United States of America (1975)
Anti-Submarine Warfare Aircraft; 188 built, 160 upgraded to S-3B
The Modern Submarine
The submarine of the Second World War was little more than a long range torpedo boat with the ability to submerge itself for short periods of time to avoid detection. Its offensive capabilities were rather modest, and apart from some outlying, but considerable, success against warships, it was typically seen as a tool for disrupting overseas shipping. Their comparatively low speed coupled with the need to transit on the surface for long periods, which snorkels could not entirely eliminate, would see them become a supporting vessel of most navies. However, advancements near the end of the war would transform the submarine from a raider and reconnaissance vessel, to one of naval warfare’s principal combatants.
Owing to the extreme desperation of the German U-boat force, a submarine built along new, revolutionary lines was designed. As the surface proved an exceptionally dangerous place to be, due to long range Allied patrol aircraft, the new boat would be designed to operate almost entirely submerged for the duration of its patrols. The new Type XXI was designed around the most modern features of any submarine thus built, featuring a much improved pressure hull construction, partially-automatic torpedo loading, a powerful sonar array, and a massive battery capacity which, combined with a hydrodynamically clean hull, allowed it to travel at double the speed of a conventional Type VIIC with over three times the range.
In addition to the new submarine’s capabilities, the Type XXI also demonstrated that submarines could also be built at an unheard of rate thanks to its modular construction. Submarine sections could be constructed at secondary factories before being shipped to main construction yards, where they would be assembled into completed boats. Initially, an intelligence survey estimated that the Soviet Union could have as many as 2000 modern diesel-electric submarines in 1960. However, a much more reasonable secondary survey noted that they were likely restricted to 400 boats, owing to available dockyard space, fuel, and bottlenecks in battery maintenance and production. Regardless, the US Navy began work on a modernized anti-submarine strategy to counter a potential flood of Soviet boats which could threaten intercontinental supply lines in a potential war.
Unlike their land based counterparts, early carrier based ASW aircraft lacked the ability to carry both the sensors and weapons needed for the task and were thus placed in a pair of cooperating aircraft. The first such pair were the TBM-3W ‘warning’, for detection, and TBM-3S ‘strike’, for carrying out attacks on marked submarines. These hunter-killer teams operated aboard modified escort carriers and later switched to fleet carriers, when it became clear the small escort carriers could not reliably launch and recover the larger hunter-killers. In the early 50s, it was recognized that the entire system was extremely clumsy and would not provide adequate anti-submarine support.

The CVS program was thus introduced, which brought several mothballed WWII era-fleet carriers back into service as dedicated anti-submarine warfare ships. The CVS’s, which were introduced in 1952, were soon joined by the S-2 Tracker two years after. The Tracker was large enough to carry both the sensors and the weapons, and the clumsy hunter-killers were finally dispensed with. The S-2 was an excellent ASW aircraft which would go on to serve in a number of roles, though by the mid 60s, the growing capabilities of Soviet submarines and operational troubles with operating a piston engined aircraft on increasingly jet dominated carriers began to highlight the need for a replacement.
The Soviet Nuclear Submarine
Through the 50s and early sixties, the existing strategies for sub hunting were predicated on the need for submarines to recharge their batteries, and that said batteries could be discharged during a drawn out search, thus rendering the submarine helpless. Advancements in Soviet nuclear engineering would end up negating most of these existing strategies. General Secretary Iosif Stalin would formally sign off on the program to build the first Soviet nuclear submarine in 1952. The boat was to be a delivery platform for a gigantic nuclear torpedo for use against harbors. It was completely impractical, and due to the extreme secrecy surrounding it, was rejected by Soviet Admiral Kuzntetsov upon learning of it. The Project 672 Kit (NATO reporting sign November) was then given a conventional torpedo armament and went out to sea in 1958. It was a fast boat, with a given maximum speed of 28 kts, but its turbines proved unreliable and its reactor developed leaks after 800 hours. Less concerning was its noisiness, a factor Soviet submarine designers felt was less important than top speed, and a design choice that would plague Soviet nuclear submarines into the 1970s.
