Source; T. Likso and D. Čanak The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War
This unit would remain active on the Eastern Front in 1944. In September 1944, two more pilots defected to the Soviet Side, forcing the Germans to once again forbid the remaining Croatian pilots from flying. In November, the unit was disbanded and its personnel received infantry training. In early 1945 these saw action as standard infantry in Poland. After March 1945 those that survived were sent back to the NDH. In total the 4th Group that served over four years on the Eastern Front was credited with the destruction of over 300 enemy aircraft.
Despite being a small unit the 4th Squadron pilots managed to claim 300 enemy aircraft. Source: T. Likso and D. Čanak The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War
In NDH service
It was not until early 1945 that the first Me 109 began to arrive in the NDH itself. These included the G-6, 14, and 10 variants. These aircraft were acquired for the 4th Fighter Group (11th and 12th Squadrons). While nominally part of the NDH Air Force, the 4th Fighter Group was actually under the direct control of the Germans. While 15 aircraft were to be delivered, 5 of them never reached Croatia as they were lost during the transit. These numbers are according to T. Likso and D. Čanak. (The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War). However, both authors expressed their doubts about the precise number of delivered aircraft. They believe that that number was actually higher and that more than 15 aircraft were delivered.
Author V. V. Mikić (Zrakoplovstvo Nezavisne Države Hrvatske 1941-1945) gives a different account. According to him, some 30 Me 109s were allocated to the NDH service. The first 10 aircraft arrived at the end of November 1944. The second group of 10 aircraft reached NDH at the end of 1944. The last 10 were to arrive in January 1945. On transit flight two of them accidentally collided, with one more benign heavily damaged during the landing.
In The Balkans
Given that these fighters arrived late into the war, there is little surviving documentation that mentions their use in combat. In March, two Me 109s were used to attack a partisan airfield Smrdan but without any success.
During March and April 1945, some of these newly arrived aircraft were used for crew training. These flights mainly lasted between 10 to 15 minutes, and the older Me 109G-6 was used for this purpose. On the 26th of March, and later on the 2nd of April, ground attacks against Partisan-held airfields were made.
By 1945, defections from the NDH’s forces became a common occurrence, and they were having a hard time keeping the Army intact. The Air Force was not an exception to this, as its pilots often managed to escape either to the Allies in Italy, or the Yugoslav Partisans. On the 16th of April 1945, while flying a patrol mission, two Me 109s escaped to Italy and surrendered to the Allies. These were piloted by Josip Ceković, flying aMe 109G-10, and Vladimir Sandtner, in a Me 109G-14. The first pilot escaped to Falconara and the latter to Ancona. Allegedly, these two fighters had acted as a guard to a secret NDH delegation that was to fly to Italy and ask the Allies for peace, and possibly even switch sides.
In late April 1945 pilot Josip Ceković while flying a Me 109G-10 escaped to Falconara in Italy and surrendered to the Allies. Source: www.britmodeller.com
Two more pilots deserted with their aircraft, both flying Me 109G-10s, on the 20th of April. These were part of a group of four Me 109s that were tasked with attacking Partisan ground targets. Instead, two pilots defected and flew to the city of Mostar, which was at that time in Partisan hands. They were immediately put into partisan service after the NDH symbols were repainted. On the 7th of May, they saw action against the retreating Axis ground forces.
On the 23rd of April 1945 while on patrol, two NDH Me 109s spotted two Allied P-51s. The Me 109 pilots managed to fly at a close range of some 80 meters and opened fire. One of the P-51s caught fire, and while the pilot tried to escape a second burst of cannon fire from the Me 109 brought it down. They were intercepted by two more P-51s. The NDH aircraft, despite receiving many hits, managed to damage another P-51. As more Allied fighters began to approach this engagement, the Me 109s began to fly away toward their base of operation, managing to escape the pursuers.
The few remaining Me 109s were used in the last days of the war. They tried to defend the Axis positions at the Sermian Front in the Eastern part of Croatia. This was a vital defense line for the remaining Axis Forces that was for some time besieged by the advancing Partisans. During this time, the Me 109 participated in a few skirmishes with the Partisan-operated Yak fighters. The NDH Me 109s generally avoided direct fights as they were severely outnumbered.
In the last days of the war, many of the Me 109 escaped to Austria. It is believed that up to 17 aircraft made this flight, and they were left abandoned, later to be put to use by the advancing Partisans
Camo and markings
The NDH Me 109s were left in German late time war-type camouflages. This usually consisted of Dunkelgrun (Eng. Dark green) and Grau (Eng. Grey) on the upper aircraft surfaces, and Hellblau (Eng. Sky Blue) on the lower surfaces. A yellow-painted ring followed the black nose. To the rear, the usually yellow-painted band that goes around the fuselage was repainted in green. A standard Croatian white and red checkerboard coat of arms was painted on the tail unit. Starting from 24th February 1945 the NDH Air Force introduced the use of a black trefoil that was painted on the aircraft fuselage sides or wings.
A good view of the NDH Me 109 side view, notice the large black trefoil that was painted on the aircraft fuselage sides or wings. Source: falkeeins.blogspot.com
Technical Specification
The Bf 109 was a low-wing, all-metal, single-seat fighter. To keep the production of this aircraft as simple as possible, Messerschmitt engineers decided to develop a monocoque fuselage that was divided into two halves. These halves would be placed together and connected using simple flush rivets, thus creating a simple base on which remaining components, like the engine, wings, and instruments would be installed.
In order to provide room for the retracting landing gear, Messerschmitt intentionally used only a single wing spar which was positioned quite to the rear of the wing. This spar had to be sufficiently strong to withstand the load forces that acted on the wings during flight. The wings were connected to the fuselage by four strong bolts. This design enables the wings to have a rather simple overall construction with the added benefit of being cheap to produce. During the Bf 109’s later service life, the damaged wings could be simply replaced with others on hand. The wings were also very thin, which provided the aircraft with better overall control at lower speeds but also reduced drag which in turn increased the overall maximum speed
The cockpit was placed in the center of the fuselage. It was a fully enclosed compartment that was riveted to the fuselage. The Bf 109 cockpit itself was quite cramped. The Me 109 possessed quite an unusual landing gear arrangement. The landing gear was mainly connected to the lower center base of the fuselage, which meant that the majority of the weight of the aircraft would be centered at this point. The two landing gear struts retracted outward towards the wings.
As the production of this aircraft went on for years, various modifications and improvements were carried out to improve the flight performance. This included its overall shape, engine, armament, and instrumentation. For example, the Me 109B-1 which was introduced before the outbreak of the war in Europe, was powered by a 635 hp Jumo 210D engine and armed with three 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns
The later Me 109G-6 which was introduced to service in early 1943 was powered by a much stronger 1,475 hp DB605A engine. In addition, the armament was improved with either one 30 mm (1.18 in), or two 20 mm (0.78 in) cannons and additional two 13 mm (0.51 in) machine guns It was a mass-produced fighter aircraft that stayed in service up to the end of the war. There were several sub-variants of the G-6 some of which were the R-2 reconnaissance, R-3 with larger fuel load, and R-6 with stronger armament in the wings.
The G-14 variant incorporated some minor changes mainly intended to standardize some parts of the Me 109 series. This includes using the erla haube type canopy, a larger tail fin, and standardized the use of methanol-water injection. The G-14 was an attempt to consolidate all of the modifications that had accumulated with the G-6 into a common variant, the G-10 was converted from old airframes to get the newer DB 605D engine into service faster.
The G-10 (essentially modified G-14/G-6) was an attempt to increase the overall flight speed and high-altitude performance by introducing the new DB 605D engine equipped with a larger supercharger. In addition, this variant received several modifications such as a reinforced, lengthened tail wheel strut, using wider front wheels, somewhat larger wings, etc. It was introduced to service in late 1944 and saw relatively limited combat action due to this.
The Me 109 was the best NDH fighter during the war. Unfortunately for the NDH, these began to arrive at the end of 1944. It is way too late and in too few numbers to have any meaningful impact on the war in Yugoslavia. Lack of fuel, the Allied air supremacy, and the rapidly collapsing Axis resistance meant that these stood little chance to effectively fight back.
