USA (1943)
Fighter Aircraft – 3,738 Built
Interwar Fighter Developments
The Merlin powered P-51’s share the distinction of being among the most successful fighter aircraft ever developed, but also having one of the convoluted development paths of any mass production fighter. While the aircraft would make its first flights in 1943, it had its roots in the late interwar period where many of the technologies it incorporated were first established.
While these aircraft were being prepared for service, vital new developments were being made in regards to airframe design. At the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) offices at Langley field, efforts had been made to produce airfoils which could achieve laminar flow. In short, this effect is characterized by minimal disruptions to the airflow of the surfaces of the wings and adjoining fuselage. In the context of fighter aircraft, this allowed for a much lower drag coefficient, which would permit better acceleration and would lessen the instability encountered at higher Mach numbers. They would achieve this by June of 1938 when an airfoil displayed laminar flow characteristics in wind tunnel tests (Ethell 10).
Europe Ablaze
The escalation to and the outbreak of hostilities in Europe would completely dispense with the interwar malaise and saw the US begin a massive arms build up. The most notable shift in policy was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s call for 50,000 aircraft in January of 1940. The resulting surge of orders would end up leaving most US aircraft manufacturers at capacity, and though they would satisfy domestic demand, the fulfillment of export orders was not a priority. This represented a serious issue facing the Allies in Europe. At the outbreak of the war, the French and British air forces were still largely in the process of expanding and modernizing. While they both possessed examples of modern fighter aircraft, such as the Dewoitine D.520 and Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I’s respectively, they also employed a large number of outdated aircraft in comparison to the better equipped German Luftwaffe. The expedient solution to this problem seemed to be to purchase aircraft abroad, and the US was by far the best source.
To this end British and French interests were served by the British Purchasing Commission. While they had decided on the ideal candidate being the Curtis-Wright P-40, they found the at-capacity firm unwilling to compromise its contracts to the US Army. They were soon negotiating with other firms for P-40’s which would be manufactured under license, and by 1940 had placed as many orders as they could. It was clear to all parties involved that any of the larger firms that were involved in US rearmament would be unable to deliver any sizable number of aircraft to the Allies. In January of 1940, Oliver Echols, in charge of Air Corps procurement, would suggest to the Purchasing Commission to approach a manufacturer that lacked any major contracts involved with US rearmament (Ethell 10).
This suggestion would see the British Purchasing commission returning to older offers from firms that they had turned down the previous year. The most important of these would be North American Aviation. North American had earlier proposed to build P-40’s under license for the Allies, though the offer was given little consideration (Ethell 10). They were likely turned down over their relative inexperience in the field of fighter aircraft, having previously built advanced trainers, like the AT-6 Texan, and the crude NA-50 and NA-68 export fighters. In spite of this, and finding few options among other US aircraft manufacturers, the British Purchasing commission would once again approach North American. This time however, North American was given the option to either produce license-built P-40’s, or instead to design a new aircraft with the aid of research data acquired from Curtiss-Wright on the XP-46 fighter prototype. NAA’s small, but enthusiastic team would choose the latter, and prepared to design a new fighter built around the Alison V-1710 engine.
Enter North American
The first step in developing the new fighter was purchasing the most recent data on fighter design from Curtiss-Wright’s XP-40 and XP-46 prototypes, and acquiring the new breakthrough aerofoil designs recently developed under NACA (Ethell 10, 11). This information was made available to the design team headed by Edgar Schmued, a German born aeronautical engineer who had previously been a GM field service manager for their Brazil branch. The work soon began on a new fighter under the designation NA-50B, later changed to NA-73, under a common and straightforward design strategy. Schmued would work to build a plane that would excel by incorporating all of the most recent developments in fighter design to produce an aircraft that was both cutting edge, yet conventional (Douglas 252). The Curtiss-Wright prototypes were a starting point that was quickly surpassed, with engineer and aerodynamicist Ed Horkey considering the prototypes too dated for use on the new project, and the data was discarded (Forsyth 13). This came as somewhat of a blow considering they were forced to pay about $50,000 for the test data. The same cannot be said for the data acquired from NACA.
Great care was taken to build the prototype in good time. The NA-73X, would make use of a number of components from North American’s AT-6 trainer, including its landing gear, hydraulics, and electrical systems. Remarkably, the construction of the prototype was completed on the 102nd day of the project, but it would have to wait another 20 days for its Allison V-1710-39/F3R engine (Marshall & Ford 94). The supply of Allison engines at the time was constrained, and resulted in the project having to delay its deliveries to the British. Despite this, the fast pace of the program, and the fall of France would see the British order another 320 aircraft before the prototype even flew. With the program approaching testing, the British were awaiting the results and readying their own test pilots to become acquainted with the new plane. The prototype was first flown by American test pilot Vance Breese on the 20th of October, 1940. It would go on to make several more test flights before having to be repaired after an accident with test pilot Paul Balfour. The accident was a result of pilot error, who failed to switch over from an empty fuel tank, and as such the incident did not reflect poorly on the design itself (Marshall & Ford 151). As the sleek new fighter was taking shape, the British Purchasing Commission would notify NAA that the aircraft’s RAF designation was to be the ‘Mustang’ in a communique sent in December 1940 (O’Leary 24).
While the aircraft’s development was proceeding at a rapid pace for the British, the USAAC would show very little initial interest in the Mustang. The aircraft the USAAC had dubbed the XP-51 was largely overshadowed by other developments and comparatively little effort was made to conduct exhaustive tests on the XP-51 prototypes at Wright Field to correct their faults. Their interest in the aircraft would be piqued only after the U.S. entrance into the second World War.
Mustang Mk. I
In British service the Mustang would take a different developmental path than what was proceeding in the United States. While the British were receiving their Mustang fighter aircraft, the US had been forced to develop the aircraft into a dive bomber, the A-36, as funds for fighter development had been expended for 1942. In the case of the RAF, the Mustang Mk. I went into service as soon as was practicable and saw their first squadrons, numbers 161 and 613, receive supplies of the new aircraft in April of 1942. They would first be employed as reconnaissance aircraft before later taking on more dangerous work during Operation Jubilee in which they undertook offensive recon sorties over the raid area in Dieppe, France. Beyond this they would be subsequently used to fly nuisance raids and fighter sweeps across the low countries. Its long range, high speed, and effective armament were used to great effect over these areas as they harassed rail and road communications, while also remaining quite capable against enemy fighters wherever they were encountered (Ethell 24, 25). Even by this early mark, the once uncertain contract they signed with North American had already paid off.
It was during this period that the aircraft’s faults and strengths would make themselves evident. The nose mounted guns were troublesome and complicated maintenance; they were often removed from operational planes and were eliminated from the succeeding models of the aircraft. The radiator still presented teething issues, as under certain conditions the oil could freeze over and would fail to circulate, and eventually cause the radiator to boil over. Visibility too would become an issue, as the canopy frame of the cockpit severely restricted the pilot’s view. However despite its faults, the plane was fast, possessing good acceleration and a high top speed that made it capable of outrunning all fighters in the theater at sea level (Ethell 24).
The first major step toward this came on April 29, 1942, when Wing Commander Ian Campbell-Orde invited one of Rolls Royce’s test pilots, Ronald W. Harker, to test the new aircraft. Harker was impressed by its performance and he believed that if the aircraft was fitted with the new Merlin 61, it would be able to outpace a similarly equipped Spitfire by a considerable margin (Marshall & Ford 215). The Merlin 61 was the obvious choice for many reasons, chief of which was its two stage, two speed supercharger which stood to offer the plane exceptional high altitude performance. To this end, a Mustang Mk.I was provided to Rolls Royce at Hucknall to undergo the necessary modifications. By the beginning of June 1942, the British had correctly projected that the Mustang’s top speed would be increased to 430mph at an altitude of 25,000ft, which was roughly twice as fast as the Allison powered Mustang at that altitude (Douglas 254). When the test aircraft was complete the results were quite impressive, as during a fly off between a Spitfire Mk. IX and a Mustang, both fitted with Merlin 61’s, the Mustang quickly outpaced the Spitfire.