The nuclear submarine was a far more capable and deadly opponent compared to its diesel electric counterparts. Without needing to rely on electric power for underwater propulsion, a nuclear submarine was not restricted to a small patrol area, nor did it need to expose itself to detection to recharge. Furthermore, it was fast. As loud as the Novembers were, they were nearly twice as fast as contemporary diesel electric submarines. Lastly, their larger size enabled them to carry larger, more sensitive sonar systems and greater complements of weapons. In short, it was a faster, more alert, and better armed threat than anything the US Navy ever had to contend with.
The Novembers proved to be a wake up call to the US Navy, but their operational restrictions kept them from being perceived as a massive threat. For instance, they were not deployed to the Caribbean during the Cuban missile crisis, as the distance was deemed a hazard. The turbines aboard these boats were unreliable, and there was no wish to have their most advanced submarine being seen under tow. Subsequent developments would however be a more considerable concern to the US surface fleet. General Secretary Nikita Kruschev’s plan for the Soviet Navy was to be one that was capable of defending its own coasts using light warships armed with anti-ship missiles, and submarines which could stalk shipping lanes for enemy vessels. As opposed to Stalin’s views, Kruschev’s plan heavily favored the development of cruise missiles and submarines over a balanced fleet, and largely handicapped the development of larger warships.
In spite of the limitations of the Soviet nuclear submarine fleet of the sixties, their growing capabilities would prompt the US into developing their anti-submarine forces even further. Throughout the sixties, new aircraft ASW tactics were employed to replace the old snorkel-chasing methods. A greater focus was placed on the use of sonobuoys, which could be used to survey larger patrol areas, and the newer versions of which were growing ever more sensitive and sophisticated. Greater coordination with surface vessels was also employed, with newer destroyers and frigates mounting considerably more powerful sonar systems. Overall, US nuclear subs would take up an ever more important role in anti-submarine warfare, massive new hydrophone lines were laid in strategically important areas, and the aircraft carrier was soon to take a primary position in anti-submarine strategy.
In the world of the nuclear submarine and the jet carrier air group, the S-2 Tracker was becoming an ever more inconvenient asset. As carriers began to carry an ever greater number of jet aircraft, there was some frustration with having to still carry stores of aviation gasoline for the S-2s. The situation was not improved by the retirement of the WWII era converted CVS, which would be entirely out of service by the early 1970s. As a result, the entire surface ASW framework was to be restructured. Among the earliest moves was to announce a competition for the S-2 replacement in 1964, under the designation VSX. The new plane was required to have at least twice the speed, twice the range, and twice the ceiling of the aging Tracker. Lockheed was among the most promising entrants due to their previous history in designing maritime patrol aircraft, though their lack of experience with carrier based aircraft saw them partner with LTV Aviation, and the new ASW gear was to be designed by Univac Federal Systems.
They were formally awarded the contract in 1969. The first of eight YS-3A prototype and pre production aircraft flew only three years after the contract was finalized in 1972, with the aircraft entering service two years later. This program was also the first to have a formalized set of milestones to ensure costs were kept low and technical risks were reduced. All program milestones were met ahead of schedule, and the plane was prototyped, built, and delivered in quantity in only five years. Their carriers too were modified to better suit ASW operations. In 1971, the USS Saratoga was the first to receive an ASW analysis center and support shops for ASW gear and weapons. All carriers but the older, smaller Midway class were able to receive the improvements. Prior to the introduction of the Viking, carriers operated S-2’s, with the introduction of the new aircraft vastly improving the anti-submarine capabilities of US carrier battle groups. The plane could perform an ASW search quickly at 35,000 feet at a speed of over 300 kts, a massive improvement over the S-2’s 135 kts at 10,000 ft. Even before considering the massive improvements in sensors and the centralized computer integration, the Viking could patrol truly massive stretches of ocean for a plane of its size. With a payload of four lightweight torpedoes and 60 sonobuoys, the Viking could fly out 826 nmi from its carrier, and conduct a two hour search before having to return. The use of external stores and airborne tankers could push this already phenomenal range out even further.