Me 109G-6 Specifications
9,92 m / 32 ft 6 in
9 m / 29 ft 7 in
2.6 m / 8 ft 6 in
Wing Area
16.2 m² / 175 ft²
One 1,475 hp DB605 AM
Empty Weight
2,700 kg / 5,950 lbs
Maximum Take-off Weight
3,200 kg / 7,055 lbs
Maximum Speed
620 km/h / 373 mph
600 km / 620 miles
Maximum Service Ceiling
11,550m / 37,895 ft
1 pilot
One 30 mm (1.18 in), or two 20 mm (0.78 in) cannons and two 13 mm (0.51 in) machine guns
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H.
Illustrated by Godzilla
A. Pelletier (2002) French Fighters Of World War II in Action, Squadron/Signal Publication
J. R. Beaman (1983) Messerschmitt Bf 109 in action part 2, Squadron publication
V. V. Mikić, (2000) Zrakoplovstvo Nezavisne Države Hrvatske 1941-1945, Vojno istorijski institut Vojske Jugoslavije.
T. Likso and Danko Č. (1998) The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War, Nacionalna Sveučilišna Zagreb
J. R. Smith and A. L. Kay (1990) German Aircraft of the Second World War, Putnam
D. Monday (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books
C. Chants (2007) Aircraft of World War II, Grange Books.
Upon its introduction before the outbreak of the Second World War, the German Me 109 emerged as one of the premier fighter designs globally. While it proved formidable during the conflict, rival aircraft gradually matched and even exceeded its performance in several key areas. In a bid to secure a successor for the Me 109 late in the war, Messerschmitt endeavored to develop the Me 209A, a highly modified design based on its predecessor. Despite demonstrating promising flight attributes, logistical constraints hindered its adoption for active service.
While the Germans acknowledged the effectiveness of the Me 109, it became evident that a new fighter design, or serious enhancements to the existing model, would be necessary. In early 1941, Messerschmitt began developing a successor to the Me 109. This exploration resulted in the creation of the Me 309. It was a brand-new fighter aircraft that incorporated a new fuselage design, larger wings, and a tricycle undercarriage. It was powered by a 1,750 hp DB 603A-1. A few different armament systems were to be tested including four 13 mm MG 131 (300 rounds), two 2 cm MG 151 (150 rounds), and two 30 mm MK 108 (65 rounds) cannons. Alternatively, it could be outfitted with two 15 mm MG 151 cannons and three 13 mm MG 131s.
By June 1942, the prototype underwent flight testing. Despite an initially promising design, testing revealed that the Me 309 did not offer significant improvements over the Me 109G, which was already in mass production. Consequently, recognizing the impracticality of further investment, the Me 309 project was ultimately terminated.
The Me 309 was one of the Messerschmitt failed attempts to develop a successor for the Me 109. Source: www.luftwaffephotos.com
As the development of the Me 309 proved fruitless, Messerschmitt continued to strive towards a suitable replacement for the Me 109. Fortunately for the company, the German Air Ministry (RLM) initiated the development of a new high-altitude fighter on April 23, 1943. In response, Messerschmitt introduced the Me 209. Interestingly, this name was recycled from an earlier project, the original Me 209, which had been crafted specifically to set world-breaking speed records. However, it was ill-suited for military purposes and the project was ultimately shelved having fulfilled its original purpose. Despite this, Messerschmitt endeavored to develop a viable fighter based on the Me 209 but met with little success. To avoid potential confusion, the new project, which bore no resemblance to the record-breaking aircraft, was designated as the Me 209A (also occasionally referred to as the Me 209-II).
The Me 209 which had been crafted specifically to set world-breaking speed records, proved to be unsuited for fighter adaptation. Source: ww2fighters.e-monsite.com
In order to expedite development and minimize costs, the design of this new fighter used many components from the Me 109. A powerful engine was essential for achieving optimal flight performance. Thus, the prototype, powered by a 1,750 PS DB 603A-1 engine, underwent completion and testing in early November 1943, with Fritz Wendel as the pilot. To avoid confusion, it was designated as the Me 209V-5 (SP-LJ), distinguishing it from the original Me 209 prototypes, V-1 to V-4.
The success of the first prototype led to the completion and testing of a second prototype by the end of 1943, both exhibiting impressive flight characteristics. Encouraged by this achievement, construction of another prototype commenced. However, due to shortages of the DB 603A-1 engine, the decision was made to utilize the 1,750 hp Jumo 213E instead. This third prototype underwent flight testing in May 1944, prompting a designation change to Me 209A. The prototypes, with their alternate engine configurations, were then distinguished with the suffixes A-0, A-1, and A-2 for the first, second, and third, respectively.
Technical characteristics
Unfortunately given the obscurity of this project, its overall technical specifications are somewhat ambiguous. What is known is that it incorporated some 65% of its construction from the Me 109G. The original Me 109 fuselage was a monocoque design that was divided into two halves. These halves would be placed together and connected using simple flush rivets, thus creating a simple base on which remaining components, like the engine, wings, and instruments would be installed.
In order to accommodate the retracting landing gear, Messerschmitt deliberately opted for a single wing spar positioned towards the rear of the wing. This spar needed to be robust enough to withstand the flight’s load forces. The wings were attached to the fuselage by four sturdy bolts, simplifying the overall wing construction and reducing production costs. The Me209A boasted a larger wingspan and area, consequently increasing wing loading by 25% compared to the original Me 109. Furthermore, alterations were made to the wings and tail to address the Me 109’s strong yaw forces on takeoff. Whether these adjustments successfully rectified the issue in the Me 209A remains unclear according to available sources.
Initially, it was powered by a 1,750 hp DB 603A-1 engine which was provided with an annular radiator and a three-blade propeller. With this engine, a maximum record speed achieved was 724 km/h 450 mph at an altitude of nearly 7 km (22,960 ft). The third prototype (A-2) received a new 1,750 hp Jumo 213E engine. It too was provided with an annular radiator. With it, a maximum speed of 660 km/h (410 mph) was achieved at an altitude of 6 km (19/680 ft)
The canopy was placed in the center of the fuselage. It was a fully enclosed compartment that was riveted to the fuselage.
The Me 109 boasted an unconventional landing gear arrangement, at least for German standards, with the landing gear primarily affixed to the lower center base of the fuselage. This configuration centralized the aircraft’s weight at this pivotal point, while the two landing gear struts extended outward toward the wings. In contrast, the Me 209 utilized a wide-track undercarriage unit, with the pivot points being out on the wings.
Various sources have proposed different armament configurations for the Me 209. One suggestion was the installation of two 3 cm MK 108 cannons, each equipped with 70 rounds of ammunition, alongside two 2 cm MG 151 cannons with 250 rounds per cannon, all to be housed within the aircraft’s wings. Alternatively, another proposal suggested the placement of four MK 108 cannons within the wings and two MG 151 cannons positioned above the engine compartment. However, it remains unclear whether any of these proposed armament configurations were ever implemented on the Me 209A.
The side view of the only photograph of the Me 209A first prototype. Source: http://www.luftwaffephotos.com/lme2091.htm
In 1944, further testing ensued, yet for Messerschmitt, the advent of the new Fw 190D posed a challenge. The Fw 109D, slowly making its way into production, boasted better performance, being faster in both high and low altitudes. What ultimately sealed the fate of the Me 209A project was the swiftness and cost-effectiveness with which the Fw 190D could be put into production. While the Me 209 incorporated many components from the Me 109, setting up its production would demand considerable time. A luxury in short supply for the Germans in 1944. Additionally, Messerschmitt’s focus at that time was squarely on the new Me 262 production, leaving scant resources to spare for yet another piston-powered fighter.
Despite these challenges, Messerschmitt made a final push to advance the Me 209 project with the construction and testing of the fourth prototype, designated Me 209H V-1, in June 1944. This iteration underwent several modifications, including enlarged wings and propulsion by a DB 603G engine. Unfortunately, the first prototype fell victim to an air raid on August 14, 1944, casting uncertainty over the fate of the remaining aircraft. Although there were intentions to export the Me 209A to Japan, these plans never materialized. It was also competing with the Ta 152H, which was easier to put into production while also having better performance, at least on paper.