Across the Atlantic, a parallel development began underway after a study of the Mustang’s combat debut with the RAF. The new United States Army Air Force, no longer constrained by funding, rushed to acquire supplies of the Mustang, and sought to re-engine the fighter to improve its high altitude performance. To this end, two P-51’s were set aside for conversion. By the early half of the Summer of 1942, both British and American Mustang experiments were underway. While the Mustang was previously seen as a side project which was never a wholly American or British effort, it was by then extremely clear that the design had tremendous potential and the development of which was of immense importance to the Allies.
Shoeing the Mustang
In addition to higher cooling requirements, the new Merlin engine weighed 350lbs more than the Allison and would mount a larger, heavier propeller, which would represent a significant shift in weight. To compensate, 61lbs of ballast was added, the primary fuselage longerons were strengthened, and the wings were strengthened and moved lower and forward. These changes would also help to compensate for the stronger vortex generated by the propeller and the greater forces generated by the improved ailerons (Marshall & Ford 219). The new engine and the subsequent operations would also result in some yaw instability. Adding a fin ahead of the horizontal stabilizer seemed an adequate solution, but it would not be undertaken until far later.
While the testing for most of these modifications was done through a variety of converted air frames, the prototype that brought them all together was the XP-51B, which first flew on October 1, 1942. The importance placed on this aircraft was considerable, as several months prior, a large order for 1200 P-51A’s was placed by the US government on the provision that their production could be switched for P-51B’s, given advanced notice (Marshall & Ford 230).
Most of the issues with re-engining the P-51 involved its cooling systems and air scoop, which were revised several times. [NACA]
My Kingdom for a Horse
While development on the Merlin powered P-51’s proceeded, the USAAF had formulated and launched a strategic bombing campaign dedicated to destroying industries vital to the German war effort. The theoretical foundations of this strategy had been set in the interwar era and were initially seen as a means to expand the Army Air Corps into a force with greater autonomy. Many early interwar theorists, such as Maj. Harold George, would describe a vague ‘economic web’ that could be destroyed and force an industrial and morale collapse, but in 1943 these theories were put to the test. The practical details of the campaign were laid out at the Allied conference at Casablanca. There a series of targets was decided upon, but later altered to a plan that favored targeting aircraft and submarine production, in addition to ball bearing plants (Overy 45, 305). However, the main concern for USAAF bombing operations was that thus far, all daylight strategic bombing campaigns had ended in failure after formations of unescorted bombers were shredded by fighters.
Throughout the summer and autumn of 1943, the USAAF would launch numerous raids against targets in Western Germany, though the bombers could only be escorted over the low countries by P-47’s and P-38’s. It wasn’t long until these range limitations were understood, and soon after, exploited by the Luftwaffe. Wherever Luftwaffe fighters were untroubled by Allied fighters, they were free to make use of their most effective anti-bomber tactics.
Generalmajor Adolf Galland’s prescribed method of attack for single engine fighters was to make head on, or oblique, attacks from slightly above the bomber formation, carried out by at least a Schwarm, or two pairs of fighters (Marshall & Ford 267). This achieved two things, it increased the closure rate to reduce the likelihood of being hit by defensive gunners, and it was from this position that both the pilot and copilot of the bomber were most vulnerable. In the absence of escort fighters, Luftwaffe pilots would be able to regroup, fly ahead of the formation, climb, and repeat the attack. The lack of escort fighters also meant the Luftwaffe was safe to employ its two engined fighters against bomber formations, which with their heavier armaments, were much better equipped to bring down bombers. Over time their tactics grew even more complex as dedicated aircraft, typically Ju 88’s, were tasked with shadowing bomber formations to pass their altitude, course, and speed to flak and fighter control services.
By the start Autumn of 1943, USAAF planners were hoping to accelerate their progress on Operation Pointblank. This plan would see bombers raid targets that were vital to the German aviation industry in order to achieve air supremacy over Western Europe before an invasion of the continent. While losses for these raids were still extremely high, it was hoped that dispatching a larger force capable of inflicting serious damage would make it worth it. On August the 17th, the 8th Air Force prepared for its largest raid yet, with 376 B-17’s dispatched to attack the ball bearing works, at Schweinfurt, and a Messerschmitt factory, at Regensburg. Both of these facilities were located deep within Germany and most of the journey would see the B-17’s outside the area where they could be escorted. To compensate for this, the flight over Regensburg would continue over the Alps and into Allied controlled Tunisia. It was hoped that flight over the Alps would prove easy, and in the case of the Schweinfurt force, they believed that the German fighter squadrons would still be on the ground refueling after their first attacks while the bombers made their return. Both would be met with disaster as the Luftwaffe would hit both forces after their escort fighters turned for home, and the Luftwaffe fighters had taken to the air again as the Schweinfurt raiders made the return trip.
Leaving the Stable
With this new aircraft, the USAAF would finally possess what they had been searching for. With the addition of the new internal fuel tank, the aircraft would be capable of deep incursions into German airspace, and it would deliver on what was promised back in the spring of 1942. They were excellent fighters, especially at high altitude. The early P-51B’s would use the Packard V-1650-3 engine, a license production of the British Merlin 61, which produced 1410 hp at 29,300 ft and 1630 hp at 16,400ft at War Emergency Power (P-51 operation manual 31). This engine would later be replaced with the Packard V-1650-7 in later models of the aircraft, which was geared for better performance at medium altitude. These engines, combined with the low drag fuselage and laminar designed wings would provide the aircraft with a superb climb rate, a high top speed at altitude, and exceptional high speed maneuverability.
While the aircraft had taken a largely completed form with the P-51B-5 and P-51C-1, it would be continuously modified in the field and on the production line, throughout its service with the air force. The most notable of these changes were the additions of a fuselage tank, booster motors for its ammunition belts, a vertical fin extension, and field retrofits for a perspex canopy dubbed the Malcom Hood. However, only the 85 gallon fuel tank would be a universal addition.
The fuselage tank would enable the P-51B’s to reach much of central Europe from England, but it was not present in the first deliveries of the aircraft, as was the case with the 59 P-51B’s active in England at the end of November 1943. The installation kits were first sent out in September of 1943, and the tank was later incorporated into the production run with the first long range P-51B being accepted by the Army in December of the same year (Marshall & Ford 393, 407).
The next addition to the aircraft was intended to solve a major issue with the plane’s machine guns, which were found to be prone to jamming when the pilot pulled turns of over 1g. This issue was a result of the canted position of the guns in the wings which put stress on the ammunition belts. The ideal solution was to reposition the guns, but seeing as that would necessitate a considerable redesign, engineers would instead work in a stop gap measure in the form of boost motors for the ammunition belts. These were issued as kits like the fuel tank, though unlike those for the fuselage fuel tank, they were issued in more limited numbers and the issue persisted well into 1944 (Ethell 64).
The Mustang had long had a tendency to yaw in the opposite direction of a roll, which affected its handling since its earliest models, and this was made significantly worse when fuel was carried in the fuselage tank. Despite the problem being an evident and considerable inconvenience, its solution wouldn’t materialize until much later. Eventually, it was decided to fit the aircraft with a fin extending from its vertical stabilizer, along with adding reverse rudder boost tabs. However, these kits arrived very late, having begun production in April of 1944, and later incorporated into the design of late P-51C’s and the subsequent P-51D (Marshall & Ford 306).
Breaking the Stalemate
The new P-51B’s would make their first major debut with the 8th Air Force in early 1944, though the introduction was not as smooth as had been hoped. Squadrons reported a number of issues with the new aircraft, which included high altitude fuel transfer failures with external tanks, glycol reserve tanks that leaked and froze, radiator corrosion and coolant leaks, radios and spark plugs failing, and excessive oil loss (Marshall & Ford 425). However the USAAF hadn’t the time to immediately resolve these teething issues, and with these problems passed along to the manufacturer and Air Force maintenance services, the P-51’s would soon play a key role in the escalating bomber offensive.