Given the distance between these forces, gaps inevitably form, and these areas are typically patrolled by aircraft. In wartime, the Viking could quickly fly out to these locations and deploy a grid of sonobuoys, which it could maintain for several hours before being relieved by other aircraft. In addition to screening the path of the carrier, the S-3A could also be tasked to patrol the open ocean to search for older cruise missile submarines, which had to surface for long periods to fire their weapons. The S-3 would eventually receive Harpoons for this role, but initially, it would carry Hydra 2.75 inch rockets or unguided bombs. By the late 70s, these submarine ‘Shaddock’ missiles were easily defeated by the new EW systems and defensive weapons added to destroyers, cruisers, and carriers, but they still posed a threat to lighter warships and shipping. In addition to open ocean patrols and barrier searches, the Vikings could be quickly dispatched to support patrolling frigates and destroyers which were tracking submarines.
Into the 80s
While the S-3A proved an incredible new addition to the fleet, it soon encountered an unexpected challenge. As a result of the post-Vietnam defense cuts, the spare parts program for the Viking was among the worst affected. Stocks of replacement parts began to grow tight by 1977, though they would not pose a serious issue until the turn of the decade. As a result of stricter rationing of components, the mission readiness level of the Viking squadrons often fell to below 40% in 1981. However, the problem was soon identified and the procurement of more replacement parts began the following year, along with a new series of maintenance programs to increase readiness. Thanks to these efforts, the mission readiness of these squadrons climbed to 60% in 1983 and rose to 80% in the coming years, the highest in the fleet.
While the Navy was procuring additional parts, they also initiated a program to drastically improve the offensive and sensor capabilities of the aircraft. The Weapon Systems Improvement Program would seek to prepare the S-3 Viking for its service into the new millennium. Most of these improvements were focused around the aircraft’s sensor systems, most notably its new inverse synthetic aperture radar, which boasted a much higher capability in regards to periscope and snorkel detection, and its acoustic sensor suite. The acoustic data processor was improved through the use of a standardized naval signal processor which ran on a software shared among new naval maritime patrol aircraft, a new sonobuoy receiver boosted the available channels from 31 to 99, and it received a new, more reliable tape recorder for storing gathered acoustic data.
The sum of these upgrades would end up seeing the modified aircraft identified as S-3B’s, as squadrons began to receive the improvements in 1984. In addition to these upgrades and after the parts shortage, the scope of duties for the aircraft began to grow over the years. Among the first new tasks assigned to the Viking was to act as an airborne tanker. The long endurance of the aircraft, coupled with its incredibly fuel efficient turbofan engines, made it extremely capable in the new role. Carrying ‘buddy stores’, the S-3 could increase the range and endurance of cooperating carrier-borne aircraft in a much more efficient manner than the Ka-6d tanker, or a fighter or strike aircraft carrying the fuel tank and drogue system.
As the 1980s drew on, the Navy began to push the operational limits of the aircraft out ever further, and to great success. The S-3 took on the aerial mining mission, and during the Northern Wedding and United Effort exercises of 1982 and 1983, the operational search range of the Viking was pushed out to 1000 nmi with the use of airborne tankers. Even more noteworthy, they were able to detect and track submarines at that range during the exercise. While the S-3 Viking was initially introduced to serve a single, and very specialized purpose, the aircraft would end up proving extremely versatile and provided a number of new services to the carrier fleet, far beyond the expectations of its designers.