Me 209A-0- First prototype powered by a 1,750 hp DB 603A-1 engine
Me 209A-1- Secon aircraft is essentially a copy of the first prototype
Me 209A-2- Third tested with a new 1,750 Jumo 213E engine
Me 209H V-1 – The fourth prototype powered by a DB 603G engine and received larger wings
The Me 209A project ultimately reached a dead end, not because it was a poorly designed aircraft, but simply because it didn’t offer significant enough improvements to justify production. The new Fw 109D, boasting similar flight performance, was already in the production phase. Introducing yet another new design without any notable advancements in this fighter category would have been illogical and a waste of already meager resources.
Me 209A-2 Specifications
10.95 m / 35 ft 11 in
9.62 m / 31 ft 6 in
3.65 m / 12 ft 2 in
Wing Area
17.15 m² / 184.53 ft²
1,750 hp Jumo 213E
Empty Weight
3,475kg / 7,662 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight
4,200 kg / 9,261 lbs
Maximum Speed
660 km/h / 410 mph
Cruising speed
490 km/h / 305 mph
690 km / 430 miles
Maximum Service Ceiling
13,000 m / 42,650 ft
1 pilot
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H.
Illustrations by Oussama Mohamed “Godzilla”
D. Nesić (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemačka. Beograd.
D. Monday (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books.
J. R. Smith and A. L. Kay (1972) German Aircraft of the WW2, Putnam
D. Myhra (2000) Messerschmitt Me 209V1, Schiffer Military History
B. C.Wheeler, German Fighters of WWII, Aeroplane Special
R. Jackson (2005) Infamous Aircraft, Pen and Sword
M. Griehl () X-planes German Luftwaffe prototypes 1930-1940, Frontline Book
Empire of Japan (1937) Fighter Aircraft – Number Operated 30
During the war with China, the Japanese Air Forces encountered enemy fighters that were much better than what they currently had in their inventory. As their modern fighters were either under development or only available in limited numbers, they tried to acquire new fighters from aboard. The options for acquiring such fighters were rather limited, and the Japanese turned to the Germans for a solution. This came in the form of 30 He 112 known in Japanese service as the A7He1.
The He 112 in Japanese service. Source: D. Bernard Heinkel He 112 in Action
A brief He 112 history
Before the Second World War, the Luftwaffe was in need of a new and modern fighter that was to replace the older biplane fighters in service, such as the Arado Ar 68 and Heinkel He 51. For this reason, in May 1934 the RLM issued a competition for a new and modern fighter plane. While four companies responded to this request, only the designs from Heinkel and Messerschmitt were deemed sufficient. The Heinkel He 112 was a good design that offered generally acceptable flight characteristics and possessed a good basis for further improvements. The Bf 109 on the other hand had slightly better overall flight performance and was much simpler and cheaper to build. Given the fact that the Germans were attempting to accelerate the production of the new fighter, this was seen as a huge advantage over the He 112. Ultimately it would not be accepted for service, and only 100 or so aircraft would be built. These would be mainly sold abroad, with those remaining in Germany used for various testing and evaluation purposes.
While the He 112 project was canceled by the RLM, to compensate for the huge investment in resources and time into it, Heinkel was permitted to export this aircraft. A number of countries such as Austria, Japan, Romania, and Finland showed interest, but only a few actually managed to procure this aircraft, and even then, only in limited numbers.
Attempts to make a deal with Japan
In 1937 a war between Japan and China broke out. While Japan had a better-equipped and more organized army, it faced stiff resistance. The Chinese were supported by the Soviet Union which supplied them with weapons and equipment, including aircraft. These caused huge concern within the Imperial Japanese Navy. Their newest fighters were either present only in small numbers or were still under development. As a temporary solution, IJN officials decided to approach Germany for assistance in the hope of acquiring new fighters.
For this reason, a military delegation was dispatched to Germany in the Autumn of 1937. Despite its later known fame, the German Air Force at that time was still in its early stage of rebuilding and realistically did not have much to offer, being in need of modern fighters themselves. This would come in the form of the Messerschmitt Me 109. Its competing Heinkel He 112 lost the competition but was allowed to be sold abroad if anyone was interested. It was probably for this reason that the Japanese delegation visited the Heinkel factory at Marienehe. There they had the choice to observe the He 112 V9 aircraft. They were generally satisfied with what they saw and placed an initial order for 30 He 112Bs. If these proved to be as good as they hoped they would be, another, larger order for 100 more aircraft was to be given. As a confirmation of this agreement, the Japanese delegation returned with one He 112 aircraft that was to be used for familiarization and evaluation.
One of the 30 He 112 sold to Japan in 1938, Source: D. Bernard Heinkel He 112 in Action
Naming Scheme
As this aircraft was expected to enter service, it was designated as A7He1 by the IJN. The capital ‘A’ stands as a designation for a fighter. The number ‘7’ represents that this aircraft was to supersede the type 6 designation fighter. He stands for the Heinkel, and lastly the ‘1’ stands for the first variant of this type. The Allied intelligence services discovered its existence within the IJP and awarded it the code name Jerry.
Testing In Japan
Four aircraft arrived in 1937, and the last one arrived at the end of 1938. As the first aircraft began to arrive, the IJN began testing the A7He1’s performance in contrast to other fighters that they had in inventory, namely the Mitsubishi A5M2. While the A7He1 proved to be some 65 km/h faster, in other regards such as climbing speed and general maneuverability it proved equal or even worse than the Japanese fighter. The Japanese were not satisfied with the A7He1 engine which was deemed too complex. These factors ultimately led the commission which examined it to propose that it should not be adopted, nor that any further orders should be given. After the arrival of the last A7He1, the order for an additional 100 aircraft was canceled.
Ultimate Fate
As the A7He1 was not adopted for service, the IJN had to decide what to do with the 30 aircraft. They still represent a financial investment that could not be simply discarded. Some of these were allocated to various research institutes for future studies and evaluation, the remainder were given to training schools. None were ever used operationally in combat either in China or in the Pacific.
Quite surprisingly given their age and the rather limited numbers that were acquired, a few He1 survived the war and were captured by the Allies. One example was found in Atsugi airfield near Honshu in early October 1945. Unfortunately, the fate of these captured aircraft is not known but they were likely scrapped at some point after the war.
Despite the limited number of acquired aircraft, some of them survived the war and were later captured by the Allies. Source: www.destinationsjourney.comAnother aircraft (on the left) is being photographed by the Allied soldiers. It is possible that it was the same aircraft as in the previous photograph just taken later when it was being scraped. Source: www.destinationsjourney.com
Technical Characteristics
The He 112 was an all-metal single-engine fighter. The monocoque fuselage consisted of a metal base covered by riveted stress metal sheets. The wing was slightly gulled, with the wingtips bending upward, and had the same construction as the fuselage with a combination of metal construction covered in stressed metal sheets.
During its development life, a great number of engines were tested on the He 112. For the main production version, the He 112 B-2, the 700 hp Jumo 210G liquid-cooled engine was used, and some were equipped with the 680 hp Jumo 210E engine. The He 112 had a fuel capacity of 101 liters in two wing-mounted tanks, with a third 115-liter tank placed under the pilot’s seat.
The landing gear was more or less standard in design. They consisted of two larger landing wheels that retracted into the wings and one semi-retractable tail wheel. The He 112 landing gear was wide enough to provide good ground handling and stability during take-off or landing.
The cockpit received a number of modifications. Initially, it was open with a simple windshield placed in front of the pilot. Later models had a sliding canopy that was either partially or fully glazed.
While the armament was changed during the He 112’s production, the last series was equipped with two 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns and two 2 cm Oerlikon MG FF cannons. The ammunition load for each machine gun was 500 rounds, with 60 rounds each for the cannons. If needed, two bomb racks could be placed under the wings.