Through the winter of 1943, both the day and night bombing campaigns were facing withering losses which spelled serious trouble for maintaining the pace of operations over Europe. With less than one thousand bombers stationed in England, the USAAF would lose 200 in September alone (Douglas 326). In the face of these losses, the Combined Bomber Offensive was failing to carry out the Pointblank directive, which aimed to cripple the Luftwaffe before an invasion of Europe was conducted. During this period the Luftwaffe had actually built up the strength of its fighter force and had reorganized and improved its defenses into a centralized command structure. To make matters worse, the head of RAF’s Bomber Command, Arthur Harris, would ignore orders to attack German industries involved in aircraft production. Instead, he would order Bomber Command to continue to carry out an ineffective area bombing campaign of Germany’s cities believing it would bring an end to the war without the need for an invasion (Overy 343, 344). It was under these bleak circumstances that the US’s Eighth and Fifteenth Airforces were tasked to cripple the Luftwaffe and establish air superiority over much of Europe before the invasion, now only a few months away. However, they would soon see a change in leadership and the delivery of new equipment that would put them on the path to controlling the skies over Europe.
By the start of 1944, Maj. Gen. Kepner, 8th Air Force, would also play a major role in implementing this new strategy, as he officially untethered the Eighth’s fighters from the bombers and allowed them to seek out the enemy at their discretion. The P-51 would play a pivotal role, as its excellent high altitude performance and range meant it was able to take up the last position of the fighter relay, and was more than a match for whatever it found. Beyond the existing penetration, target, and withdrawal relay positions, the P-51 was also able to take up a fourth mission. These units would perform sweeps 50 to 70 miles ahead of the bomber formation and attack German fighters as they were climbing, assembling, or transiting towards the bomber formation. Their efforts were greatly aided by British signals intelligence services that provided the assembly points for the Luftwaffe’s fighter groups (Marshall & Ford 425, 425; Overy 362).
This change in tactics would have immediate and profound impacts as they began to be widely implemented in February and March of 1944. The first major achievement of the new strategy were the widespread losses inflicted on the twin engined fighter forces, which had earlier proven themselves as potent anti-bomber weapons. Against the new long range fighters, they were almost defenseless, and were withdrawn in March (Overy 366). Similar effects were felt throughout the Luftwaffe’s fighter forces, which thanks to the new P-51’s, were left without any safe haven. Whenever the bombers were over Germany, their escort fighters could make their appearance. While the new strategy often meant that the bomber formations were often less protected, this was counterbalanced in that it placed the German fighters on a defensive footing. The days of Luftwaffe fighters leisurely climbing alongside a formation before diving at it head on were over, now whenever they reached a formation they were forced to conduct hit and run attacks, or face off against the escorts.
Luftwaffe attrition escalated as airfields that were once ignored were now periodically harassed by fighters that attacked transiting and grounded aircraft. Doolittle did all he could to promote these attacks, and would allow for the destruction of aircraft on the ground to count towards a pilot’s ace status (Marshall & Ford 423). These attacks would prove costly to the USAAF, but well worth it as Luftwaffe operational losses for all aircraft increased sharply and it robbed them of the ability to train new pilots in secure airspace. This shift in strategy and subsequent success would prove instrumental to the USAAF in the following months, as their responsibilities were soon to broaden when the Allies landed in France.
Between the 19th and the 26th, the Eighth and Fifteenth air forces would fly roughly 6,200 sorties against 18 aircraft assembly plants and two ball bearings plants, at a loss of 247 bombers and 28 fighters. Undoubtedly steep, but sustainable in comparison to the Luftwaffe which lost roughly one third of its single engine fighters (Overy 369). The success of the raids themselves was difficult to judge, as fighter production still increased, though at a significantly reduced rate which saw a shortfall of roughly 38.5 percent (Overy 370). During these operations the P-51 would provide the USAAF deep penetration cover and perform strafing attacks against German airfields. However, there weren’t enough long range escorts for full coverage until the summer of 1944. The situation was further complicated when all P-51B’s were grounded between the 10th through the 15th of March in order to address structural issues with the aircraft’s engine mounts, wings, and tail. These were subsequently resolved by replacing the retaining bolts for the engine, reinforcing the tail empennage and ammunition doors, and installing landing gear locks to prevent their uncontrolled release at high speed (Marshall & Ford 442, 446). These issues would however not present a long term obstacle during the early months of 1944 as the tempo of operations and list of targets grew in the following months.
With the major push against the German aviation industry mostly over, the USAAF would soon set its sights on two major targets, rail communications across much of Northwestern Europe, and Germany’s oil industries. The first was an immediate necessity for the success of Operation Overlord, crippling German strategic mobility was essential for an invasion which would require considerable time after the first landings to build up a force on the continent. The formalities were worked out in March when the Transportation Plan was decided upon. It would fortunately have the support of RAF Bomber Command, as Harris’s evident failure to end the war on his terms would see him temporarily divert his force into supporting the preparations for the invasion of France. The subsequent offensive against fuel production would start far less formally. Spaatz was convinced of its necessity, but due to the months it would need to take effect, he was at first unable to convince his superiors to divert resources to it. However, in a matter of weeks, he was able to argue for its necessity under the Pointblank Directive and was then allowed to conduct attacks against Germany’s synthetic fuel industry whenever resources permitted (Overy 371).
In many ways, the bombing of factories alone was a largely ineffective means of inflicting serious damage to the German war economy, as many industries proved to be exceedingly resilient. Fighter production proved a particularly difficult target, as apart from the later targeted aero engine industry, production and final assembly plants could be dispersed and were largely safe from raiders. When fighter production was further streamlined and resources were diverted to support it, Germany would end up vastly expanding fighter production during the period in which those industries were the most frequently raided (Zeitlin 59). This was, however, was achieved only by reducing the rate of modifications and improvements, and transferring resources away from the production of bombers. In comparison, the later targeting of fuel production and rail transportation proved key, as the inability to reliably move material by rail combined with chronic fuel shortages proved a fatal military and economic obstacle. As a result, establishing air supremacy over Western Europe before Operation Overlord was as much an achievement of long range fighter operations as it was of the bombers. The Luftwaffe could sustain itself when aircraft deliveries did not meet expectations, but it quickly found itself struggling when it lost scores of pilots and found itself hard pressed to train new ones once they had lost control of the skies over Germany.
The 4th Fighter Group ‘Debden Eagles’
When the US entered the Second World War, few American airmen had any combat experience, with the notable exceptions being volunteer airmen in service with foreign armies. The Debden Eagles were one such group, having volunteered to serve with the RAF and entered service in late 1940 and 1941. While they were among the few Americans fighting against Nazi Germany at the time, they had garnered a somewhat unfortunate reputation as glory-seekers and primadonnas thanks to their unique position (Bucholtz 6). Their tendency of excessive overclaiming of victories during this period would prove particularly irritating to their superiors. With the US entry into the war, the Eagle squadrons, and their Supermarine Spitfires, were subsequently integrated into the USAAF.
The 4th FG flew their Spitfires in combat for the last time on April 1st, 1943, after which they completed the full transition to P-47C’s. This change was not viewed favorably, as most of the unit’s pilots disliked the considerably heavier Thunderbolt (Marshall & Ford 340). The changeover had little initial impact on operations, and the squadron was largely involved in the same missions as before. However, the group would later accompany bombers on deeper raids into Europe thanks to newly issued external fuel tanks for their P-47’s. They would use these new 200 gallon fuel tanks on an escort mission into Ghent on July 25th and soon after their first foray into Germany airspace over Westhoff-Emmerich. It should be noted that these fuel tanks were a rare piece of equipment at the time and the 4th only had them thanks to the efforts of Lt. Col. Cass Hough of the 8th Fighter Command’s technical section. They were, unfortunately, as troublesome as they were vital, often failing to transfer fuel above 20,000, and were later withdrawn as British made paper 108 gallon tanks became more available (Marshall & Ford 411).
Despite their complaints, the 4th FG’s veteran pilots would master their new planes and had put them to good use. In a battle defending a formation of B-17’s over the city of Utrecht, the 4th FG was credited for the destruction of nine enemy aircraft at the cost of one of their own, with the pilot having bailed out over the occupied Netherlands (Bucholtz 16). With their P-47s, the 4th would take up an important supporting role in the escalating bombing offensive, one which saw their longer ranged P-47s making more flights into the German frontier. This tempo and the 4th’s change in command under the more aggressive Lt. Col. Don Blakeslee would see the unit become among the most successful in the entire USAAF.