Operation Desert Storm and Late Career
A total of 43 Vikings would be active across these carriers by February 1991, where they would serve in a number of roles. Ironically, due to Iraq’s lack of a submarine force, ASW was not a role they performed during this conflict. These aircraft flew a total of 1,674 sorties between January 17 and February 28, 1991. The majority, with 1043 flights, were aerial refueling missions supporting other coalition aircraft. However, they also flew a number of reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and several surface air combat patrol sorties, these numbering 263, 101, and 20, respectively. The rest of their flights were categorized as unspecified support missions, or ‘other’.
Apart from aerial tanker duties, these Vikings flew most of their patrols to survey the Persian gulf, in order to track what few warships Iraq had, and to mark the location of mines. Some Vikings were also involved in the search for Iraq’s short range Scud ballistic missiles, a great fear at the time being that some of them may have carried chemical weapons payloads. They also performed a number of unorthodox tasks. For instance, the US carrier air groups could not electronically receive their daily air tasking orders from the coalition headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Their solution was to dispatch an S-3B to pick them up on a near daily basis. Among the most imaginative uses of the aircraft was in delivering photos from carrier based reconnaissance services to units fighting on the ground. This was done by placing the photos in an empty sonobuoy tube and parachuting them to units. One Viking also sank an unidentified class of Iraqi patrol ship on February 20, 1991, after dropping three unguided mk82 bombs on it. Offensive patrols were comparatively restricted and were conducted in areas with limited anti-aircraft threats.
As a result of the collapse of the USSR, the global submarine threat to the US Navy declined to almost nothing, and thus the Viking squadrons transitioned from anti-submarine, to surface control units to better represent their more multipurpose role. They would eventually discard their ASW equipment, with the anti-submarine mission being made the purview of the US submarine fleet and long range maritime patrol squadrons. Several new upgrades were initiated during the turn of the millennium, mostly in regards to new avionics and improvements to carrier landing aids. They would also include the Maverick Plus upgrade, which would enable the S-3B to use IR guided models of the AGM 65 missile, and the AGM-84H family of ground attack missiles. However, after the KA-6D left the service in the late 90s, the Viking would become the fleet’s primary aerial tanker.
The last major operation where the Vikings saw use was during the later invasion of Iraq, during which they primarily acted as tankers. There were, however, some strikes carried out by S-3Bs using the new Maverick Plus system, but these were comparatively rare. As the 2000’s came to a close and the US carrier force wished to divest itself of all but the most essential airframes, the Viking had fully left the service by 2010. The fleet was thus without a dedicated aerial tanker, and instead employed F/A-18s carrying ‘buddy stores’ to refuel other fighters.
Perhaps its later most publicized use was in delivering President George H.W. Bush aboard the carrier USS Abraham Lincoln after the invasion of Iraq. There, he delivered an address to the nation regarding the end of Operation Iraqi Freedom, in front of the long derided banner which simply read ‘Mission Accomplished’.
While the Viking’s military career came to a close, a number of aircraft were transferred to NASA as test aircraft in 2004. One of these planes was further developed into a dedicated testing platform in 2006 and was subsequently demilitarized. Most of the existing avionics were replaced with more contemporary civilian equipment and provisions for adding experimental equipment were installed. The Viking was given the civil air registration code N601NA and would see heavy use by the administration for the next 15 years, with the remaining Vikings being used for ground testing.
Operating Characteristics
The high and broad wings of the Viking presented good low speed flight characteristics and high maneuverability. This was also aided by the lateral control system of the aircraft, which consisted of a set of small outboard ailerons, a pair of spoilers above the wing and one on the underside, and a leading edge flap. Pilots in both the Navy and NASA test programs praised the responsiveness and stability these systems provided. This ability was well valued during low altitude MAD searches and during low level communications testing for NASA and the FAA. However, at higher speeds, pilots needed to be aware of a degree of oversensitivity, as the aircraft did not possess a fly by wire system.