While the He 112 was often portrayed as a modern fighter, from the Japanese point of view it proved to be disappointing in any case. While expecting a potentially effective fighter that was better with everything they had, the He 112 proved to be quite the opposite. After the 30 aircraft arrived no further orders were given. This only serves to prove that the old saying the grass is always greener on the other side is correct once in a while.
He 112B-2 Specifications
29 ft 10 in / 9.1 m
30 ft 2 in / 9.22 m
12 ft 7 in / 3.82 m
Wing Area
180 ft² / 17 m²
One 700 hp Jumo 210G liquid-cooled engine
Empty Weight
3,570 lbs / 1,620 kg
Maximum Take-off Weight
4,960 lbs / 2,250 kg
Climb Rate to 6 km
In 10 minutes
Maximum Speed
317 mph / 510 km/h
Cruising speed
300 mph / 484 km/h
715 miles / 1,150 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
31,170 ft / 9,500 m
1 pilot
Two 20 mm (1.8 in) cannons and two machine guns 7.92 mm (0.31 in) machine guns and 60 kg bombs
He 112 v5 as it was tested by Japan
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H.
Illustrations by Godzilla
Duško N. (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemаčaka. Beograd
J. R. Smith and A. L. Kay (1990) German Aircraft of the Second World War, Putnam
D. Monday (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books
D. Bernard (1996) Heinkel He 112 in Action, Signal Publication
R.S. Hirsch, U, Feist and H. J. Nowarra (1967) Heinkel 100, 112, Aero Publisher
C. Chants (2007) Aircraft of World War II, Grange Books.
Germany (1943) Experimental Circular Wing Aircraft – 1 Prototype Built
The unusual Sack AS-6 circular-wing aircraft [falkeeins.blogspot.com]In the history of aviation there were many designers who had ambitious ideas and concepts for new designs, but never had the chance to bring their ideas to fruition. On the other hand, there were those who had radical or even completely impractical designs that did manage, at least to some extent, to be built. Germany had a fair share of such individuals, especially during the later stages of the Second World War. These designers may have proposed their projects out of desperation to save their country or in fear of being sent to the front. There were also those that were simply enthusiasts in aircraft development but lacked a better understanding of how aerodynamics actually work. One such person was Arthur Sack (1900-1964), who prior to the war came up with the idea of building a circular-wing aircraft known simply as the Sack AS-6.
Prior to the war, Germans were prohibited from developing and building military aircraft. The Germans simply bypassed this prohibition by instead focusing on gliders, but also on civilian aircraft which if needed would be quickly converted for military use and conducted secret experiments. They especially took great care in the development and investment of manned gliders, but also scale model-building competitions and organizations. While this may seem like a waste of time and money, it actually helped gain initial and valuable experience in aircraft development which proved vital for the later Luftwaffe.
One such model competition was the National Contest of Aero Models with combustion engines, held in late June 1939 at Leipzig-Mockau. Here, aviation enthusiast Arthur Sack presented his model of an unusually circular-wing-shaped aircraft named AS-1. It is sadly unclear why Sack pursued the design of such an unusual aircraft design. Due to engine problems, the AS-1 was unable to take off from the ground, so the small model had to be launched by hand instead. The Air Minister (Reichsluftfahrtministerium RLM) Ernst Udet, who was present at the event, seemed to be impressed with this design and advised Sack to continue its development.
Arthur Sack and his AS-1 model. [lvz.de]Thanks to financial support from the RLM, Sack was able to proceed with the development and even the construction of a few scale models, a process that lasted some three years. In 1943 he submitted a fully operational model SA-5 to the RLM. The presentation went well for Sack and the RLM commission provided the necessary funds for the construction of a fully operational prototype. Interestingly, at some point Sack came into contact with another unusual aircraft designer Dr. Alexander Lippisch. While not completely clear, it appears that Sack received some design tips from Lippisch, to better improved his work.
With the order secured, Sack initiated the construction of a prototype. He named this aircraft the AS-6 V1 (Versuchs – version). As he had no proper workshop to build the aircraft himself, the glider manufacturer Mitteldeutsche Metallwerke was tasked with this instead. The initial work for the assembly of the aircraft began in the autumn of 1943. It took nearly half a year to complete the working prototype. Interestingly, due to the general shortage of materials, the AS-6 was constructed by utilizing a considerable amount of salvaged components from other damaged aircraft. For example, the cockpit canopy and parts of the interior were taken from a Bf 109B. Once the prototype was ready, it was allocated to the Luftwaffe for initial tests in early 1944.
AS-6 side view. [lvz.de]
Technical Characteristics
A good view of the AS-6 internal wooden frame construction.[all-aero.com]The AS-6 was designed as an experimental prototype to test the idea of using circular-wing design. Sadly, this aircraft is quite obscure and poorly documented so not much is known about its overall design. It was a single-seater aircraft that was mostly built out of wood. It did not have a classical fuselage, instead, the majority of the aircraft consisted of two large circular wings. The internal design is more or less conventional with a wooden construction frame being covered with canvas. Two large elevators were installed on the rear of the wings. The tail assembly is a conventional design as well, consisting of one vertical stabilizer and two horizontal stabilizers.
The AS-6 rearview. The two elevators were too small, poorly designed, and did not provide adequate control during initially limited test flights. [all-aero.com]The AS-6 was powered by an Argus As 10C-3 engine, which ultimately proved to be inadequate [all-aero.com]The AS-6 was powered by a 240 hp Argus As 10C-3 engine driving a two-blade wooden propeller. The engine was housed in a metal frame, which was then bolted to the AS-6 fuselage. The engine was salvaged from a Bf 108 aircraft.
The cockpit canopy and its interior, as already mentioned, were taken from a Bf 109B. The cockpit was slightly elevated above the fuselage and provided the pilot with an excellent all-around view. The landing gear was also salvaged from a Bf 109B, but in the case of the AS-6, it was fixed. Initially, a landing skid was used on the rear, which was later replaced with a landing wheel instead.
The canopy and landing gear was taken from a damaged Bf 109 aircraft [ufxufo.org]
Testing the Prototype
Initial evaluation tests of the AS-6 prototype were conducted at the Luftwaffe Brandis Airbase. The flight tests were conducted by Rolf Baltabol Junkers test pilot. While several short take-offs were made, there were no attempts to actually take the aircraft to the sky. The test pilot noted that the aircraft had an overall poor design and was difficult to control. He urged that the control surfaces and rudder be completely redesigned. The engine was also deemed too weak. During the last short take-off, one of the two landing gear assemblies was damaged.
The AS-6, following its unsuccessful start, spent several weeks in repairs and received a number of modifications in an attempt to improve its performance. These included adding an additional 70 kg of weight to the rear, installation of brakes taken from a Ju 88, and repositioning the landing wheels to the rear by about 20 cm. Sack proposed moving the landing wheels further back, but the test pilot Rolf simply refused to fly it if this change was implemented. He argued that placing the landing gear to the rear would imbalance the aircraft potentially leading to tipping forward during a take-off. For this reason, the modification was not implemented. While the engine was underpowered, there were simply no alternatives available at that time.
The AS-6 during testing [falkeeins.blogspot.com]The next test was scheduled for April 1944. During these tests, Rolf tried to take it to the sky, but failed again to do so. This time it was noted that the wings were simply too short. Further tests were canceled, the AS-6 was to await more modifications, and was to be tested in a wind tunnel; if possible with a completely new engine.
The fate of the AS-6
Following the unsuccessful testing, the AS-6 was stored at the Brandis airfield. In the summer of 1944, this airfield became the main operational base for the experimental Me 163 rocket-powered aircraft. The pilots of the I./JG 400 (charged with testing the Me 163) found the AS-6. One of its pilots, Franz Rossle, expressed a desire to attempt flying the unusual plane. But when the ground crew was preparing the aircraft for take-off, one of its landing gear units simply broke due to rough terrain, effectively preventing the test flight to be conducted. After this, it was once again stored at Brandis. It would remain there until early 1945 when it was lost in an Allied bombing raid.
