A diagram of the improved rocket interceptor. (Nevingtonwarmuseum)
When the Me 163B entered service, it was a unique aircraft by virtue of its rocket engine. It was used as a short range interceptor for German air defense, and while it could achieve extremely high speeds, its overall design left much to be desired. These faults included a highly restrictive view from the cockpit, a lack of retractable landing gear, and limited operational endurance. In order to address some of these issues, Messerschmitt engineers developed the Me 163C.
While the Me 163B Komet proved to be a remarkable design, it was quite dangerous to fly and there was plenty of room for improvement. In order to make the whole aircraft as cheap as possible, some limitations had been introduced. To save weight, the aircraft had rather small dimensions which, in turn, limited the fuel load that could be stored inside. This led to a limited powered flight time of fewer than 8 minutes. In combat operations, this proved to be insufficient, but there was little that the German engineers could do to improve this. Adding internal or external auxiliary fuel tanks was not possible given the design restrictions.
Me 163B rocket interceptor, accepted into limited service. (militaryimages.net)
The position and layout of the cockpit also offered a number of issues. Most importantly, it provided the pilot with a limited field of view behind his aircraft. Another issue was the lack of retractable landing gear. The Me 163 was instead forced to use a two-wheeled detachable dolly. This was intentionally done in order to reduce weight.
Once the aircraft was in the air, the dolly was jettisoned. There were accidents regarding this system when, for example, the dolly refused to be detached from the aircraft, or even worse, when it bounced off the ground and hit the aircraft from below. On landing, the Me 163 was to use a simple retractable landing skid, placed beneath the fuselage. After landing, the aircraft was immobile and became an easy target for enemy fighters. For this reason, a normal retracting landing gear unit was desirable, but once again for the same reason as the fuel load, this could not be implemented.
To redress the previously mentioned issues, engineers at Messerschmitt began working on an improved version, the Me 163C. It incorporated a longer fuselage, an improved cockpit, and had an engine with two combustion chambers. The development of this version likely started in late 1944 or early 1945.
Production and service
The precise development history, and how many aircraft of this version were built, are the subject of considerable speculation. The fact that there are no photographs of it complicates the matter further. Most sources mentioned that only a few incomplete airframes were built by the Germans. In some sources, for example B. Rose’s Secret Projects Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft, it is mentioned that three prototypes were completed and flight-tested in early 1945. Source E. T. Maloney and U. Feist on the other hand, mentions that only a few pre-prototype airframes were built by the time the war ended in Europe. So there are two completely different accounts in the sources.
Technical characteristics
The Me 163C, like its predecessor, was designed as a high-speed, rocket-powered, swept-wing, tailless aircraft. Given its experimental nature and its late development into the war, not much is known about its precise technical characteristics. Its overall construction would probably be similar to the previous version, with its fuselage being built of metal, and possessing wooden wings. The semi-monocoque fuselage was longer and was now 7 m compared to the original 5.84 m length.
The Me 163C was to be powered by an improved Walter 109-509C or an HWK 109-509A-2 rocket engine. In the case of the first engine, it could generate a thrust of some 1.500 kg. An auxiliary HWK 509 rocket engine would be used to provide additional endurance once the aircraft reached its cruising altitude. The maximum speed of the Me 163C was estimated at 915 km/h while the operational range was 125 km.
While the introduction of retractable landing gear was desirable, the Me 163C was not to be equipped with one, but it still received some modifications in this regard. It was to have a fully retractable tail wheel located at the bottom of the tail assembly.
The cockpit was completely redesigned. It received a fully glazed bubble-type canopy. This offered the pilot a much improved all-around view. In addition, there were provisions for pressurization equipment.
The armament used on this aircraft is not quite clear in the sources. It would have consisted of either two 2 cm MG 151 with 100 rounds of ammunition for each cannon, two 30 mm MK108 cannons with 60 rounds, or less realistically, four 30 mm MK108 cannons with 40 rounds of ammunition.
Note the redesigned canopy, auxiliary engine, and extended fuselage. (www.walterwerke.co.uk)
Cancelation of the project
While the precise development of this aircraft is unclear, most sources agree on the reasons why it was not adopted, beyond the obvious end of the war. Basically, there were two main reasons for this. First, was the lack of landing gear. The Me 163C still had to take off and land using the take-off dolly and the landing skid. This was far from perfect as the dolly, as mentioned, could potentially damage the aircraft itself after release, and the use of a sliding skid made the aircraft immobile after landing. Lastly, the auxiliary engine only extended the operational flight by an additional 1-minute, which was deemed insufficient. It was for these reasons that the Me 163C would not be adopted, and instead the development of the much improved Me 163D was prioritized.
Given its experimental nature, it’s late introduction, and the disagreement between sources, it is quite difficult to make the final decision on the general properties of this aircraft. Given that the project was canceled by the Germans, it is likely that besides a few experimental prototypes, no actual production aircraft were be assembled. Regardless it served as a stepping stone for the next version, the Me 163D, which was built, but it too would not be adopted for service due to the end of the war.
Me 163C Specifications
32 ft 2 in / 9.8 m
23 ft 1 in / 7 m
3 m / ft in
Wing Area
220 ft² / 20.41 m²
Walther HWL 509C-1 liquid fuel rocket engine with a max thrust of 1.500 kg
Empty Weight
4,850 lbs / 2,200 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
11,680 lbs / 5.300 kg
Maximum Speed
570 mph / 915 km/h
Operational range
78 mil / 125 km
Engine endurance
12 minutes
Maximum Service Ceiling
40,000 ft / 12,200 m
One pilot
Two 20 cm MG 151 (100) / Two 30 mm MK108 cannons 60
Me 163C
Article written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H. and Medicman11
Ported by Marko P.
Illustrations by Carpaticus
D. Nešić (2008) Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Nemcaka. Beograd.
E. T. Maloney and U. Feist (1968) Messerschmitt Me 163, Fallbrook
M. Emmerling and J. Dressel (1992) Messerschmitt Me 163 “Komet” Vol.II, Schiffer Military History
J.R. Smith and A. L. Kay (1990) German AIrcraft of the Second World War, Putnam
W. Spate and R. P. Bateson (1971) Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, Profile Publications
M. Ziegler (1990) Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, Schiffer Publishing
D. SHarp (2015) Luftwaffe secret jets of the Third Reich, Mortons Media Group
M. Griehl (1998) Jet Planes of the Third Reich, Monogram Aviation Publication
B. Rose (2010) Secret Projects Flying Wings and Tailless Aircraft, Midland
During the early 1930’s, the Royal Yugoslav Army Air Force (RYAF) was mainly equipped with old and obsolete biplane fighters. The introduction of a new fighter was desirable, but its development was hampered by the resistance of leading military officials, and pilots who still believed in the superiority of the biplane. Once Ikarus commenced production of the new high-wing IK-2, it readily demonstrated its superiority over the biplanes of the prior generation.
History of Ikarus
Ikarus was one of the first Yugoslavian domestic aircraft manufacturers. It was formed in October 1923 by a group of businessmen from the city of Novi Sad. The aircraft development department was led by Josip Mikl and Dimitrije Konjević. Josip Mikl had previously been involved in the development of hydroplanes for the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I, while Dimitrije Konjević was a former high-ranking officer in the Yugoslav Naval Air Force. The company saw success during the twenties and received a series of new orders for the production of aircraft, mostly for training. In 1927 thanks to increasing revenues, Ikarus opened a new production plant located in Zemun near the capital of Belgrade. It was heralded as a great success when it received a large production order for some 200 license-built Potez 25 aircraft in 1932.
Ikarus crest. Source: Wiki
The IK-2 Development
In early 1930, the main fighter of the RYAF was the aging Avia BH-33 biplane fighter. In the hopes of replacing it with a new domestically-developed fighter, two aircraft engineers from Ikarus, Ljubomir Ilić, and Kosta Sivčev began working on a new design. Interestingly this was a private venture and not ordered by the state, which was unusual.
While initially intended to be a low-wing fighter with retracting landing gear, due to fierce opposition from many Air Force officers and pilots who favored the old biplane design, this new concept had to be abandoned at an early stage of development. The two engineers then decided to proceed with a high-wing fighter design that was to be powered by a strong engine. A wooden mock-up was completed in 1933 which would be tested using a wind tunnel in Paris. After the first drawings and testing of the mock-up were completed, the result of this work was given to the RYAF officials in September 1933. After an analysis of all available data, a green light was given for the project, and Ikarus was instructed to build the first prototype.
At this early stage, the new fighter received the IK-L1 designation. As was common in Yugoslavia at the time, new aircraft designs usually received a designation based on the designer’s initials. In this case, I stand for Ilić and K stands for Koča which was Kosta Sivčev nickname. The L1 represents L for Fighter (Lovac in Yugoslavian) and the number 1 indicates the first prototype. The first fully functional prototype was completed by September 1934.
While the IK-L1 prototype was scheduled to be flight tested shortly after the first prototype was fully completed in September 1934, due to numerous delays it wasn’t conducted until April 1935. Unfortunately for the Ikarus and its design team, the first prototype had a very short and abrupt service life. As it was being prepared for the first series of test flights, an upswell of opposition, mainly from Captain Leonid Bajdak and other pilots, vehemently objected to the introduction of such a radical new design, arguing that the biplanes were superior. Regardless, Bajdak was chosen to fly test the IK-L1 prototype.
The maiden flight was made on the 22nd of April, 1935 at an airfield near Belgrade in Zemun. The first day of flying was rather successful, with the prototype exhibiting generally good performance. The test the following day produced largely similar results, but upon landing, some of the wing’s fabric skin was noted as slightly loose. Regardless, it was agreed that the testing should carry on. On the 24th of April, while flying the prototype, Captain Bajdak performed a series of unplanned aerobatics. At a height of 1,000 meters, he made a sharp dive, followed by an abrupt climb. This of course caused massive stress on the wing, which led to part of it breaking off the aircraft. Bajdak lost control and had to bail out. While he survived without injury, the IK-L1 prototype crashed and was completely destroyed.
According to Captain Bajdak in his report, he wrote that the IK-L1 had good controls and was pleasant to fly. The most obvious issues were the lack of visibility, due to the high-wing design. Another of his objections was the long take-off of some 300 meters. This was a surprisingly fair report from a pilot who professed such serious misgivings about this new design.
Work on a New Prototype
After an analysis of the IK-L1 wreckage, it was discovered that the accident was primarily due to poor build quality. As Captain Bajdak’s report was insufficient to make a final conclusion, Ikarus officials decided to produce another prototype. This time great care was taken to ensure the overall quality of its construction. Another change made was that the aircraft was built using mostly metal construction, with the exception of the aft fuselage and tail. The second prototype was designated IK-02 and took about ten months to be built, completed in June 1936. A new test pilot was chosen, Flight Lieutenant Janko Dobnikar. The series of flight tests were carried out at the newly opened test center stationed at the Zemun airfield. Early flight tests were quite satisfactory, with the IK-02 reaching a top speed of 435 km/h.
In 1937 the IK-02 prototype was tested in a mock dogfight against the Hawker Fury, the RYAF’s then-current biplane fighter. After a series of 16 such exercises, the IK-02 easily beat the Hawker Fury in almost every category of flight performance, speed, climb rate, and turning ability, among others. Frustrated by the success of the new fighter, Captain Bajdak and Lieutenant Dobnikar frequently got into fierce quarrels. It ended with Lieutenant Dobnikar challenging Captain Bajdak to a flight contest. The conditions of the contest were as follows: both pilots had to reach a height of 4 km over Zemun, after which they were to race a distance of 140 km from Belgrade to Novi Sad and back. The competition was meant to end in a mock dogfight between the two. Lieutenant Dobnikar IK-02 easily won the first two rounds of the race. The mock dogfight was fierce but Captain Bajdak’s Fury was constantly overtaken by the superior IK-02. In the end, he had to admit defeat and thus concede that the IK-02 had bested the biplane. Unfortunately, the IK-02 would be lost when it was hit by lightning during a flight. As the aircraft began to catch fire, the pilot bailed out. While he survived, the aircraft crashed and burned, completely destroying it.
Limited Production
Despite both prototypes being lost to separate accidents, their overall performance was deemed acceptable and a small production order was given. In November 1937 Ikarus was instructed to produce 12 IK-2 aircraft. The first six were delivered in December 1938, with the remaining aircraft arriving by February the following year. After a brief period of adjustment and training, the IK-2 was allocated to the 6th Fighter regiment stationed in Zemun. In October 1939, the IK-2 was redeployed to Zagreb and given to the 4th Fighter Regiment. Just prior to the Yugoslavian entry into World War II, the 4th Fighter Regiment would be repositioned to Bosanski Aleksandrovac close to Banja Luka. It was part of the 107th Squadron with the task of protecting the 8th Bomber Regiment, consisting of some 23 Bristol Blenheim bombers.
Despite being superior to other fighter designs that were in service with the RYAF, it too would be replaced by the later developed IK-3 fighter. Source: www.destinationsjourney.com
Technical Characteristics
The IK-2 was a high-wing, single-engine, almost all-metal fighter aircraft. Its fuselage was constructed of a chrome-molybdenum steel tube frame which was then covered with duralumin skin. The rear section of the fuselage close to the tail unit was covered with fabric.
The semi-cantilever wings were built using the same principle as the fuselage. The difference was that the first prototype used a fabric skin. The second prototype and the production aircraft used a duralumin skin. Two larger struts were placed beneath each wing. The tail unit was of a standard design, with one horizontal and two vertical stabilizers.
Close-up view of the IK-2 wing struts construction. Source: N. Miklušev Maketar Plus
The fixed landing gear consisted of two larger wheels and a smaller tailwheel. To help during landing the front landing gear was equipped with pneumatic shock absorbers. These were also fitted with brakes. The tailwheel was steerable. Initially, the front landing wheels were covered in a protective cover, also known as ‘spats,’ which were later removed.
The cockpit was fully enclosed. Interestingly its sliding canopy actually slid down into the fuselage sides. Quite similar to those used on ordinary cars. Due to the high wing design, the pilot’s visibility was severely limited. To somewhat remedy this issue two small glass windows were placed on the cockpit fuselage sides to help during landing.
The IK-2 cockpit was fully enclosed, but its sliding canopy slides down into the fuselage sides. Source: N. Miklušev Maketar PlusTo help the pilot cope with the cockpit’s fairly limited visibility, two smaller glass windows were placed on the cockpit fuselage sides. Source: N. Miklušev Maketar Plus
The two IK-2 prototypes were powered by an 860 hp Hispano-Suiza V-12 engine. It was equipped with an adjustable pitch three-blade propeller. The fuel tanks were located just aft of the engine in front of the cockpit. The production aircraft was powered by an 860 hp Avia HS engine. This engine was built under license in Yugoslavia. Overall performance of the aircraft did not change much, as the engine swap was mainly done to facilitate ease of maintenance.
The IK-2’s armament consisted of two 7.7 cm Darne Mle 1930 machine guns, and one 20 mm Hispano HS-9 cannon. The machine gun’s ammunition load consisted of 250 rounds each, and 60 rounds for the cannon. The cannon fired through the center of the propeller shaft, while the two machine guns were placed on each side of the front of the fuselage. Some IK-2’s had their cannon replaced with a 7.92 Browning machine gun. But by the time of the war, all available aircraft were equipped with the 20 mm cannon.
According to D. Babac, the two Darne Mle 1930 machine guns were at some point replaced with two 7.92 Browning machine guns. In addition, this author notes that the machine guns were placed above the engine compartment and not on the sides.
In War
When the war broke out on the 6th April 1941 the 4th Fighter Regiment had only 8 fully operational aircraft ready for service. Four IK-2’s suffered from mechanical breakdowns and were undergoing repairs at Zemun and Zagreb workshops. Author Z. Rendulić mentioned that only 10 IK-2 were available.