The addition of an APU in this aircraft greatly simplified and accelerated the start up procedure, as it did not require the pilot to request external power from the deck crew. A relatively simple start up enabled the aircraft to be ready some 15 to 20 minutes before its scheduled launch, and helped in speeding up the turn-over in deck operations. The only inconvenience the aircraft presented was that its low mounted engines were considerably quieter than most other embarked aircraft, meaning ground crew needed to pay particular attention to these aircraft as they moved across the deck. In short, the S-3 was very well suited to carrier operations.
In the submarine hunting role, the Viking was in no shortage of equipment. The primary means of conducting an anti-submarine search were its sonobuoys. The aircraft carried a variety of these devices, which allowed for passive listening, or actively sending out an echolocating ping which revealed the positions of nearby submarines. These were often arrayed out in a grid like pattern in an aircraft’s patrol area to allow for the surveillance of a much larger area. They were typically dropped in line-like, or triangular patterns when used to try and get an accurate fix on the submarine’s location. Through acoustic analysis, the Viking was able classify submarine contacts by comparing them to existing sound profiles and was capable of gathering new profiles on vessels which had not yet had one compiled. Sonobuoys were usually dropped from the aircraft’s cruising altitude of 35,000 ft, though often from lower altitudes when a contact had been found and a finer pattern of the devices needed to be sown. The sonobuoy system was the first of its kind capable of accurately pinpointing the position of each device.
Sonobuoys provided a screen through which a transiting submarine could be detected, though they were not used for basic open ocean searches. The limited effective range of the individual devices meant that they were used for screening areas ahead of surface groups, filling gaps between other patrol areas, and investigating contacts that were beyond the range of other warships. The aircraft could hand off its sonobuoys to other aircraft from a shared channel, and could receive information from other, off-aircraft sensor sources through their datalink. Thus, in the submarine hunting role, the aircraft could either be a proactive tool, in performing its own searches, or reactive, in responding to suspicious or identified subsurface contacts from other aircraft and vessels. In concert with more modern anti-submarine assets, like the Spruance class destroyer or underwater hydrophone lines, the Viking could prove an incredible asset well beyond the limitations of its own sensors. The Viking was one of, if not the, best equipped ASW aircraft of the entire Cold War. Designed primarily around countering the threat of nuclear submarines, it would of course prove even more capable against diesel-electric submarines which presented more opportunities for detection.
In employing weapons, the majority of the work was done through the TACCO position. This crewmember assigned weapons to targets, and in coordination with the pilot and copilot/COTAC, delivered them. Originally, this meant he would deploy the Mk.46 lightweight torpedoes and depth charges, with the plane being capable of deploying nuclear models as well. Unguided munitions, typically Zuni rockets, Mk 82 iron bombs, or Mk 20 Rockeye cluster bombs, were the responsibility of the pilot and would have been used against surfaced guided missile submarines, or damaged warships. Later in the aircraft’s career, the TACCO would deploy mines, launch AGM 84 Harpoons, and later operate a variety of air to ground missiles with the introduction of the Maverick Plus upgrade.
The aircraft later excelled as an airborne tanker, where its ability to operate for long periods and at range from the carrier were crucial. The task was relatively simple enough, fly straight ahead while offloading fuel onto another aircraft through a hose and basket fuel transfer line. The asymmetric load of the fuel tank and drogue mount required constant trimming, which grew worse as the tank was drained, but this was a largely simple job the plane was well suited for.
The nose of the aircraft contained the radar, followed by the cockpit which seated the pilot and copilot, behind them were the weapons and sensor operators. Aft of the crew sat the forward avionics bay, which itself was over the internal weapons bay, and to the rear of it all was the MAD boom and rear avionics bay. On the underside of the aircraft were the sonobuoy shoots, which in addition to the 48 outer slots, held additional internal stores for 12 more devices. All critical systems had redundancy built in.