The AS-7 project
While not clear when (possibly during early 1945), Sack approached Messerschmitt company with a proposal to use his circular-wing design on the Bf 109K-4 aircraft. The aircraft marked as SA-7 would be powered by a DB 605 2,000 hp engine. Fitted with circular wings it was theorized that it would be capable of carrying more armament inside the wings. It is believed (but not clear) that Messerschmitt was interested in this proposal and designated the project Me 600. Due to the war’s end, nothing really came from this project.
While certainly an unusual and interesting design, due to poor quality and salvaged materials used during its construction, the AS-6 performed poorly and never actually achieved flight. We will never know if the AS-6 circular-wing design offered any major advantage over more conventional wing designs. It appears that Arthur Sack did not continue with his idea after the war and passed away in the mid-1960’s. While his work was never implemented in mass production, his unusual design was often mistakenly taken as some advanced and secret German World War II project, which ironically, it never was.
Nazi Germany (1944) Rocket Powered Fighter – Around 370 Built
The Me 163B in standard camouflage. Note the brightly colored nose. [militaryimages.net]Following the successful testing of the previous Me 163A series, the Germans began developing a new improved version that was intended for operational use. This would lead to the Me 163B series, which was the first, and last, operational rocket-powered aircraft to be used in active combat. In comparison to its predecessor, the Me 163B offered a number of improvements to its design and shape. By the war’s end, less than 400 aircraft of this type would be built.
Work on the second series of the Me 163, which would be built in greater numbers than the experimental A-series, began at the start of September 1941. In comparison to the predecessor, the B-version had a number of modifications. The most obvious change was the completely redesigned fuselage, which was larger and had an overall more aerodynamic shape. Its armament was installed in the wing roots, the engine was replaced with an improved version, and the pilot cockpit was enlarged.
The differences between the Me 163A (on the left) and the main production version are clearly evident here. [acesflyhigh.wordpress.com]
Initial plans for this aircraft were quite ambitious, as Messerschmitt had predicted that the production of four operational prototype aircraft with additional airframes should commence in October 1941. Once the first few prototypes were completed, a small series of 66 aircraft were to follow. The actual responsibility of building these was given to Messerschmitt production plants at Regensburg with assembly at Obertraubling. It was estimated by RLM (Reichsluftfahrtministerium – Ministry of Aviation) officials that, after the first batch of 70 aircraft was built, it would take some 7 months to actually begin mass production of fully operational aircraft.
One of the first few Me 163B prototypes built. [luftwaffephotos.com]As was the case with many German wartime projects, it suffered from delays due to a lack of resources. The work on the initial group of prototypes started only at the end of 1941. Once again, further delays due to the slow delivery of engines postponed production until March of 1942. At this stage, the Germans were replacing the R II 209 rocket engines with the modified RII 211. The new engine used different types of fuel tanks which necessitated the redesign of the fuselage interior. This engine used a combination of T-Stoff and C-Stoff (a mixture of hydrazine hydrate, water, and methanol). As the construction of the Me 163B V1 prototype was approaching completion, it was proposed to switch to the older R II 203 engine to save development time, but this modification was not carried out. The development of the rocket engines was very slow and plagued with many setbacks, especially the limited production of fuel, which eventually led to huge delays in the Me 163 production. Finally, for the Me 163 production aircraft, the improved HWK-509 engine was chosen.
In May 1942, Me 163 B-0 V1 (KE+SX) was completed, minus the engine, and was tested as an unpowered glider. By 1943, it was obvious that Messerschmitt alone could not cope with the wartime demands, so RLM officials decided to bring aboard another aircraft manufacturer. They chose Klemm’s Stuttgart-Boeblingen factory, with a monthly goal of some 30 Me 163 aircraft. Klemm was also tasked with providing additional workers for Messerschmitt. Delays in delivering essential parts, such as weapons, caused setbacks in the Klemm Me 163 production.
Despite the problems with the Me 163 production, a small number of available aircraft were allocated to the Erprobungkommando (EKdo) 16 unit from April 1942 onward.
First Flights by EKdo 16
Once the first prototype was available, it was flight-tested as a glider by Heini Dittmar in late June, or May of 1942, depending on the source. Heini Dittmar had plenty of experience as a test pilot flying the Me 163A aircraft. The BV1 prototype would be, from this point on, mainly used as a training glider aircraft. From this point forward all aircraft built would be transported to Bad Zwischenahn near Oldenburg. Once there, they would be flight-tested by a number of pilots under the command of Karl Voy from EKdo16. This unit, which was formed in April of 1942, had the primary function of testing and evaluating the newly built Me 163 and helping in the development and improvement of its overall design. Another purpose that this unit had to fulfill was the training of new pilots for the Me 163.
An interesting episode in EKdo 16’s history is connected to the well-known German test pilot Hanna Reitsch. After a number of attempts to get permission to flight test the Me 163, she was finally allowed to do so at the end of 1942. Shortly after she took off, the jettisonable takeoff dolly refused to successfully detach from the aircraft, preventing it from using the landing skid. She managed to land the aircraft but was badly wounded and was placed in a hospital for some time. She later requested permission to fly the Me 163 again, but was explicitly rejected and was forbidden from flying it.
In early 1943, this unit was also tasked with testing jet-powered aircraft that were currently in development. These included the Me 262 and the He 280. EKdo 16 began receiving the first operational Me 163Bs only in July, or February of 1943. Due to extensive Allied Air Force activity near EKdo 16’s base of operation, the unit began the process of relocating its aircraft to Anklam. By this time, the unit had some 7 Me 163A and 1 of the B version. Due to poor ground conditions for Me 163 operations, the aircraft was relocated back to Bad Zwischenahn in late August. The delays with the construction of auxiliary support buildings on this airfield meant that crew training could not begin until October 1943. These initial training flights were carried out using two-seater gliders. Due to a lack of C-Stoff fuel, another series of delays impacted progress on training. In November, the Me 163As were used for crew training. In November and later in December, two aircraft were lost in accidents with the loss of life of both pilots.
In the following months, due to a number of factors like slow production, bad weather, and Allied activity, the Me 163 training program progressed at a slow pace. By May 1944, only a small group of fewer than 50 pilots had a chance to fly either the powered or towed versions of the Me 163. Once these were successfully tested, they would be then allocated to the 1./J.G. 400. unit.
The first combat action of the Me 163 was conducted on 14th May 1944, piloted by Major Spate. Amusingly, just prior to the first flight, his Me 163 BV 41 (PK-QL) aircraft was painted in red. This was done by the unit mechanics, who wanted with this small gesture to bring good luck to their pilots. Seeing no harm in it, Major Spate gave instruction that his aircraft be fully fueled and armed. During his flight, he attempted twice to attack Allied bombers but failed to properly engage them. It seems the red paint did not help with the luck.
During May, a number of unsuccessful combat flights with the Me 163 were undertaken. At the end of May, the airfield at Bad Zwischenahn was heavily bombed. During this attack, several Me 163s were damaged. This attack left the airfield at Bad Zwischenahn unusable for some time. To continue the training of pilots, the whole operation was temporarily moved to Brieg on the Oder. As this airfield lacked any proper workshops, the dismantled aircraft could not be assembled again and, for this reason, no test flights were ever carried out from Brieg.
Interestingly, on the 12th and 13th June 1944, three Me 163s from the EKdo 16 were demonstrated to the Japanese and Italian military delegations. As, at that time, EKdo 16 could not provide a fully operational Me 163, these were instead taken from 1./J.G. 400.
On 15th June 1944, the unit was once again back to Bad Zwischenahn. At their disposal, there were 2 prototypes, 7 gliders and 11 fully operational Me 163 aircraft. A few days later, another accident occurred when the towing aircraft lost power to one of its engines. The towed Me 163 was released at some 50 meters of altitude and the pilot was forced to land at a nearby lake. While the aircraft was heavily damaged, the pilot managed to survive.
In July 1944, a second auxiliary unit (Erganzumgsstaffel) was formed. It was also subordinated to the 1./J.G. 400. It had 6 Me 163s, of which only one was equipped with a rocket engine. It was intended to supplement the training of pilots for 1./J.G. 400.