Two IK-2 (With 31 and 34 white painted markings) from the 4th Fighter Regiment were taken at Borongaj airfield in Zagreb in 1940. Note the long groove for the machine gun located above the exhaust pipes. Source: N. Miklušev Maketar Plus
In addition, the 4th Regiment had 18 to 20 Hawker Hurricanes, making this unit among the most up-to-date in the RYAF. On the first day of the war, the IK-2 was mainly used for reconnaissance. The following day, two IK-2s tried to bring down a German reconnaissance aircraft but failed to do so. One IK-2 would be lost, possibly due to mechanical breakdown. The first proper combat engagement of the IK-2 occurred on the 9th of April when during reconnaissance, a group of some 23 Bf 109 were spotted. While one IK-2 had to land to refuel, the second one provided a delayed action in hopes of giving the 4th Fighter Regiment enough time to muster its available fighters. Shortly after, some 5 or 6 IK-2 and 8 Mk.I Hurricanes joined the fight. The German fighters were attacking in well-coordinated groups, protecting each other, while the Yugoslav fighters entered the battle in a somewhat disorganized manner. After a fierce skirmish that lasted some 10 minutes, the Germans broke off and retreated back to their base of operations in Austria. The Germans lost two aircraft, while the Yugoslavians lost three, one IK-2 and two Hurricanes. In the next few days, engagements with the enemy were rare, but the IK-2 managed to shoot down one Ju 88, in addition to two other Luftwaffe aircraft.
The 4th Regiment would meet its fate on the 14th of April when the pilots decided to destroy their remaining aircraft in order to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. Despite their attempts, the Germans managed to capture one slightly damaged IK-2 belonging to the 4th Fighter Regiment. Four additional aircraft were acquired when the repair workshops in Zagreb and Belgrade were captured. Some internet sources noted that up to 9 aircraft were captured by the Germans, but this seems highly unlikely and that the number of 5 is probably correct.
While a number of IK-2 were lost due to mechanical failures, the majority would be destroyed by their own crews to prevent them from being captured by the Germans. Source: www.destinationsjourney.com
In NDH Service
Following the defeat of Yugoslavia, the Independent State of Croatia, a German puppet state was created. In June 1941 a request was made to the Germans to provide over 50 captured Yugoslavian aircraft including the IK-2, in an attempt to create a Croatian Air Force. The Germans were more than willing to give the most obsolete aircraft including four IK-2. The fate of the fifth aircraft is not clear. It may have been cannibalized for spare parts, or even sent to Germany for evaluation, but due to a lack of precise sources, we can not be sure. The Croatian Air Force regularly had problems acquiring spare parts for the Yugoslavian aircraft, as these were either destroyed, sabotaged, or commandeered by the Germans. Surprisingly the IK-2 remained in service for a few years until 1944 when they were finally withdrawn from service. They were rarely used by the Croats who often complained about its poor visibility. Sadly no IK-2 survived the war, with all likely being scrapped.
Production Versions
IK-L1 – First prototype aircraft that was lost in an accident only a few days after initial trials were conducted
IK-02 – The second more successful prototype
IK-2 – Production version
Kingdom of Yugoslavia – Eight were used during the April War.
Independent State of Croatia NDH – Used four aircraft supplied by the Germans, their service was limited.
The Ikarus IK-2 was one of the earliest Yugoslavian attempts to develop the first proper fighter aircraft and was intended to replace the aging biplanes then in service with the Yugoslavian Royal Air Force. While it proved to possess superior performance to biplane fighters, it too was quickly made obsolete by the introduction of new low-wing fighter aircraft. Regardless, the IK-2 was a sound design, which proved that the Yugoslav aviation industry, despite its small size, was capable of producing a viable mono-wing fighter aircraft.
The Ikarus’ powerful engine and impressive armament paved the way for Yugoslavia’s later advanced monoplane, the IK-3. Its performance in key areas gave it an advantage over the Hawker Fury. The IK-2 saw combat against Germany’s advances in the early 1940s before it was ultimately superseded by more advanced aircraft.
IK-2 Specifications
11.4 m / 37 ft 4 in
7.88 m / 25 ft 8 in
3.84 m / 12 ft 6 in
Wing Area
18 m² / 59 ft²
One 860 hp Avia HS12YCrs
Empty Weight
1.500 kg / 3.300 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight
1.875 kg / 4.130 lbs
Climb Rate to 5 km
In 5 minute 25 seconds
Maximum Speed
450 km/h / 280 mph
Cruising speed
250 km/h / 155 mph
700 km/ miles
Maximum Service Ceiling
12,000 m / 39.370 ft
1 pilot
Two 7.7 mm machine guns and one 2 cm cannon
Yugoslav IK-2 107 Eskadrila, 34 Grupa, 4 Lovački Puk No.2104Yugoslav IK-2 107 Eskadrila, 34 Grupa, 4 Lovački Puk No.2108IK-2 in NDH service
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H. & Ed J.
Illustrated by Ed J.
T. Likos and D. Čanak (1998) The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War, Nacionalna i Sveučilišna Knjižnica Zagreb
V. V. Mikić (2000) Zrakoplovstvo nezavisne države Hrvatske 1941-1945, Target Beograd
Č. Janić i O. Petrović (2011) Kratka istorija vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, Aero Komunikacije
D.Babac Elitni vidovi Jugoslovenske vojske u Aprilskom ratu.
Z. Rendulić (2014) Lovačka Avijacija 1914-1945, Teovid
B. Dimitrijević, M. Micevski and P. Miladinović (2016) Kraljevstvo Vazduhoplovstvo 1912-1945
Nazi Germany (1933)
Anti-Aircraft Gun – 19,650 Built
8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/47 in the Anti-Tank role Source: T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle Panzer Tracts No. Dreaded Threat The 8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/47 in the Anti-Tank role
With the growing use of aircraft during the First World War, many nations developed their own anti-aircraft weapons. Initially, these were mostly crude adaptations of existing weapons systems. During the interwar period, the development of dedicated anti-aircraft guns was initiated by many armies. Germany, while still under a ban on developing new weapons, would create the 8.8 cm Flak 18 anti-aircraft gun. The gun, while originally designed for the anti-aircraft role, was shown to possess excellent anti-tank firepower. This gun would see action for the first time during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) and would continue serving with the Germans up to the end of World War II.
This article covers the use of the 8.8 cm Flak gun in the original anti-aircraft role. To learn more about the use of this gun in its more famous anti-tank role visit the Tank Encyclopedia website.
World War One Origins
Prior to the Great War, aircraft first saw service in military operations during the Italian occupation of Libya in 1911. These were used in limited numbers, mostly for reconnaissance, but also for conducting primitive bombing raids. During the First World War, the mass adoption of aircraft in various roles occurred. One way to counter enemy aircraft was to employ one’s own fighter cover. Despite this, ground forces were often left exposed to enemy bombing raids or reconnaissance aircraft that could be used to identify weak spots in the defense.
To fend off airborne threats, most armies initially reused various artillery pieces, sometimes older, or even captured guns, and modified them as improvised anti-aircraft weapons. This involved employing ordinary artillery guns placed on improvised mounts that enabled them to have sufficient elevation to fire at the sky. These early attempts were crude in nature and offered little chance of actually bringing down an enemy aircraft. But, occasionally, it did happen. One of the first recorded and confirmed aircraft kills using a modified artillery piece happened in September of 1915, near the Serbian city of Vršac. Serbian artilleryman Raka Ljutovac managed to score a direct hit on a German aircraft using a captured and modified 75 mm Krupp M.1904 gun.
A captured Krupp gun was modified to be used for anti-aircraft defense by the Serbian Army during the First World War. Other warring nations also employed similar designs during the war. [telegraf.rs]On the Western Front, the use of these improvised and crude contraptions generally proved ineffective. Dedicated anti-aircraft guns were needed. This was especially the case for the Germans who lacked fighter aircraft due to insufficient resources and limited production capacity. The Germans soon began developing such weapons. They noticed that the modified artillery pieces were of too small a caliber (anything smaller than 77 mm caliber was deemed insufficient) and needed much-improved velocity and range. Another necessary change was to completely reorganize the command structure, by unifying the defense and offensive air force elements, into a single organizational unit. This was implemented in late 1916. This meant that the anti-aircraft guns were to be separated from ordinary artillery units. The effect of this was that the new anti-aircraft units received more dedicated training and could be solely focused on engaging enemy aircraft.
The same year, trucks armed with 8 to 8.8 cm anti-aircraft guns began to appear on the front. While these had relatively good mobility on solid ground, the conditions of the Western Front were generally unsuited for such vehicles, due to difficult terrain. With the development of better anti-aircraft gun designs, their increased weight basically prevented them from being mounted on mobile truck chassis. Instead, for mobility, these were placed on specially designed four-wheeled trailers and usually towed by a K.D.I artillery tractor.
Both Krupp and Ehrhardt (later changing their name to Rheinmetall) would develop their own 8.8 cm anti-aircraft guns, which would see extensive action in the later stages of the war. While neither design would have any major impact (besides the same caliber) on the development of the later 8.8 cm Flak, these were the first stepping stones that would ultimately lead to the creation of the famous gun years later.
The Krupp 8.8 cm anti-aircraft gun. [Wiki]As the newer German anti-aircraft guns became too heavy to be used in more mobile configurations by mounting them on trucks, they had to be towed instead. Source: W. Muller The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World War
Work after the War
Following the German defeat in the First World War, they were forbidden from developing many technologies, including artillery and anti-aircraft guns. To avoid this, companies like Krupp simply began cooperating with other arms manufacturers in Europe. During the 1920s, Krupp partnered with the Swedish Bofors armament manufacturer. Krupp even owned around a third of Bofors’ shares.
The Reichswehr (English: German Ground Army) only had limited anti-aircraft capabilities which relied exclusively on 7.92 mm caliber machine guns. The need for a proper and specialized anti-aircraft gun arose in the late 1920s. In September 1928, Krupp was informed that the Army wanted a new anti-aircraft gun. It had to be able to fire a 10 kg round at a muzzle velocity of 850 m/s. The gun itself would be placed on a mount with a full 360° traverse and an elevation of -3° to 85°. The mount and the gun were then placed on a cross-shaped base with four outriggers. The trailer had side outriggers that were raised during movement. The whole gun when placed on a four-wheeled bogie was to be towed at a maximum speed of 30 km/h. The total weight of the gun had to be around 9 tonnes. These requirements would be slightly changed a few years later to include new requests such as a rate of fire between 15 to 20 rounds per minute, use of high-explosive rounds with a delay fuse of up to 30 seconds, and a muzzle velocity between 800 to 900 m/s. The desired caliber of this gun was also discussed. The use of a caliber in the range of 7.5 cm was deemed to be insufficient and a waste of resources for a heavy gun. But despite this, a 7.5 cm Flak L/60 was developed, but it would not be adopted for service. The 8.8 cm caliber, which was used in the previous war, was more desirable. This caliber was set as a bare minimum, but usage of a larger caliber was allowed under the condition that the whole gun weight would not be more than 9 tonnes. The towing trailer had to reach a speed of 40 km/h (on a good road) when towed by a half-track or, in case of emergency, by larger trucks. The speed of redeployment for these guns was deemed highly important. German Army Officials were quite aware that the development of such guns could take years to complete. Due to the urgent need for such weapons, they were even ready to adopt temporary solutions.
Krupp’s first 8.8 cm Flak 18 prototype. [8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37 Vol.1]Krupp engineers that were stationed at the Sweden Bofors company were working on a new anti-aircraft gun for some time. In 1931, Krupp engineers went back to Germany, where, under secrecy, they began designing the gun. By the end of September 1932, Krupp delivered two guns and 10 trailers. After a series of firing and driving trials, the guns proved to be more than satisfactory and, with some minor modifications, were adopted for service in 1933 under the name 8.8 cm Flugabwehrkanone 18 (anti-aircraft gun) or, more simply, Flak 18. The use of the number 18 was meant to mislead France and Great Britain that this was actually an old design, which it was in fact not. This was quite commonly used on other German-developed artillery pieces that were introduced to service during the 1930s. The same 8.8 cm gun was officially adopted when the Nazis came to power. In 1934, Hitler denounced the Treaty of Versailles, and openly announced the rearmament of the German Armed forces.
While Krupp designed the 8.8 cm FlaK 18, aside from building some 200 trailers for it, was not directly involved in the production of the actual gun. The 8.8 cm Flak 18 was quite an orthodox anti-aircraft design, but what made it different was that it could be mass-produced relatively easily, which the Germans did. Most of its components did not require any special tooling and companies that had basic production capabilities could produce these.
Some 2,313 were available by the end of 1938. In 1939, the number of guns produced was only 487, increasing to 1,131 new ones in 1940. From this point, due to the need for anti-aircraft guns, production constantly increased over the coming years. Some 1,861 examples were built in 1941, 2,822 in 1942, 4,302 in 1943, and 5,714 in 1944. Surprisingly, despite the chaotic state of the German industry, some 1,018 guns were produced during the first three months of 1945. In total, 19,650 8.8 cm Flak guns were built.
Of course, like many other German production numbers, there are some differences between sources. The previously mentioned numbers are according to T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle (Dreaded Threat: The 8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/47 in the Anti-Tank role). Author A. Radić (Arsenal 51) mentions that, by the end of 1944, 16,227 such guns were built. A. Lüdeke (Waffentechnik Im Zweiten Weltkrieg) gives a number of 20,754 pieces being built.
Number produced
2 prototypes
2,313 (total produced at that point)
The gun
The 8.8 cm Flak 18 used a single tube barrel that was covered in a metal jacket. The barrel itself was some 4.664 meters (L/56) long. The gun recuperator was placed above the barrel, while the recoil cylinders were placed under the barrel. During firing, the longest recoil stroke was 1,050 mm, while the shortest was 700 mm.
The 8.8 cm gun had a horizontal sliding breechblock which was semi-automatic. It meant that, after each shot, the breach opened on its own and ejected the shell casing, enabling the crew to immediately load another round. This was achieved by adding a spring coil, which was tensioned after firing. This provided a good rate of fire of up to 15 rounds per minute when engaging ground targets and up to 20 rounds per minute for aerial targets. If needed, the semi-automatic system could be disengaged and the whole loading and extracting of rounds done manually. While some guns were provided with a rammer to help during loading the gun, it was sometimes removed by the crew.
This particular gun is equipped with a loading rammer with a new round which is ready to be loaded into the chamber. [Pinterest]For the anti-tank role, the 8.8 cm Flak was provided with a Zielfernrohr 20 direct telescopic sight. It had 4x magnification and a 17.5° field of view. This meant a 308 m wide view at 1 km. With a muzzle velocity of 840 m/s, the maximum firing range against ground targets was 15.2 km. The maximum altitude range was 10.9 km, but the maximum effective range was around 8 km.
The dimensions of this gun during towing were a length of 7.7 m, width of 2.3 m, and height of 2.4 meters. When stationary, the height was 2.1 m, while the length was 5.8 meters. Weight in firing position, it weighed 5,150 kg, while the total weight of the gun with the carriage was 7,450 kg. Due to some differences in numbers between sources, the previously mentioned 8.8 cm Flak performance is based on T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle (Panzer Tracts Dreaded Threat The 8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/47 in the Anti-Tank role).
When stationary, the gun had a height of 2.1 meters, which offered a relatively large target for enemy gunners. Good camouflage and well-selected positions were vital for its crew’s survival. [defensemedianetwork.com]
The Gun Controls
The gun elevation and traverse were controlled by using two handwheels located on the right side. The traverse handwheel had an option to be rotated at low or high speed, depending on the need. The lower speed was used for more precise aiming at the targets. The speed gear was changed by a simple lever located at the handwheel. To make a full circle, the traverse operator, at a high-speed setting. needed to turn the handwheel 100 times. while on the lower gear, it was 200 times. With one full circle of the handwheel, the gun was rotated by 3.6° at high speed and 1.8° at low speed.