While the conversion was taking place, the 4th would be committed to Doolittle’s more aggressive strategy against the Luftwaffe, with the aim to achieve aerial supremacy over Western Europe before the invasion of France. As such their independent actions increased, and on January 31, 1944, they would join the 355th FG in bombing the Luftwaffe’s airfield at Gilze-Rijen (Marshall & Ford 425). In many ways this mission bore some similarity to the fighter sweeps they had conducted since they had flown with the RAF, but it would mark a first in that direct assaults on Luftwaffe airfields would then become more commonplace. Among the last major actions the unit would perform with its P-47s was its support of ‘Big Week’.
Their first combat mission in the new planes was fairly uneventful, on February 28, when flying as escorts for a formation of bombers attacking a V-1 launch site they encountered no enemy aircraft but strafed a Ju 88 on their way home. They would claim their first aerial kills two days later during a bomber withdrawal support mission near Frankfurt where they claimed two enemy fighters (Bucholtz 38). The following day the unit would help achieve a major milestone, the first fighter escort operation to Berlin and back. The operation would prove anything but easy, as deteriorating weather conditions saw most of the aircraft involved turn back. However, elements of the 3rd Bomb Division would press on, supported by the 4th, 55th, 354, and 363rd FG’s. The 4th would engage a formation of roughly 60 Fw 190’s and Bf 110’s northeast of Wittenberg in the day’s first encounter with the enemy. They claimed five victories but suffered one loss from enemy fire, and another as a result of a radio failure which made navigation across a storm in the English channel impossible. The pilot was later forced to ditch his aircraft in France after a failed attempt to reach neutral Spain (Marshall & Ford 439, Bucholtz 39).
The unit would return to Berlin on March 6 in support of a massive 8th Air Force operation. Favorable weather conditions would allow the 8th to dispatch a force of 730 bombers against a series of targets in and around the German capital, where they would meet the Luftwaffe in the largest air battle of the war up to that point. The 4th, led by Col. Blakeslee, would be tasked with escorting the bombers, which would prove a difficult undertaking, with the sheer number of opponents forcing the group to disperse into individual flights and sections to expand their coverage. The unit would be credited for the destruction of 15 enemy aircraft of the 45 claimed by P-51’s that day, in exchange for five losses. In comparison, P-47 units were credited with 37 kills for 5 losses, and P-38 units brought down three units at the cost of three of their own. It should also be noted the P-38’s comprised the minority of the fighters, while there were roughly twice as many P-47’s as there were P-51s. The USAAF would claim a total of 83 ‘confirmed’ enemy aircraft with the Luftwaffe having recorded the loss of 75 fighters (Marshall & Ford 439; Bucholtz 43, 45). The majority of these kills were twin engine and night fighters pressed into daylight service. This engagement, while not representing a distinct turning point, did demonstrate a noticeable shift in the war over Germany. Of the 672 bombers that proceeded with the mission, 69 failed to return, and 6 were written off. These were certainly heavy losses, but were a fraction of the nightmare that the Allies were facing in the summer and autumn of the previous year. Beyond that, Luftwaffe losses were mounting both in the sky and on the ground, and the use of its heavier, twin engined bomber destroyers had become untenable in the face of agile new opponents.
At 11:20, the 334th would sortie again to Rouen with one section carrying bombs. They would attack a troop train to poor effect, though an encounter with a flight of 10 Fw-190 near their airfield at Evreux proved more successful. In the ensuing battle the 334th was credited with the destruction of four enemy fighters, with the only damaged P-51 making it back home. While this confrontation was happening, the 335th had attacked the marshaling yards at Fleury. The 336th would fly for the last time that day at 13:35 conducting a fighter bomber sweep near Evraux. They would find no targets and would lose an aircraft to ground fire, with 1st Lt. Freiderick being taken as a PoW. The last mission of the day would see the 334th and 335th conduct attacks against a radar station and a road convoy near Rouen. While successful in their mission, they incurred heavy losses when elements of the unit were attacked by around 15 fighters belonging to JG 2 and JG 26 as the US fighters attacked infantry positions.
Shuttle Mission to VE-Day
Following the success of the landings, and subsequent breakout in Normandy, many of the USAAF fighter units would take on tactical missions in support of the armies in Western Europe, in addition to the ongoing strategic air campaign. However, some P-51 units were selected to participate in an escort mission in which the bombers would land at prepared airfields in the Soviet Union instead of returning to their home bases. A 45 aircraft detachment of fighters from the 4th would depart for the Soviet Union on June 20th. The mission would see them join a force of 1,000 bombers as they attacked targets in the Rhineland, and then on to Piryatin, Ukraine some seven hours away. 45 Mustangs of the 4th would make the trip, encountering some 25 enemy fighters over Siedlice, downing two, but losing one of their own. All but one of the remaining planes landed at their intended destination, with one 2nd Lt. Hofer being forced to land at Kiev after running low on fuel after pursuing enemy fighters (Bucholtz 88). However, unbeknownst to the assembled American aircraft, the formation had been trailed by a Ju 88. Soon after, a well coordinated attack by the Luftwaffe using its He 177 heavy bombers saw many of the US bombers hit, though their P-51’s were unscathed.
The P-51’s were subsequently dispersed and flew a variety of missions in the following weeks which brought them over Central Europe and the Mediterranean. They soon flew an escort mission against an oil refinery in Drohobycz, Poland on the 26th. The return leg of the mission took them to Lucera, Italy where they would support the bombing operations of the 15th Air Force. The largest of these missions would take them over Budapest to perform a fighter sweep ahead of the strike force. There they encountered 80 German and 18 Hungarian Bf 109G’s and a massive dogfight ensued. In the battle the 4th would claim eight Axis fighters at the cost of four of their own. This included 2nd Lt. Hofer who had died during a strafing attack against an airfield. (Bucholtz 89). The unit would be led back to England on the 3rd of July.
For the remainder of the war the 4th FG remained committed to supporting the strategic bombing campaign, especially as it pertained to offensive fighter sweeps and attacks against Luftwaffe airfields. Their last victory of the war was a probable destruction of an Me 262 that was damaged over the Prague/Ruzyne airfield, with the group credited for 1,058.5 total victories against enemy aircraft, both in the air and on the ground (Bucholtz 120). They would end the war among the most successful Fighter Groups in the USAAF, having come a long way from the overly boastful volunteers that had flown against the Luftwaffe before any other Americans.
The 99th Fighter Squadron ‘The Tuskegee Airmen’
As black aviators, the men of the Tuskegee-trained squadrons would face unique challenges, having to face prejudice from their own countrymen who sought to deny them the opportunity to fight. They were initially excluded from many of the pre-war programs that turned out many of the pilots who later joined the ranks of the USAAF and US Navy. Many who ran these programs espoused the belief that they were incapable of the judgment needed for leadership, and that they had lacked ‘the proper reflexes to make a first class fighter pilot’ in the words of General Edwin J. House (Moye 102).
Their chance came with the Civilian Pilot training program in 1939, having been excluded from the program the previous year. The program was extended to a series of predominantly black colleges and universities, with the most critical being the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. The university would build a fledgling airfield that eventually grew into an Army Air Corps training base, which proved controversial even among hopeful applicants, as in their eyes they were clearly still segregated from the rest of the Army. While the controversies flowed in the small Alabama town, the Air Corps moved to create the first black pursuit squadron, the 99th.
The 99th’s first combat missions were fighter sweeps against enemy positions in Southern Italy, their first target being a German airfield on the island of Pantelleria on June 2, 1943. The airbase would be the site of many more attacks, including the unit’s first encounter with enemy fighters. On June 9th, six P-40’s from the 99th Squadron accompanied A-20’s to the airfield, encountering four enemy fighters. In the ensuing fight they successfully drove off the enemy aircraft, and damaged one, taking no losses of their own. A further effort was made to intercept a flight of Ju 88’s at high altitude but were unable to, as their P-40’s had their oxygen systems removed to save weight for the low altitude mission (Bucholtz 21). The pilots of the 99th were particularly enthused that in their first encounter with the enemy, they had managed to complete their mission and all returned home safely.