In mid-August 1944, the airfield was once again attacked by Allied bombers. This caused further delays in training operations, until August 23rd. On that day, another accident led to the death of a pilot and the loss of yet another aircraft. Not wanting to waste the parts of the destroyed Me 163, these were collected and then sent to the training school at Fassberg.
At the start of September, Luftwaffe Generalmajor Adolf Galland told EKdo 16’s Commander Hauptmann Thaler, that the unit was to be disbanded and all personnel and equipment were to be relocated to Brandis. While the commanders of EKdo 16 were against such a decision, there was little they could do and, by the end of September, the unit was on its way to Brandis.
An Me 163 from EKdo 16. While some combat flights were undertaken, the primary purpose of this unit was to provide necessary pilot training. [aviationshoppe.com]
Technical Characteristics
The Me 163 was a high-speed, rocket-powered, swept-wing tailless aircraft. Its fuselage was constructed of metal, while the wings were wood. The fuselage could be divided into three sections, the cockpit, the central fuel tanks, and the rear engine compartment. In order to help the ground crew with repairs, the fuselage was specially designed to contain a large number of removable panels. Thanks to this, the replacement of damaged parts or even the whole engine could be done relatively quickly.
The wings were quite simple in design, consisting of two spars covered in 8 mm thick fabric. The Me 163 wings were swept to the rear at a 23.3° angle. At the wing’s trailing edges, ailerons were placed, which the pilot used for pitch and roll. For landings, large hydraulically operated flaps were added on the wings.
In order for the pilot to enter the cockpit, a ladder was placed on the left side of the aircraft. While the cockpit was not pressurized, it could be jettisoned to help the pilot escape the aircraft in case of emergency. Being unpressurized actually placed time limits for how long the pilot could endure without losing consciousness at altitude and during high-speed maneuvers. For this reason, the pilot had to endure altitude chamber training and had a specially designed diet. Despite attempts to improve visibility compared to the previous version, the Me 163B suffered from poor visibility, especially to the rear and in front of the aircraft’s nose.
In order to enter his flight position, the pilot used a small ladder placed on the left side of the aircraft. [acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com]Close-up view of the Me 163 cockpit and instruments. [luftwaffephotos.com]The Me 163 was equipped with various onboard equipment, including a FuG 16 ZE radio transmitter and receiver. In addition, a FuG 25 IFF (identification friend or foe) transmitter and receiver was installed. Given its small size and limited overall weight, the onboard batteries had a limited capacity. In order to provide the necessary power, the Germans simply added a small windmill generator which was placed on the nose of the fuselage.
During its development, the Me 163B was tested with a series of different rocket engines. Ultimately, for the main production version, the HWK (Helmuth Walter Kiel) 109-509A rocket engine was chosen. This had a thrust power ranging from 100 kg (220 lbs) to 1,500 kg (3,300 lbs) or 1,700 kg (3,750 lbs), depending on the source.
The Me 163 initially used a fuel mixture of the T and Z-Stoff. T-Stoff consisted of a mix of hydrogen peroxide with oxyquinoline or phosphate. Z-Stoff was an aqueous solution of calcium permanganate. Z-Stoff would later be replaced with C-Stoff, which was a mix of methyl alcohol, hydrazine hydrate, and water. T-Stoff was stored in one main and two smaller auxiliary tanks. The smaller tanks were placed on both sides of the cockpit. The C-Stoff fuel tanks were placed in the Me 163’s wings. In order to help circulate the fuel, two centrifugal pumps were placed inside the Me 163.
These chemicals were extremely flammable and dangerous to handle and thus required safety procedures to be used properly. Before each flight, the fuel tanks had to be thoroughly washed with water. During refueling, the ground and the aircraft had to be sprayed with large amounts of water. If the safety procedures were not followed, there was a great risk of explosion, which happened on occasion. Due to the volatile nature of the fuel, any harsh landing with fuel still onboard offered a great chance of explosion as well, which led to a number of pilots being lost. Being highly corrosive and deadly to the touch, the maintenance crews and pilots had to wear specially designed protective clothing and gloves. Preserved photographs seem to indicate that these precautions were not always strictly adhered to. Given that the Me 163 operated in late 1944 were shortages of all kinds of equipment and materials were common, this should not come as a surprise. Still, handling the Me 163 fuel without this kind of protection was highly dangerous for the ground maintenance crews.
This Me 163 is in the process of being refueled. [acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com]The fuel load consisted of 1040 liters (229 gallons) of T-Stoff and 492 liters of C-Stoff. The Me 163 was notorious for having only a limited powered flight endurance of 7 minutes and 30 seconds before its fuel reserve was spent. The actual flight could be much longer, however, since at sufficient altitude, the pilot could switch off the engine, and reactivate it as needed. After all rocket fuel had been spent, the pilot would then use the Me 163 as a glider to fly back to its base, or to any nearby German airfield.
The initial armament consisted of two 20 mm MG 151/20 cannons, which were positioned in the wing roots. To increase the firepower these would be replaced with the stronger 30 mm MK 108 cannons. The Me 163B-0 series was armed with the weaker 20mm cannon while the Me 163 B-1 with the stronger 30mm cannon. While the Mk 108 had sufficient firepower to outright destroy or heavily damage enemy aircraft, it was plagued with low velocity. This combined with the extraordinary speed of the Me 163 made engaging targets difficult. For this reason, the Me 163 was tested with some experimental weapon systems. These include the 5.5 cm R4M air-to-air rocket, and the more revolutionary SG 500 Jagdfaust. This weapon consisted of five rockets usually placed under each wing, but on the Me 163 it was actually mounted vertically in the wings. It was provided with an optical sensor that activated its weapon load once it detected shadow, in theory, a shadow of an enemy plane. This was an automated weapon firing mechanism capable of friendly fire if not managed properly. But this situation would be rare given the fact that Me 163 was a short-range and unique interceptor that operated on its own without support from other aircraft.
The Me 163 was armed initially with two MG 151 and later with MK 108 cannons which were placed in the wing roots. The left-wing cannon muzzle brake is visible in this picture. The pilot in this picture is Heini Dittmar was a vital test pilot for the whole Me 163 project. [acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com]The Me 163 utilized an auxiliary landing gear unit. This was mainly done to reduce the overall weight of the aircraft. Take-offs and landings were divided into two phases. For take-off, the Me 163 sat on a simple two-wheel dolly unit. Once at sufficient altitude the dolly was jettisoned from the bottom of the aircraft. On occasion, there were accidents involving this system, when, for example, the dolly refused to release from the aircraft, or even worse, it could bounce off the ground and strike the aircraft from below. Therefore the Germans worked on developing safer types of dollies. On landing, the Me 163 were to use a simple retractable landing skid, placed beneath the fuselage. In addition, to the rear of the aircraft, a small steerable tail wheel was added to help during take-off and landing.
Close-up view of the Me 163 landing skid. [Wiki]The rear wheel was completely steerable and was added to help during take-off and landing. [warbirdphotographs.com]
Once at a sufficient height, the two-wheel dolly would jettison from the aircraft (in the left corner). While in theory, this should work without any issue, in some cases the dolly would simply bounce off the ground and hit the aircraft from below potentially causing damage to it. [luftwaffephotos.com]While this takeoff and landing system offered the desired reduction in weight, it was not without its problems. Besides the issues previously mentioned, after a successful landing, the Me 163 was immobile and vulnerable to possible enemy attacks. To move it across the airfield the Germans designed and built a small specialized aircraft tug, called the Scheuchschlepper, especially for this task.