Next to it was the handwheel for elevation. The handwheel was connected by a series of gears to the elevation pinion. This then moved the elevation rack which, in turn, lowered and raised the gun barrel. Like the traverse handwheel, it also had options for lower and higher rotation speed, which could be selected by using a lever. During transport, in order to prevent potential damage to the gun elevating mechanism, a locking system was equipped. In order to change position from 0° to 85°, at high speed, 42.5 turns of the handwheel were needed. One turn of the wheel at high speed changed the elevation by 2°. At lower speed, 85 times turns of the handwheel were needed. Each turn gave a change of 1°.
The two control handwheels. The front handwheel is for traverse while the rear one is for elevation. Source: W. Muller (1998) The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World Wars, Schiffer Military
Sometimes, in the sources, it is mentioned that the traverse was actually 720°. This is not a mistake. When the gun was used in a static mount, it would be connected with wires to a fire control system. In order to avoid damaging these wires, the guns were allowed to only make two full rotations in either direction. The traverse operator had a small indicator that informed him when two full rotations were made.
The 8.8 cm Flak at its maximum elevation. Source: T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle Panzer Tracts No. Dreaded Threat The 8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/47 in the Anti-Tank role
The 8.8 cm fuze setter is located on the left side of the gun. Two rounds could be placed for their time fuse settings. These were usually done manually but the gun controls could also be connected to an external control system.
The 8.8 cm fuze setter. [Pinterest]
The Kommandogerat 36
The fire control system Kommandogerat 36 (Stereoscopic Director 36) was an important device when using the 8.8 cm guns in an anti-aircraft role. This piece of equipment actually is a combination of a stereoscopic rangefinder and a director. It uses a 4-meter-long, stereoscopic rangefinder. It has a magnification of 12 to 14x with a reading case ranging from 500 to 50,000 meters. When the unit was being transported, the stereoscopic rangefinder would be disengaged and placed in a long wooden box. If for some reason the Stereoscopic Director 36 was not available or not working, a smaller auxiliary Stereoscopic Director 35 could be used instead.
The 8.8 cm guns were usually used in a square formation consisting of four guns. Inside this squire was a command post, which would usually have additional range-finding equipment and instruments. These four gun’s positions were also connected to the battery unit command.
The Stereoscopic Director 36 was a vital piece of equipment that provides the necessary acquisitions of targets. [waralbum.ru]Common 8.8 cm anti-aircraft employment was a square formation with four guns. Source: W. Muller The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World War
The mount which held the gun barrel itself consisted of a cradle and trunnions. The cradle had a rectangular shape. On its sides, two trunnions were welded. In order to provide stability for the gun barrel, two spring-shaped equilibrations were connected to the cradle using a simple clevis fastener.
Given its size, the gun used a large cross-shaped platform. It consisted of the central part, where the base for the mount was located, along with four outriggers. The front and the rear outriggers were fixed to the central base. The gun barrel travel lock was placed on the front outrigger. The side outriggers could be lowered during firing. These were held in place by pins and small chains which were connected to the gun mount. To provide better stability during firing the gun, the crew could dig in the steel pegs located on each of the side outriggers. This cross-shaped platform, besides holding the mount for the main gun, also served to provide storage for various equipment, like the electrical wiring. Lastly, on the bottom of each outrigger, there were four round-shaped leveling jacks. This helped prevent the gun from digging in into the ground, distributing the weight evenly, and to help keep the gun level on uneven ground.
A close-up view of the dismantled 8.8 cm Flak cross-shaped platform. The two folding side outriggers are missing. The central octagonal base would later be replaced with a much simpler square-shaped one. Source: German 88-mm AntiAircraft Gun Materiel, US War Department Technical ManualThe side outriggers could be lowered during firing. In order to provide better stability during firing the gun, the crew could dig in the steel pegs located on each of the side outriggers. At the bottom of each outrigger were round-shaped leveling jacks. Their purpose was to prevent the gun from digging into the ground and to keep the gun level on uneven ground. Source: German 88-mm AntiAircraft Gun Materiel, US War Department Technical ManualThe side outriggers are fully raised during transport. [o5m6.de]To prevent damaging the gun during transport, a large travel lock was installed on the front outrigger. Source: German 88-mm AntiAircraft Gun Materiel, US War Department Technical Manual
The entire gun assembly was moved using a two-wheeled dolly, designated as Sonderanhanger 201. The front part consisted of a dolly with single wheels, while the rear dolly consisted of a pair of wheels per side on a single axle. Another difference between these two was that the front dolly had 7, and the rear had 11 transverse leaf springs. The wheel diameter was the same for the two, at 910 mm. These were also provided with air brakes. While these units were supposed to be removed during firing, the crew would often not remove them, as it was easier to move the gun quickly if needed. This was only possible when engaging targets at low gun elevations. Aerial targets could not be engaged this way, as the recoil would break the axles. The front and rear outriggers would be raised from the ground by using a winch with chains located on the dollies. When raised to a sufficient height, the outriggers would be held in place by dolly’s hooks. These were connected with a round pin, located inside of each of the outriggers.
The two trailer units were connected to the front and rear outriggers by using simple hooks, which would quite easily be disengaged. Source: German 88-mm AntiAircraft Gun Materiel, US War Department Technical ManualThe front view of the Sonderanhanger 201 dolly could be easily identified by the use of only two wheels. The chain’s winch would be used to raise the outriggers. Source: German 88-mm AntiAircraft Gun Materiel, US War Department Technical Manual
Firing with both trailer units still connected to the gun as possible, but it raised the height of the gun and prevented it from engaging air targets. [o5m6.de]Later, a new improved Sonderanhanger 202 model was introduced (used on the Flak 36 version). On this redesigned version, the two towing units were redesigned to be similar to each other. This was done to ease production but also so the gun could be towed in either direction when needed. While, initially, the dolly was equipped with one set of two wheels and the trailer with two pairs, the new model adopted a doubled-wheeled dolly instead.
Initially, the 8.8 cm Flak guns were not provided with an armored shield for crew protection. Given its long-range and its intended role as an anti-aircraft gun, this was deemed unnecessary in its early development. Following the successful campaign in the West against France and its Allies in 1940, the Commanding General of the I. Flakkorp requested that all 8.8 cm Flak guns that would be used at on the frontline receive a protective shield. During 1941, most 8.8 cm Flaks that were used on the frontline were supplied with a 1.75 meter high and 1.95 meters wide frontal armored shield. Two smaller armored panels (7.5 cm wide at top and 56 cm at bottom) were placed on the sides. The frontal plate was 10 mm thick, while the two side plates were 6 mm thick. The recuperator cylinders were also protected with an armored cover. The total weight of the 8.8 cm Flak armored plates was 474 kg. On the right side of the large gun shield, there was a hatch that would be closed during the engagement of ground targets. In this case, the gunner would use telescopic sight through the visor port. During engagement of air targets, this hatch was open.
Most guns were initially not provided with a shield. Given its original purpose, this is not surprising. Source: T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle Panzer Tracts. Dreaded Threat The 8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/47 in the Anti-Tank roleMost guns that were issued for field use would be provided with a large 10 mm thick front armored shield. The wire cover on the top was used for camouflage. Source: T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle Panzer Tracts Dreaded Threat The 8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/47 in the Anti-Tank roleOn the left side of the gun shield, there was a hatch that would be used for the gunner to find his aerial targets. [worldwarphotos.info]
The 88 mm FlaK could use a series of different rounds. The 8.8 cm Sprgr. Patr. was a 9.4 kg heavy high-explosive round with a 30-second time fuze. It could be used against both anti-aircraft and ground targets. When used in the anti-aircraft role, the time fuze was added. The 8.8 Sprgr. Az. was a high-explosive round that had a contact fuze. In 1944 the Germans introduced a slightly improved model that tested the idea of using control fragmentation, which was unsuccessful. The 8.8 Sch. Sprgr. Patr. and br. Sch. Gr. Patr. were shrapnel rounds.
The 8.8 cm Pzgr Patr was a 9.5 kg standard anti-tank round. With a velocity of 810 m/s, it could penetrate 95 mm of 30° angled armor at 1 km. At 2 km at the same angle, it could pierce 72 mm of armor. The 8.8 cm Pzgr. Patr. 40 was a tungsten-cored anti-tank round. The 8.8 cm H1 Gr. Patr. 39 Flak was a 7.2 kg heavy hollow charge anti-tank round. At a 1 kg range, it was able to penetrate 165 mm of armor. The 8.8 cm ammunition was usually stored in wooden or metal containers.
The 8.8 cm Flak used large one-piece ammunition. It was stored in either wooden or metal containers. [defensemedianetwork.com]
The 88 mm Flak had a crew of 11 men. These included a commander, two gun operators, two fuze setter operators, a loader, four ammunition assistants, and the driver of the towing vehicle. Guns that were used on a static mount usually had a smaller crew. The two gun operators were positioned to the right of the gun. Each of them was responsible for operating a hand wheel, one for elevation and one for the traverse. The front operator was responsible for traverse and the one behind him for elevation. The front traverse operator was also responsible for using the weapon gun sight for targeting the enemy. On the left side of the gun were the two fuse operators. The loader with the ammunition assistants was placed behind the gun. A well-experienced crew needed 2 to 2 and a half minutes to prepare the gun for firing. The time to put the gun into the traveling position was 3.5 minutes. The 8.8 cm gun was usually towed by an Sd.Kfz. 7 half-track or a heavy-duty six-wheel truck.
The 8.8 cm guns that were used for supporting ground units had a fairly large crew. [Pinterest]The Sd.Kfz. 7 half-tracks were the primary towing vehicles for this gun. [defensemedianetwork.com]Six-wheeled heavy-duty trucks would sometimes be used due to the lack of half-tracks. They did not offer the same driving performance. [worldwarphotos.info]
Flak 36 and 37
While the Flak 18 was deemed a good design, there was room for improvement. The gun itself did not need much improvement. The gun platform, on the other hand, was slightly modified to provide better stability during firing and to make it easier to produce. The base of the gun mount was changed from an octagonal to a more simple square shape. The previously mentioned Sonderanhanger 202 was used on this model.
Due to the high rate of fire, anti-aircraft guns frequently had to receive new barrels, as these were quickly worn out. To facilitate quick replacement, the Germans introduced a new three-part barrel. It consists of a chamber portion, a center portion, and the muzzle section. While it made the replacement of worn-out parts easier, it also allowed these components to be built with different metals. Besides this, the overall performance of the Flak 18 and Flak 36 was the same. The Flak 36 was officially adopted on the 8th of February 1939.
As the Germans introduced the new Flak 41, due to production delays, some of the guns were merged with the mount of a Flak 36. A very limited production run was made of the 8.8 cm Flak 36/42, which entered service in 1942.
In 1942, the improved 88 mm Flak 37 entered mass production according to T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle. On the other hand J. Ledwoch (8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37 Vol.1 Wydawnictwo Militaria 155) state that the Flak 37 was introduced to service way back in 1937. Visually, it was the same as the previous Flak 36 model. The difference was that this model was intended to have better anti-aircraft performance, having specially designed directional dials. The original gunner dials were replaced with the “follow-the-pointer” system. It consists of two sets of dials that are placed on the right side of the gun. These received information about the enemy targets from a remote central fire direction post connected electrically. This way, the gun operator only had to make slight adjustments, such as elevation, and fire the gun.
The necessary information about the enemy targets was provided by a Funkmessgerate ( Predictor) which was essentially a mechanical analog computer. Once the enemy aircraft were spotted, their estimated speed and direction were inserted into this computer which would then calculate the precise position and elevation. This information would be sent to any linked anti-aircraft batteries by a wire connection. One set of the dials would then show the crew the necessary changes that need to be done to the elevation and direction of the enemy approach. The crew then had to manually position the gun elevation and direction until the second dials indicators matched the first one. The funkmessgerate computer also provided correct fuse time settings. In principle, this system eased the aiming task of the crew and at the same time improved accuracy. When used in this manner the Flak 37 could not be used for an anti-tank role.
The last change to this series was the reintroduction of a two-piece barrel design. Besides these improvements, the overall performance was the same as with the previous models. From March 1943 only the Flak 37 would be produced, completely replacing the older models.
The 8.8 cm Flak 37 introduced the use of specially designed directional dials, which help the crew better adjust the gun. Source: Norris 8.8 cm FlaK 16/36/37/ 41 and PaK 43 1936-45
German air defense was solely the responsibility of the Luftwaffe, with the majority of 8.8 cm guns being allocated to them. The German Army and Navy also possessed some anti-aircraft units, but these were used in quite limited numbers. The largest units were the Flak Korps (Anti-aircraft corps). It consisted of two to four Flak Divisionen (Anti-aircraft divisions). These divisions, depending on the need, were either used as mobile forces or for static defense. These were further divided into Bigaden (brigades ) which consisted of two or more Regimenter (Regiments). Regiments in turn were divided into four to six Abteilunge (Battalion). Battalion strength was eight 8.8 cm guns with 18 smaller 2 cm guns. To complicate things a bit more, each Battalion could be divided into four groups: Leichte (Light, equipped with calibers such as 2 cm or 3.7 cm), Gemischte (mixed light and heavy), Schwere (Heavy equip with a caliber greater than 88 mm) and Scheinwerfer (Searchlight).
Mobile War
Initially, operations and crew training was carried out by the Reichswehr. They were organized into the so-called Fahrabteilung (Training Battalion) to hide their intended role. By 1935, the German Army underwent a huge reorganization, one aspect of which was changing its name to the Wehrmacht. In regard to the anti-aircraft protection, it was now solely the responsibility of the Luftwaffe. For this reason, almost all available 8.8 cm guns were reallocated to Luftwaffe control. Only around eight Flak Battalions which were armed with 2 cm anti-aircraft guns were left under direct Army control.
In Spain
When the Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936, Francisco Franco, leader of the Nationalists, sent a plea to Adolf Hitler for German military equipment aid. To make matters worse for Franco, nearly all his loyal forces were stationed in Africa. As the Republicans controlled the Spanish navy, Franco could not move his troops back to Spain safely. So he was forced to seek foreign aid. Hitler was keen on helping Franco, seeing Spain as a potential ally, and agreed to provide assistance. At the end of July 1936, 6 He 51 and 20 Ju 57 aircraft were transported to Spain under secrecy. These would serve as the basis for the air force of the German Condor Legion which operated in Spain during this war. The German ground forces operating in Spain were supplied with a number of 8.8 cm guns.
These arrived in early November 1936 and were used to form the F/88 anti-aircraft battalion. This unit consisted of four heavy and two light batteries. Starting from March 1937 these were allocated to protect various defense points at Burgos and Vittoria. In March 1938, the 8.8 cm guns from the 6th battery dueled with an enemy 76.2 cm anti-aircraft gun which were manned by French volunteers from the International Brigades. While the 8.8 cm guns were mainly employed against ground targets they still had a chance to fire at air targets. For example, while defending the La Cenia airfield, the 8.8 cm guns from the 6th battery prevented the Republican bombing attack by damaging at least two SB-2 bombers on the 10th of June 1938. Three days later one SB-2 was shot down by an 8.8 cm gun. In early August another SB-2 was shot down by the same unit. The performance of the 8.8 cm gun during the war in Spain was deemed satisfying. It was excellent in ground operations, possessing good range and firepower.
An 8.8 cm Flak gun in Spain.[weaponsandwarfare.com]
During the Second World War
Prior to the war, the 8.8 m guns could be often seen on many military parades, exercises, and ceremonies. The first ‘combat’ use of the 8.8 cm Flak in German use was during the occupation of the Sudetenland in 1938. The entire operation was carried out peacefully and the 8.8 cm gun did not have to fire in anger.
Prior to the war, the 8.8 cm guns war could have been often seen on military parades, exercises, and ceremonies. Source: W. Muller The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World Wars
The Polish campaign saw little use of the 8.8 cm guns. The main reason for this was that the Polish Air Force was mostly destroyed in the first few days of combat. They were mainly used against ground targets. In one example, the 8.8 cm guns from the 22nd Flak Regiment tried to prevent a Polish counter-attack at Ilza. The battery would be overrun while the crew tried to defend themselves, losing three guns in the process. The 8.8 cm Flak gun also saw service during the battles for Warsaw and Kutno.