The coming weeks saw them mostly fly ground attack missions in support of the ongoing invasion of Italy, and met very few enemy aircraft for the remainder of the year. It was during this time that they also discovered that the Tuskegee training center wasn’t large enough to supply a sufficient number pilots to the squadron, while also supporting the construction of three additional squadrons. Their pilots resultantly flew an abnormally high number of missions due to being short handed (Bucholtz 25). This period also saw them defeat a great deal of the unfair criticism leveled against them and had largely cemented a favorable reputation within the Army Air Force. Among the most notable victories on that front was an article in Time, which had previously published an article based on Moymer’s alleged grievances with the squadron. Maj. Roberts of the 99th would be quoted “people assumed we were not producing because we were negroes…but now that we have produced, things have changed.” The 99th had also succeeded in convincing most of the 79th FG of their worth, and had garnered a great deal of respect as they moved into 1944. Many white pilots of the 79th disobeyed an order from the commander of the Air Force commander in the MTO, and held a desegregated dinner party to celebrate the anniversary of the 99th’s combat debut (Moye 104, 105).
Forming the 332nd Fighter Group
While 99th gained valuable experience over the Mediterranean, they began to rotate pilots out to train the next pursuit squadrons to form a segregated fighter group. These squadrons were the 100th, 301st, and 302nd, all of which would be formed at Selfridge Field, Michigan. Selfridge would prove a particularly dreadful post for these men, as it was here that they would face intense discrimination both by the local populace and base staff, while being a stone’s throw from the racial powder keg of Detroit. However, this would not remain their home for long, and they would soon depart for their operational assignments by the end of the year. They would join the 99th in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations in January of 1944, being equipped with a set of used P-39s. These aircraft would prove troublesome in service due to their age and condition, and as such numerous accidental losses followed, so by the early summer of 1944, Col. Davis had managed the acquisition of new P-47Ds. However, the unit would soon transition again to the newer P-51 soon after the 99th joined the rest of the fighter group in July, something the group’s veterans would resent as they felt they had been segregated again after finding acceptance within the 79th FG.
The remainder of the war saw the 332nd fly a considerable number of escort missions, including an earlier attack against the Ploesti oil fields in Romania on July 13th, 1944. It was during that mission that they had begun to cement their status as one of the most reliable escort units in the USAAF, after they dispersed a flight of eight German fighters that had attacked bombers of the 55th Bomb Wing. Their C.O., Col. Davis maintained an unwavering directive to his unit, on escort missions they were never to abandon their bombers. This didn’t sit well with some but it was accepted, in part because many felt that a failure to protect the bombers would come down harder on them than the other squadrons (Bucholtz 51, 105; Moye 102). As such, their record for defending bombers was exemplary, having lost only 27 bombers to enemy fighters from June of 1944 to April 1945. It should also be noted that 14 of these losses occurred during a single day when a failure in mission planning resulted in the bombers and their escorts failing to meet at the proper time. As the target that day was the Luftwaffe air base at Memmingen, Germany, losses were correspondingly high (Bucholtz 53, Haulman 2). This places the remaining 13 bomber losses among the other 178 escort missions they performed over ten months. This policy would however, result in the squadron having the lowest aircraft kill to loss ratio of any other P-51 squadron in the theater, however, they would still consistently outscore all of the veteran P-38 squadrons in the Mediterranean (Marshal & Ford 477).
Among their most impressive escort missions was in support of a bombing raid against the Daimler-Benz tank assembly plant in Berlin, on March 24, 1945. From the 332nd’s base in Ramitelli Italy, this was a 1600 mile round trip, the longest mission ever conducted by the 15th Air Force. 59 Mustangs of the 332nd would leave their base at 11:45 under the command of Col. Davis, though he would soon return after experiencing engine trouble and left the squadron in the command of Capt. Edwin Thomas. They would encounter some two dozen enemy fighters outside of the German capital, including a number of Me 262s. The jets would initially prove difficult to catch, and the aircraft, belonging to JG 7, would at first disengage from the bombers whenever the escorts drew close. However, several of the jets would later press their attack on the formation. In the ensuing battle 1st Lt. Earl R. Lane, Flt. Officer Joseph Chineworth, and 1st Lt. Roscoe Brown would each be credited with a confirmed kill on three downed Me 262s. On their return flight they engaged several targets of opportunity, including two trains. The success of this mission earned the unit one of their three Distinguished Unit Citations, and the personal thanks of Gen. Lawrence of the 5th Bomb Wing (Bucholtz 108, 109).
Beyond their role as escorts for the 15th Airforce’s bombers, the 332nd would be engaged in a number of fighter bomber missions across the Meditteranean and Central Europe. These missions were conducted whenever time permitted between bombing raids and would see the squadron engage a number of targets. These would include airfields and various transportation targets varying from trains to river barges. A raid on August 30, 1944 would mark the unit’s most successful day when the 332nd attacked poorly camouflaged aircraft at Grosswardein airfield, Romania. In the ensuing strafing attack, they would be credited with the destruction of 83 aircraft with a further 31 damaged, ranging from 30 Ju 88’s, to a pair of super heavy Me 323 transport aircraft (Bucholtz 66). They would mount similar attacks against Axis airfields from Romania to Hungary.
Pilot’s of the 332nd, Lt. Clarence ‘Lucky’ Lester on the right, leads the group with 3 credited victories, all claimed on the same day. [National Archives]
Flight Characteristics and Pilot’s Remarks
Overall, the Merlin Mustang’s would prove to be fast and highly maneuverable, but with more complex flight characteristics than the Allison powered models that came before. Under most flight conditions, the plane was positively stable and possessed controls that were light and responsive. This aspect had been improved from the previous models, as the P-51B would be equipped with improved internally sealed and balanced ailerons which kept control stick forces light. These were rated very well, though pilots would note they were still ‘mushy’ at low speeds. However, as the plane’s top speed increased, it was capable of pulling maneuvers that could prove hazardous to pilots. Above 4g turns where a pilot without a g-suit was partially blacked out, the stick reversal could be harsh, but the worst of its effects were eliminated by a 20lb bobweight that was incorporated into the control system later on (Dean 350, 349).
The plane’s stall characteristics were mixed, but mostly mild. A one g stall in a clean aircraft was characterized by a roll to the right which came on after rudder buffering and aileron snatching, and was easily recovered from. Pilots were generally positive about the stall warning and recovery characteristics. However, its accelerated stall behavior proved to be far less universally understood. Some pilots claimed an easy recovery after ample warning, and others claimed it came on suddenly and viciously. Its low drag wings would contribute partly to this, as with its lack of air flow disturbances, stalls could come on without much warning. In the event of a spin, recovery was achieved by throttling back and pulling up while directing the rudder in the opposite direction of the spin. A spin could be serious trouble as a typical recovery resulted in a loss of about 9,000 ft in altitude (Dean 351, 352; P-51B flight manual 80).
While the plane was certainly very capable in regards to its maneuverability, pilots would have to take great caution when performing maneuvers of any kind when the fuselage tank still contained fuel. When the 85 gallon tank still contained fuel, the plane’s center of gravity shifted considerably and induced severe longitudinal instability. Hard maneuvers with any considerable volume of fuel still in the tank would result in a stick reversal that would require the pilot to brace themselves against the movement of the stick. Failing to do so would result in a loss of control or a further tightening of the turn which could result in a high speed stall or even structural failure (Dean 347, 348). Both RAF and USAAF manuals would ban aerobatics with roughly forty or more gallons of fuel in the tank, and suggested caution once it had been reduced to 25 gallons (Pilot’s Training Manual 68, Pilots Notes 30). In service this issue was one that rarely affected the plane’s effectiveness in combat, as the long range tank was the first to be used on long patrols and escort missions and thus typically contained little or no fuel when contact with enemy aircraft was made.
On early and mid production P-51B’s, pilots would also have to be cautious of high speed snapping brought on by the aforementioned longitudinal instability while they were conducting rolls. Pilots caught unaware were often injured during this violent jolt, and rolls were restricted accordingly. The addition of a fin extension for the vertical stabilizer and reverse rudder boost tabs would largely solve this issue, and the restrictions were lifted on suitably modified aircraft (Dean 350).