The Scheuchschlepper is specially designed to either tow or lift the Me 163 aircraft. [warbirdphotographs.com]The Scheuchschlepper essentially fulfilled two roles. Initially, in the three-wheel configuration, it was to tow the Me 163 along the airfield, using its own dolly, to a designated takeoff position on the airfield (upper picture). After the Me 163 returned from a sortie, the Scheuchschlepper rear wheel would be replaced with a tracked platform which supported a cradle that fully supported the entire aircraft at its wing roots, to move the Me 163 for refueling and to be refitted on a takeoff dolly for the next flight. [wiki]
Operational Combat Use
The first operational unit that was to be equipped with the Me 163 was the Staffel of Jagdgeschwader 20./JG 1 located at Bad Zwischenahn. According to initial plans, this unit was to be formed at least by the end of 1943 or in early 1944 depending on the sources. In its inventory, there were some 12 fully operational Me 163 available. In addition, the Germans planned for the Me 163 to be positioned at a series of auxiliary airfields along Allied bomber routes. These would be fully equipped with spare parts, ammunition, and fuel, and positioned close to each other. This way, after an attack run, the Me 163 pilots could simply choose on which airfield to land, knowing that they could resupply without any problems.
But in reality, it took a few more months before the unit was actually officially formed at the start of March 1944. The development of a network of supporting airfields for the Me 163 was also never completed. The unit was by that time being renamed to Jagdgeschwader 1./JG 400 and stationed at Deelen. The commander of the unit was Oberleunant Rober Olejnik. They were relocated to Wittmundhafen as the airfield at Deelen proved unfit for the Me 163 aircraft’s operation.
The unit received its first operational Me 163 on the 10th of March, and seven more were to arrive by late April 1944. Concurrently, pilots were beginning to arrive from the EKdo 16 training unit. More test flights were carried out until mid-March 1944 when they had to be temporarily stopped. The reason for this was the lack of sufficient water supply which was essential for flushing the Me 163 fuel tanks in order to avoid any accidental explosion. To resolve this issue the unit personnel began drilling wells to collect water.
1./JG 400 was at this stage prohibited from making combat flights in order to avoid the attention of the Allies. However, the unit was permitted to conduct live firing trials during flights in order to test the Me 163 weapons systems. While generally successful, during sharp maneuvers at a speed of some 800 km/h, the ammunition belts proved prone to malfunction. While Olejnik suggested using a drum magazine, which was even tested successfully, his idea would not be adopted. On the 21st of April Olejnik had an accident during a forced landing where he spent some time in hospital thereafter.
In April and May, 1./JG 400 took delivery of a group of 10 aircraft, but one had to be returned to Klemm for modifications. That particular aircraft would be destroyed in an Allied bombing raid on Klemm. These were still prototype aircraft of the B pre-production version. The first Me 163B-0 series aircraft began to arrive from May 1944. At this time the Luftwaffe officials were determined to introduce the Me 163 to service. For this reason, the work on testing and experimenting with the Me 163 was stopped in favor of increasing the overall production of the Me 163 B-1.
With the expected increase in production, another unit, 2./J.G.400, was to be formed in May 1944. It was initially to be involved with crucial crew training. At that time, the size of both units was to be increased to 14 instead of 12 operational aircraft.
In July 1944, 1./JG 400 received permission to make combat flights. The Me 163 were then used in several failed attempts to intercept the Allied reconnaissance aircraft that made frequent flights over the base. At the same time, 1./JG 400 and other available Me 163 were being relocated to new positions at Brandis. The original plans to build numerous connected airfields were abandoned in favor of concentrating all available Me 163 in a few selected airfields. For this reason, Brandis would become the main key point for the Me 163 combat operations. It is from there that the Me 163s attempted to intercept a huge Allied air formation of some 766 bombers, supported with over 14 groups of cover fighters. The Me 163 did not engage the Allies probably due to the small number of available aircraft and the heavy fighter cover. By the end of July, the 1./JG 400 had only four operational aircraft out of 16 available.
In mid-August, Me 163s from this unit attacked an Allied B-17 bomber formation. While evading the fighter cover, they managed to heavily damage at least one bomber, killing two crew members. On the 16th of August, five Me 163 attacked a group of B-17s, and even managed to shoot down two of the bombers. The Germans lost one Me 163 during this engagement being hit by an Allied P-51. On the 24th of August, eight Me 163 managed to shoot down three more bombers while successfully evading enemy fighter cover.
While this aircraft managed to fly back to Allied Air Bases in England, the damage inflicted by the Me 163 cannons is evident here. The rear gunner position was completely destroyed while the right tail unit was heavily damaged. [. Ransom and H.H. Cammann Jagdgeschwader 400]On the 8th of September, the Me 163 were officially taken into service. Given the previous success, of destroying 5 enemy bombers with a limited number of available Me 163, attempts were made to increase the number of squadrons with 20 aircraft. This was never achieved, as the Allies destroyed the vital C-Stoff fuel production facility at Kiel in August. On the 11th of September, a single Me 163 attacked and destroyed a lone B-17.
During these initial combat engagements with the Allied bombers, German pilots noticed that the Me 163s armament had a huge flaw. The weapons were difficult to use with the standard attack tactics of the aircraft. This involved getting the Me 163 high above the Allied bombers and then plunging down at them with a dive speed of 885-930 km/h (550-580 mph). Due to its main cannon’s low velocity, and in order to avoid collision with the target, the pilot had only a few seconds available to engage the enemy. This meant that only the highly experienced Me 163 pilot had a chance of hitting the enemy aircraft. The Me 163 also had another flaw, as it could be only used when the weather was clear.
At the end of September 1944, II./JG400 was formed, under the command of Lieutenant Peter Gerth (3/JG 400) and Oberleutnant Franz Woidich (4/JG 400). These units were renamed in November or December 1944 to 5. and 6./JG 400. During this time the 7/JG 400 was also formed, which was stationed at Stettin-Altdamm. In late 1944 II./JG400 was repositioned at Stargard. Few sorties were carried out mostly due to lack of fuel. In November 1944 a Me 163 engaged a British Mosquito, damaging it and forcing its crew to abandon the aircraft.
An Me 163B is engaging Allied B-17 bombers. The Me 163, despite its small number, proved to be a shock to the Allies pilots. Given that they could do little against it when the Me 163 was in its dive attack. [acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com]Bad weather, lack of fuel and the rapid Allied advance on the West and East temporarily stopped all Me 163 combat operations. Combat operations began again in March of 1945. For example on the 16th March, an Me 163 managed to damage another Mosquito on a reconnaissance mission. While the Mosquito pilot managed to fly back to France, he was forced to crash land. A quite interesting Me 163 air victory was achieved on the 10th April 1945 while piloted by Leutnant Fritz Kelb. This aircraft was equipped with the experimental SG 500 Jagdfaust and managed to shoot down a British Lancaster bomber.
In late April I/.J.G.400 would be disbanded and its remaining few operational Me 163 were allocated to the J.G 7. The former I/.J.G.400 commander Wolfgang Spate, flying one of the remaining operational Me 163, managed to destroy 5 additional Allied bombers by the end of the war. The remaining ground personnel from the I/.J.G.400 were dispatched to the East to fight as infantry in Bavaria. There, they allegedly managed to destroy a Soviet tank using a MK 108 cannon removed from an Me 163, which was placed on makeshift undercarriage wheels, also taken from a Me 163. Given the chaotic state of Germany in 1945, it’s conceivable that the crew operating this gun may have found a way to make it work.
After the War
In May 1945 the Allied forces were rapidly advancing into Germany, capturing many airfields in the process. The crews of the Me 163 were often instructed to destroy their own aircraft to prevent them from falling into the enemy’s hands, but despite this, the Allies managed to capture a number of intact Me 163. This was the case of the II./J.G.400, which surrendered its 48 aircraft to the Allies on the 8th of MAy 1945. Of these, some 25 were transported back to the UK to be properly examined. The Americans also managed to capture a number of Me 163 in various working conditions across occupied Germany. The French Air Force received at least 4 Me 163 from the British after the war. The Soviets were not idle either as they also managed to acquire unknown numbers of the Me 163 including the rare two-seater trainer version Me 163S.
One of the 25 aircraft that were shipped to the UK by the English after the war. [acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com]
In an attempt to increase the Me 163’s performance, Junkers cooperated with Dr. Lippisch. This resulted in the development of a modified Me 163 (based on the BV6 prototype) which was slightly larger, had greater fuel capacity and had two engines. In theory, during take-off, both engines would be activated until a certain altitude was reached. This project would eventually evolve into Me 163C. This aircraft was to have a redesigned fuselage and cockpit. It was to be powered by HWK 109-509A-2 and HWK 509C engines. By the end of the war, only a few incomplete airframes were built.