The 8.8 cm followed the Germans in their occupation of Denmark and Norway. One of the key objectives in Norway was the capture of a number of airfields. Once captured, the Germans rushed in Flak guns including the 8.8 cm, to defend these as they were crucial for the rather short-ranged German bombers. On the 12th of April 1940, the British Air Force launched two (83 strong in total) bombing raids at the German ships which were anchored at the Stavanger harbor. Thanks to the Flak and fighter support, six Hampden and three Wellington bombers were shot down.
Following the conclusion of the Polish campaign, the Germans began increasing the numbers of the motorized Flak units. Some 32 Flak Batteries were available which the Germans used to form the 1st and 2nd Flak Corps. 1st Corps would be allocated to the Panzergruppe Kleist, while the second was allocated to the 4th and 6th Army. The Luftwaffe, as in Poland (September 1939), quickly gained air superiority over the Allied Air Forces. Despite this, there was still opportunity for the 8.8 cm guns to fire at air targets. During the period from the 10th to 26th May 1940, the following successes were made against enemy aircraft by flak units that were part of the XIX Armee Corps: the 83rd Flak Battalion brought down some 54, 92nd Flak Battalion 44, 71th Flak Battalion 24, the 91st Flak Battalion 8, 36th Flak Regiment 26, 18th Flak Regiment 27, and 38th Flak Regiment 23 aircraft. During the notorious German crossing near Sedan, a combined Allied air force tried to dislodge them. The strong Flak presence together with air fighter cover, lead to the Allies losing 90 aircraft in the process.
Following the Western Campaign, the 8.8 cm guns would see extensive service through the war. Ironically they would be more often employed against enemy armor than in the original role. Given the extensive Allied bombing raids, more and more 8.8 cm would be allocated to domestic anti-aircraft defense. One major use of 8.8 cm Flak was during the German evacuation of Sicily, by providing necessary air cover for the retreating Axis soldiers and materiel to the Italian mainland.
In the occupied Balkans, the 8.8 cm Flak was a rare sight until late 1943 and early 1944. The ever-increasing Allied bombing raids forced the Germans to reinforce their positions with a number of anti-aircraft guns, including the 8.8 cm Flak. Some 40 8.8 cm Flak guns were used to protect German-held Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia. Most would be lost after a successful liberation operation conducted by the Red Army supported by Yugoslav Partisans. The 8.8 cm Flak guns were also used in static emplacements defending the Adriatic coast at several key locations from 1943 on. One of the last such batteries to surrender to the Yugoslav Partisans was the one stationed in Pula, which had twelve 8.8 cm guns. It continued to resist the Partisans until the 8th of May, 1945.
Some of the 8.8 cm guns were destroyed or abandoned. Source: A. Radić Arsenal 51
Defense of the Fatherland
While the 8.8 cm Flaks would see service supporting the advancing German forces, the majority of them would actually be used as static anti-aircraft emplacements. For example, during the production period of October 1943 to November 1944, around 61% of the 8.8 cm Flak guns produced were intended for static defense. Additionally, of 1,644 batteries that were equipped with this gun, only 225 were fully motorized, with an additional 31 batteries that were only partially motorized (start of September 1944).
When the war broke out with Poland, the Luftwaffe anti-aircraft units had at their disposal some 657 anti-aircraft guns of various calibers. The majority were the 8.8 cm with smaller quantities of the larger 10.5 cm and even some captured Czezh 8.35 anti-aircraft guns. An additional 12 Flak Companies equipped with the 8.8 cm guns were given to the navy for the protection of a number of important harbors. The remaining guns were used to protect vital cities like Berlin and Hamburg. The important Ruhr industry center was also heavily defended.
The majority of the 8.8 cm Flak guns built would be used in static defense without the cross-shaped platform. These would mostly be destroyed by their crews to prevent their capture when the Allies made their advances into Germany. Source: W. Muller The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World Wars
One of the first enemy aircraft shot down over German skies were British Wellington bombers. This occurred on the 4th of September 1939 when one or two enemy bombers were brought down by heavy Flak fire. These intended to bomb vital German naval ports. In early October 1939, in Strasbourg, a French Potez 637 was shot down by the 84th Flak Regiments 8.8 cm guns. One Amiot 143 and a Whitley aircraft were shot down in Germany in mid-October. During December 1939 British launched two bombing raids intended to inflict damage on German ports. Both raids failed with the British losing some 17 out of 36 Wellington bombers.
After Germany’s victory over the Western Allies in June, the Germans began forming the first Flak defense line in occupied territories and coastlines. These were not only equipped with German guns but also with those captured from enemy forces.
A 8.8 cm by the Atlantic coast in 1941. This crew had already achieved two kills, judging by the kill marks on the barrel. Source: W. Muller The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World Wars
Due to the poor results of their daylight bombing raids, the British began to employ night raids. These initially were quite unsuccessful with minimal damage to Germany’s infrastructure and industry. The Flak defense of Germany was also quite unprepared for night raids, unable to spot enemy bombers at night. The situation changed only in 1940 with the introduction of ground-operated radar. Thanks to this, the first few months of 1941 saw German Flak units bring down 115 enemy aircraft.
In 1942 the British military top made a decision to begin the mass bombing of German cities. The aim was to “de-house” (or kill) workers, damage infrastructure to make urban industrial areas unusable, and try and cause a moral collapse as was the case in 1918. Implementation of this tactic was initially slow due to an insufficient number of bombers. In addition, vital targets in occupied Europe were also to be bombed. In May 1942, the British launched a force that consisted of over 1,000 aircraft causing huge damage to Germany, killing 486 and injuring over 55,000 people.
In 1943 several huge events happened. The German defeats in East and North Africa led to huge material and manpower losses, while the Allies were preparing to launch massive bombing raids mainly intended to cripple Germany’s production capabilities. In response, the Germans began increasing their number of Flak units. At the start of 1943, there were some 659 heavy Flak batteries, which were increased to 1,089 by June the same year. Due to a lack of manpower, the Germans began mobilizing their civilians regardless of their age or sex. For example, in 1943 there were some 116,000 young women who were employed in various roles, even operating the guns. Near the end of the war, it was common to see all-female crews operating Flak batteries. In addition in 1944 some 38,000 young boys were also employed in this manner. Ironically, while all German military branches lacked equipment, the anti-aircraft branch had spare equipment and guns, but lacked the manpower to operate them. To resolve this, foreign Volunteers and even Soviet prisoners of war were pressed into service. The downside was the general lack of training, which greatly affected their performance.
In the first few months of 1944, the Allied 8th and 15th Air Forces lost some 315 bombers with 10,573 damaged, all attributed to the heavy Flak. In 1944 (date unspecified in the source) during an attack on the heavily defended Leuna synthetic oil refinery, some 59 Allied bombers were brought down by the heavy Flak guns. By 1944 the number of heavy anti-aircraft guns that were intended for the defense of Germany reached 7,941. By April 1945 the Flak guns managed to shoot down 1,345 British bombers. The American 8th lost 1,798, while the 15th Air Force lost 1,046 bombers due to German Flak defence by the end of the war.
The last action of the 8.8 cm Flak guns was during the defense of the German capital of Berlin. Due to most being placed in fixed positions, they could not be evacuated and most would be destroyed by their own crews to prevent capture. Despite the losses suffered during the war, in February 1945, there were still some 8,769 8.8 cm Flak guns available for service.
The Flak provided necessary and crucial defense of vital industrial centers. Source: W. Muller The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World Wars
Effectiveness of the 8.8 cm Guns in Anti-aircraft Role
Regarding the effectiveness of the 8.8 cm anti-aircraft guns with the necessary number of rounds needed to bring down enemy aircraft. Author E.B. Westermann (Flak German Anti-Aircraft Defenses 1914-1945) gives us a good example and comparison between three main German anti-aircraft guns. The largest 12.8 cm Flak on average fired some 3,000 rounds to take down an enemy aircraft. The 10.5 cm gun needed 6,000 and the 8.8 cm 15,000 rounds (some sources mentioned 16,000). This seems at first glance like a huge waste of available resources, but is it right to conclude that?
According to an Allied war document dated from early 1945, they mentioned a few interesting facts about German flak defense. According to them, in 1943 some 33% of bombers destroyed by Germany were accredited to heavy Flak gunfire. In addition, 66% of damage sustained by their aircraft was also caused by the heavy Flak fire. In the summer of 1944, this number increased. The majority (some 66%) shot down enemy bombers were accredited to the heavy Flaks. And of 13,000 damaged bombers some 98% were estimated to be caused by the Flaks. Here it is important to note that by this time, Luftwaffe fighters lacked the ability to attack bomber formations en mass. Therefore this increase of aircraft shot down by the Flaks may be explained by this.
In addition, we must also take into account two other functions that these guns had which are often overlooked. They did not necessarily need to bring down enemy bombers. It was enough to force the enemy fly at higher altitudes to avoid losses. This in turn led to a huge loss of accuracy for the bombers. Secondly, the enemy bombers were often forced to break formation when sustaining heavy Flak fire, which left them exposed to German fighters. The shrapnel from the Flak rounds could not always directly bring down a bomber, but it could cause sufficient damage (fuel leaks for example) that the aircraft, later on, had to make an emergency landing, even in enemy territory. The damaged aircraft that made it back to their bases could spend considerable time awaiting repairs. Lastly, the Flak fire could incapacitate, wound or even kill bomber crews. Thus there was a huge psychological effect on enemy bomber crews. B-17 gunner Sgt W. J. Howard from the 100th Bomb Group recalled his experience with the German Flak. “All the missions scared me to death. Whether you had fighters or not you still had to fly through the flak. Flak was what really got you thinking, but I found a way to suck it up and go on.”
Hitler was quite impressed with the 8.8 cm performance. On the 28th of August 1942, he stated: “The best flak gun is the 8.8 cm. The 10.5 has the disadvantage that it consumes too much ammunition, and the barrel does not hold up very long. The Reich Marshall Göring continually wants to build the 12.8 into the flak program. This double-barreled 12.8 cm has a fantastic appearance. If one examines the 8.8 from a technician’s perspective, it is to be sure the most beautiful weapon yet fashioned, with the exception of the 12.8 cm”.
Despite the best German efforts, the Flak’s effectiveness greatly degraded by late 1944. The reason for this was the shortage of properly trained crews. At the start of the war, the Germans paid great attention to crew training, which lasted several months. As the Flak guns were needed on the front, less experienced and trained personnel had to be used instead. In the later stages of the war, these crews received only a few weeks of training, which was insufficient for the job they had to perform. Lastly, Allied bombing raids eventually took their toll on German industry, greatly reducing the production of ammunition, which was one of the main reasons why the anti-aircraft defense of Germany ultimately failed. Of course, a proper analysis and conclusion could not be easily made and would require more extensive research, a wholly different topic on its own.
Self-Propelled Versions
When used as anti-aircraft weapons, the 8.8 cm guns were in most cases used as static defense points. Despite this, the Germans made several attempts to increase their mobility by placing the 8.8 cm guns on various chassis. One of the first attempts was by mounting the 8.8 cm gun on a VOMAG 6×6 truck chassis. The small number built was given to the 42nd Flak Regiment which operated them up to the end of the war.
The VOMAG truck was armed with 8.8 cm guns. Source: W. Muller The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World War
The truck chassis offered great mobility on good roads, but their off-road handling was highly problematic. So Germans used half-tracks and full-track chassis. Smaller numbers of Sd. Kfz 9 armed with the 8.8 cm gun were built. Attempts to build a full-track vehicle were made but never went beyond a prototype stage. The 8.8 cm Flak auf Sonderfahrgestell was a project where an 8.8cm gun was mounted on a fully tracked chassis with a folding wall, but only one vehicle would be built. There are some photographs of Panzer IV modified with this gun, and while not much is known about them they appear to be a field conversion, rather than dedicated design vehicles. There were even proposals to mount an 8.8 cm gun on a Panther tank chassis, but nothing would come from it in the end.
Some 12 Sd. Kfz. 9 were modified by receiving an 8.8 cm gun. [worldwarphotos.info]The 8.8 cm Flak auf Sonderfahrgestell Pz.Sfl.IVc prototype.[uofa.ru]The strange-looking Panzer IV armed with this gun. [armedconflicts.com]Mounting the 8.8 cm gun on railroad cars was a common sight in Germany at early stages of the war. There was various design that may differ greatly from each other. [defensemedianetwork.com]
Usage after the war
With the defeat of Germany during the Second World War, the 8.8 cm Flak guns found usage in a number of other armies. Some of these were Spain, Portugal, Albania, and Yugoslavia. By the end of the 1950s, the Yugoslavian People’s Army had slightly less than 170 8.8 cm guns in its inventory. These were, besides their original anti-aircraft role, used to arm navy ships and were later placed around the Adriatic coast. A number of these guns would be captured and used by various warring parties during the Yugoslav civil wars of the 1990s. Interestingly, the Serbian forces removed the 8.8 cm barrel on two guns and replaced them with two pairs of 262 mm Orkan rocket launcher tubes. The last four operational examples were finally removed from service from the Serbian and Montenegrin Army in 2004.
The 8.8 cm Flak in the Yugoslavian People’s Army service, during military training near the capital in 1955. Source: A. Radić Arsenal 51Two 8.8 cm Flak guns were reused by replacing the gun with two 262mm rocket launchers. While not a success, these two remained in use up to 1998. [srpskioklop.paluba.info]
The 8.8 cm Flak was an extraordinary weapon that provided the German Army with much-needed firepower during the early stages of the war. The design as a whole was nothing special, but it had a great benefit in that it could be built relatively cheaply and in great numbers. That was probably its greatest success, being available in huge numbers compared to similar weapons of other nations.
Its performance in the anti-aircraft role was deemed satisfying, but still stronger models would be employed to supplement its firepower. The 8.8 cm anti-air gun’s effectiveness was greatly degraded toward the end of the war, which was caused not by the gun design itself but other external forces. These being mainly the lack of properly trained crews and shortages of ammunition.
8.8 cm Flak 18 Specifications:
Crew: 11
(Commander, two gun operators, two fuze setter operators, loader, four ammunition assistants, and the driver)
Weight in firing position:
5150 kg
Total weight:
7450 kg.
Dimensions in towing position:
Length 7.7 m, Width 2.2 m, Height 2.4 m,
Dimensions in deployed position:
Length 5.8 m, Height 214 m,
Primary Armament:
8.8 cm L/56 gun
-3° to +85°
The Flak 88 mm gun in towing postion
Flak 88 in firing position
Written by Marko P.
Edited by by Ed Jackson & Henry H.
Illustrations by David B.
J. Norris (2002) 8.8 cm FlaK 16/36/37/ 41 and PaK 43 1936-45 Osprey Publishing
D. Nijboer (2019) German Flak Defences Vs. Allied Heavy Bombers 1942-45, Osprey Publishing
T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle Panzer Tracts No. Dreaded Threat The 8.8 cm FlaK 18/36/41 in the Anti-Tank role
T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle (2014) Panzer Tracts No. 22-5 Gepanzerter 8t Zugkraftwagen and Sfl.Flak
W. Muller (1998) The 8.8 cm FLAK In The First and Second World Wars, Schiffer Military
E. D. Westermann (2001) Flak, German Anti-Aircraft Defense 1914-1945, University Press of Kansas.
German 88-mm AntiAircraft Gun Materiel (29th June 1943) War Department Technical Manual
T. Anderson (2018) History of Panzerwaffe Volume 2 1942-45, Osprey publishing
T. Anderson (2017) History of Panzerjager Volume 1 1939-42, Osprey publishing
S. Zaloga (2011) Armored Attack 1944, Stackpole book
W. Fowler (2002) France, Holland and Belgium 1940, Allan Publishing
1ATB in France 1939-40, Military Modeling Vol.44 (2014) AFV Special
N, Szamveber (2013) Days of Battle Armored Operation North of the River Danube, Hungary 1944-45
A. Radić (2011) Arsenal 51 and 52
While A. Lüdeke, Waffentechnik im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Parragon
J. Ledwoch 8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37 Vol.1 Wydawnictwo Militaria 155
S. H. Newton (2002) Kursk The German View, Da Capo Press
W. Howler (2002 France, Belgium and Holland 1940, Ian Allan
J. S. Corum (2021) Norway 1940 The Luftwaffe’s Scandinavian Blitzkrieg, Osprey Publishing
Independent State of Croatia (1942)
Fighter – 16 Operated
In NDH service the Fiat G.50 did not receive any modifications, with the original Italian camouflage remaining. The only change was the addition of Croatian military markings and new identification numbers. [Wiki]Following the creation of the Nezavisna Država Hrvatska (Independent State of Croatia), its Air Force was plagued with many problems from the start, including a lack of modern aircraft. While generally heavily reliant on the Germans to provide them with better equipment, they were unwilling to secure any deliveries of aircraft. To resolve this issue the NDH’s Air Force officials managed to persuade Italy to sell them 10 Fiat G.50bis fighters, which remained in use up to 1945.