The landing gear, and catapult launch bar, were derived from those of the LTV F-8 Crusader and A-7 Crusader II. These consisted of a forward, upward retracting gear and two rear landing gear which retracted inward toward the fuselage. These are hydraulically actuated, though in an emergency, they could be extended by bypassing the hydraulics and letting gravity, and a leaf spring to force the gears into the extended position.
The wings of the aircraft were designed to permit a high degree of control and stability at both low and high speeds at low engine power, up to the maximum permitted speed of 429 kts. These were mounted high on the fuselage and possessed a high aspect ratio of 7.73 and a rearward sweep of 15 degrees. The wings consisted of an outer panel, which could fold inward, and an inner panel, roughly a third the length of the outer panel, which contained a fuel tank, and supported an engine nacelle and a pylon which could fit external fuel or weapons. The tall vertical stabilizer also folded down and to the port side to permit the aircraft to fit the carrier’s hangar doors. The extendable airborne refuel probe was stored just ahead of the wings.
The S-3 was powered by a pair of either General Electric T34-GE-2 or T34-GE-400A high bypass turbofan engines. These both produced 9,275 pounds of thrust at sea level, and the former was used only on pre-production aircraft. These engines used a dual-rotor, single stage, front-fan configuration with a bypass ratio of 6.23 to 1. These were divided into four major sections, being the fan, compressor, combustor, and turbine. The fan was driven by the low pressure turbine and produced 85 percent of the engine’s total thrust. The compressor was composed of 14 stages which compressed air prior to the combustion section, and provided the air for the pneumatic systems aboard the aircraft. The combustor section was where the compressed air was mixed with a fuel air mixture and ignited. The resultant flow drove the high and low pressure turbines within their own section, the high pressure turbine being responsible for driving the compressor, and the low, the fan. The air flow continues out the back of the low-pressure turbine to comprise the remainder of the engine’s thrust.
All of these systems were managed through a single Univac AN/AYK-10 digital computer. The system allowed for a much higher ability to process information compared to the isolated systems in use on virtually all other maritime patrol craft. Additionally, and perhaps much more importantly, it allowed the crewmembers to display information from their own stations to one another through a set of multipurpose display screens at every station. This allowed for the sharing of most sensor data across all four positions, though it was more limited in the case of sonobuoy readouts, as they were half displayed on a secondary screen at the SENSO station. These displays would give crews the ability to coordinate during surface and subsurface searches, and improve planning when preparing to attack. This was particularly valuable to the copilot/COTAC, whose job was to essentially direct the aircraft in achieving its mission. The addition of this system essentially gave them access to every senor and allowed them to work closer with the TACCO when it came time to deploy weapons.
Initially, the Viking could be armed with up to four Mk 46 torpedoes, being either the Mod 1 or Mod 5 NEARTIP during the 1980s. Both types measured 8.5 ft long with a diameter of 12.75 inches, and both carried a 95 lb warhead. The Mod 1 possessed a maximum speed of 45 kts,with the NEARTIP being considerably faster. The NEARTIP provided better tracking of faster targets and better countermeasure rejection, having incorporated a new sonar transducer, control and guidance group, and a new engine which switched from solid propellant to liquid monopropellant. The Viking would also receive the new electric Mk 50 torpedo in the early nineties, but it would shortly after transition away from the ASW mission. There were provisions for mounting up to four torpedoes internally from hardpoints rated up to 600 lbs each. The bomb bay could also carry up to four mines and depth charges, or two B57 nuclear depth charges.
The S-3B could use any of the AGM-84’s in the Navy’s arsenal by the time of its introduction. The first of these was the Block 1B introduced in 1982, which had improved radar guidance allowing it to fly at lower altitudes. The subsequent 1C entered service in 1984 and incorporated a denser fuel, which increased its range by five nautical miles out to 80 nmi when launched from sea level, and added an alternate pop-up attack mode. The 1D entered service in 1992, with the lengthened missile possessing a range of 150 nmi and re-engagement capability, which allowed the missile to circle back to its target if it was deceived by chaff or electronic countermeasures on its first pass.