The Me 163B V6 was tested with two engine configurations It was to serve as the basis for the planned Me 163C version which was never completed, aside from a few airframes. [E. T. Maloney and U. Feist Messerschmitt Me 163]An Me 163C illustration of how it may have looked given that only few uncompleted airframes were built. [walterwerke.co.uk]
Japanese Me-163B
In 1944, on Adolf Hitler’s instructions, a number of previously secret projects were to be shared with the Japanese. For this reason, several submarines were to transport parts of a disassembled Me 163B to Japan. While the one carrying the aircraft parts was sunk, the others that were carrying technical manuals managed to reach the German ally. Based on these, the Japanese managed to build a slightly modified copy of the Me 163. It was known in Japan as J8M1 Shuri (Rigorous Sword). During the first test flight, there was an accident in which the prototype was lost.
During negotiations between Japanese and German military officials, it was agreed to hand over to Japan a production license for many weapons including the Me 163 and Me 262. It was named Mitsubishi Ki-200, for the army, and J8M1 for the navy. The first Me 163B flew in July 1945 but was lost in an accident. Several more were built but the end of the war led to the end of the project.
While the Japanese experimented with their own copy of the Me 163, they did not manage to put it into production. [Wiki]
The production of Me 163 was initially allocated to the Messerschmitt Regensburg factory. As it was overburdened with other projects, it would then be allocated to a much smaller Klemm factory where less than 60 aircraft were built in total. Some sources also mentioned that the production was carried out at the Dornier factory in Oberpfaffenhofen and the Bachmann von Blumenthal factory in Fürth. On the 1st of September 1944, the production of the Me 163 was officially handed over to Junkers. To avoid concentrating the production in one location, given the Allied bombing campaign, Junkers dispersed it across numerous smaller companies. Each of these was tasked with the delivery and production of parts before being finally assembled at Brandenburg-Briest. This, in theory, would increase the overall production and avoid potentially being targeted by Allied bombers. In reality, this backfired, as it caused huge confusion and chaos with the delivery of parts, and poor quality in production. Junkers managed to produce around 299 aircraft of this type by the end of the war.
The question of how many Me 163B were produced during the war is difficult to pinpoint precisely. The sources give different numbers, for example, most state around 400 of all models, of which some 370 were estimated to be of B-version, were built by the war’s end.
Me 163B-0 – Pre-production aircraft
Me 163B-1 – Main production aircraft
Me 163C – Experimental twin-engine modifications of the Me 163B aircraft but only few incomplete airframes were ever built
Germany – Built less than 400 aircraft of which only a smaller number were ever used in combat
Japan – Built a small number of slightly modified Me 163B by the end of the war.
Soviet Union – Several Me 163B and one Me 163S, captured, were used for many different tests after the war. The results of these tests will lead to the development and creation of several different projects (The Lavochkin I-162 and Mikoyan-Gurevich I-270).
UK – Managed to capture some 48 or so Me 163 aircraft of which 25 were sent to the UK for testing and evaluation.
France – Received four aircraft from the British after the war.
USA – Acquired an unknown number of Me 163 at the war’s end.
Australia and Canada – Both received one aircraft from the British after the war.
Surviving Aircraft
Today at least several Me 163 are known to still exist. One could be found in the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, and one in the Canada Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa. Two are located in German museums: Luftwaffenmuseum at Berlin-Gatow and Deutsches Museum in Munich. Few more are in the USA Flying Heritage Collection, National Museum of the USAF, and Smithsonian National Air and Space Museums. And in the UK, RAF, Science and National Museum of Flight. The one captured by the Soviets existence is currently unclear.
Luftwaffe Museum at Berlin-Gatow [acesflyinghigh.wordpress.com]
The Me 163 was designed to be light and relatively cheap to build. This was certainly a strength if we take into account the huge shortage of resources and materials that the Germans endured during the later stages of the war. It also used special fuel that was specially designed for it, and thus there was no need for allocating the vital German fuel reserves to it.
With the two MK 108 cannons, the Me 163 was formidably armed given its small size. Just a few rounds of this cannon was enough to destroy or heavily damage an enemy target. Given its phenomenal speed during dive attack at the enemy formation, the Me 163 was essentially immune to enemy fighter cover and was unable to do much against it. That is until it ran out of fuel, at that point it was completely helpless and could only glide back to base.
On the other hand, it was overshadowed by a number of critical faults that were never corrected. For example, while the Me 163 was cheap, due to many reasons it was never produced in any sufficient numbers to cause any serious threat to the Allies. While the number of some 400 aircraft built seems significant, in reality only a dozen or so aircraft were ever used at any given time in combat. Most were used for training, either as gliders, or with an operational engine. Not all built aircraft would be delivered to the operational units, given the great confusion and chaos that the Germans were surrounded with from 1944 on. The fuel could never be produced in sufficient quantities. The problem with fuel was even complicated by the increase in production of the Me 163. Because of this the Germans simply had to reduce the number of aircraft that they used for combat, as there wasn’t enough fuel for all of them. The volatile nature of its fuel, occasionally lead to accidents and explosions, losing aircraft in the process, but more importantly the vital pilots. While its speed was great, its maximum burn time for the engine was only slightly longer than 7 minutes, however this capability could be stretched by the pilot’s ability to switch the engine on and off throughout the flight. Once the engine consumed all the fuel reserves, the aircraft essentially became a simple glider that was vulnerable to enemy fighter cover.
In the final analysis, the Me 163 theoretically possessed great potential for a rocket-powered aircraft. In reality, due to many delays, lack of unity in German aviation circles, and problems with its design and production, the Me 163 never managed to fulfill the role that its designer had intended for it. Its achilles heel was its dangerous and volatile fuel from which a number of planes and pilot lives were lost. Probably its greatest contribution was that it provided a good experimental platform for flight tests at transonic speeds. But due to its unusual design the Me 163 certainly deserves a great place in the history of the development of aviation.
Me 163B Specifications
30 ft 7 in / 9.32 m
19 ft 2 in / 5.84 m
9 ft 1 in / 2.77 m
Wing Area
199.4 ft² / 18.5 m²
One HWL 509A rocket engine
Empty Weight
4,200 lbs / 1,900 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
9.060 lbs / 4.110 kg
Fuel Capacity
1,530 liters / 400 US gallons
Maximum Speed
600 mph / 960 km/h
Engine endurance
7 minutes and 30 seconds
Maximum Service Ceiling
39,700 ft / 12,100 m
One pilot
Two 20 mmMG 151
Or two 30 mm MK108 cannons
Me 163BV 41 PK+QL 1./J.G. 400. This aircraft, painted in red and piloted by Major Wolfgang Spate, flew its first combat mission on May 14th, 1944.Me 163B V45 PK+QP Erpobungskommando 16 at Bad Zwischenahn, May 1944Me 163B V52 GH+UI ‘Yellow 1’ 7./JG 400, Stettin-Altdamm, October 1944Me 163BMe 163B
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H. & Ed Jackson
Illustrated by Carpaticus
D. Nešić (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemcaka. Beograd.
W. Spate and R. P. Bateson (1971) Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet , Profile Publications
M. Ziegler (1990) Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, Schiffer Publishing
M. Emmerling and J. Dressel (1992) Messerschmitt Me 163 “Komet” Vol.II, Schiffer Military History
E. T. Maloney and U. Feist (1968) Messerschmitt Me 163, Fallbrook
S. Ransom and H.H. Cammann (2010) Jagdgeschwader 400, Osprey publishing.
D. Donald (1990) German aircraft of the WWII, Brown Packaging books ltd
D. Monday (2006) The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft OF World War II, Bounty Books.
D. SHarp (2015) Luftwaffe secret jets of the Third Reich, Mortons Media Group
H. Morgan and J. Weal (1998) German Jet Aces of the World War 2 , Osprey Aerospace