A Brief History of the NDH
Following the end of the First World War, Kraljevina Srba Hrvata i Slovenaca (The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes – SHS) was formed in December of 1918 with the aim of uniting all Southern Slavs. This new state was, at least in theory, based on the principles of equality for these three nationalities. In reality, this Kingdom was a politically and ethically divided country. During the 1920s, there were huge political disagreements between the major parties which brought about questions regarding the continued existence of the Kingdom of SHS. This division was especially noted between the Serbian and Croatian politicians, which ultimately culminated in the assassination of several Croatian Peasant Party members, including the leader, Stjepan Radić, by a Serbian Politician in 1928.
On 6th of January, 1929, King Aleksandar Karađorđević, in an attempt to avoid the incoming political crisis, led the country into a dictatorship by abolishing parliament. He also introduced a number of political changes, including changing the name of the country to Kraljevina Jugoslavija (Kingdom of Yugoslavia.) This essentially did not resolve any of the existing problems, as inter-ethnic tensions persisted. During the early 1930s, the first mentions of Croatian Ustaše (the precise meaning is unknown, but could be roughly translated as insurgent) ultranationalist revolutionary organizations began to appear in Yugoslavia. Their main aim was the liberation of the Croatian people from Yugoslavia, by all means necessary, even by force. One of the most prominent figures of this organization was Ante Pavelić.
Ante Pavelić was a high-ranking Ustaša member from the start, and later de facto leader of the NDH. [Wiki]The Ustaše organization participated in the assassination of the Yugoslav King, Alexander Karađorđević, in Marseille in 1934. This assassination backfired to some extent for the Ustaše organization. Not only did it not lead to the collapse of Yugoslavia, but relations with Italy also improved under the Regent Prince Pavle Karađorđević in the following years. This led the Italian authorities to effectively end their support for the Ustaše and even arrested some of its members, including Pavelić.
After years of inactivity, the Ustaše benefited when the Yugoslavian government, which supported the Axis, was overthrown by pro-Allied officers in a military coup at the end of March 1941. Adolf Hitler almost immediately issued an order that Yugoslavia should be occupied. The Italians, preparing to join the war against Yugoslavia, began to support the Croatian Ustaše movement once again. With the collapse of the later Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the Axis invasion after the short April War of 1941, Croatia, with German aid, was finally able to declare independence, albeit becoming a fascist puppet state. Ante Pavelić was chosen as the leader of this puppet state. Officially, the NDH was announced on 10th April 1941. The new state received a significant territorial expansion by annexing most of western Yugoslavia, including Bosnia, parts of Serbia, and Montenegro. The Adriatic coast, while nominally part of the NDH, was actually controlled by the Italians until 1943.
The NDH took over a large portion of the Yugoslavian territories. [Wiki]
Formation of the NDH Air Force
Following the collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, NDH began organizing its newly-created armed forces. Its Air Force was created on the 19th of April, 1941. The leadership of the new Air Force was given to Colonel Vladimir Kren. Immediately, work began on creating adequate structural organization, acquiring manpower, and procuring equipment. Initially, plans for arming this Air Force were ambitious, including some 140 modern aircraft, such as the Ju 88 and Me 109. Its officials were quite disappointed as Germans were not willing to provide these. Instead, the NDH officials had to make do with the leftovers of the Former Royal Yugoslav Air Force, which was in German hands. NDH officials made a request that included over 50 aircraft. The Germans once again disappointed them and gave NDH only those aircraft that were mostly obsolete, while transferring the better aircraft, like the Hurricanes, to Romania instead. The only other way to acquire more capable aircraft was to ask the Italians. This is what the NDH Air Force officials did in early 1942.
The NDH Air Force was initially equipped with surviving Yugoslavian aircraft, in this case, Rogožarski P.V.T. [The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War]
The Fiat G.50 brief history
During the thirties, the Italian Ministry of Aviation (Ministero dell Aeronautica) was interested in adopting a new, all-metal monoplane fighter and ground-attack aircraft for the Italian Air Force. In April of 1935, engineer Giuseppe Gabrielli began working on a new low-wing, all-metal plane named G.50. On 28th September 1935, Gabrielli submitted his project to the Ministry of Aviation. Military officials were impressed by the design and asked him to proceed with its work. As Fiat’s production capacities were overburdened, work on this new project was instead moved to the CMASA works at Marina di Pisa, part of Fiat since 1931. Giuseppe Gabrielli was finishing his last drawings and the list of needed materials and equipment in June 1936.
The prototype was finally ready at the beginning of 1937 and was transported to the city of Turin for further testing. This prototype, under registration number MM 334, made its first test flight on 26th February 1937. Once accepted for service, the Fiat G.50 would become the first Italian all-metal fighter. Between 1938 to 1943 some 774 to 791 of all versions of the G. 50 would be built. These saw combat service starting from the Spanish Civil War, until 1943 when the few surviving aircraft were reassigned to secondary roles.
A G.50 flying together with a German Bf-110, possibly during the Battle of Britain. [Wiki]
In Yugoslavia
The Fiat G. 50 participated during the short Invasion of Yugoslavia in April 1941. Two fighter groups, the 24th, and 154th, which had 53 G.50 fighters in total were allocated for this operation. They mostly performed a few escort missions. Due to the rapid collapse of Yugoslavia’s Royal Army, these saw limited actual combat use, if any. Afterward, the Fiat G.50 was allocated to other fronts. During 1942 and 1943, limited numbers of these aircraft were used for ground attack operations against the Yugoslavian Partisans.
In NDH’s Hands
By 1942, most of the available aircraft in NDH Air Force were in poor condition, mostly due to a general lack of spare parts. NDH Army officials approached Italy with a request for 9 improved Fiat G.50 and one two-seater version. The Fiat G.50bis were slightly modified versions that had an increased fuel load, a redesigned rear fuselage and vertical stabilizer, better glazing of the cockpit, and other minor changes. But in essence, it did not offer many improvements compared to the basic version. The G.50 B bipost (two-seater) was a modified G.50 fighter version with a new cockpit and dual controls for a pilot and trainer. The front section of the cockpit was fully enclosed, in contrast with the rear which was open. The main armament was removed on the G.50 B. This version was very successful, as it was easy to build and offered almost the same flying performance as the single-seat version.
The Fiat G.50 B version with a longer cockpit design for the instructor and the student. [alieuomini.it]A group of six NDH pilots was sent to the Fiat company in Torino for training in January 1942. The entire acquisition process of new aircraft took several months to complete. The 9 Fiat G.50bis (serial number MM.6178 to 6186) were finally allocated to the NDH. These arrived in Croatia in April 1942. The Fiat G.50B two-seater took even more time to be delivered, arriving in late June 1942. These would be stationed on the Borongaj airfield near Zagreb. Initially, these were used for pilot training. Due to the poor condition of the airfield, two were lightly damaged during landing.
The Fiat G.50bis in NDH service. [asisbiz.com]For the necessary pilot training, one modified Fiat G.50B two-seater was also acquired. [The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War]
Combat Use
Almost from the start, the new NDH regime began the persecution of all non-Croatian citizens. The Serbian, Roma, and Jewish populations were especially targeted, with numerous atrocities and arrests. Croatians who did not agree with this regime were also persecuted. In response to the NDH’s actions against Yugoslavian civilians, resistance movements began to emerge on its territory. Their Air Force was used in various roles during this time, but due to generally obsolescence of equipment, their impact would be quite limited.
The acquisition of more aircraft like the Fiat G.50 offered a slight increase in its offensive capabilities. Once in service, these received new registration numbers ranging from 2501 to 2509. The single Fiat G.50B received the 3510 designations. In July, five would be allocated to the Rajlovac airfield near Sarajevo. In September three were moved to the Banja Luka to be part of the 16th squadron.
After April 1943 most were pulled back to Zagreb where they were attached to the 1st Squadron. When Italy capitulated to the Allies, all warring parties in Yugoslavia rushed in to take over the abandoned Italian weapons, armored vehicles, and a few remaining aircraft. At Zadar airfield, there were six Fiat G.50 aircraft. These would be captured by the NDH forces. Three of them received 5686, 5956, and 5186 designations. The newly acquired fighters were primarily positioned at Kurilovac and Velika Gorica airfields.
By 1944 it was becoming obvious that the Axis would lose the war, as a result many soldiers and pilots from the NDH Army and Air Force tried to escape to the Partisans. On the 2nd of September 1944, air force pilot Andrija Arapović with a Fiat G.50 (reg. Num. 3505) escaped to the island of Vis, under the control of the Yugoslav communist Partisans. Partisan forces put the captured G.50 to use during the war and it would remain in service up to 1946. An interesting fact about Andrija Arapović’s G.50 aircraft is that it still exists today and can be seen in the Belgrade Military Aviation museum near the Nikola Tesla Airport in Serbia. This is the only surviving example of a G.50 in the world. Another Fiat G.50 escaped joining the Allies in Italy.
The Fiat G.50bis was piloted by pilot Andrija Arapović. On the 2nd of September 1944, he fled to the Partisan side. [The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War]By this point the Allies had achieved almost complete air supremacy over southern Eastern Europe, thus flying the slower Fiat G.50 became quite dangerous. In April 1944 several NDH aircraft, including two Fiat G.50, were destroyed in an Allied bombing run on Borongaj. Due to their obsolescence, even the NDH’s best fighters could do little against Allied bombers. In addition, the chronic lack of fuel led to a reduction in combat flights. By mid-September 1944, only 7 aircraft were listed as operational. In October most were allocated to the 2nd Squadron, which was also equipped with MS 406 fighters. When the Partisans liberated Zagreb, some 9 aircraft in various conditions would be captured. Some would be put to use after the war, but their use would be limited. These would be removed from service by the 1st of April 1946.
The Fiat G.50bis were often used to protect Zagreb but could do little against more modern Allied bombers. [The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War]
Technical Characteristics
In NDH service no known modifications were made on the Fiat G. 50. The G.50 was a single-seat, low-wing, all-metal fighter plane. The main fuselage was made from four angular-shaped longerons. The wing construction consisted of a center section which was made of a steel tube connected to the lower fuselage and two metal spars connected with ribs. The fuselage, wing, and tail were covered with duralumin sheets. The only fabric-covered parts were the movable control surfaces in the wings and the tail. It was powered by the 840 hp (626 kW) Fiat A 74 RC 38, a 14-cylinder radial piston engine. An all-metal three-blade propeller produced by Fiat was used.
The G.50 was equipped, like most modern aircraft of the time, with inward retracting landing gear, but the rear tail wheel was fixed. In later improved versions, the rear tail wheel was changed to a retractable type.
The main armament consisted of two forward-firing 12.7mm Breda-SAFAT heavy machine guns, with some 150 rounds of ammunition for each machine gun. The guns were placed behind the upper engine cowl and were synchronized in order not to damage the propeller.
The Fiat G.50 was one of few modern fighters available for NDH service. Their use would be greatly hampered by ever-increasing Allied Air supremacy, lack of fuel, and fear of their pilots defecting. Despite being acquired in relatively small numbers many of them would survive the war albeit in poor condition, while some would see a few more years of service by the newly created Yugoslav Air Force.
Fiat G.50 Specifications
10.9 m / 35 ft 11 in
8 m / 26 ft 3 in
3.28 m / 10 ft 7 in
Wing Area
18.25 m² / 196.5 ft²
One 840 hp (626 kW) Fiat A.74 RC.38, 14 cylinder radial piston
Empty Weight
1,975 kg / 4,350 lbs
Maximum Takeoff Weight
2,415 kg / 5,324 lbs
Fuel Capacity
316 l
Maximum Speed
470 km/h / 292 mph
445 km / 267 mi
Maximum Service Ceiling
10,700 m / 35,100 ft
Climb speed
Climb to 6,000 m (19,700 ft) in 7 minutes and 30 seconds
One pilot
Two 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT heavy machine guns
Written by Marko P.
Edited by Henry H. & Ed J.
Illustrated by Haryo Panji
D. Nešić (2008), Naoružanje Drugog Svetsko Rata-Italija, Beograd.
G. Cattaneo, The Fiat G.50, Profile Publications number 188
P. Verganano (1997), Fiat G.50,, La Bancarella Aeronautica – Torino.
D. Monday (1984, 2006), The Hamlyn Concise Guide To Axis Aircraft Of World War II, Aerospace Publishing Ltd.
V. V. Mikić, (2000) Zrakoplovstvo Nezavisne Države Hrvatske 1941-1945, Vojno istorijski institut Vojske Jugoslavije.
T. Likso and Danko Č. (1998) The Croatian Air Force In The Second World War, Nacionalna Sveučilišna Zagreb.
The Modli-8 in use with the Yugoslav Aviation after the war. www.paluba.info
The Modli J.M. 8 was designed in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, built by the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), and after World War II, operated by the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia (FPRY). It was an inexpensive training aircraft that would be used in this role up to 1950.
The Beginning
The story of the Modli J.M. 8 began in 1938, when an aircraft engineer from the 1st Air Force Regiment (stationed at Novi Sad), Josip Modli, finished work on a new light training aircraft design. He originally intended to design and build a single seat trainer that was cheap and simple to manufacture by using mostly wood. He also intended to gain the interest of amateur aviators and aeroclubs with a low price. The J.M. 8 designation comes from the initials of the designer’s name. Due to its small size and low price, it earned the nickname Komarac/komaрац (Mosquito).
The following year, Modli actually began building this aircraft. He reused the small 18 hp engine taken from a damaged French HM.14 Pou du Ciel (Nebeska Vaš/Небеска Ваш in Serbian). Four had been bought from France in 1935 but, due to construction problems, their use was limited and all were damaged during test flights. One was tested at Novi Sad, where the 1st Air Force Regiment was stationed.
Modli reused the engine from a damaged HM.14 Pou du Ciel for his first prototype. Four of these small aircraft were bought from France. www.vazduhoplovnetradicijesrbije.rs
At that time, word of his design and work reached the Yugoslavian Air Force Headquarters. Headquarters then instructed (or ordered, depending on the sources) aircraft engineer Tišma, who was co-owner of the Albatros aircraft manufacturer from the cit of Sremska Mitrovica, to contact Modli. After short negotiations, Tišma and Modli reached an agreement that Albatros should finish the construction of the J.M. 8. If the design received any mass production orders, Modli agreed to provide Albatros with a license for its production.
The J.M. 8 was completed in early 1941, with testing scheduled to begin in March. Due to bad weather, Albatros’ main airport at Ruma was flooded during March and early April, so no tests flights were conducted. During the outbreak of the April War (Axis invasion of Yugoslavia), all finished and partially constructed planes from Albatros were loaded on a train on the 10th of April. Because of the great confusion due to the outbreak of war and the lack of documentation, the fate of this train and its cargo is unknown to this day.