These sea skimming, turbojet powered missiles were exceptionally difficult to detect and intercept during the Cold War and flew at a constant Mach .85. These utilized active radar terminal homing, carried a 510 lb high explosive warhead, and had a flight reliability of over 93 percent.
S-3A Viking |
Specification |
Engine | T34-GE-400A |
Maximum Continuous Engine Output (Maximum) | 6,690 lbs (7,365 lbs for 5 minutes) |
Combat weight at catapult | 44,947 lbs |
Gross Weight | 36,574 lbs |
Empty weight | 26,581 lbs |
Range [4x Mk.46 60xSonobuoys] | 2,506 nmi |
Combat radius [4x Mk.46 60xSonobuoys] | 826 nmi for 6.9 hours at 346 kts |
Maximum speed | 429 kts at sea level |
Crew | Pilot, Copilot/COTAC, TACCO, SENSO |
Length (Folded) | 53.33 ft (49.42 ft) |
Height (Folded) | 22.75 ft (15.25 ft) |
Wingspan (Folded) | 68.67 ft (29.50 ft) |
Wing Area | 598 sq.ft |
S-3 variant |
General Description |
Number built/converted |
YS-3A | Prototype/Preproduction | 8 built |
S-3A | ASW Aircraft | 180 built |
S-3B | ASW/ASuW Aircraft | 160 converted from S-3A |
US-3A | Cargo Aircraft | 4 converted from YS-3A |
KS-3A | Airborne Tanker | 1 converted from YS-3A |
ES-3A | ELINT Aircraft | 16 converted from S-3A |
(wikimedia, popular patch)
- Article written by Henry H.
- Edited by Henry H. and Stan L.
- Ported by Henry H.
- Illustrated by Hansclaw

Standard Aircraft Characteristics Navy Model S-3A Aircraft. Commander of the Naval Air Systems Command. NAVAIR 00-110AS3-1. January 1973.
NATOPS Flight Manual Navy Model S-3B Aircraft. Commander of the Naval Air Systems Command. NAVAIR 01-S3AAB-1. September 2000.
NATOPS Weapon System Manual Navy Model S-3B Aircraft. Commander of the Naval Air Systems Command. NAVAIR 01-S3AAB-1.1. December 2002.
Fiscal year 1976 and July-September 1976 transition period authorization for military procurement, research and development, and active duty, selected reserve, and civilian personnel strengths : hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session, on S. 920
NASA fiscal year 2010 budget request : hearing before the Subcommittee on Science and Space of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, May 21, 2009.
Department of Defense authorization for appropriations for fiscal year 1982 : hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on S. 815.
Department of Defense appropriations for 1984 hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, first session / Subcommittee on the Department of Defense.
NASA’s aeronautics R & D program : status and issues : hearing before the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, May 1, 2008.
Department of Defense authorization for appropriations for fiscal years 1988 and 1989 : hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One hundredth Congress, first session on S. 1174.
Department of Defense appropriations for 1985 hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Ninety-eighth Congress, second session / Subcommittee on the Department of Defense.
Department of Defense authorization for appropriations for fiscal year 1983 : hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Ninety-seventh Congress, second session, on S. 2248.
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Brown, Ronald J. Humanitarian operations in northern Iraq, 1991: with marines in Operation Provide Comfort.
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Vikings Sweep the Seas & Viking. Naval Aviation News February 1983.
LSO School and the Paddles’s Profession. Naval Aviation News V70, November-December.
Benjamin, Dick. A Sea Rover for ASW. Naval Aviation News January 1972.
Richman, John P. The Viking at Home in the Fleet. Approach, July 1975.
Francillon, Rene J. Lockheed Aircraft Since 1913. Naval Institute Press. 1987.
Polmar, Norman & Moore, Kenneth J. Cold war Submarines The Design and Construction of U.S. and Soviet Submarines. Potomac Books. 2004.
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