Perhaps where the aircraft shined the brightest were its dive characteristics, which were achieved as a result of its low drag wings and fuselage. These granted it excellent acceleration and a higher critical mach number than most of its contemporaries. Due to the changes in air flow across an aircraft’s wings as a plane approaches the sound barrier, most aircraft would experience buffeting, and a loss of control along and total loss of lifting forces. This change in flight characteristics that results in this loss of control is known as compressibility, a phenomenon that occurs when an aircraft exceeds the speed of its critical mach number.
Its take-off procedure was fairly typical of contemporary US fighters and required a strong right rudder deflection during take off to counteract the powerful torque from its engine. Its best climb out speed was between 160 to 170 mph IAS, which was quickly achieved after its flaps and landing gear had been retracted (Dean 341). Landing was somewhat more challenging, as the 140 mph IAS glide slope offered poor forward visibility, and little was improved as the plane came in to land at about 90 mph. It was thus fairly common for combat pilots to make tail up, level landings in order to have a better view of the landing strip before touching down. Its widely spaced gear and wide tire tread otherwise made the landing fairly easy.
While the P-51B’s possessed some truly phenomenal flight characteristics, the same cannot be said for the canopy. In US Navy evaluations the ‘birdcage’ canopy was found to result in poor all-around vision, most notably fore and aft. It was also fairly restrictive and made turning to view behind the aircraft more difficult (Dean 353). The frame itself could also not be opened on take off or landing and thus proved to be of some annoyance to pilots. This would later be solved with the addition of the ‘Malcom Hood’ which provided excellent visibility and was far less confining. The rest of the cockpit was judged to be satisfactory and capable of accommodating pilots of varying stature.
Comparisons with American Fighter Aircraft: Early to Mid 1944
Entering service alongside the P-47 and P-38, the new P-51’s would compare very well. When it came to the P-47D, equipped with R-2800-63’s, these aircraft were in some ways complementary, and excelled in areas the other did not. Thanks to its powerful turbosupercharger, the P-47 would retain the power needed to outperform the P-51 above 25,000ft, but was significantly slower at lower altitudes. The P-47 was also less vulnerable to ground fire and thus better suited for ground attack missions. The P-51B however, outstripped the P-47D in rate of climb, linear speed, acceleration at altitudes below roughly 30,000ft, and dive performance (Ethell 70; Marshall & Ford 526). Ergonomically speaking, the P-51B was the superior aircraft, as the turbosupercharger controls of the P-47D added to the workload of the pilot.
While the P-38J would receive external fuel tanks that would allow it to travel to Berlin and back, it was held back by a number of factors that severely reduced its combat effectiveness. In the European Theater of Operations, the P-51B would present a clear and general improvement over the P-38s, which saw more success in other theaters with conditions that they were better suited to, namely the Mediterranean and Pacific.
German Fighter Comparison: Early to Mid 1944
Entering service near the end of 1943, the P-51B compared very well to the German Fw 190As and Bf 109Gs in service at that time. The typical Bf 109 encountered through the first half of 1944 was the Bf 109G-6 series, which possessed better firepower than those that preceded it, but was heavier, and initially slower for it. These planes were equipped with either the Daimler-Benz DB 605A, or the high altitude, DB 605AS engines, both of which were later equipped with MW-50 boost systems. In all cases the P-51B possessed the superior linear speed, but in the case of MW-50 equipped aircraft, the Mustang had a slightly lower climb rate at low to medium altitude (Marshall & Ford 526, 523; P-51 flight tests). Without the boost system, which came into widespread use in the summer of 1944, the Bf 109G-6 was considerably slower and had a clear disadvantage in top speed and climb rate at all altitudes. The disparity with the high altitude model was much narrower, though the P-51 still held an edge.
Visibility the Bf 109 was more or less on the same level of the standard ‘birdcage’ P-51B, and this would largely remain the case, as both planes would be re-equipped with improved canopies that offered better visibility. However, the cockpit of the P-51 was considerably more spacious and was further improved by the Malcolm hood. The Bf 109’s greatest strength was that it was equipped with an automatic RPM governor and mixture control that took a great deal of work off the pilot.
In terms of armament, both aircraft were comparable, with an unmodified Bf 109G-6 possessing a pair of 13mm machine guns and either a 20 or 30mm cannon, which fired through the propeller hub. Of the two, the 30mm was far less common.
Overall, the Bf 109G-6 was a somewhat dated fighter, one that had its advantages, but was generally outclassed by the new Mustang. However, upgrades like water-methanol injection, an improved vertical stabilizer, and a new canopy helped keep the aircraft competitive and staved off obsolescence. The much refined ‘Kurfurst’ series would match P-51 performance in a number of areas, but its introduction was well after the Luftwaffe had lost control of German airspace.
The P-51B would face several models of the Fw 190A, with the most up to date being the A-8. The P-51B would have considerable linear speed, climb, and high altitude dive advantages over the earlier models. The Fw 190A-8 would have the benefit of a significant boost in power to its BMW 801D-2 engine, first by means of a fuel injection system, and in the summer of 1944, they were judged robust enough to be run at higher manifold pressures and had their supercharger boost regulators overridden. These modifications allowed the engine to produce significantly more power and increased the aircraft’s top speed at all altitudes (Douglass 344). In terms of top speed, this put these two aircraft on closer footing at low altitude, and ahead of the other two American fighters. It was, however, nowhere close to offsetting the general disparities at higher altitudes. The excellent defensive characteristics of the aircraft helped to offset some of its disadvantages against the P-51, as the Fw 190A held the best roll rate in the theater, solid dive characteristics, and good rearward visibility.
Subsequent models of both these aircraft, the most numerous being the Bf 109G-14 and the Fw 190D-9, would largely eliminate the performance disparity at low altitude. However, at medium to high altitudes, the P-51 would still enjoy a considerable edge in top speed, dive performance, and high speed maneuverability. Only later Bf 109G’s with enlarged superchargers and better high altitude performance were close to closing the gap, with the K-4 series finally achieving high altitude parity near the very end of the war.
The Bf 109G-14 and the Fw 190D-9 would enter service in the Autumn and Winter of 1944, though they would not entirely replace their predecessors by the end of the war. [Largescaleplanes, Asisbiz]
Building the P-51B & C
The P-51B’s and C’s were built at plants in Inglewood, California, and Dallas, Texas, respectively. The distinction exists due to the differences in manufacturing between these two facilities, but these are functionally the same aircraft. With the exception of the earliest model, the P-51B-1, which had a different aileron design, their components were interchangeable. The main production models were equipped with the Packard V-1650-7 engine. Deliveries of these models began in February of 1944 (Marshall & Ford 253)
Production of this aircraft was complicated greatly by the breakneck pace of its procurement, which saw massive orders placed before its prototype had completed testing. As such, the aircraft that left the factories differed considerably even when they were built mere weeks apart. While all WWII fighters underwent constant modification, the level and rate of changes made to the P-51B and C were extensive and rapid. In addition to minimal changes, like changing the pilot’s seat from a wooden one to a magnesium one, in a matter of weeks the P-51B would receive an additional fuselage fuel tank, an extension to its vertical stabilizer and a rudder anti-balance tab, and an elevator control system which made use of a 20lb bob weight (Dean 329). These features would constitute a considerable challenge to work into the design without compromising the pace of production for an aircraft that USAAF planners wanted in as great quantity in the shortest possible time.
In the end they were successful in that they delivered the P-51B in great quantities despite the rushed pace of procurement, development, and production. However, it certainly contributed to the severe teething issues experienced by the aircraft that would see it briefly grounded in March of 1944 and would trouble it for weeks later.
In all, 1,988 P-51Bs were built with the first leaving the production lines, at a very low initial rate, in the summer of 1943 with the first deliveries taking place in August, with a further 1,750 P-51C’s being built. Production of both types declined as the P-51D production began in January of 1944, with the last P-51B’s leaving Inglewood in March and P-51C production continuing for several more weeks (Dean 321).