After the end of the April War, the Serbian Air Force Commission made estimates of all unpaid pre-war designs, including the Modli J.M. 8, in order to arrange for future payments for military contracts. The commission, after analysis of the Modli J.M. 8 documentation, concluded that the aircraft did not meet any military requirements and was suitable for civilian use only.
Technical Characteristics
The Modli J.M. 8 was designed as a single engined, high wing, mixed construction (but mostly wood) training aircraft. Its fuselage had a simple design made of plywood. The high wings and the rear tail were made of a wooden structure covered with fabric. For better flight controls, Modli used two modified Gottingen 426 longerons. The wings were connected to the fuselage with three “N” shaped metal bars on both sides and with two additional ones in the centre. The tail had a large rudder and elevators made of wood.
It was powered by the two cylinder Aubier & Dunne 18 hp engine. The engine compartment was covered with duralumin. The two-bladed propeller was made of walnut. A fuel tank with a capacity of 16 liters was placed in the center of the wing.
The landing gear was fixed, but was equipped with rubber shock absorbers for greater comfort and control during landing. There was no rear wheel, being instead equipped with a small skid and shock absorber.
The pilot’s cockpit was fully open with a small windshield at the front. The cockpit had a simple design and was equipped with basic controls and instrumentation. These flight instruments included an airspeed indicator, fuel level, tachometer, and altimeter. As the first prototype was never adequately tested, details about its flying performance are not known.
During World War II
After the Yugoslavian capitulation, its territories were divided between the Axis forces. The Germans created the Independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska) puppet state. Despite promises of sending military equipment, weapons and aircraft, the NDH was mostly supplied with older or captured equipment. The NDH aviation industry was heavily dependent on supplies from Germany and Italy, as it lacked any major production capacity or industrial development, meaning domestic production was not possible. The only attempt at domestic production was with the Modli aircraft.
In 1941, Modli joined the new NDH Air Force with the rank of Flight Captain as a flight school instructor. He immediately began working on his second prototype, now simply called Modli-8. Unlike his first prototype, the second one was powered by a stronger four-cylinder Praga-B giving 40 hp. As this engine was too strong for the prototype, its power was reduced to just 20 hp. For the landing gear, two smaller rear wheels from a German Me-109 were reused. The Modli-8 was also shorter in comparison to the first prototype by 0.94 ft (15 cm).
In 1943 Modli was transferred to the technical workshop of the 1st Air Base in Zagreb, where he continued to develop his plane. In 1944, the Modli-8 was completed and introduced to NDH operational service according to authors T. Lisko and D. Čanak. Unfortunately, they do not give more information on its service history. According to authors B. Nadoveza and N. Đokić on the other hand, noted that Modli deliberately delayed the production of the Modli-8 and it was never fully completed for use by the NDH.
On 26th October 1944, Josip Modli fled to Slovenia at the helm of a Bücker Bü 131 “Jungmann” in hopes of joining the Yugoslav Communist Partisans. Meanwhile, his assistants and friends in Zagreb hid the Modli-8 prototype in the attic of an old shed. Due to the chaos and confusion caused by the war, it was easy to hide the small and lightweight prototype. The Modli-8 would survive the war intact.
The Modli-8 was the only NDH domestically-built aircraft during the War. These two pictures may be the only ones of the Modli-8. Source: www.paluba.infok
In NDH service, the Modli-8’s lower fuselage, wings, and tail were painted in silver. The upper part of the fuselage and vertical stabilizer was blue. The wings struts were painted in red, while the middle of the fuselage wore a red stripe on both sides with a white outline. There were NDH markings with a large “JM8” painted on the tail. The color scheme would remain the same after the war but the NDH marking would be replaced with the Communist Star.
After the War
After the collapse of the NDH and the German forces in Yugoslavia, Modli, now Captain in the Yugoslav People’s Army, moved his prototype from Zagreb to Skopje, where it was completed in an army workshop. Modli himself flew the prototype during the summer of 1945. Surprisingly , he did not report this flight to his superiors and an alarm was raised, with several fighters launched to intercept him. Modli was lucky, as this incident did not affect his military career. The Modli-8 was, by order of Air Force Command, moved to Belgrade for further tests. The aircraft proved to be a good design, as it was easy and pleasant to fly according to test pilot Vasilije Vračević. There were some issues with the sensitivity of the large rudders and elevators during flight. For take off, it only needed a very short 170 m (558 ft) runway, and could land on a 125 m (410 ft) airfield. The maximum speed was around 100 km/h 223 mph at an altitude of 1 km.
The Modli-8 was then given to Aircraft Center Vršac, where it was used for training and propaganda flights. It was used operationally up to 1950, when it was removed from Army service. During its operational service, the Modli-8 was also used as a glider trainer. Under the right conditions it could be used as a glider with the engine shut off, which was useful for glider training.
Josip Modli later (date unknown) designed a two-seater version named Modli-9, but it was never fully completed. Both the Modli-8 and the unfinished 9 were given to the Croatian Technical Museum (Zagreb) after the death of Josip Modli in 1974.
Production and Modifications
Despite being cheap, easy to build, and pleasant to fly, the Modli-8 was never adopted for military or civilian service. The first prototype was never fully tested due to the outbreak of the war and was lost (precise fate unknown). The second prototype was built during the war and was in use up to 1950. Despite the good feedback for its flight performance from the military, the Modli-8 was rejected for production, mostly due to the recent adoption of the BC-3 Trojka.
Modli J.M.8 – First prototype powered with Aubier & Dunne engine, lost in WW2.
Modli-8 – Second prototype powered by Praga-B engine and with other minor improvements, in service until 1950.
Modli-9 – Two-seater version, never fully completed.
Despite the few number of built aircraft, the Modli J.M. 8 had a small but interesting development history, changing owners several times. It had the honor of being the only aircraft built in Croatia during World War II. Despite its simplistic nature, it saw extensive use as a trainer after the war.
Kingdom of Yugoslavia – One built prototype
Independent State of Croatia (NDH) – Constructed one prototype but never tested
Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia (FPRY) – Operated the Modli-8 up to 1950.
Modli-8 (second prototype) Specifications
31 ft 2 in / 9.5 m
19 ft 7 in / 6 m
6 ft / 1.85 m
Wing Area
36.25 ft² / 11.05 m²
One four cylinder Praga-B 40 hp engine
Empty Weight
474 lbs / 215 kg
Maximum Takeoff Weight
705 lbs / 320 kg
Fuel Capacity
16 l
Climb Rate to 1 km
In 10 minutes
Maximum Speed at 1 km
223 mph / 100 km/h
Take of run
558 ft / 170 m
Landing run
410 ft / 125 m
124 mi / 200 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
5578 ft / 1,700 m
1 pilot
Illustrations by Carpaticus
Modli CroatiaModli Yugoslavia
T. Lisko and D. Čanak (1998), The Croatian Air Force In The WWII, Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica, Zagreb
Vojislav V. Mikić, (2000) Zrakoplovstvo Nezavisne države Hrvatske 1941-1945, Vojno istorijski institut Vojske Jugoslavije
B. Nadoveza and N. Đokić (2014), Odbrambena Privreda Kraljevine Jugoslavije, Metafizika Beograd.
Nebojša Đ.and Nenad M. (2002), IPMS Yugoslavia and Yugoslavian Aviation Special Interest Group Bulletin No 1-4,
United States of America (1945)
Observation Scout Floatplane – 10 Built
XOSE-1 taking off. Notice it is painted in the wartime colors. [axis-and-allies-paintworks.com]The XOSE-1 was an observation float plane built by the Edo float company during World War II and was intended to be a possible replacement for the OS2U Kingfisher. Before being built, the type seemed promising and ten prototypes were ordered. Although development was slow, the aircraft would finally fly after the war had ended. Testing showed the design was riddled with flaws and, with the end of the war making the observation floatplane obsolete and unnecessary, the XOSE-1 program was cancelled.
Photo of the mockup XOSE-1.
Before America had entered the Second World War, it was realized that many assets in the United States arsenal were outdated to some degree. Many aircraft were unable to compete with their contemporaries around the world. One such piece of equipment would be the ship launched floatplane. A concept that originated in the 1920s and 1930s, it involved the use of small floatplanes that were carried aboard large warships and could be deployed via catapults for a number of tasks to assist their mothership. These missions included long range scouting, spotting for the warships’ main guns and also providing anti-submarine protection using depth charges or torpedoes. Most of America’s larger warships were equipped with catapults at the time for this purpose. The dedicated ship-based floatplanes the United States Navy (USN) operated at their entrance to the war was the aging Curtiss SOC biplane and the Vought OS2U Kingfisher. The latter would soon replace the former and would enter widespread service after the Attack on Pearl Harbor. Although the Kingfisher was just entering service, the search for a modern seaplane that would eventually replace the aircraft began. The new type was expected to carry out the same duties as its predecessor but also be able to effectively protect itself if needed. The OS2U only had one .50 caliber machine gun for offense, which wasn’t very helpful when against newer fighters. The first and most prominent aircraft that would rise to meet this role would be the Curtiss SC Seahawk, but it would not be the only type that would be built. In fact, a competitor would come from a little known company called Edo.
The Edo Aircraft Company is not a company often mentioned in history regarding the Second World War. The company was founded in 1925 by Earl Dodge Osborne, with the name being an acronym of his own name. Despite being rarely discussed among historians, Edo was immensely crucial to the war effort for the USN. Edo was a primary producer for aluminum floats before the war and would be the main producer for the floats on Navy floatplanes, like the OS2U. It was estimated that up to 95% of floats used on USN aircraft were built by Edo. Not only was Edo responsible for the production of the floats, they were also known for adapting said floats for use on the aircraft that would use them. Edo had become known for their work on floats, but they worked on a handful of their own floatplane designs in the years before WWII had started. However, this was around the time the company was created in 1925, and aircraft design had changed drastically since then. Given their background and knowledge with designing and fitting floats, the USN requested that the Edo company should attempt to design their own modern floatplane for the ship-based observation role. Eager to attempt building a modern aircraft, Edo eagerly accepted the request. On January 11th, 1944, they would begin work on their floatplane, which would be called the XS2E-1.
Frontal view of an XOSE-2 or XTE-1. The two were visually identical from the outside. [axis-and-allies-paintworks.com]The preliminary design of the XS2E-1 was deemed acceptable by the Navy and an order for ten prototypes was made. The XS2E-1 would be a two seat design with a Ranger V-770-8 engine. The engine mount and cowling would also both be designed by Ranger (this company would become Fairchild after the war.) Additionally, a Westinghouse 19 turbojet was to be installed in the rear of the aircraft to offer increased thrust for evasion or to give chase to an enemy aircraft. This would make the aircraft a mixed powerplant type. Another order for eight more units was made some time after the first order, but an exact date is unknown. On March 16th, 1944, the USN opted to change the floatplane’s design. The Westinghouse 19 turbojet that was planned for the project was experiencing its own difficulties in development.
When the XS2E-1 was drafted, the turbojet, due to its development, had become much heavier than what Edo was expecting. Due to this weight increase and a high demand for the jet engine on other aircraft projects, it was removed from the XS2E-1. This caused a weight problem in the aircraft’s design, as it no longer had the additional thrust needed to operate with its then-current weight. Edo changed the aircraft’s design drastically to make the XS2E-1 lighter. A significant revision done was the removal of the second seat, making the aircraft a smaller, single-seater aircraft. This, however, meant all the work the 2nd crewmen was intended to do was now transferred to the pilot, which would include operating the radar system in addition to flying and observing.
A frontal shot of an XOSE-1 demonstrating its folding wings. [axis-and-allies-paintworks.com]After the loss of the turbojet and the switch to a single seater design, it was decided to change the aircraft’s role to an Observation Scout floatplane. Another reason for the change was that, developing parallel to the XS2E-1, was the Curtiss SC-1 Seahawk mentioned earlier, an aircraft that was meant to fill the Scout role for the USN. Finding that developing two aircraft with the same role was redundant, the USN authorized the role change on the XS2E-1. With the new role, the XS2E-1 was redesignated as the XOSE-1. Not long after the role and design change, a full-scale wooden mockup of the new XOSE-1 was built and an inspection was held on November 24th, 1944. An early criticism of the design was linked to the removal of the second seat, as would-be operators complained the intense workload was too much to put onto the pilot. A variant was soon conceived, the XOSE-2, which would address this workload issue by reintroducing the second seat for another crewman. This second crewmen would be tasked with operating the onboard radar system and performing observation duties. An order for two XOSE-2s to be built, as well as for a derivative of the XOSE-2 that would be a dual-control training version, soon followed after conception of the two-seat variant. The trainer would be named the XTE-1. Progress on the program overall was slow up to this point, but Edo had added many innovative features to the design to improve its performance.
Side view of an XOSE-1 taking off. [axis-and-allies-paintworks.com]The war came to an end before the XOSE-1 could take flight. The end of the war saw most of the projects the USN was working on be terminated immediately, as there was no purpose in developing them anymore. The XOSE-1, however, was saved from this fate, as the USN allowed the floatplane to continue development after the end of the war. The XOSE-1’s first flight took place on December 28th of 1945, only a few months after the war had ended. Since there was no urgency to press this new type of aircraft to the frontlines anymore, funding to the program was cut and work slowed down in accordance. The XOSE-2 version finally flew on September 24th, 1947, two years after the war was over. Two XOSE-2s were built. It is unknown exactly when the first XTE-1 was completed and flew, but two of this type were built as well. Originally, during its debut, the XOSE-1 was painted in the standard blue-on-the-top-white-on-the-bottom that mid war USN aircraft used, but would later be colored in the dark blue that late/post-war Navy aircraft were painted in.
Rear view of an XOSE-1 with the floats detached and the wheels attached instead. [axis-and-allies-paintworks.com]Despite being a company that had only built a handful of planes two decades prior, the XOSE-1 was very promising from the outset, but problems soon began to arise during testing. The XOSE-1 experienced trouble with the Ranger built engines. The two seater XOSE-2 experienced many more problems and major changes had to be implemented in the design. Some remedies to the problems included increasing the height of the tailfin and the addition of a ventral strake below the tail to help with stability. Stability issues were found to be caused by the two seater’s larger canopy installed on the largely unmodified fuselage. By the time the stability issues were resolved, it was almost for naught, as the aircraft program was going nowhere.The shipborne floatplane type itself was beginning to show its obsolescence compared to newer technology. Exactly when the program ended or the whereabouts of the ten XOSE built are unknown, as details about the program during this time are sparse. It is unknown if the XOSE-1 was ever even tested from a ship, as many warships postwar would have their catapults removed. Most of the testing was done via land or sea takeoff, with wheels attached to the floats or a landplane conversion where the floats were replaced with a conventional landing gear. The type would be slowly replaced by ship-based helicopters, an idea that had begun during the Second World War and expanded upon thereafter. The era of the scout floatplane, especially shipboard ones, was over. It is most likely all of the XOSE-1s and its derivatives were scrapped before 1950, as all shipboard seaplane squadrons had been disbanded in 1949.
An Edo XOSE-1 in flight [axis-and-allies-paintworks.com]The Edo XOSE-1 was a single-seat floatplane design of all metal construction. It’s floatation was provided by one large aluminum float under the hull, and two smaller aluminum floats on the wingtips. This layout was used on almost every USN floatplane. In addition to floats, the aircraft was also able to be launched via catapult aboard a ship. An optional wheeled undercarriage was also available for ground based takeoffs.
The body of the aircraft would be constructed of metal and would contain 135 lbs (61 kg) of armor. The overall weight of the aircraft would be 5,316 Ib (2411.3 kg) standard and 3,973 Ib (1802 kg) empty. The fuselage would have a length of 31 ft 1 in (9.5 m) and a height of 14 ft 11 in (4.5 m). The XOSE and its variants had a unique construction that allowed many parts of the aircraft to be easily accessible for maintenance.
A rear view of an XOSE-1 with its wings folded back. [shu-aero.com]The Edo XOSE-1 and all of its variants were equipped with the Ranger V-770-8 inline engine that gave it a top speed of 188 mph (302 km/h), a cruising speed of 111 mph (178.6 km/h) and a stall speed of 61 mph (98.2 km/h). The aircraft would have a climb rate of 1,350 ft/min (411.5 m/min) and a maximum service ceiling of 22,300 ft (6797 m). The XOSE-1 would also have a range of 600 mi (965.6 km).
The cockpit would allow protection for the pilot, as the canopy was bulletproof. The canopy was one piece and would slide down and behind the cockpit for easy movement in. On the XOSE-2/XTE-1, the cockpit would be lengthened to accommodate the additional crewman, who would do observation and radar tasks. The canopy on the two seater versions would be two parts and the forward segment would slide back over the rear section.
Fuel would be stored in the fuselage in self-sealing fuel tanks. The tail section of the aircraft would be of metal construction as well. The only differences between the two versions were on the two seaters, in which the tail of the aircraft had to be extended height-wise and a vertical strake beneath the tail was added. Both of these changes helped in the stabilization of the two seaters. The wings of the aircraft were also constructed of metal and would have a wingspan of 37 ft 11 in (11.6 m). The wings would utilize a unique feature for some of its control surfaces. The flaps, that extended outwards from the folding line, would retract automatically if enough water impacted them. This was put in place to prevent damage to these flaps. Additionally, there were retractable slats on the leading edge of the wings to increase drag. The wings themselves could be folded inward for easy storage aboard ships or hangars. Interesting to note, the wings had a manual folding system instead of a hydraulic system most aircraft at the time had.
For armament, the XOSE-1 was equipped with two M2 .50 caliber machine guns as standard. Two hardpoints were equipped on the wings that could allow the XOSE-1 to carry two 350 Ib depth charges or two 50 gallon drop tanks. Additionally, two emergency rescue racks could also be carried on the underside for air to sea rescue missions. A single hardpoint could also be used to carry a radar pod. There is also mention of the XOSE-1 having smoke projectors as well. The two-seat XOSE-2 would lose one of the M2 machine guns and only carry a single gun. The XTE-1 variant would be completely unarmed, given it was only a trainer.
With the Edo XOSE-1 program being terminated, this would be the last time Edo would build an aircraft all on their own. However, Edo would propose a very interesting concept to the US Navy in the 1950s for an amphibious fighter similar to the Convair F2Y Sea Dart. However, this type would never be built.
XS2E-1 – Initial design of the XOSE-1. The XS2E-1 was a two seater and mounted a larger engine as well as a Westinghouse J19 jet engine. This design was changed and became the XOSE-1.
XOSE-1 – Single seat reconnaissance floatplane. The XOSE-1 had two .50 Cal M2 machine guns mounted in the wings and two hardpoints for depth charges. 6 were built.
XOSE-2 – Two seat version of the XOSE-1. The E-2 version would have a radar operator, a lengthened canopy, and only a single .50 cal for defense. Two were built.
XTE-1– Tandem control version of the XOSE-1. This version would be unarmed and would be used for training purposes. Two were built.
United States of America – The XOSE-1 and its variants were only tested by the United States Navy.
Edo XOSE-1 Floatplane Specifications
37 ft 11 in / 11.6 m
31 ft 1 in / 9.5 m
14 ft 11 in / 4.5 m
Wing Area
237 ft² / 22 m²
520 hp (387.7 kW) Ranger V-770-8 Inline Engine
2-blade Hamilton Standard constant-speed propeller (9ft / 2.7m diameter)
Powerplant Ratings
Horsepower output
Take Off
550 hp
Sea Level
(Approx. 84% Throttle)
500 hp
800 ft / 244 m
Fuel Capacity
120+58 US Gal / 454+219 L
3973 lb / 1802 kg
5316 lb / 2411.3 kg
6064 lb / 2750.6 kg
Climb Rate (at sea level)
1,350 ft / 411.5 m per minute
Maximum Speed
188 mph / 302.6 kmh
Cruising Speed
111 mph / 178.6 kmh
Stalling Speed
61 mph / 98.2 kmh
600 mi / 965.6 km
Maximum Service Ceiling
22,300 ft / 6797 m
1 pilot
2x 12.7x99mm / .50 cal Browning AN/M2 machine guns
Edo XOSE-1 in Standard Wartime ColorsEdo XOSE-1 with the additional ventral stabilizers addedA view showcasing the retractable flaps on the engine.
Two Edo XOSE-1s in flight together [shu-aero.com]A side view of the XOSE-1 in flight A side view of the XOSE-1 in flight. [axis-and-allies-paintworks.com]Rear view of an XOSE-2 or XTE-1. [axis-and-allies-paintworks.com]
Article written by Medicman11
Edited by Stan L. and Ed J.
Illustrated by Ed Jackson
Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft 1947
Norton, Bill. American aircraft development of WWII : special types, 1939-1945. Manchester: Crécy Publishing Ltd, 2016. Print.
Wagner, Ray. American combat planes of the 20th Century : a comprehensive reference. Reno, NV: Jack Bacon & Co, 2004. Print.
By the middle of the Second World War, the Germans were losing control of the skies over the occupied territories. Even the Allied air attacks on Germany itself were increasing. In an attempt to stop these raids, the Blohm und Voss company presented the Luftwaffe with a new project which involved using cheap gliders in the role of fighters. While a small series would be tested nothing came from this project.
The Bv 40 was designed as a cheap, armed, and armored fighter glider. This is the first prototype (PN + IA) which was lost on its second test flight. Source: https://www.flugrevue.de/klassiker/kampfgleiter-blohm-voss-bv-40/
By 1943, the German Luftwaffe (air force) was stretched to limits in an attempt to stop the ever-increasing number of Allied air attacks. The Allied Bombing campaign particularly targeted German war industry. During this time, there were a number of proposals on how to effectively respond to this ever-increasing threat. Proposals like the use of a large number of relatively inexpensive fighter aircraft, that were to be launched from larger aircraft, were considered with great interest. One proposal went even further by suggesting the use of an inexpensively modified glider for this role. This idea came from Dr. Ing Richard Vogt who was the chief designer at Blohm und Voss.
In mid-August 1943, Dr. Ing Richard Vogt handed over the plans of a cheap and easy to build (without the use of strategic materials which were in short supply) glider that could be built by a non-qualified workforce to the German Ministry of Aviation (Reichsluftfahrtministerium – RLM). The pilots intended to fly this glider were to be trained in basic flying skills only. The initial name of this Gleitjäger (glider fighter) was P186 which would later be changed to Bv 40. After receiving the initial plans the RLM responded at the end of October 1943 with a request for six prototypes to be built. The number of prototypes would be increased to 12 December 1943 and again to 20 in February 1944. If the project was successful, a production order of some 200 per month was planned.
One of the few built prototype is preparing for a test flight. Source: https://www.flugrevue.de/klassiker/kampfgleiter-blohm-voss-bv-40/
The Bv 40 was designed as a partly armored and armed, mixed construction, fighter glider. Its 0.7 m (2ft 3 in) wide fuselage was mostly constructed using wooden materials, while the cockpit was provided with armored protection. The front armor of the cockpit was 20 mm (0.78 in) thick, the sides were 8 mm (0.31 in), and the bottom 5 mm (0.19 in) thick. Additionally, the cockpit received a 120 mm thick armored windshield.
The wings and the tail unit were also built mostly using wooden materials. The rear tail had a span of 1.75 m (5ft 9in). For towing operation, the Bv 40 was provided with a jettisonable trolley that was discarded once the Bv 40 was in the air. Once it was back to the airbase it was to land using a skid.
What is interesting is that in order to have as small a size as possible, the cockpit was designed so that the pilot had to be in a prone position. While a pilot prone positioned design offered advantages like being a smaller target and having an excellent view at the front, it also caused some issues like a bad rearview. While this design was tested in Germany (like the Akaflieg Berlin B9 for example), it was never implemented. Inside the cockpit, there were only basic instruments that were essential for the flight. In addition, due to the high altitude that it was supposed to operate, the pilot was to be provided with an oxygen supply system and a parachute. The side windows had sliding armored screens with integral visor slots that could offer extra protection.
Close up view of the small pilot cockpit. Source: https://www.flugrevue.de/klassiker/kampfgleiter-blohm-voss-bv-40/
The armament of this glider consisted of two 3 cm (1.18 in) MK 108 cannons. These were placed in the wing roots with one on each side. This was serious firepower which could cause a huge amount of damage to the target it hit. Due to its small size, the ammunition loadout was restricted to 35 rounds per cannon. The ammunition feed system was quite simple; it consisted of a rectangular ammunition feed hatch placed in the middle of each wing. Inside the wings, an ammunition conveyor chute was placed to guide the rounds directly to the cannons. There was also a secondary option which included the use of one cannon together with the ‘Gerät-Schlinge’ 30 kg (66 lb) towed guided bomb. This bomb was to be guided by the Bv 40 toward the enemy bombers and was then detonated at a safe distance. In practice, during testing, this proved to be almost impossible to achieve success.
The front view of the Bv 40. Note the towing cable and the release mechanism just behind it. The pilot was beside he armored cockpit also protected by a 120 mm thick armored windshield. The large box with the round capcel (marked as number 5) is the compass housing. Source: https://www.flugrevue.de/klassiker/kampfgleiter-blohm-voss-bv-40/
Other weapon systems were also proposed. For example the use of R4M rockets placed under the wings. There was also a proposal to use the Bv 40 in the anti-shipping role by arming it with four BT 700 type torpedoes or even using 250 kg (550 lbs) time-fused bombs. Due to the extreme weight increase, this was never possible to achieve.
How should it be used?
In essence, the glider was to be towed by a Me-109G to a height of around 6 km before being released. Once released, it was to engage incoming enemy bombers with its two 3 cm (1.18 in) cannons. If circumstances allowed, a second attack run was to be launched. After the attack, the pilot simply guided the glider to the nearby airbase. It was hoped that the small size and armored cockpit would be the pilot’s best defense.
Testing of the Prototypes
Once the first prototype (marked PN+UA) was completed in early 1944, the first test flight made at Hamburg-Finkenwerder was unsuccessful as it was not able to take-off from the ground. A second more successful attempt was made on the 6th (or 20th depending on the source) May 1944 at Wenzendorf. Despite being intended to have an armored cockpit, the first prototype was tested without it. It appears also that during the maiden flight it was towed by another unusual Blohm und Voss design: the asymmetrical Bv 141. But according to most sources, the Me-110 was to be used, which seems more plausible. After the first flight, some modifications to the jettisonable undercarriage were made. On the 2nd June 1944, the first prototype was lost during a crash landing.
The Bv 40 small size is evident here. Source: Pinterest
A few days later the second prototype (PN+UB) made its first test flight. During a dive, it managed to reach a speed of 600 km/h (370 mph). Its final fate is unknown but it was probably scrapped. The third prototype never took off from the ground as it was used for static structural tests. The fourth prototype (PN+DU) was lost during its first test flight but the precise date is unknown. The fifth prototype (PN+UE) made its first test flight on 6th July 1944, but its fate is also unknown. The last prototype (PN+UF) was tested with a new fin section and made its maiden flight on the 27th of July 1944.
During these test flights, the Bv 40 was able to achieve a flight speed of up to 650 km/h (404 mph). During dive testing, the following speeds at different altitudes were achieved: 850 km/h (528 mph) at 4,000 m (13,120 ft), 700 km/h (435 mph) and an astonishing 900 km/h (560 mph) at 5,000 (16,400 ft). Nevertheless, the results of the test flight appear to have been disappointing due to Bv 40’s poor overall flight performance.
The Bv 40 interior of the pilot cockpit. The Pilot was placed in a prone position. While this arrangement was tested on some German aircraft design in practice it was never implemented. Source: https://www.flugrevue.de/klassiker/kampfgleiter-blohm-voss-bv-40/
Rejection of the Project
Once the project was properly revised by the RLM officials, the obvious shortcomings of the Bv 40 became apparent. The Bv 40 was simply deemed too helpless against the Allied fighter cover. In addition, when the report of the first few prototypes was studied, it became clear even to the RLM that the Bv 40 was simply a flawed concept and so it decided to cancel it in mid-August 1944. The next month the Allies bombers destroyed the remaining 14 Bv 40 which were in various states of production.
Not wanting to let their project fail, the Dr. Ing Richard Vogt and the Blohm und Voss designers proposed to mount either two Argus As 014 pulsejets or two HWK 109-509B rocket engines under its wings. Nothing came from this as the Me-328 and Me-163 proved to be more promising (these ironically also ended in failure). There was even a proposal to modify the BV 40 to be used as a Rammjäger (ram fighter) which was never implemented.
Despite initial requests for the production of 200 such gliders only a small prototype series would be built by Blohm und Voss during 1944.
Bv V1 – Lost during its second test flight.
Bv V2 – Fate unknown.
Bv V3 – Used for static testing.
Bv V4 – Lost during it’s first flight.
Bv V5 – Flight tested but final fate unknown.
Bv V6 – Tested with modified fin section.
Bv V7-V20 – Lost during one of many Allied bombing raids on Germany.
Germany – While testing was conducted on a small prototype series no production order was given.
The Bv 40 side view. Source: http://www.histaviation.com/Blohm_und_Voss_Bv_40.html
The Bv 40 on paper had a number of positive characteristics; it was easy to make, could be available in large numbers, was cheap, well-armed and it did not need skilled pilots. But in reality, the poor performance, lack of a power plant, low ammunition count, and its vulnerability to Allied escort fighters showed that this was a flawed concept. This was obvious even to RLM officials who put a stop to this project during 1944.
The Bv 40 drawings. The small rectangles in the middle of the wings are ammunition feed openings. Source: http://www.warbirdsresourcegroup.org/LRG/luftwaffe_blohm_und_voss_bv40.html
Illustration by Ed Jackson
Blohm und Voss Bv 40
Blohm und Voss Bv 40 Specifications
25 ft 11 in / 7.9 m
18 ft 8 in / 5.7 m
5 ft 4 in / 1.63 m
Wing Area
93.64 ft² / 8.7 m²
Empty Weight
1.844 lbs / 830 kg
Launch Weight
2.097 lbs / 950 kg
Climb rate to 7 km
In 12 minutes
Maximum diving speed
560 mph / 900 km/h
Cruising speed (when towed)
344 mph / 550 km/h
Maximum Service Ceiling
23,000 ft / 7,000 m
Two 3 cm (1.18 in) MK 108 cannons
Or one 3 cm (1.18 in) MK 108 cannon and a glider bomb
J. Miranda and P. Mercado (2004) Secret Wonder Weapons of the Third Reich: German Missiles 1934-1945, Schiffer Publishing.
R. Ford (2000) Germany Secret Weapons in World War II, MBI Publishing Company.
Jean-Denis G.G. Lepage Aircraft Of The Luftwaffe 1935-1945, McFarland and Company.
M. Griehl (2012) X-Planes German Luftwaffe Prototypes 1930-1945, Frontline Book.
D. Herwig and H. Rode (2002) Luftwaffe Secret Projects, Ground Attack and Special Purpose Aircraft, Midland.
Nazi Germany (1938)
Transport plane – 13 built with 4 uncompleted aircraft
The Blohm und Voss Bv 222 was the largest World War Two flying boat that ever reached operational service. Even though it started as a civilian project, due to wartime demand, it was quickly put into service with the Luftwaffe during the Second World War.
The Bv 222 during a flight over Germany. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
The History of Blohm & Voss
The Blohm & Voss Schiffswerft und Maschinenfabrik (shipbuilding and engineering works) company was founded in 1877 by Hermann Blohm and Ernst Voss. After World War I, Blohm & Voss continued production of ships, but also reoriented to the production of aircraft (especially flying boats). In the following years, the company managed to cooperate with Lufthansa (the German Passenger Airline) and later even with the Luftwaffe.