The wing group of the P-51 was composed of each wing, bolted together at the centerline. Each wing was of a cantilever stressed skin construction and consisted of a main panel, the wingtip, the flap, and the aileron. The main panel was built up around a main forward spar and a rear spar, to which twenty one pressed ribs were attached. These spars were spliced together roughly around half their length. A self-sealing 90 gallon fuel tank was fitted at the inboard section and a bay for its .50 caliber machine guns and ammunition was found near the center. The ailerons were of a fairly heavy construction, being all metal and supported by two spars and twelve flanged ribs. They were aerodynamically balanced by a diaphragm attached to the forward edge of the aileron and sealed to the rear spar by a fabric strip. These were controlled by means of a cable, as were all of the control surfaces of this aircraft. These were equipped with trim tabs and were adjustable in flight. The flaps were all metal plain flaps that were hinged on three sealed ball bearings and were hydraulically actuated.
The wings of the P-51 were designed to achieve laminar flow and used a NAA/NACA 45-100 series airfoil. It would fall short of true laminar flow as even extremely minor surface imperfections resulted in airflow disruptions that made laminar flow impossible. However, these were among the most aerodynamically advanced wings used by any fighter during the Second World War, providing extremely low drag and excellent high altitude dive performance.
The main fuselage section also contained the cockpit, the windshield being composed of a center pane of bullet resistant five pane laminated glass, with two Plexiglas windows to either side. The canopy was either a metal framed Plexiglas ‘bird cage’, or a Malcom Hood. The birdcage had panels that opened outward on the top and port side. The hood slid back across the rear of the canopy. Behind the pilot were lucite windows which enclosed the radio space. A relief tube was installed and stored beneath the seat, and proved quite useful considering the long flights that this aircraft commonly made.
Tail Section
The tail section was affixed to the rear fuselage and consisted of the horizontal stabilizer, elevators, fin, vertical stabilizer, and the rudder. The horizontal stabilizer was a one piece assembly supported by two spars, fixed to the fuselage by four bolts, and through which the vertical stabilizer was attached. The elevators consisted of a front spar with eighteen flanged ribs, and was initially fabric skinned with Alclad leading edges before it was later entirely metal skinned. These were fastened with five sealed ball bearing hinges and each had an adjustable trim tab.
The vertical stabilizer was supported by two spars along with four ribs and a detachable tip. Extensions to the vertical stabilizer by means of a fin were added to P-51B/C’s to correct for longitudinal stability issues with a full fuselage fuel tank, and to correct certain undesirable characteristics when the aircraft was put through a roll. The rudder was fitted at the rear of the stabilizer and was supported by a single spar to which twenty flanged ribs were attached. Much of the rudder was skinned with mercerized cotton, save for the reverse edge. The rudder was fitted with a trim tab and aerodynamically balanced by means of a 16.6 lb lead weight at the tip.
Engine Section
The engine section consisted of the engine mounting and external cowl components and was bolted to the firewall. The cowl consisted of a frame made of Alclad beams to which the cowl panels fastened. This frame acts as a cradle for the engine which is mounted by a bracket through anti-vibration units. The entire section is designed to facilitate easy access to the engine through panels, and the engine mount allows for the rapid removal of the Packard engine.

The early models of the P-51B used a Packard V-1650-3, with this engine being replaced on the production line in February of 1944 with the Packard V-1650-7. These are largely the same engine, though their superchargers were geared for optimal performance at different altitudes and thus have different maximum outputs. The 1650-3 was designed specifically for high altitude use and gave the P-51B/C a full throttle height of 29,000 feet, the 1650-7 was geared to achieve a higher engine output at a FTH of 21,400 feet (Marshall & Ford 253).
These engines had a bore of 5.40 inches, a stroke of 6 inches, a displacement of 1,649 cubic inches, a compression ratio of 6.0:1, a width of 30 inches, a height of 41.6 inches, length 87.1 inches, a frontal area of 5.9 sq. ft, and a weight of 1690 lbs. They differed in that the -3 supercharger ratios of 6.391:1 and 8.095:1, and those of the -7 were 5.80:1 and 7.35:1 (Wilkinson 125, 127). They were both fitted with a four blade Hamilton-Standard 24D50-65 or -87 hydropneumatic propeller with aluminum blades of a diameter of 11 feet and 2 inches. These blades were either 6547-6, 6547A-6, or 6523A-24 types. The engine exhaust stacks were of a stainless steel construction which had a removable exhaust shroud to keep heat from the spark plugs and to reduce drag.
Radiator and Cooling Systems
The engine was cooled by two separate systems, one dedicated to the engine, and the other cooled the supercharged fuel-air mixture. Both of these systems were connected through the main radiator matrix within the air scoop below the main fuselage, with the coolant flow maintained by an engine driven pump. A smaller radiator for the oil cooler was placed below and ahead of the radiator matrix for the engine and aftercooler. The radiator setup was designed to make use of the Meredith effect, which in practical terms meant that the heated air flow out of the radiator produced thrust which counteracted a large percentage of the drag incurred by the scoop. The outlet for the radiator was automatically controlled. This design was able to reduce net drag upwards of 90% and was one of the most important features which allowed the aircraft to achieve such a high top speed (Marshall & Ford 510).
Fuel System
The initial models of the P-51B possessed only two 92 gallon wing fuel tanks with an 85 gallon fuselage fuel tank being included later through modification kits and was eventually incorporated into the production line. The Mustang was also capable of carrying two external fuel tanks by means of wing mounts. Fuel was drawn only from individual fuel tanks, requiring the pilot to manage up to five individual sources of fuel throughout longer flights (Pilot’s Training Manual 26).
Armament and Armor
P-51B’s were equipped with four .50 caliber AN/M2 machine guns. Each inboard gun was supplied with up to 250 rounds, with the outboard weapons having 350 each. These guns were mounted at roughly 45 degree angles within the wing, which caused severe cycling issues when the guns were fired while the aircraft was pulling hard maneuvers. These issues were lessened with the addition of electric boost motors for the ammunition feed, but were not completely solved until the subsequent P-51D model. The guns were electrically heated to prevent them from locking up at high altitudes. These aircraft were typically equipped with the N-3B reflector gunsight, with later aircraft receiving K-14 gyroscopic gunsights.
(Dean 355-376)
It would take a considerable effort to develop the P-51B from its Allison engined predecessors, and even greater hurdles would have to be overcome to produce them in the quantities needed. In the end, both were achieved and the P-51B would enter large-scale operation in the Spring of 1944. In spite of its harsh teething issues, it would become among the most decisive weapons of the Second World War. With its incredible range and medium and high altitude performance, the aircraft would prove instrumental in establishing air superiority over Western Europe prior to Operation Overlord, and contesting the skies over Germany itself.
P-51B/C ( with Fuselage tank) | Specification |
Engine | Packard Merlin V-1650-3, V-1650-7 |
Engine Output [V-1650-7] | 1630 hp [1720 hp] |
Maximum Escort Fighter Weight | 11,150 lbs (2x108gal external) |
Gross Weight | 9,681 lbs |
Empty weight | 6,988 lbs |
Maximum Range [External Fuel] | 1350 miles [2150 miles] |
Combat radius [External Fuel] | 375 miles [750 miles] |
Maximum speed (V-1650-7) | 444 mph (75″ Hg) at 20600ft |
Armament | 4x .50 cal M2 machine guns, 1200 rounds of ammunition |
Crew | Pilot |
Length | 32′ 2 |
Height (tail down) | 12’8 |
Wingspan | 37.03′ |
Wing Area | 235.75 sq.ft |
P-51B/C ( with Fuselage tank) | Specification |
Engine | Packard Merlin V-1650-3, V-1650-7 |
Engine Output [V-1650-7] | 1630 hp [1720 hp] |
Maximum Escort Fighter Weight | 5058 kg (2×409 liters external) |
Gross Weight | 4391 kg |
Empty weight | 3169 kg |
Maximum Range [External Fuel] | 2172 km [3460 km] |
Combat radius [External Fuel] | 603 km [1207 km] |
Maximum speed (V-1650-7) | 714 km/h (1905mm Hg) at 6279 m |
Armament | 4x 12.7mm M2 machine guns, 1200 rounds of ammunition |
Crew | Pilot |
Length | 9.80 m |
Height (tail down) | 3.86 m |
Wingspan | 11.29 m |
Wing Area | 21.9 sq.m |
(Dean, Performance Tests on P-38J, P-47D and P-51B Airplanes Tested with 44-1 Fuel., Marshall & Ford)
Maximum Level Speed | Speed at 67″ Hg, 3000 RPM | 75″ Hg, 3000 RPM | No wing racks, 75″ Hg, 3000 RPM |
Sea level | 364 mph | 380 mph | 388 mph |
Critical altitude low blower | 408 mph at 10400 ft | 411 mph at 2300 ft | 422 mph at 7400ft |
Critical altitude high blower | 426 mph at 23900 ft | 431 mph at 20600ft | 444 mph at 20600ft |
Aircraft Specification | Gross weight 9680lbs, P-51B-15 | (V-1650-7) |
*A note on fuels: The 75″ of manifold pressure figure represents the high end of performance using 150 octane fuels, these were typically only available to P-51 squadrons based in England.