Early on in the development and production of their first aircraft, they received the ‘Ha’ designation (standing for Hamburger Flugzeugbau, the factory’s station at Hamburg). This would be later replaced by ‘Bv’ (also sometimes marked as ‘BV’), which represented the owner’s initials. Blohm & Voss would build a number of flying boat designs like the Ha 138, Ha 139, Bv 222 and BV 238. During the war, the company was also engaged in developing a number of glide bombs like the Bv 143 and Bv 246 Hagelkorn.
The first prototype of the Bv 222, V1 (reg. D-ANTE), was briefly tested by Lufthansa before being taken over by the Luftwaffe. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
The Lufthansa Request
In 1937, Lufthansa opened a tender for long-range passenger transport flying boats. The requirements for this tender included that the aircraft had to be able to travel from Berlin to New York in 20 hours. A few well known German aircraft manufacturers responded to this tender, including Heinkel, Blohm & Voss and Dornier. Whilst both Heinkel and Dornier had enough experience in designing seaplanes, Blohm & Voss was relatively new to this. One of the first Blohm & Voss seaplane designs was the Ha 139. While only a few were built, the company gained valuable experience in building such aircraft. The man responsible for designing the flying boat was Dr. Ing. Richard Vogt (chief designer at the Blohm & Voss) and his assistant R. Schubert.
All three aircraft manufacturers presented their models. Heinkel submitted the He 120 (renamed later to He 220), Dornier came up with the Do 20 and Blohm & Voss proposed the Ha 222 (later renamed to Bv 222). The Lufthansa officials, after detailed considerations, decided that the best aircraft was the Bv 222. An official contract between Lufthansa and Blohm & Voss was signed on 19th August 1937 for three aircraft to be built.
By the end of 1937, the Lufthansa officials requested improvements to the Bv 222. One of these regarded the number of passengers. It now had to accommodate at least 24 passengers on shorter trips and 16 during long voyages across the Atlantic.
Change into a Military Project
The design work on the new aircraft began in January of 1938 and lasted almost a year. This was mainly due to the huge task and the inexperience of Blohm & Voss in designing such large aircraft. Nevertheless, the construction of the first Bv 222 V1 prototype began in September 1938, followed a few weeks later by the V2 and V3 prototypes. Work on the Bv 222 was slow and it dragged on into 1939 and 1940. By this time, due to the outbreak of war, a shortage of skilled labour and the decision to concentrate on the Bv 138, the Bv 222 had low priority.
In July 1940, Blohm & Voss presented a mockup of the Bv 222 exterior and interior to Lufthansa officials. They were generally satisfied but demanded some changes. In early August, despite receiving Lufthansa approval, the Bv 222 project was actually slowly being taken over by the Luftwaffe for its own use.
By the end of August 1940, the Bv 222 V1 prototype was completed, and many taxi and loading tests were carried out. The first test flight was piloted by Captain Helmut Wasa Rodig on 7th September 1940. While the general flight performance was deemed satisfactory, there were some issues, such as instability during horizontal flights and staggering from one side to another when floating on water. While still under development and testing for civilian use, the Bv 222 V1 received the registration D-ANTE.
The Bv 222’s cockpit. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
Technical Characteristics
The Bv 222 was designed as a six-engined, high wing, flying transport plane. Unfortunately, the sources do not provide us with more precise information about its construction. This is mostly due to the small number of aircraft built.
While the sources do not mention if it was built using only metal or mixed construction, the Bv 222’s fuselage was covered with 3-5 mm thick anticorrosive metal framework. Its large size made it possible to build two floors. The upper floor was designed for the crew of the plane. The lower floor was initially designed to accommodate civilian seats, but as the Bv 222 was put into military service, this area was used to store equipment or soldiers. A large door was provided to access the lower floor.
The wings were constructed using a huge tubular main spar. These were used to provide additional room for spare fuel and oil tanks. The fuel was stored in six fuel tanks with a total capacity of 3,450 litres. Four outboard stabilising floats (two on each side) were carried on the wings. These would split into two halves and retract into the wing. The purpose of these stabilising floats was to stabilise the plane during landings on water.
The crew number varied between each aircraft. It usually consisted of two pilots, two mechanics, a radio operator and, depending on the number of guns installed, additional machine gun operators.
The Bv 222 was initially powered by six Bramo 323 Fafnir 1000 hp strong radial engines. Other engines, for example Jumo 207C, were used later during the production run.
The defensive armament varied between each plane and usually consisted of several different machine guns or cannons. The following different types of weapons are known to have been used: 7.92 mm (0.31 in) MG 81, 13 mm (0.51 in) MG 131 and 20 mm (0.78 in) MG 151.
The Bv 222 V2 prototype from the rear. Here we can also see the rear defense turret. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
The Bv 222 (V4, V5, V6 and V8) were equipped with the most advanced electronic equipment that the Germans had, such as the FuG 200 surface search radar, FuG 101 A radio altimeter, FuG 25 A friend or foe identification system and the FuG 16 command guided target approach system. The radio equipment used on these four were the Lorenz VP 257 and the Lorenz VP 245 transoceanic relay sets.
First Military Transport Flight Operations
By the end of 1940, Bv 222 V1 was mostly used for testing and correcting any issues. By December of 1940, due to the winter and bad weather, further tests were not possible. As Bv 222 V1 was fully operational and enough fuel was stored, it was deemed a waste of resources to simply wait for the arrival of spring. For this reason, Luftwaffe officials proposed for the Bv 222 V1 to be used in a military transport operation between Hamburg and Kirkenes (Norway). For this operation, the Bv 222 V1 was modified by adding a large side hatch door. During this operation, Bv 222 V1 received a military camouflage paint scheme and received the registration number CC+EQ. By mid August 1941, the Bv 222 V1 achieved a total of 120 hours flight, with some 65 tonnes of cargo and 221 wounded soldiers transported. This mission was a success and the Bv 222 V1 proved to be an effective transport plane.
Bv 222 V5 somewhere in the Mediterranean. Note the left wing’s outboard stabilizing floats designed to provide better balance when floating on water. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
After a period of needed general overhaul and repair, Bv 222 V1 was set for a new transport mission, this time to support the DAK-Deutsches Afrikakorps (German Africa Corps). The main bases of operation were from Athens to Derna in Africa. The mission was carried out from 16th October to 6th November 1941. In total, seventeen flights were carried out, with 30 tonnes of supplies and 515 wounded soldiers and personnel transported. As Bv 222 V1, at this time, was not equipped with any defensive armament, two Me 110s were provided for its escort. While it was a prototype plane, no defensive armament was installed. But, after several encounters with the British Air Force in the Mediterranean, the need for defensive armament became apparent. At this stage, the Bv 222 was lucky, as it managed to emerge from these engagements in one piece. It even managed to survive the attack of three British Beaufighters on a flight from Taranto to Tripoli.
During these transport flights, the improved Bramo 323 engines (which replaced the earlier BMW 132) achieved a solid but satisfactory overall flight performance. But the Bramo 323 engines were deemed prone to malfunctions.
Future Service within the Luftwaffe
During the winter of 1941/1942, Bv 222 V1 was again returned to Blohm & Voss for more repairs but also for fitting its first defensive armament. The armament consisted of several 7.92 mm (0.31 in) and 13 mm (0.51 in ) machine guns. Note that the information about armament in this article is taken from H. J. Nowarra’s book “Blohm and Voss Bv 222”, but other authors state that different armament was used. One MG 81 was placed in the nose, four more MG 81s were placed in the fuselage and two additional DL 131 turrets with MG 131s were placed in the upper fuselage. At the same time, Bv 222 V1 received a new registration code, X4+AH. It was attached to Luft-Transport-Staffel 222 (short LTS 222) which mainly operated in the Mediterranean. The LTS 222 official squadron marking was a Viking longship and it is probably for this reason that the Bv 222 were nicknamed ‘Wikings’.
The Bv 222 V8 placed on a ramp, possibly for repairs. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
During 1942, LTS 222 was reinforced with four newly built Bv 222s of the A-series. V4 (reg. num. X4+DH) was received in mid April, V5 (reg. num. X4+EH) on 7th July, V6 (reg. num. X4+FH) on 21st August and V8 (reg. num. X4+HH) in late September. These four were provided with defensive armament consisting of two DL 151 turrets, each armed with an MG 151 in the upper fuselage, one MG 131 in the nose position and two MG 81 on the fuselage sides.
After many extensive and dangerous transport missions, Bv 222 V1 finally ran out of luck, and was lost in a tragic accident in early 1943. While on a flight to Athens, due to Allied air raids, the pilot tried to land on water. Because of the total darkness, the pilot was unable to see a half sunken wreckage, which damaged the plane so much that it sank in only a few minutes. Luckily, the crew was safely evacuated.
Bv 222 V2 made its first test flight on the 7th August 1941. It was initially used by the Erprobungsstelle Travemünde for testing and improvements. It had its bottom fuselage redesigned to provide better stability when floating in water. In addition, two reserve thrust propellers were attached to each middle engine on both sides, which improved flight performance. It was not used by LTS 222 but was instead given to the Fliegerführer Atlantik unit. As this unit name suggests, Bv 222 V2 (which later included other Bv 222s) was used to patrol the Atlantic. Its main base of operations was the city of Biscarrosse in occupied France. Bv 222 V2 would remain in use up to the war’s end, when it was captured by the Allied forces in May 1945.
The Bv 222 V3 prototype had a much shorter operational service life. It made its first test flight on the 28th November 1941. It was lost on the 30th June 1943 while on a patrol mission across the Atlantic.
Bv 222 V4 was initially used in a transport mission above the Mediterranean. On 10th December 1942, it was damaged by Allied raids. After the necessary repairs, it would be used for the remainder of the war on patrol missions across the Atlantic. In October 1943, it, together with Bv 222 V2, managed to shoot down a British Avro Lancaster bomber over the ocean. The circumstances of this event are not clear even to this day. Bv 222 V4 was sunk by its crew in May 1945 at Kiel.
Most Bv 222s were powered by six 1000 hp Bramo 323 engines. These were later replaced with Jumo 207Cs. http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
V5 was used for transport of materiel and men above the Mediterranean, until the loss of Bv 222 V1. After that, it was recalled to Germany to be structurally strengthened and equipped with stronger defensive armament. From April 1943, it was used in Atlantic patrol missions, until it was shot down by the Allies in June the same year.
V6 was shot down by the British shortly after it was attached to LTS 222. Bv 222 V8 also had a short operational life, as it was lost in action to Allied fighters on 10th December 1942.
It is interesting to point out that, during the Bv 222’s service in the Mediterranean, the British would attack these aircraft only when they were transporting ammunition and supplies to Africa, but they would not attack them on their way back to Europe as they would be transporting wounded soldiers.
After construction of the first three prototypes, the next four aircraft were reclassified as the A-series (V4, V5, V6 and V8). Interestingly, these would also retain their prototype ‘V’ designation, which can lead to some confusion.
Future Improvements and Modifications
Even as the first series of Bv 222 were under construction, there was a proposal for a new improved civilian version named Bv 222 B, which was to be powered by Jumo 208 engines. Due to the war, this was never implemented and remained a paper project.
As the first series of Bv 222 had some issues with the engines, there were attempts to equip them with better models. For this reason, Bv 222 V7 (reg. TB+QL ) was instead powered by Jumo 207 C 680 hp diesel engines. The idea behind using diesel engines was that the Bv 222 could be refueled at sea by using U-boats. The Jumo 207C engines also proved to have some issues, but it was nevertheless decided to use the Bv 222 V7 as the basis for the C-series. Bv 222 V7 was flight tested in April 1943, and it would remain in service up to the war’s end, when it was destroyed by its crew to avoid capture by Allied forces in May 1945.
Due to the bad wartime situation for the Germans and the lack of materials, only a limited number of C-series aircraft were ever built. Of the nine that were under construction, only about five (beside V7) were ever completed. Two of the C-series aircraft were to be used for a new D-series powered by the Jumo 207 D engines. Due to problems with this engine, production was never implemented.
Bv 222 V2 that was captured by the Allies in Trondheim Fjord. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
The first aircraft of the C-series (Bv 222 C-9) was allocated to Fliegerführer Atlantik on the west in late July 1943. After the Allied landings in France, the Germans lost their air bases in this area. For this reason, the long-range patrol missions were carried out from occupied Norway. C-9 was lost in early 1945 (or 1944, depending on the source), when it was shot down by a British Hawker Typhoon. C-10 was lost in a crash in February 1944. C-11 was fully equipped but was never used operationally for unknown reasons. C-12 was tested with rocket assisted engines to help during takeoff. The use of the C-13 aircraft is unfortunately unclear. While the C-14 to C-17 were under construction, they were never completed due to a lack of resources.
While the Bv 222 was primarily designed as a flying boat, there were plans to modify it to be used as a standard transport plane. This was to be achieved by adding landing gear wheels to it. The projects received the P.187 designation. Possibly due to a low priority, this project was under development up to the war’s end and was never implemented.
Flight to Japan
During the war, the Germans had plans to establish a flight line connection with Japan. Original flight plans stated that the starting point for the Germans was Kirkenes and then to Tokyo via the Sakhalin Island. The Bv 222 was in the competition for this mission, but was rejected due to the small number built and because it was not designed for this role. Other aircraft considered were the Ju 290 and the He 177. The aircraft ultimately chosen was the Ju 290, but this planned flight was never attempted and the whole project was dropped.
The side view of the Bv 222. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
Arctic Rescue Mission
During the war, the Germans managed to set up a secret meteorological station in the Arctic. In the spring of 1944, the crew of this station were sick because they had eaten raw meat. A supply mission was conducted using a Fw 200 for transporting a doctor to this base. The pilot tried to land but, during the landing, one wheel of the landing gear broke down. The base sent back a distress call for further aid. For this mission, one of the Bv 222s was chosen and was loaded with a spare wheel and spare parts. Once it was above the base, the parts were successfully dropped by a parachute. The station crew were eventually rescued once the Fw 200 was repaired.
In Allied Hands
By the end of the war, the Americans managed to capture two Bv 222 aircraft, C-11 and C-13. C-11 would be flown to America and was used for evaluation. While it would eventually be scrapped, it gave the Americans valuable information about designing and building such huge flying bots. C-13 was also flown to America, where it would later be scrapped.
One of the captured Bv 222s used by the British. Source: http://www.warbirdphotographs.com/luftwaffephotos/index.html
The British also managed to capture Bv 222 C-12 in Norway. During the flight to the UK, one of the engines stopped working, but the pilot managed to reach the UK. The British also captured the Bv 222 V2 prototype which was also relocated to the UK. These would serve the British in gaining valuable information about the aircraft’s construction.
The only producer of these aircraft was Blohm & Voss at Hamburg. Due to many factors, such as long development and testing time, the substantial resources needed to build them and the pressing need for fighter aircraft, there was only a limited production run. In total, only 13 Bv 222 were ever made. These included three prototypes, four of the A-series and six C-series aircraft. While there were a few more under construction, these were never completed.
Bv 222 V1-V3 – Several prototypes built with different armament and engines tested
Bv 222 A – Four aircraft built
Bv 222 B – Proposed improved civilian version
Bv 222 C – Version powered by the Jumo 207 engine, few built
Bv 222 D – Proposed improved C-series to be powered by Jumo 207 D engine, none built
P.187 – Proposed land-based version, none built
Lufthansa – Although the original purchaser of this aircraft, only V1 saw limited evaluation and testing service in Lufthansa service
Nazi Germany – Operated a small number of these aircraft
USA – Captured two aircraft of the C-series which were used for testing
UK – Captured two aircraft.
Surviving aircraft
Unfortunately, due to wartime attrition and sabotage by their own crews, not a single BV 222 is known to have survived to this day. There are possibly several wrecks underwater, like the one in Greece, that could maybe one day be salvaged or even restored.
The Bv 222 was the largest operational aircraft built during the war. While it was never used in its original role, it would see extensive service with the Luftwaffe, despite being available only in small numbers. Due to its large transport capabilities, it was vital to the Germans, as they lacked transport planes throughout the war. But, due to the bad military situation in the second half of the war and the need for a large number of fighter planes, the Bv 222 would only be built in limited numbers.