Climb rate | 67″, 3000 RPM | 75″ Hg, 3000 RPM |
Maximum at low blower | 3,920 ft/min at 5600 ft | 4,380 ft/min 2,300 ft |
Maximum at high blower | 3,170 ft/min at 19,200 ft | 3,700 ft/min at 15,600 ft |
Aircraft Specification | Gross weight 9680lbs, P-51B-15 |
Maximum Level Speed | Speed at 1701 mm Hg, 3000 RPM | 1905mm Hg, 3000 RPM | No wing racks, 1905mm Hg, 3000 RPM |
Sea level | 586 km/h | 611 km/h | 624 km/h |
Critical altitude low blower | 656 km/h at 3169 m | 661 km/h at 701 m | 679 km/h at 2255 m |
Critical altitude high blower | 685 km/h at 7284 m | 693 km/h at 6278 m | 714 km/h at 6278 m |
Aircraft Specification | Gross weight 4390 kg, P-51B-15 | (V-1650-7) |
Climb rate | 1701 mm Hg, 3000 RPM | 1905 Hg, 3000 RPM |
Maximum at low blower | 1194 meter/minute at 1707 m | 1335 meter/minute 701 m |
Maximum at high blower | 966 meter/minute at 5852 m | 1128 meter/minute at 4755 m |
Aircraft Specification | Gross weight 4390 kg, P-51B-15 |
(Performance Tests on P-38J, P-47D and P-51B Airplanes Tested with 44-1 Fuel.)
P-51 Variants through P-51D
North American | USAAF | RAF | Engine | Armament | No. Built | Additional Notes. First delivery |
NA-73X | – | – | Allison | – | 1 | Prototype. October 1940 |
NA-73, -83 | XP-51 | Mustang Mk I | Allison | 2x .50 cal MG, 4x .30 cal MG | 622 | RAF, export. August 1941 |
NA-91 | P-51 | Mustang Mk Ia | Allison | 4x 20mm cannons | 150 | ‘Plain P-51’. July 1942 |
NA-97 | A-36A | – | Allison | 6x .50 cal MG, bombs | 500 | Dive Bomber. October 1942 |
NA-99 | P-51A | Mustang Mk II | Allison | 4x .50 cal MG | 310 | March 1943 |
NA-101 | XP-51B | – | Packard | 4x .50 cal MG | 2 (converted) | P-51B prototype |
NA-102, -104 | P-51B | Mustang Mk III | Packard | 4x .50 cal MG | 1988 | Inglewood production. Summer 1943 |
NA-101, -103 | P-51C | Mustang Mk IIIB | Packard | 4x .50 cal MG | 1750 | Dallas production. August 1943 |
NA-106 (through -124) | P-51D | Mustang Mk IV | Packard | 6x .50 Cal MG | +8000 | Bubble canopy. January 1944 |
(Dean 321)
P-51B & C Variants
P-51B & C Variants | Notes | Serial No.’s |
P-51B-1-NA | Earliest production model, steel aileron diaphragms, two point aileron attachment. | 43-12093 to 12492. |
P-51B-5-NA | Three attachment points per aileron, non-magnetic diaphragm. | 43-6313 to 6352, 43-6353 to 6752, 43-6753 to 7112. |
P-51B-7-NA | B-1s and 5s which received a new fuselage fuel tank carried this designation. Aircraft often carried prior designation in practice. Converted aircraft. | – |
P-51B-10-NA | Production model with fuselage tank. | 43-7113 to 7202, 42-106429 to 106538, 42-106541 to 106738. |
P-51B-15-NA | Engine changed to Packard V-1650-7 (previous models were converted to this engine via supercharger kits). | 42-106739 to 106908, 42-106909 to 106978, 43-24752 to 106738. |
P-51C-1-NT | Same as P-51B-5-NA. | 42-102979 to 103328 |
P-51C-2-NT | C-1s which received a new fuselage fuel tank carried this designation. Aircraft often used prior designation in practice. Converted aircraft. | – |
P-51C-5-NT | Same as P-51B-15-NA. | 42-103329 to 103378, 42-103379 to 103778. |
P-51-C-10-NT | Production model with stabilizing fin extension. | 42-10818 to 103978, 43-24902 to 25251, 44-10753 to 10782, 44-10818 to 10852, 44-10859 to 11036, 44-11123 to 11152. |
P-51C-11-NT | Production model. | 44-10783 to 10817, 44-10853 to 10858,44-11037 to 11122. |
F-6C | Photoreconnaissance. Converted Aircraft. | – |
TP-51C | Dual control trainer. Converted Aircraft. | – |
(Marshall & Ford, O’Leary)
Illustrations by Ed Jackson

- Written by Henry H.
- Edited by Ed Jackson & Henry H.
- Illustrations by Ed Jackson
- Flight Tests On The North American P-51B-15 Airplane, AAF NO. 43-24777, 1944.
- Preliminary Results of Performance Tests on a P-51B Airplane with 44-1 Fuel P-51B-5-NA, V-1650-7 Engine. 1944.
- P-51B-15-NA 43-24777 (Packard Merlin V-1650-7) Performance Tests on P-38J, P-47D and P-51B Airplanes Tested with 44-1 Fuel. (GRADE 104/150). 15 May, 1944.
- Matthews, H. F. Elimination Of Rumble From The Cooling Ducts Of A Single-Engine Pursuit Airplane. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS. 1943.
- Messerschmitt A.G. Augsburg. (1944). Leistungen Me 109 G-14/U4 mit Db 605 Am u. Asm. 1944.
- Pilot Training Manual for the Mustang. United States Army Air Force, 1943.
- Pilot’s Flight Operating Instructions P-51B-1 Airplane. Evansville, Indiana: United States Army Air Force, 1943.
- Pilot’s Notes for Mustang III Packard Merlin V-1650-3 Engine. Air Council, 1944.
- Wilkinson, Paul. Aircraft Engines of the World. 1944.
- The United States Strategic Bombing Survey: Over-All Report (European War). U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1945.
- Bucholtz, Chris. 332Nd Fighter Group: Tuskegee Airmen. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2007.
- Bucholtz, Chris. 4Th Fighter Group “Debden Eagles”. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2008.
- O’Leary, Micheal. Building the P-51 Mustang the Story of Manufacturing North American’s Legendary WWII Fighter in Original Photos. Specialty Pr Pub & Wholesalers, 2011.
- Dean, Francis H. America’s Hundred Thousand: the US Production Fighter Aircraft of World War II. Schiffer Publ., 1997.
- Douglas, Calum E. Secret Horsepower Race: Second World War Fighter Aircraft Engine Development on the Western Front. TEMPEST, 2020.
- Ethell, Jeffrey L. Mustang: A Documentary History of the P-51. London: Jane’s, 1981.
- Haulman, Daniel L. Nine Myths about the Tuskegee Airmen. October 21, 2011.
- Marshall, James William; Ford, Lowell. P-51B Mustang: The Bastard Stepchild that saved the Eighth air force. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. 2020. (Electronic)
- Moye, J. Todd. Freedom Flyers: The Tuskegee Airmen of World War II. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012.
- Overy, Richard James. The Bombing War: Europe 1939-1945. London: Penguin Books, 2014.